Suleiman Hani – The Blessing of Time #02 – The Long term Value of Time

Suleiman Hani
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The speakers discuss the painful regret of regret and how it can be painful in the long term. They use an analogy of eating less than necessary and emphasize the importance of limiting time spent on apps and texting to save time and achieve better health and productivity. They also emphasize the importance of asking oneself if they are distracted and finding oneself to value and value their actions.
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When we study the biographies of scholars of the past and even the present at times, we find a number of legendary and inspirational stories, a number of different experiences that they had that will motivate us inshallah to value our time. Amongst them. There's a beautiful quote, I actually want to share directly a quote from Eleanor Josie rahamallah. And he talks about laziness and people who waste their time and especially those who claim to have high standards, those who claim to want to study the religion those who claim to want to do more, but they're killing their time. So he says Rahim, Allah laziness in doing noble deeds is the worst of companions. The love of arrest and

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idleness, which we see today is very common in our times, leads to regret which exceeds any pleasure.

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Often times when a person is committed to laziness, or entertainment, wasting time movies, TV shows, binge watching video games, or whatever it is, they're wasting their time with socializing, shopping. That person thinks in that moment that this is the most pleasurable thing for me. And that doing something that requires a little more effort intellectually, or physically or spiritually is something that they won't enjoy. And the reality is that long term the regret that a person experiences and feels, it's much more painful than the pleasure that is experienced temporarily in the short term, when a person kills their time. So he says, So beware and tire yourself out strive

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for the things that bring you benefit. This is in following the advice of the Prophet, the command of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Asana may in fact, be eager towards that which brings you benefit. Don't be eager towards that which wastes your time and leads to regret in the future. He says regret what has already passed and the things that you have wasted. And the regret here is not the type of regret or guilt that paralyzes you from moving forward, but rather the type of regret that reminds you with some remorse of why you shouldn't waste time again, why you shouldn't do that same action, that same habit again, and regret it once again. And then he says, Rahim, Allah

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strive to catch up with the ranks of the people of excellence, as long as you still have a chance, as long as you're still breathing, and water your tree so long as they're still life. And remember, the hours that you have wasted for that would be sufficient as a reminder for you, as they were spent on the pleasure of laziness, while the opportunities for reaching higher levels were wasted. Now, how can we take this and apply it in a very practical way, one of the most repetitive advices that we find in the books of scholars, when they talk about preserving time, interestingly was on how much time was spent sleeping and eating. Most people do not think about how much time they spend

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eating on a daily basis. But in some cases, when you start to actually analyze your time, you might notice as you add it up, that maybe three or four hours a day are spent on the experience of survival, which is eating, which, which is not supposed to be something that takes up a lot of time. But for many people it does for some people three to four hours every single day. Maybe more than that for others of just eating. And I know that sounds maybe remarkable, maybe sounds excessive for some individuals. But if you look at the experiences of various people, maybe in your family, maybe yourself and others, and you actually time yourself, food preparation, eating all of that, how much

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time are you spending, the scholars used to emphasize those who excel those who had high high standards for themselves and others, they used to emphasize eating less than eating lightly, some of them would eat something that was manageable while they were reading while they were studying. So they would not spend so much excessive time on eating, as well as socializing less. Lot of people spend time socializing and not just with family, not just slugterra home for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. But the type of socializing that's excessive, it's surpassed the basic obligation, the basic amount of time that's reasonable to be with one's family, and it starts to transgress

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beyond the into killing time. And there's no benefit that comes from it. Aside from Gossip, aside from slander, every now and then something comes up that is maybe harmful for this individual to be talking about socializing less in our times, includes the virtual space. So how much time do you spend on apps, social media apps on your phone? Following other people's stories? How much time do you spend communicating texting, maybe not for anything beneficial, or anything that has any kind of objective for your career, your studies or anything else? How much time is spent on that? If we were to look at the trends recently, before COVID 19 pandemic and during the pandemic, that time has

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become excessive for some people six or seven hours a day on social media apps, just scrolling, mindlessly talking to people at random subjects catching up with people about things that are useless or things that are even slanderous, or gossip. May Allah subhanaw taala protect us. One practical thing you can do is to limit the amount of time that's spent on these apps to decrease the amount of notifications that you get to move from your homescreen or uninstall altogether, the things that you know are they aren't fruitful, they are wasting your time.

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are killing your time and to recognize how much time is actually being spent on these things, two hours a day, two hours a day that's saved from these excessive amount matters. If you are to use it for something, why is it you are to add 30 days to your year, two hours a day wasted 720 hours a year. That's an extra 30 days. Another practical advice is to sleep early and take advantage of the battle aka the blessings of fidget. Now you have 24 hours and the person next to you has 24 hours, but they're able to accomplish a lot more. And you might wonder why am I wonder where your time is going. When you have this added element of DACA blessings from Allah subhanaw taala in your time,

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you're getting something with the same amount of time that you have, you're getting something more. And so for example, if two people have a cup of water and one is blessed one has bokeh in it, they're going to get more out of the same amount of water than their companion who doesn't have bokeh in their water with your 24 hours. Are you getting as many blessings as possible? And if you're to ask how do I get these blessings there are a number of ways that we'll cover in sha Allah Allah, but amongst them and as a foundation is the morning times the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said booty Callie Almighty feeble Korea in one report Allahumma barik Luma TV boo Korea, the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam prayed for supplicated for Baraka blessings in the morning times for his OMA sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is a dua that's being accepted still a 1400 years later, are you taking advantage of this dua? Are you amongst the people who wakes up early takes advantage of the budget time completes a lot of the tasks that you need to complete aside from just the acts of worship and you start your day with the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala you start with Vegeta you start with the morning supplications with your daily Quran and you start with your habits and so on and so forth, you're going to get Belka that you won't experience any other time of the day or

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night. Imam Muhammad was the Rahimullah to help those who come up with excuses often. He says if you are harmed by the heat of summer, and the dryness of fall, or autumn, and the cold of winter, and you're distracted by the beauty of springtime, then tell me when will you seek knowledge. In other words, if there's always an excuse, you're not going to seek knowledge. If you claim you want something beneficial and you don't have time, ask yourself if you really value that thing. Ask yourself what you're actually doing to prioritize it. Ask yourself are you distracted? Do you come up with excuses often, these excuses that we come up with when they arise will prevent us from

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reaching our potential will prevent us from being happier in the next life. May Allah subhanaw taala put back in our times and accept from us and forgive us Allama Amin and may Allah Subhana Allah make us rocks those who benefit from what we are

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