Sulaimaan Ravat – Jumuah 19 Rajab 1444
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The transcript describes a series of speakers discussing various topics, including a potential solution, a potential solution, and a potential solution to a problem. The speakers also mention a potential solution to a problem, but it is unclear what it is. The transcript is difficult to follow and appears disjointed.
AI: Summary ©
is for this brothers, sisters and our fellow students. I greet you
with a universal greeting of peace. As salam Wa alaykum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
On behalf of Islamia College material for coin and the extended
family I would like to wish each and everyone two ma Mobarak my own
Allah subhanaw taala grant us all a blessed week ahead insha Allah I
it is truly an honor to stand here on explicit day of Juma and
introduce our honorable guest speakers for today, who is none
other than Polina Suleiman robot as well as the Consul General of
Turkey Sinan? Yes, Hilda will also be addressing the GEMA insha Allah
Molana Suleiman is the Imam of Nurul Islam Masjid in lenasia,
Johannesburg and Bolinas Suleiman is also the Islam TV and radio
presenter. They do our Knut will also be hit in the Juma Salah and
sola, sola. Alhaji will be performed immediately of the Juma
Salah for the 1000s who have lost their lives in the earthquake. We
ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant all those and those who have
passed on Jana to favoritos Inshallah, and
currently it is loadshedding so the TV's will not be on the
outside Mikey's challenge to without further ado, I present to
you Molinara Suleiman Robert.
Santa Monica Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Allah Allah, Allah Allah,
will leave the door for Heather.
A short one a hula Illa who the whole Esma or her SNA what a
shadow Anna Mohammed and Naboo Manasu Sahiwal McLeod milma Isla
Amma back farther below him in a straight honorable Jeem is similar
him Rockman Ibrahim
elemi Nene levena Manu and tack sharp Hello boom Lydia Karela he
woman is the lemon and hap Surah kala Alim respected scholars,
brothers, beloved students, mothers viewers,
we are going through a very sacred period in the Islamic calendar.
Normally, we focus exclusively on the month of Ramadan.
But Islam wants us to focus on the lead up to Ramadan.
The famous dua of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
Allahumma barik Len fer Raja was Shaban. Woba live now Ramadan.
We need to contemplate we need to reflect we need to introspect that
why is Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, asking for dua of
Baraka, why is he requesting Allah to bless him or to bless us during
the month of Rajab and sharpen? Is it for material gain?
Well, I don't know these days even regimen Shaban the tenders on
greater offer.
No, it is because of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam
understands that the extent of your benefit in Ramadan will be
proportionate to the effort that you made throughout the year but
more so enrich up and Shabbat
there's one thing that we don't understand and which we need to
There is a difference between the reward of Ramadan and the benefit
of Ramadan.
The reward we will get inshallah we will fast will perform Salah to
tarawih we will give charity we will sit for at the calf. We will
read Quran we will make vicar and for that inshallah Allah will
reward us that's the reward of Ramadan. What's the benefit of
The benefit of Ramadan is whether you remain a better Muslim after
Ramadan or not.
The majority of us may Allah forgive me and forgive all of us.
On the day of Eid or a few days after eat we go back to exactly
where we were prior to Ramadan.
Even our bad habits we don't hit the delete button we hit the pause
We say okay 30 days I will be a good boy you know 30 days
I will behave so mentally, emotionally spiritually there is
no real in
intention to change. There is only an intention to secure reward that
okay I will fast I will read Quran I will give charity I will do this
I will do that which is all noble. So we do it and Allah will reward
us. But do we become better Muslims and do we remain better
Muslims after Ramadan if Allah has decreed for you to live 65 years,
maybe the first 15 Ramadan's of your life, you still in the
initial phases of your life, so you're down to 50 You've got 50
opportunities on average, to come closer to Allah and closer to
Allah and closer to Allah almost like a letter. Each Ramadan taking
you one rung one step closer to Allah.
But because we don't see it in Milan from that perspective, what
we do is we take the step up and immediately after Ramadan we take
the step down. So we are where we are spiritually speaking. And that
is unfortunate. So this period here that we have already entered
to and we are deep into the month of Raja Raja.
It is a season of change.
So Allah gives us Raja, which is one of the sacred months if Napa
so the Allahumma says, every good deed you do in Raja Allah rewards
Allah multiplies the reward, but any sin that you do Allah also
multiplies the sin
that's the principle when it when the time period is sacred wait
Raja be the other assuring from the sacred months beat Ramadan
beat a sacred place Monica Medina, any good you do the reward is
multiplied any wrong you do the sin is also multiplied. So the
first thing the most important preparation for Ramadan is to
start giving up sin with the intention of leaving it all
together, not with the intention of going back to it. As soon as
the moon in the crescent excited for the day of April 5.
