Sulaiman Moola – Youth And Peer Pressure

Sulaiman Moola
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The transcript describes the complexities of Islam, including the use of "has" and "has" to describe actions and emotions. The cultural values of men and women are guided and controlled, and the return of Islam is a natural thing. The segment also touches on the challenges faced by man and women, including the lack of knowledge and the failure of treatments for COVID-19, the negative impact of insistence on people's freedom, and the importance of remaining true to Islam. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a book and a song.

AI: Summary ©

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			In Alhamdulillah in Alhamdulillah
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			COVID-19 Mini Sharon kusina we say Dr. Medina wanna me Sharon a kusina woman say, Dr. Medina, Maria
de la Marina la
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			vida de La Moneda de la ilaha illallah wa una de cada
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			una de la Maulana Mohammad Abu
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			Qatada con la along with abarca with Anna Quran imagery developer in Hamid Villa ministry Pani rajim
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			AR Guatemala de la marzulli sabita Yahweh Allah tala tala Mehta, Polin colina la casa Valentina and
it really bothered me What can I say upon linssen cadoola causada faema kamina for Obama Yo, what do
Latina Kuru Logan was demean Lumia coup de mettre Oh ruling Imola maluka Sofia moon, Pokhara
McCollum in
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			Kala Ibrahima de la mina what the new bunny watani nabooda
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			according to be useful, Allahu alayhi wa sallam Alma Allah de Leon dormido poly l o kumbhakarna
hollinghurst Salatu was Salam O Allah and Avi masakazu individual Karim
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			Allah daddy community and Karina Alhamdulillah agrippina mean honorable order microm respected
brothers elders friends, one of the many jewels that may be occurring sallallahu Sallam used to make
very often very common his alma mater cannot do philosophy in an fusina Soraka time. Our law I rely
on your mercy, our life depended on your kindness. Allah I put my trust in your mercy philos Akina,
Allah and fusina terracotta in our lives only handed me over to myself for the duration of the wink
of an eye.
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			One day when teaching this guy madrasah, Allah put the thought in my mind, and I explained it to the
students that we find a young child at the age of three or four or five. We hold him by our hand
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			and we go in visiting, we're going shopping, we discipline the child, Luca, we're going visiting,
please greet nicely.
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			don't offend anyone. Don't be rude, don't be noisy, are we getting visitors please display good
character, the child has been given a task. He has been asked when his parents, he complies
accordingly. And wherever he goes, he sits nicely he greets he smiles he is polite. Everything is
functioning normal as planned by the parents. Someone even comment on the good nature of this child
on the outstanding character of this type. Mashallah is such a sweet boy. What's your name, my boy,
what's your father's name, but least realizing that the goodness and the good character of this
child is because he's been helped by his father.
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			So wherever the need game, the child was good, he was polite, he was sweet. And then came the need
where the father had to excuse himself. And he had to ask his son Oh, my son, I'm going just give me
two minutes and I'll be back. Sit here nicely. Please don't interfere. It's not our house. Don't
touch anything. Don't break anything. Now for two minutes, the father has left this giant to his
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			for two minutes the Father has left this time to his doing.
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			He was sweet. He was crying he was obliging. Why? Because the father helped him when the father left
him for two minutes and he came back to his surprise the mess that the child made in two words
cannot be described.
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			Well Am I respected brothers, you and I, in particular the youth the pace through which we are going
if ally has saved us from the evil vices happening, then bless this was a lie they held that
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			Allah if Allah has to leave us for two minutes, the method child will make is no comparison to the
miscue and I will make
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			any palaia save that. And Rebecca line reemploy la like in the Vla, salaam said what was been our
cleaner eligibility what
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			grabbed me by my forehead and drives me to your obedience. Well now hold me and steer me but don't
leave me for the duration of the wink of an eye. The mess that child will make is nothing.
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			The age to which we are going the environment we are going through say tonight randomly Salatu was
Salam it Karima that I recited because the outside environment was over
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			that the environment directly impacts and effects that. Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam who came,
who has been termed as the father of mpra, Masako Salaam, Allah speaks about Ibrahim alayhi salatu
was Salam in 25 different chapters in 63 different areas.
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			Yet the prime minister was around among the many drives that he made to allow one was watching open
a weapon he
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			was the nominee weapon he,
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			oh, my ally, you save me and save my beloved is my Ephraim worship united.
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			What am I saying? Why did he make this block because the environment outside was of idol worship, he
opened his eyes in in a house when his father was an idle merchant. So the constant fear that we
must not become a victim of the outside influence. Likewise, if Allah has saved us, yeah, we have to
continuously provoke we have to continuously supplicate the law, they cannot be cedula employer law
as you have saved us. And so we have not left us all like Don't ever leave us.
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			We know at this phase through which the US are going through
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			a man that is less
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			than one one, in the name of substance abuse is enough to destroy that old family.
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			If that man doesn't have Taqwa, then one girl is enough to do anything. Nevermind one God will not
the thought of one girl.
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			So when Allah has left the person in the slightest of biases is enough to destroy.
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			And when allows the person
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			and a man comes away into the security of a law,
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			then like it is written in with one kid up, that there are four things that are most beloved to
Allah if it is found by anyone and everyone. But if these four particular qualities can be found in
certain people, then it will only enhance the beauty of that action.
