Sulaiman Moola – The Spiritual Ladder – Unity Through Community

Sulaiman Moola
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the history and character of the Spanish capital, including the rise of independence, the rise of independence, and the rise of independence in America. The segment also touches on the character of the Spanish king, the rise of independence, and the rise of independence in Europe.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah he was Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah salam alayhi wa sallam were bad when the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to Madina, munawwara one of the first things he established was more ahart brotherhood. He paid a muhajir Sahabi was an unsavoury brother. And this unity was just unprecedented unique in all regards, unheard of in the annals of human history and drama and evening for the Allahu anhu himself nerites Lama Cardinal Medina when we came to Medina Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam benei ouabain Assad dibner Robbie, the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam paired me up with Saad bin Robbie out of the Allahu anhu sod was the most amazing host I have

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ever met in my life. He welcomed me he assured me he comforted me. And then he said to me in therell Ansari mala, I am one of the most wealthiest people of Medina for outdoorsy moolah can nice family. As of today, half of my wealth and assets belong to you exclusively. One vote as Oh jatiya Hawaii de nuzzle Tula can have either had letters of the heart, and I will step down from the union of one of my wives he had two wives. Once she goes through the waiting period of Aretha, then you can read her. This was the display of generosity, selflessness and hospitality of Saudi Arabia under the law No, but it was met by respect dignity and self restrain from a draft man and that translated in the

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most unique city of Medina, Brahman in the Romani. Now for the man who did not leech onto him did not exploit it. He He did not say yeah, okay, give me whatever you have its light and I will just said, he said no. barakallahu like, may Allah bless you do let me add a certain fee tiara, can you show me the local marketplace? And he then pointed to suka Tinapa, which was the marketplace of that time in Madina munawwara

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Yolanda says I went there, and I engaged in some business commerce and trade fetcher Abby update was some he bought some some butter, he bought some, some cheese etc. So metabo alhuda. He kept on going back and forth, and business started growing and he started generating more revenue. Soon thereafter, he got married, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him only when he would be shot, however when EMA even if it means slaughter in one lamp, and he said before I knew after vanity dunya Allah, Allah had opened up the riches of the world to be had tallow refer to Hydra letaba to feed her, let her walk onto

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that if I were to raise a stone or a Buddha, I would be optimistic of finding gold or silver there. Now my point is that each one engaged in what he was supposed to do. So sad Bindra be displayed selflessness and generosity of drama and even the Allahu anhu displayed restrain Allah subhanho wa Taala tells the Khatib the electorate the educated person, while I abacha de bon, October comma Allah, Allah hopefully October that if you are literate and you are educated, then make your skills available to people in deadlines, the preservation of your resources. And Allah says to the other person who requires the skills of the literate, when are you Baraka banuelos Shaheed, that don't

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impose on people don't hurt people don't cause them any difficulty. In other words, let's focus on the command of Allah upon us and not focus on the command of Allah on the other person. If each one of us can do this as a parent what I ought to do, and my child looks at what he needs to do, then I promise you that will transform society in a different way. Someone said and I'll leave you with this in San garba Delta Hey, Gary by delta Hey, Gary by delta Philby, para Shakira di campo de Heba Delta person changes his house, changes his clothes, buys a new watch changes, upgrades in his car, but he's still quite depressed and quite miserable. Why? He's changed everything around him, but he

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did not change himself. change yourself. And that is where the magic lies.

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