Physically we prepare the ladies already stocking up their freezers
and that's a good thing. So that you in Ramadan, make yourself more
available five other men are pushing, getting as much work as
they can possibly get done during Rajasthan Siobhan so Ramadan you
can dedicate yourself more to Iboga but spiritually, are we
Are we saying this is a season of change and I want to change for
the better. And I want to remain a better Muslim after the month of
Ramadan. So that's the point I wanted to make up front. How do we
How do we reach Allah? Change means coming closer to Allah
becoming a better servant of Allah becoming a closer Friend of Allah?
How do I reach Allah?
There are a variety of ways for example in a hadith Bootsy Allah
says what Yeah, but my buddy little Musa have been a fee. Yep.
That those two people who love one another only for my sake, no
ulterior motive. Then my love becomes compulsory for both of
them. They become my beloved they become my friends, they enjoy my
closeness. Let me say in passing brothers.
If you have one person in your life who loves you, for the sake
of Allah and with no ulterior motive, consider yourself
Today we live in a world full of what they call an Indian
terminology Metalab is
met Levy's everyone knows you or wants to know you or wants to love
you or wants to show you affection because they something that they
want out of that relationship
so I'm saying that if you've got one such person in your life who
loves you for the sake of Allah consider that a treasure because
it's a rarity in the world that we live in today. You know, normally
we were we were taught growing up that on the day of try it will be
enough see enough see we've seen it in the dunya already never seen
us see no one wants to know you for your sake everyone wants to
know you for their sake.
So that's one way of reaching a lotta Baraka with Donna. Way.
What's up, buddy? Little Mota have been a year those two who love one
another only for the pleasure of Allah. Allah says both of you
become beloved and to me. You see, let me tell you something. Islam
is not complicated. Deen is easy. Whenever you still listen them
said in Dina usahawan. He meant it. It's our perception that
certain things are difficult. Reaching Allah is not rocket
science. Reaching Allah doesn't mean you need to launch a space
shuttle into Mars. Reaching Allah is
possible for every Muslim for every servant of Allah Tabata
Cotulla educated or not so educated, rich or not so rich,
black or white? Allah has made it easy for us to reach him. And
Allah just wants us to make a little bit of effort and then he
takes care of the rest. Allah says you take a baby step towards me a
baby step I come running through
and embrace you. But we are humans after all right? Holy cow in San
HalleluYah. We have been created hasty, volatile, insane with the
ephah. We have been created week. So we want to reach Allah. But we
want the quickest way, the easiest way and the most effective way.
I want to travel to determine what's the best flight, the
cheapest flight and the quickest turnaround time. That's what I
want. So from a spiritual perspective, if we look at it,
that if I want to reach Allah, what's the quickest, most
effective way? The quickest and the most effective way of reaching
Allah Tabata cortada the answer to that question is found in a hadith
of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the muestra coffee
Manhattan in necom. Letter Gerona Illa Allah He be che in a favela,
Mima, Farah, German Huya, annual Quran, nothing can bring you
closer to Allah more quickly and more effectively. Then the Quran
can because the Quran is the spoken word of Allah.
You see today, but let me tell you something. You pick up any book of
a so called lifestyle coach, all these authors. You go in the
corporate world today, you'll hear one best password one phrase, they
say come back to basics. It's a principle of history when you
study history, because this dunya is an imperfect place. Jana is a
perfect place May Allah granted to us all. So because this dunya is
an imperfect place, the more you advance on one front, you
retrogression on other fronts.
Humanity has progressed technologically, digitally,
medically, scientifically, but that progress has led to
retrogression when it comes to the fundamentals. And this applies in
almost every sphere of life. So in business they sent you see all of
the zoom and digital meetings was a good thing. It narrowed the
world. But now we losing a fundamental and that is the basic
connection with your customer. So I met someone for business, the
radio business in the week, and he insisted on coming in physically,
I said we can do a zoom, he said I want to come in physically. And he
said it's our policy for this year as far as possible. We want one on
one contact again, that technology has progressed. It's easy, it's an
option. But at the same time we kind of losing connection with the
fundamental we need a one to one interaction. So spiritually as
well, today, we have more access to knowledge than ever before.