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			What is it?
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			I did?
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			I'll hire him equally insane in afternoon
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			when I can fit into your accent. modesty, shame. bashfulness is a wonderful quality if everyone can
possess it. But how beautiful it will be if the woman can have it.
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			At Sakamoto minal agonia Hassan, Wallachian Michel Foucault, Raji acid. generosity is wonderful,
it's beautiful if the wealthy have it, but it's even more beautiful if the poor possess it.
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			Over two minutes, a free afternoon we're lacking in a sharpie after
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			Over one's wrong is wonderful if that white bearded man can repent to Allah, but it is even more
beautiful if a young thing the prime of his life can abandon evil in to before law.
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			A young, white surrounded with evil and vices, the environment pulling him in that situation.
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			And in that time, if he turns to Allah,
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			my respected brothers and friends, Allah has made this incense that Allah has made this human said
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			that he can never be left to himself, his life has to be governed. This is how Allah is made.
There's only one thing and there is a law who is self sufficient, who is independent, every human
needs to be guided, needs to be monitored, needs to be tutored, needs to be controlled. This is our
language made men.
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			Then Allah has given us one choice. Either we make our beloved our future there is a law, how we
make our enemy our future and there is a winner.
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			Allah speaks about that young person who abuses his abilities that Allah has given him. Any
disobeying the law, and he succumbs to the evil forces within himself.
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			Is Imani Taka Ilan Aloha.
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			Aloha. He's second in totality to all evil forces within himself, beach womanizing, bead consuming
wine, be gambling, beat any and every evil, he succumbs to the evil to such an extent. Allah says,
Then he made his ego, his nuts. He makes it his Illa he makes it His deity and his entire life
revolves around the commands of Islam.
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			So he loves by the command of magnets, whatever that provokes him to do, this is what he does.
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			dykema that I decided in the beginning,
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			one of the situations that we are experienced in in this use of our, the beauty of this Deen that
Allah has given us for one in all to understand, one of the greatest beauty of Islam is that nebia A
Salah was Salam says Islam is the natural way of life.
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			So you
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			Islam in the nature of men and the temperament of men will never contradict.
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			In other words, every command of Allah, every injunction of judges is according to the duty human
inclination. By way of example, in the Vla, Sam says after a two minute Petra,
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			the lengthening of the beard, determine of the mustache, the clipping of the Knave, the cleaning of
the pubic hair, Libya restaurant save apart from just being part of my deal. This is such good
practices, that it is the demand of the human nature.
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			And this entire Deen that Allah has given us is in complete accordance with this human temperament
in this human nature.
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			There is no body that can explain something which will earn us more joy. Every youngster in essence
is looking for happiness, for joy, for excitement for entertainment.
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			They there is no one that can offer us the true joy better than that very same Allah we have created
a Wanaka Salah canal in Tanana Allah mama towards visco Minato, Allah says we have created men. So
we know the desires of men. We know the likes of men, and we know the dislikes of men, and we know
what will bring men bliss. We know what will bring men eternal happiness. Really, my youngsters, let
us not be deceived by the appearance by the apparent notion of joy that has been presented to us.
Maybe on Easter, I was walking in one of the streets of Medina, have you seen one young boy walking,
and this young boy he was seeing in a way in a melodious voice. So nobody really looked at him and
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			said, well, you look as sharp. Allah will for me to run me. When you look at our shop, Allah will
call Ronnie to Ronnie.
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			Allah will call Ronnie to Ronnie, oh, my little son will be to you how evil it is that this
beautiful voice that Allah has given you. You are now using it to attack the Wrath of Allah, Allah
if you change that voice of yours, and you start reading the Quran, you have such talent that even
America in this case will cry when you're reading.
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			Even the Malaysian the child will cry.
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			So the joy that Allah has explained to us in the light of Quran and Hadith is that joy that is
eternal. Allah says Yamanaka Amina hieratic dunya
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			Tierra de Lune, the joy of this word is Paulo
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			filaria Guru catoca Lupo booneville bilad Do not be deceived by this man. His appearance
understanding his progress is his technology, his intellect, Allah says Don't be deceived going to
those art is no joy.
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			Nevertheless, terracotta ram says Allah miroir Latina Khalili,
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			a youngster, and a person generally will follow the Dean of his friend.
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			We find that today, we have become so impressed, like I was two years ago in in Canada, and there
was a youth conference. In fact, the theme was
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			the increase of suicide among American youth.
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			So there were few speakers. And one of the brothers came in there and he says, Hey, brother,
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			you know what? peer pressure creates peer pressure.
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			Peer pressure creates peer pressure.
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			And when not peer pressure creates blood pressure.
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			a youngster comes to a point of frustration.
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			The light narrows upon him.
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			So he feels his only option is
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			to kill himself. And like Madonna Shabbir Ahmed worth money Rasul Allah writes few couplets so
beautifully under the common theme of this is when we were in another one, it says Abba Guevara Kei
Kamara, ngay Monica beach in Napa tokita in gay
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			Africa rocky against a camera angle. Now we've come in this world you get frustrated because there's
no human problems, depression, tension, frustration. So he says the opposite with the hope that it
will bring you joy leads realizing that the subsequent stages after death is more intense.
