Suzy Ismail – #38 AlKabeer
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The speaker discusses the importance of honoring Allah's name, which is the "sted in our daily lives" to improve relationships and relationships with our children. They emphasize the need to raise awareness of Allah's weight and use it as a reminder that he is greater than our difficulties and challenges. The speaker also mentions the importance of not giving out too many thoughts and not giving away too many opportunities.
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Santa Monica, it's nice to see you again as we continue to bring the
divine into the deli by understanding how we can
incorporate the 99 names of Allah 's power dialer and the
characteristics of those names into our daily lives to improve
our relationships with our spouse, and with our children. The name
that we're going to discuss today is El Kabir. Which when we speak
about Allah subhanaw taala, and then this attribute, we understand
that it means that Allah is the Greatest or the most great when we
stand in our salah, and we raise our hands up and we say Allahu
Akbar, it's a reminder that again, not just that Allah is great, but
that he is Al Kabir, the greatest. And in standing in that prayer and
raising our hands upwards, we're reminding ourselves as well, that
Allah subhanaw taala is greater than anything else in our lives,
he is greater than our difficulties, He's greater than
our challenges, he is greater than the test that we endure in this
dunya. However, you know, from a parent's perspective, or even from
a spouse perspective, oftentimes when we enter into our salah, and
we raise our hands and we begin with Allahu Akbar, calling upon
Allah subhanaw taala by his name of Al Kabir, a million other
thoughts enter into our heads, it becomes the period of time where
we're thinking, you know, did I feed my children did I turn off
the stovetop, what my husband said to me, the other day starts to
come into my mind, what my wife said to me may start to affect my
thoughts, whether or not I paid the bills, whether or not the
grass guy is supposed to come and cut the lawn, whether or not the
cleaning person is supposed to come, a million thoughts come into
our minds, as soon as we raise our hands and say, Allahu Akbar. And
yet that raising of the hands is that reminder that Allah is
greater than any of those things. Allah is greater than the thoughts
of the mundane of the dunya that may enter our head thought our
head into that into that moment. And sometimes, you know, when we
are in the heat of an argument with a spouse, when we are talking
to our children, but they're being difficult, or we're having trouble
in getting them to see our viewpoint. Sometimes that's the
hardest time to be able to clear our minds. And yet, it's the exact
time that we need to do so when our children are acting difficult,
will often say it's time for a timeout, and we'll give them that
space, we'll give them that time to think about their actions in
the hopes that they'll come back and change whatever behavior they
were doing that was inappropriate, or that we didn't like. Yet. For
us as adults, many times we don't give ourselves that timeout. We
don't take away from the rush and the runaround, in order to address
that which is most important. And our Salah is just that. Our Salah
is our timeout, it's our opportunity to step away from the
everyday to step away from the busyness that consumes our lives.
And to truly remind ourselves that Allahu Akbar, Allah is Al Kabir,
that he is greater than all else. So the next time we experienced
difficulty, we are struggling. We get into a heated debate or an
argument with our spouse, we are trying to get our children to
understand something and they're just not understanding. Take a
timeout and raise your hands up and remind yourself of who is the
greatest and that He Allah subhanaw taala is greater than any
difficulty we may be going through in that moment. So I pray that
Allah subhanaw taala LKB eases our difficulties for us. The guides us
every step of the way, and allows us to truly experience serenity
and tranquility when we raise our hands and Salah and begin with
Allahu Akbar, to the Komodo head and I look forward to speaking to
you again as we continue to bring the divine into the daily. That's
what I'm Aleykum