Today, we know much more we know much more than what our
forefathers did. Today, we have more scholars than ever before.
But are we better Muslims than our forebears? are we practicing on
the deen? So we've learned a lot about the intricate Messiah and we
know all the controversies. We know all the effort, but he's our
Salah in order to we have a holistic, sustained relationship
with the Quran.
Do we have a holistic, sustained relationship with the Quran? So
even spiritually, we have to come back to basics because
fundamentals are fundamentals for a reason. We have all sorts of
challenges. We have individual challenges. We have collective
challenges. We have geopolitical challenges. We have economic
challenges. We have the challenges of Eskom or Eskom and every other
column and every other controversy.
And I just came back from London my wife said Was it cold I said it
was cold but there was no load shedding.
It was cool, but there was no load shedding. You know when I came
back to O R. Tambo that immigration. The lady looked up
there. He smiles he saw South African passport. Welcome back,
sir. Welcome to loadshedding
so we've got all these problems. We've seen what happened in Turkey
catastrophic for the Ummah heart wrenching when you see those
where did the Sahaba tend to
throw out the glory days of Islam. When these difficulties when these
challenges Allah says, Allah that he knew wala doesn't know.
Don't become overly grieved. Natural grief is that you don't
become overly depressed, well and tumble alone in meaning, you will
prevail if you strengthen your iman, if you strengthen your
relationship with Allah, if you strengthen your bond with your
Creator, if you use this urge of Siobhan and Ramadan the season of
change, to become a better Muslim, to become a better servant of
Allah Tabata Cotulla then the help of Allah will come. It doesn't
mean your challenges will evaporate. This is the place of
challenge Dunya is a test life is a test. Allah Tabata, Kota Allah
tells us in this world you have to strive you have to make effort.
There's going to be hardships, but those who respond in the right
way, Jana is this for the taking.
And those who don't respond in the right way then they have lost the
They have lost the opportunity. And you know what?
This kind of effort is required more from those of us who are in
prosperity than those who are in difficulty.
You know, I marvel I tear when I look at those clips and images
coming out of Turkey and you see those young people's under the
rubble and they sing Alhamdulillah
you and I we struggle to sell hungry Allah when there's no
lights for two hours, we come play in our lives away. Oh, it's hard.
The economy is not working the way that the other. I'm not saying
that we must give government a free pass for their corruption and
for the efficiency. I'm saying when you think your life is
difficult look at someone else's life. I mean, look at those
images. What imagine
that father telling his son proclaim the Shahada.
So when it is in prosperity that we become negligent when we don't
have that degree of difficulty then we become distant from Allah
Tabata Cortana. So, a sustained and holistic relationship with the
Quran that's fundamental. You see, let me tell you something very
quickly. Preparation for Ramadan revolves around the following.
First and foremost, give up sin.
Because sin creates a cloud around your heart and sin makes you less
receptive to the blessings of Ramadan. The second thing get your
Salah in order. The third thing, start talking to Allah. We are
lazy to make dua we don't have a habit we only have a habit of
saying amen to the Imams dua, but talk to Allah in your own
language. Oh my God, Allah needs to say when I make dua to Allah,
my priority is not whether Allah accepts the dua or not. I enjoy
having a conversation with Allah.
So how many of us are having a conversation with Allah at least
once a day minimum, then vicar of Allah, because that brings Baraka
Alladhina amanu. What in Nakuru abou will be thicker Allah, those
who have through Iman the remembrance of Allah brings them
contentment even if they under rubble, and they don't know
whether they will be rescued or not. And then Quran but why am I
focusing on Quran? Because again, we are weak we say okay, I must
give up cinemas get my salon in order I must get Dwyane order I
must get Quran in order. Where do I start? The miracle of the Quran
because the Quran is the spoken word of Allah.
The miracle of the Quran is if you start there, then Allah makes it
easier for you to achieve everything else.
two words, I'm consistently repeating, because I wanted to
settle in your heart and mind, a holistic and a sustained
relationship with the Quran, not only relationship in Ramadan, and
not only our relationship of recent recitation, there are seven
points. And I want you to remember this to towards having a sustained
and a holistic, holistic relationship with the Quran.
And you know why the Quran is so miraculous? Let me give you a very
contemporary example.
So I bought the iPhone 14. Yeah, you will, youngsters will know
about it. Latest on the market.
Now you can have the best gadgets, right? You can have the best
network, I don't know, which is the best network these days. But
let's say Vodacom. Then you can have the best signal, 4g 5g. You
can so you got the best device. You've got the best network,
you're in a very good area, the signal is strong.