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			One person in the time of maybe a creme de la la vida wasallam
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			by the name of Rockabye. Even every morning
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			he invited Nabi sallallahu Sallam Camille's the Vla Salam came and told him I will eat provided you
recite the Quran Allah Allah Allah Allah.
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			It was, he felt them there is that if the NaVi of Allah comes in is not going to eat, so to impress
into please navionics salam and not to open his guests. he recited the creme de la ilaha illa
navionics column ate from the food.
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			After the meal was over in his column left, occupy even he had another friend
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			Once the visa lottery was was asked,
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			hey you Julissa in our area Sula, LA, Olivia Bella, we have so many friends and so many companions.
Can you define in tell us which is our best friend? Tell us which is the best friend. One friend of
mine got me a job. One friend of mine got me married. A friend of mine got me a posted a particular
form. Tell me a lie. So many friends. One friend of mine introduced me to a lot. One friend of mine
introduced me to Saturday night. One friend of mine introduced me to a strange girl. I have so many
friends. I have so many companions. I have so many colleagues tell me which is my best friend. The
Vla Salam said man, Saqqara como la jolla, two who are my Sahaba, that friend of yours, that when
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			you look at him, you think of Allah is your best friend.
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			That friend of yours, that is his, his sight alone reminds you of Allah was our that was our
FileMaker mentor. And when he speaks to you, your knowledge about online creation
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			was that korakuen bill Yamato and when you look at this young boy, the life is loving, and how he's
obeying the law and abstaining from evil by disobedience. You look at this young boy, how he has
controlled his life, and he has protected and safeguarded himself from evil. You look at him and
immediately it reminds you of accountability before law.
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			When this person whoever it may have been when it came out, he met his friend, obey even a color. So
his friend told him that I heard you have recited the Quran, Allah Allah, Allah.
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			So he says know when he resected the kinema to impress Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.
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			So a friend said, No, I do not accept what you are saying. You have read it. And as far as I'm
concerned, you are Muslim. And if you want to remain my friend, like today, unfortunately, many
friends, the very prerequisite of being part of the clickign Allah forgive Allah disobedience.
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			If you want to remain my friend and you want to be part of us, then I will not accept that you have.
I will not believe you that you have not accepted Islam until you don't go and in my presence, go
and spit on the face of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam.
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			The Quran says this meant to maintain friendship with his friend, just that he doesn't lose
attachment and bone and link with his friend, this is my friend, and I cannot lose this attachment
with my friend. This evil wretched unlucky man comes to that faith which the Quran has taken come
about and Allah knows in which way and how he did it but know the villa. He said on that Mubarak
pace with the unit and icera the Atlanta you to say an assumption well in addition to what some see
so you don't mention the sama for in Assam Salah way some sci fi the home garden Elisha eat that one
is the sun that brightens the sky and when is the sun that radiates light in my house. Then I
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			started the Atlanta says I am ready to challenge the sun that brightens the world and I will tell
that sun you bright in half the world and the other half is in darkness. My interview already at
like 24 hours.
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			This even man came and spent on this mobile workplace. Alison gibreel was the Quran explaining the
regrets of the sprint on the day of the Yama when he will see john and he will see the torment of
Jana and then he will see this friend of his kid this man introduced me to a woman this man
introduced me to drugs. This man made me be just owned by my family. This man made me abandon my
family. Allah Dave why oh my
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			god, Jacobi Allah Tony Taka tomar was only Sabina yawei lotta later Neela coonan and kalila when the
train will come before LA and he will see the torment and he will see the nasty outcome of this evil
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			Allah says first he will bite his hands. He will bite these ends in regret. He will try every
possible avenue to avert in divert. But when you will realize that inevitably to come on him. Then
he will point to this man and he will say Yahweh Allah, Allah, Allah.
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			Allah Allah Almighty Allah I wish I never met this boy in my life. The words of the Quran, my dad
used to say, they will not be one Aqua Gerstein. One obey one law there will be millions of Aqua
Curtin billions of obeys.
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			Every man who had friendship, whose friendship took him away from Allah on the day of Tiamat Allah
Kayla Yama is involved only in ado, Allah save every friendship that was based on anything and
everything besides a lot will be converted into such enmity. Later May Allah actually described we
haven't got time to elaborate on this. Allah describes that hatred in the enmity in the arguments of
the dwellers of Dunham in nataly kala, Hakuna takotsubo only not when they will come before LA, da
da da da da da da da da I obeyed this man. All I did what this friend said. Oh, well.
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			you punish him whatever you have decided to punish me give him double my job.
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			Yahweh Allah Allah, Allah Masha Allah and Allah Allah I wish I never met this boy in my life or La
La Casa avalonian a victory brother Elijah and he was gonna say upon will in sunny Kaduna.
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			Because of this boy I lost my whole Deen.
