Suzy Ismail – #51 AshShahid

Suzy Ismail
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of knowing the name of Allah's subhanaw taala in order to improve relationships with both spouse and children. They emphasize the significance of the witness sub daughters and the importance of shifting focus as a parent to bring the divine into the daily lives of both spouse and children.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alikum, it's nice to see you again, as we continue to bring the

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divine into the deli, by understanding how we can

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incorporate the 99 names of Allah subhanaw taala. And the

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characteristics of those names into our daily lives to improve

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our relationship with our spouse, and with our children. The name

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that we're going to discuss today is as Shahid which means the

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witness, knowing that Allah subhanaw taala is the witness of

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all that we do, should be what motivates us and guides us in

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terms of our actions, and the decisions that we make in our day

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to day lives. Yeah, oftentimes, between husbands and wives, we

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will see a situation in which a husband may do something. For

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example, let's say he's hanging out with friends going out to

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dinner, grabbing a bite to eat before coming home, to the dinner

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that his wife had cooked for him. And he might say something like,

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oh, well, as long as my wife doesn't find out, we might see it

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again, vice versa, a wife who has gone shopping or has done

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something, you know, fun with her girlfriends, and the doesn't come

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home to share that information with the husband. And she might

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say something like, Well, you know, what he doesn't know won't

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hurt him. And she may not share that information with her husband.

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With our children, we will often see them growing up to do the

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same. That you know, if mom doesn't know I got that bad grade,

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then it's fine. If dad doesn't know that I got in trouble in

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school, then it's fine. When we shift the focus of the

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accountability to our spouse to our parents, we lose sight of the

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fact that Allah subhanaw taala truly is the one and only witness

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the witness that matters, which means no matter what actions we

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commit, no matter what deeds we undertake, a last panel Dinah will

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always have record of that. So shifting our focus as husband and

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wife, shifting our focus as parents shifting our focus as

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children, sons and daughters is so important in recognizing that

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Allah subhanaw taala witnesses all of our actions and all of our

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deeds, and if it is something that is not pleasing to Allah subhanaw

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taala we shouldn't do it, whether or not our spouse or our parents

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will find out and if it is something that is pleasing to

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Allah subhanaw taala we should do it, because of course he is the

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witness subhanho wa taala. So I pray that Allah subhanaw taala

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allows us all to purify our intentions and our actions and to

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allow us to be the best that we can be whether someone sees us or

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not, because he is the all seeing and the witnessing does come a

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little late and I look forward to talking to you again, as we

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continue to bring the divine into the daily. I said Armonico

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