Now what happens? You have the potential to talk to people.
People can talk to you. You can message people, people can message
you. You can google something, the light, the speed of lightning.
Nowadays, when I'm doing an interview, in the middle of the
interview with the guy say something and I've heard and heard
of it, before he completes his answer. I've already googled it to
see what's going on about. You can do all of that and more on one
condition, you must switch on your cell phone. When you switch on
your cell phone, you connect it to an amazing network from the palm
of your hands where you can talk and you can be spoken to when you
can message and you can be messaged where you can browse with
access to all of this information to this great network, but you
have to be switched on. Now when you switch on your relationship
with the Quran you are connected to the network of Allah.
Allah says Kitab Allah I have no ma'am Duden Mina Santa Illa Allah
the Quran is like a rope hanging from the heavens to the earth.
Allah is latched on to that rope meaning Allah's network is open,
no Wi Fi password needed.
No caffeine, no throttling, and kept like you can't believe all
Allah wants you to do is switch on your side of the network. Then you
connect it to the network of Allah. So seven points. One,
recite the Quran, whether you understand it or not recite it,
because it's nourishment for your soul. Look, the ideal is to eat to
know what you're eating and to enjoy what you're eating. But
there are times in your life when they feed you and you're not even
You're in an ICU in a coma. They feed you through a tube
but you're being nourished nonetheless. Today people have
everything materially but they still feel depressed because
they're not nourishing the soul. And the greatest nourishment for
the soul is the Quran. I'm not saying you're Muslim know the
meaning. I say even if you don't know the meaning you must still
recite. So ALLAH says recite the Quran for your benefit but when
you recite the Quran for every letter I give you tend towards the
second part of the seven part holistic relationship with the
Quran is listened to others recite. Let me start saying I'm
totally Massoud recite. You said there are some Allah the Quran was
revealed on you. He said, sometimes I must listen to the
recitation of others. It touches you it moves you when he looked up
after reciting for a while a piece Allah listener was crying. So the
interview of Allah who was the recipient of the revelation was
moved by the recitation of a Sahabi was not the recipient of
the revelation. The third thing so recite, listen to the recitation
of others. The third thing is improve your own recitation.
You see, everything has a standard. When you dress you dress
according to a standard. When you go into a meeting, you're going
according to a protocol, the Quran also has a standard. A voice is
something which Allah has given some people and hasn't given
others. Kuhn is not something which is compulsory, but to recite
the Quran with its proper pronunciation that is mandatory on
every Muslim, even if you're 80 years old. And there are people
who will help you with that for free. You can't say well, I'm old,
my tongue is already in the groove how I'm going to now learn No, we
must take pride in the Quran greater than what we take pride in
our personal affairs. So read, listen, improve your recitation,
fourth thing, become a habit, all of you.
What do I mean? Who said that memorization of the Quran is
exclusive to the youngsters that's the time you do it because your
memory is more fresh. But I just attend I just spoke to a brother
on the radio the other day who completed the hymns at the age of
65 but his son was a half
there are people even older than that. So if you start learning one
line a day even if you don't finish we learn in the Hadith The
angels will finish for you in the grave. Why miss out on the
opportunity? You see you still some old people who say no more
than that don't worry it's okay my son is half is my grandson is
Office. So I say you know what, when the older you get you say no,
no, I don't want to stay in my son's house. I want to be
independent. I don't want my grandson's money. I want to live
off my own money even if he's offering so in material things you
don't want to benefit from others in spiritual things. Why are you
leaving it to chance that my son is half with my grandson is half
it? Why not take the direct honor of being a half with yourself? One
Line a Day. If that's all you can manage,
you don't finish you'll finish in the AQa util sold in the UK. So
read, listen, improve your tweet, become happy. Number five, learn
the meaning of the Quran.
interpretation of the Quran is a scholarly field if you want to
interpret Quran go and study but the message of the Quran is for
everyone. It's a tragedy that you live your life as a Muslim, but
you don't understand Allah's love letter to humanity. And today we
have authentic diversity which the Anima have endorsed. In easy
contemporary English. How many of us have bought one copy of the
Tafseer for our houses for us to read and for our children to read
that what is Allah's message yet? When they have the seed classes,
how many of us sit, engage with the meaning of the Quran, it's an
ocean the depth of which you can never reach an end. The sixth
thing is practice on the teachings of the Quran.