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			There is why among the many names of accurate that Allah has given. Allah refers to it as young with
the Goblin. Allah refers to it as Yama Allah, Allah has given one name of Tiamat when the room
Yeoman hestra, one name of Tiamat Allah says, The Day of through regrets. One of the names of the
Yama in the Quran is the day of regret. We know the day of judgment. The day only contains the day
of Azov one day Allah is called of Tiamat. The day of regret, what will be regret programa de la
Vina, cafaro lontano muslimeen, according to the device of Sri Bharani, when Allah safeguard us all,
when those people from the soma who just obey the law, who love the law, you can allege
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			Because of their own and their bias, they will have to go to Ghana
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			and in Ghana, the kuffaar will observe that these people who are Muslims in the world yet today they
are in Ghana, so the kuffaar don't in the Muslims will say, ma Mr. Newcomb, that you're a man did
not avail you in any way. In the world. You said you were a Muslim with the hope of eternal bliss.
But today you are with us Our abode is in Jerusalem. we deny the law we understand that our penalty
is done. You claim to say you believed in Allah today you also in Jerusalem. It comes in a way out
of stevonnie when the Garfield will taunt the believer and this will become unbearable for Allah.
Allah will come on instantly that every receipt of the Karim Allah Allah Allah Allah, a man who only
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			added the Kalam Allah, Allah Allah Allah once in his life, every person who added the kalama one
must be taken out of denim immediately and then immediately they will swim into one rubber of
gentlemen, they will come out to a completely pure impact, how they will stand up karma to Adam,
what's the height of Adam alayhis salam personal use of what the beauty of use of a Sarah culpa yoga
the heart of a human a Sarah was Salam Minato Elisa with the age of izadi salatu salam and what the
epilogue of navionics salat wa salam, five other qualities. Jordan Morgan, Jasmine mocha Helene
George more there will be no hair on the face there will be no hair on the body mocha Helene there
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			will be sort of my entire Jasmine the hair will be slightly curry beaver they will be fading complex
and and then Allah will command him to go immediately into Jenga when the QRP will observe the
virtue of reciting the Karima even one tick dismantled every wrong but he only read the name of
Allah when Allah opens the port in terms of the Quran by saying Obama was told levena cafaro Locarno
muslimeen when you will see the believer entering into gender because of the utterance of the
kalamar lie in the law one, the calculator will try and break in besides Allah, I wish in this
world, even by mistake I had believed in the oneness of Allah once only.
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			Can we imagine that coffee, whose regular who will regret that I did not believe in a lot what will
be the regret of this capital, who believed in Allah and then deny the oneness of Allah because of
his friend?
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			When agenda of coffee, and every coffee will become so desperate that the Quran says Yahweh will
murder him, he will desire to have his wife and his children thrown in Jerusalem as ransom for
himself. So can we imagine the regret of that young boy or that copier who because of influence from
his friend, he disobeyed the law.
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			So Allah has given us this youth. and the value of being alive in this youth is something different.
What Allah has promised for a youngster, Allah speaks about the life of Satan I used to when he was
still around. Imagine a young boy.
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			Allah had given him said beauty that according to the revised of Bukhari, Sharif nebulae Salaam,
said, half the beauty that Allah had distributed in the entire world, and the other half Allah had
exclusively given to say that I use every Salaam. So from either minister until the last child to
come any and every person possessing physical beauty is sharing a fraction of the arm distributed in
the integer creation, and the other half was exclusively given to us every product was set up.
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			But what our class and what was displayed
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			when they were stuck, we're in the omit
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			Satan, I use overlay. Salatu was salam,
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			the minister's wife
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			imagine a young man, what such beauty and then look at how complex the situation was, for us a very
solemn the Quran says
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			Whatever that will let more people into a walker law kill. That woman intended seduce in use of in
whose house use of was stayed.
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			So her fever was on use of her kindness was unusual. naka de la she shut every door for use of to
leave. He was stripped up from every angle.
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			And then she said, Hey, Taylor hater is a smile, which means extra layer. She started speaking about
the beauty of use of and she said, come towards me or use.
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			And before she did this multi shift is approximately right, that she took one piece of cloth and she
covered it. So usually salatu salam asked her, What are you doing? She said, No, that is my idol.
And I cannot just obey. And I cannot comb it around in the presence of my either. So I'm covering
and I'm concealing my either. So usually if Salaam cried and he said my allies said, If I commit
Zina in the dead of night also I cannot cover my alarm.
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			There is no place where I can block myself from my Allah.
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			He looked up the animosity that I placed above him while I was denying, woken up Africa, although
it's that time the Quran was not revealed. But Allah tala plays this before you don't ever come
towards Xena Don't ever come towards immortality.
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			My respected youngsters,
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			the good and the bliss and the joy that we desire, Allah Allah is is even more for us than we design
a power cell. The only problem is today, unfortunately, man is challenging Allah acknowledge
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			what Allah has explained as a good life for a young boy, and in what lies happiness and joy and
bliss for that boy, and what we have understood, we are openly challenging a lack of knowledge.
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			Allah said, discipline yourself, and not to even look at that woman that is out of your kneecap. Men
felt that this was restricting his freedom. Men felt that it was altering with his own opinion. So
he felt that he must have the choice in the woman that he wants. It is the very beginning of what we
see in the name of AIDS.
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			And like what Adam said, it's so beautifully
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			that Allah is showing us It comes in a range of even a mega nebulous term says, Well, our job will
let Allah will inflict such sicknesses. When immorality and Xena will become common, that the
doctors of that time, their abilities and the intellect in the understanding will be defeated. And
they will fail in diagnosing cure for that medicine in the device of a Mazda, which had not even
crossed the mind of the people that proceed preceded them. Allah will inflict such calamities when
Xena will become common.
00:27:49 --> 00:28:04
			We have heard of a man that has developed the virus for sleeping with two women that are outside his
nica. But still today The world cannot prove an example of one man who is for a woman in his nica
sleeping with poor woman locally India's picked up the virus of an age.
00:28:05 --> 00:28:11
			So this is the direct effect of disobeying the law. Mentally it was altering or it was interfering
with his freedom.
00:28:12 --> 00:28:15
			Dr. Deborah Domine Baraka to one day mentioned so beautifully.
00:28:16 --> 00:28:22
			He said today, the system of the West is that the youngster is made to believe Azadi Kumara haka.
00:28:23 --> 00:28:26
			Constantly, this theory
00:28:27 --> 00:28:31
			is promoted, that freedom is your choice.
00:28:33 --> 00:28:38
			You can voice your opinion, do as you wish, demand what you want, say what you want.
00:28:39 --> 00:28:46
			When I came into Georgia, and he said, Chica, by Azadi Tamara haka Burberry, Tamara knotty Jaya
00:28:49 --> 00:28:53
			if freedom is your not, destruction is your share.
00:28:54 --> 00:29:12
			And the teachings of the dean are going to be an extra Ramiz alberca Toma kabiri come alberca to
Maka vidicon. That, your prosperity, your joy, your success is in compliance with your seniors. The
more we will meet with our elders, the more we will respect our seniors.
00:29:14 --> 00:29:17
			One day one young how he came to an aviary Salatu was Salam.
00:29:18 --> 00:29:23
			And he came complaining they don't have you have a lot. My father is demanding money from me.
00:29:25 --> 00:29:27
			One young person came to the village
00:29:28 --> 00:29:30
			and he said My father is demanding money from me.
00:29:31 --> 00:29:34
			So now via Kareem sallallahu Sallam said okay, go call your father.
00:29:35 --> 00:29:43
			So this young boy went to call the father while this young boy went to call him Father gibreel amin
descended and gibreel ilustrado sam told me
00:29:44 --> 00:29:45
			that when this men father come,
00:29:46 --> 00:29:55
			then after you have resolved the argument, asked him one question. I asked him that when he was
walking in coming towards you, what was the couplets he was thinking in his mind.
00:29:57 --> 00:29:59
			So now VR is corrupted, okay. When this young boy
00:30:00 --> 00:30:01
			And his father also came
00:30:02 --> 00:30:06
			up with Allah mentions his couplets under this verse Makarov bukanlah taboo in
00:30:07 --> 00:30:12
			Vietnam as the father did here is your young boy your son, he claimed that you are demanding.
00:30:14 --> 00:30:17
			One day one young how we came to an aviary. Salatu was Salam.
00:30:18 --> 00:30:24
			And he came complaining so don't be over law. My father is demanding money from me.
00:30:25 --> 00:30:27
			One young person came to the Vla
00:30:28 --> 00:30:30
			and he said My father is demanding money from me.
00:30:32 --> 00:30:34
			So nebia Kareem sallallahu Sallam said, Okay, go call your father.
00:30:36 --> 00:30:45
			So this young boy went to call his father, while this young boy went to call him Father debri lemon
descended, and debris released Rotterdam to Louisiana law incident, that when this men father comes,
00:30:47 --> 00:30:55
			then after you have resolved the argument, ask him one question. Ask him that when he was walking in
coming towards you, what were the couplets he was thinking in his mind.
00:30:57 --> 00:31:34
			So now VR is corrupted, okay. When this young boy came, and his father also came up, Sufism,
Rahmatullah mentions this couplets under this verse Makarov, bukanlah, tabula Yaga, nebulous term as
the father did here is your young boy, your son, he claims that you are demanding access to his
money. So the father guide and he said, whenever you have a lot of demand in it, but I feel he is my
son, and I think I'm justified in asking him some money. And I'm not asking you to abuse but rather
I'm asking so that I can use it for myself for the family. He knows where I want to use it, but I'm
very hurt. Did my son feel that when I'm asking him, he refers to it as demanding?
00:31:35 --> 00:31:48
			Maybe an example or tell me leave this now tell me why you were working? What were you thinking
about? So he stood up he needed Karim, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, this is what another
miracle that alight so he knows that you are the throne of Allah. How did you know what was cracking
in my mind?
00:31:50 --> 00:32:31
			Did he complain he complained about this young boy? What did he say? He said, to come over to Jen
woman to come to Alabama genealogical evaluations office cubbies. Chuck Milam, at least in Lhasa,
Malmo Gani unelma through Kaduna Kapila de tourists to behave. Nita Meadow takakura donde se aliko
in La La Land, moto octomore a general phenomena Cinderella utility la Hamada mcquinn to Pico Emilio
genetic diseases and wakaba 10 Garnica Intel moon below Felicia is Adam turaco who was the project
manager in Massapequa
00:32:32 --> 00:32:54
			late and he happens when I'm second Ollie up man in Dona Monica de buckelew. Speaking about the
teachings of this Deen that in this deal, any young boy, if you want to go ahead in life, he must
constantly consult with the seniors. My parents remain my parents, my elders remain my elders. My
seniors remain my seniors. As much as I progress. I'm Junior before my senior.
00:32:55 --> 00:33:21
			This is the only way over law as I was walking, I was singing these couplets in my mind and I'm
telling myself you're not just young boy today. It has become so arrogant. And he's challenging a
lot. So is defying the law. He thinks he knows everything. He is capable enough. He is defying the
law is defining me is vulgar. He's wrong. He's abrupt. I'm thinking to myself, I'm thinking of the
answer today. Of course, the weather will come I will do that woman Takaya
00:33:22 --> 00:33:33
			that when I'm looking at this boy, I'm thinking in my heart Yala, I made my night in my day one that
I can safely say today, oh, my son, you are where you are because of me.
00:33:34 --> 00:33:59
			I'm thinking in my mind, and I'm looking at this boy. today. I asked him money. He's saying I'm
demanding. And I'm thinking y'all I brought this child up. I didn't know what was nice. I didn't
know what was day. I didn't know where my money was going up. So I need a child. My design is was
sacrificed my likes and my dislikes were given up. For the sake of this child of mine to Honolulu
Pima de la COVID de novo, evaluate Allah Topkapi. sacmi lung epithelial sumika in Lhasa urine.
00:34:00 --> 00:34:22
			That one day if perchance this young boy that today is dragging me to the court of Nevada, if one
day the son of mine became sick when he was a child, I thought to my heart that I know when he was
sick, I used to be so restless in the bed, and I used to talk and I used to turn in I used to cry so
much that an outsider would observe the scene and perhaps come to the conclusion that I am the sick
one and not my son.
00:34:24 --> 00:34:29
			is either in the bathtub is Chuck Milan, at least in LA when
00:34:30 --> 00:34:33
			Kenny unelma through communicability today.
00:34:35 --> 00:34:59
			Then he goes on to say Takada nuptse arakkoa in NA, mo de Vaca Marcelo, I know very well, that I
cannot, I cannot stay guard myself from the plan of Allah from the destiny of this child. If Allah
has decided that an accident is going to happen, all the precautions that I can tell my son to
implement is not going to protect him and prevent that that's the plan of Allah.
00:35:00 --> 00:35:06
			prevailing, but at the same time, my love for my child did not allow me not to tell him to take the
00:35:07 --> 00:35:28
			One side I knew that my planning and protect him could not avert an alternative plan. But at the
same time, my love for this child just did not allow me to leave him to do what he wanted. Like Jaco
willing salatu salam, when he just said his children towards Mr. He told them bacala vanilla todo lo
mein ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba,
00:35:30 --> 00:36:02
			ba even say, they don't my sons, you're entering into the court. Don't enter from one door, go from
the front door. You are the sons of one Father, you are dressed beautiful, you will be speaking a
foreign language, it's more than likely that people are going to cast the evil eye on you. People
will make 100 on you. So why don't you disguise and camouflage yourself and enter from different
places like we commonly do in airport I don't know you you don't know me, you just count me this
counter. But at the same time, well, my only uncommon ally even say, oh my son, my planning to
protect you cannot ultimately save you.
00:36:03 --> 00:36:35
			So that Sahabi is complaining anything I'm thinking Allah I love my son so much. And I did so much
for him. And I'm thinking that despite I cannot alter yet my fear of saving him did not allow me
from not guiding him. And then he goes on to say Allahu Akbar, which perhaps might be the cry of
many parents today. Let us pledge to a larger internet. Today we are going to make Toba and we are
going to ask our parents to forgive the same brother. We're going to go back and how sad how sad.
Certain youngsters allow a peek into their parents.
00:36:38 --> 00:37:10
			One woman one one person came to an IVR etc. And he said yes to the law how many to me Allah
honestly for such a fear I'm buying God that in law allow you to be harpoon atom in Laughlin, Nevada
to * as a to sukra only be over law I carried my mother on my back for six miles in such a way
that if I had to drop a piece of flesh on the ground, it will roast in second half I can fulfill the
rights of my mother. Now pls Salaam looked at him and smiled and he said oh my Sahabi it is not
equivalent to a fraction of the agony your mother experienced in childbirth.
00:37:13 --> 00:37:20
			The first thing that does Dean is teaching us that when a person will change his life when a young
boy would bring his life on unless obedience.
00:37:21 --> 00:37:57
			Muhammad bless understanding the father looks at the son reward the son looks at the father what
love was mercy. Imagine Allah has given every youngster an opportunity here. Just from the time he
gets up to look at his parents with love kindness and mercy take the glass and leave the restaurant
says get over love will be equally nervous in hot data missoura on every site, anybody glance with
love and your parents allow you the reward of an accepted hodgin hombre, tapa who desires to only be
open now if I desire to look at my past 100 times a day how
00:37:58 --> 00:38:30
			many I think they put the speaker there by only one foot per customer now next year when you have
the same you can come again but you can't have this cheap you know such a cheap such a have the
advantage of this article it's so little money. So when you're looking at your parents earning the
reward of overnights I only sit in my house, and I only look at my parents with love with kindness
with appreciation. When Allah give me reward multiplied to my glances. Allah would only give me one
nebulous term said Allahu Akbar, you took 100 times alone give you 100 you took 1000 times, I will
give you 1000
00:38:31 --> 00:38:50
			how said today that youngster who can start by taking the hut and unfortunately a scar them glances
into certain nasty look from the morning already here then the Wrath of Allah by not starting out so
many of our youngsters have been deprived one lucky prime of frustration before nine the early part
of the morning.
00:38:52 --> 00:39:04
			The joy and the pleasure in the bliss in prostrating before like the early part of the morning. It
comes in a while. I read this rewrite myself, that when the hoods of gentlemen, and the woman of
this gentleman will argue in gentlemen.
00:39:06 --> 00:39:07
			So what will happen?
00:39:09 --> 00:39:31
			The woman of Denmark will say allow a national holiday to falana moto Aveda, da da da da da vida
wanna remark to Pella, Nebraska, Oklahoma to Pella, Nevada to ballymun Cannella Nava Punahou We are
your internet eternally. We will never be taken away. We are young we will never become old. And
00:39:33 --> 00:39:36
			we will remain with our partners we will never be separated.
00:39:37 --> 00:39:43
			Today's wife today's woman like one brother said very nicely What did she say? my way or the
00:39:47 --> 00:40:00
			We will live no my way or the highway with our partners. So volume and volume and Canada, Canada
who? How fortunate is that one who comes into our arms and we go into his office.
00:40:00 --> 00:40:13
			So then the woman of the net will have to speak, they cannot say we are eternally they have only
been entered. They can only they cannot say we only remain young, only those who came over them. So
they will say allow when that no saw Mr. Tomas come tuna,
00:40:15 --> 00:40:19
			Leah to Hamas on a tuna one afternoon whatever they are to what Martha was.
00:40:20 --> 00:40:38
			Yes, oh the woman of gentlemen, we who are the women of this world, we can also tell you something.
We fasted in the month of Ramadan. And we endured hunger and thirst when we could enjoy your food
because there was no one in the house. But it was a sweetness while we were fasting between us and
you don't know what is fasting and what is
00:40:40 --> 00:40:41
			allow one
00:40:42 --> 00:40:51
			to one alpha letona we got up in the early morning and performed rudo and observed Santa you don't
know what is whoodle? You don't know what is Santa?
00:40:54 --> 00:41:05
			Nivea creme de la la is insane. By virtue of this, by virtue of the passing and by virtue of the
widow of this woman in argument, they will overpower the hordes of them that also
00:41:06 --> 00:41:08
			they will overpower the *.
00:41:09 --> 00:41:24
			So what is the virtue and the reward of that Voodoo in the early parts of the morning will only be
understood. On the day of the army. There's a stigma that is coming before us and ideal opportunity.
We find that has often been O'Meara de la Mancha
00:41:25 --> 00:41:36
			when he accepted Islam as at omega de la ranbu. When he accepted Islam, and he came to Medina we
know the story. He actually came with the intention
00:41:37 --> 00:41:46
			to assassinate in the bnh setup support in Romania and Ahmed bin Wahab was sitting in the harem
series and then supplanted Allah He
00:41:48 --> 00:42:00
			realized about the height. Since the Buddha is dying, there's no more pleasure in life. So Amir said
the doctor, really you have spoken the truth you have taken out the words from my tongue. online,
you know, da da da da, da
00:42:01 --> 00:42:31
			da da da da Mohammedan Hakuna, who if it wasn't for the fear of my death, and my wife and my
children, I would have gone in assassinated Mohamed Salah is a no no. So So quantity, those are the
two obstacles. Then I will see to your wife and I will see to your death. Go and behead this man and
at the end of Islam, he got very distraught, was shopping and he stayed towards Madina, munawwara
Satan, Omar was sitting at the door of listeria nabawi and they were discussing our law on them in
but they normally looked at this traffic coming on Airbnb.
00:42:32 --> 00:43:05
			And he said, Well, my mother in law is seven years to the law. The eyes of this man tells me he has
come with some evil motive. He caught him by his shirt, and he dragged him in the presence of
navionics from the victim told him that we are omarama living in Romania, Ahmed, Ahmed, Masha Ahmed
Ahmed, what makes you come? So don't ever you have a lot my son has been taken captive by the
Muslim, and I'm ready to pay any rent some provided you set him free. Let me understand that. No,
Ahmed, tell me the truth. Why have you come? He says I have no other motive that we are trying to
set him and said, Oh, where is it not just yourself and someone was sitting in the room, and you
00:43:05 --> 00:43:34
			were discussing, and then someone said that there's no more pleasure left in life after the demise
of Abuja. And then you agreed, and you told him if it wasn't for your wife, you would have beheaded
me. So he took the undertaking that he will see to your wife and your death and you have come with
the intention of assassinating me, he stood up the installation of Allah Allah is a lot worse than
one no Mohammed Abu, who were a pseudo this was a discussion which was exclusive between myself and
my companion, say some being that has informed you I bring a man on that Allah then he the Hadith is
very long.
00:43:36 --> 00:43:44
			Let me return to talk to my team about the environment of the the whole object of the sistema to
create an atmosphere of the
00:43:45 --> 00:43:57
			in the month of Ramadan when the atmosphere is there, then it is so easy to obey Allah inshallah the
atmosphere of Dean will be there at the time of Salah, the mother encouraging the sun, the sun,
encouraging the brother, the whole house, preparing Torah.
00:44:00 --> 00:44:01
			So what happened?
00:44:02 --> 00:44:22
			Three days he stayed in mosquito nabawi he learns about the signalman says, Well, why lesson zero
and can I have a yummy Mohamed Salah Alena COVID Yamaha Bula yameen Bobby will be when he came in as
a coffee, a swine was more benefit to me than that man. But now he has been endowed with a man and a
look at the beauty of Mr. Paulo mer. I love you more than my own blood can
00:44:24 --> 00:44:30
			save now I made the point that I want to mention relevant to our youngsters. He said I want to be
over law.
00:44:31 --> 00:44:35
			Give me permission, I want to go back to my drive except that it's time now to go back to mucha.
00:44:37 --> 00:44:59
			Allah given the topic that at this juncture, we make dua to Allah. And we ask Allah to forgive us
for the life that we have led in under this obedience. And what did he pledged to Allah He pledged
to Allah and he said, whenever you have a law, I want to go back to America. And I want to invite
the people towards Allah the way in law are they to whom to add him to the
00:45:00 --> 00:45:02
			Proper cookie dealing. Now I want
00:45:05 --> 00:45:49
			to make an effort to invite everyone towards Allah Xen. And if they will not accept them as Dean,
this is prior to Islam. My efforts were gentle against the law. Now I want to channel all my efforts
in obeying the law, what la de la makanan jealous to be, he will confer a large industry he been a
man. I do not want to leave any name any ground on which I set as a coffee, but that I went to go
back on that very same land and I want to sit there as a Muslim so that on the day of Yama, if that
particular land wants to testify that oh la carte been set on me now I want this land must justify
or law upon the world Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam said on me? My answer is that this key that I make
00:45:49 --> 00:46:27
			for you now, if we have been to those evil places, to those nightclubs, to any and every evil, we
went there for evil. We went there for Guna Let it not be that on the day Yokoyama, so many pieces
of land will testify against us. Let us make Toba to Allah and revive the spirit of America, that
object to sit on every piece of land in the state of Eman so that that land can give evidence in his
favor. Let us go back to the very same universities with the spirit of doubt. Let us go back to
those schools. What the spirit of it is, let us go back to those colleges with the spirit of a man
said if this college and university was to testify that this man made dinner on me now the very same
00:46:27 --> 00:46:33
			university and land was testify on the day of Thomas said this young boy surrounded with evil was
making us in the heart of this university.
00:46:36 --> 00:47:03
			This would be desperate. And this was the spirit of Sahaba only of Allah I want to live my life and
I want to go to every piece of land. So this is the marriage Allah has given us an ideal opportunity
where we can make everything disregard one savvy intermediary of this river it is mentioned Libya
Kareem sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his janazah was brought before he said a lot to sell them. And
someone wants to come in and say don't have Ebola. Do not perform the janaza namaaz of this man.
00:47:05 --> 00:47:07
			So nobody said Allah was the lamassu Sahaba
00:47:08 --> 00:47:51
			aka Dominica mala Amelie min Amara Oh my Sahaba Has anyone Have you seen this young boy that person
ever doing any action of good to de nada was brought navionics Tran was about to perform the janaza
this device comes intermediary someone kept near his arm and said don't perform the genesis of this
meant that we are in transit. Has anyone in this congregation that has gathered here seen this
disease the smartphone doing any good? Excellent. So one person stood up and he said Hara Salinas
and fiesta de la una Viva La I remember once we were out in one better, and if I recall correctly,
this person is that very same men who stood on guard to protect the belongings of those that was
00:47:51 --> 00:48:04
			thriving in the path of Allah. The Vla ceram they looked at that Maroon in the disease and addressed
the janaza and he said Rosa, he has a noona Anna come in as Lena not wanting to come in early,
00:48:05 --> 00:48:13
			or my Sahabi some of your companions are of the opinion that euro Johanna me, I just divide the unit
00:48:14 --> 00:48:53
			on one exit. So this is Dima that Allah has given us before the schema when schools will be closing.
And it is and as I told you have this to have your marriage they will have the olana who after Allah
gave him he died, he wish to do such excellence of piety that it can serve as an atonement all the
wrongs that he did for in previous time. Till today all the holidays that we have been in a lot just
obedient. Let us make Toba to align this gathering and ask Allah that it just wanted inshallah, in
every holiday my eyes used to see wrong, my hands used to touch wrong, my heart used to desire on
Allah now the faculties that we have given me now these abilities that we have given me in the
00:48:53 --> 00:49:26
			system, I'm going to make bigger at time, if it is a noun, the carpet at time protecting or
safeguarding the belongings of those that will be making effort, whatever duties indicated to us,
from the time that school closes, we are not saying while we are studying from the time the school
closes, and avail ourselves daily for the tasks that will be handed out and of course to attend the
SEMA and from the steamer to take Thomas and God in the path of Allah we always try to see inshallah
and let us make so much one lesson from today inshallah, we are going to change our life. We are
going to change the focus of our life, inshallah, by virtue of that Allah will give us prosperity in
00:49:26 --> 00:49:31
			our studies also, and Allah will bring joy to us in dunya Cooper innacurate May Allah give us the
freaking sun