When the recently Salam was seen I should have the Alana says every
word every action, every indication Ghana hola como el
Quran, he was the Quran exemplified.
And then the seventh thing is propagate the message of the
simple messages you teach your kids. If you just think about
this, like you teach your son to read Surah Fatiha, he teaches his
son to read Surah Fatiha he teaches his son to read Surah
Fatiha, you may be dead 100 years but the angels will still be
writing reward for you.
That's the baraka of the Quran. So seven things I shared with you but
you got to start now they say if you want to break a bad habit,
abstain from it for 40 days and you break the habit. We got more
than this a little more than 40 days between now and Ramadan. And
if you want to develop a good habit be consistent on it for 40
days and it becomes a habit in your life. The opportunities now
the season of change, read Quran, listen to the recitation of Quran,
improve your own recitation and Tajweed start becoming a Hafeez
engage with the meaning of the Quran, practice upon the teachings
of the Quran and propagate the message of the Quran. And if you
do this on a consistent basis, then you have a holistic sustained
relationship with the Quran. In short, make the Quran part of your
daily routine. That's my message
And then you will see the miracle in your life and you'll see the
miracle in your environment and you'll see the miracle in your
community. And we'll see the miracle in the Ummah, Rasulullah
sallallahu sallam.
When Shepherd, Hindu was imprisoned on Malta, and he was
resisting the British in India, after a lengthy imprisonment when
he came out, people said what's the solution? He said, After
lengthy deliberation, the solution is come back to the Quran.
In a holistic sense, and that's my message to you today for
individual collective prosperity. We need to come back to the Quran.
You know, in English they say so beautifully.
The Quran is the only book that no matter where you read it, the
author is present.
Let's extend that for Muslims to another level. The Quran is the
only book that no matter who you are, the author loves you.
Any other book you can read it you making the author Rich
is provided you didn't take a knock of PDF.
And no matter how much you enjoy it, you probably won't meet the
author and if you meet him, he probably won't give you the time
of day. But the Quran is such that no matter where you read it, the
author is present the oath is listening to you. Allah is
listening to you. And Allah loves you. I want to conclude with an
incident which I always quote,
When I speak about Quran
it's a famous incident all of you would have heard about it, but
it's a lesson behind it. And it's the incident of the great American
There was a time in Makkah.
When the two greatest enemies of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam were
Ahmed Khattab and Abuja Khalifa Manisha
amor was his name Abuja. And WF Allah did not curse them. You see
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, it's another talk that I give. He
focused more on the talents of people in on the shortcomings of
people. So there might be a fella lifts up his hands and says, Oh
Allah both I'm not an aroma I have great talent. If not both, let one
of them accept Islam it will strengthen the effort of Dean.
Today the man does you down in one business deal you condemned to
* forever.
That's not the justification for is wrong. So let me start selling
made dua. Now this world is there's a system right? So Allah
put the system into play what led to the revision of Omar Omar
leaves his house with the intention of committing the
greatest murder that can ever be committed. And that is to spill
the blood of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and Rudy stole before you
go there today or come check your brother and sister in law, your
sister and brother in law, they have become Muslim. So what is in
a rage? Omar's heart is filled with animosity towards Islam and
Muslims. And when he comes there, inadvertently inadvertently his
ears fall upon the recitation of the Quran. Ba MA and Zelina
alagille analytische Ka. elated Kira Toliman Yaksha 10 Zilla
madman Hala colada was sama worth Illallah or Rockman or annual
Arshi Stella Luma free summer YT you want to fill out of the Oh am
I being attacked a thorough we're in touch how to build toll for
inner who Yeah.
Allahu Allah Allahu La hula USMA SNA that heart which was full of
anger, rage, hatred, animosity, which wanted to kill the debris of
Allah. It now melts the magic of the Quran when he knocks at the
door dari alcom Omar What brings you here? He says I've come to
proclaim the shahada, a shadow Allah Allah illallah wa shadow Ana
Mohammad Rasool Allah Sahaba in the state of disbelief. The enemy
of Allah is in a state of ecstasy. He says Allahu Akbar Romana has
accepted Islam. When Omar accepts Islam now the Sahaba can perform
Salah in public. Now the Sahaba can make the love in public. Think
about the magic of the Quran that Omar who wanted to kill the nappy
of Allah today he lives resting next to the nub of Allah. When you
go to Medina you say salam ala Rasulillah Salam o Allah aka
Abubaker, Salah Malika Yamato, Orientalist right that the world
needs in Armada.
What goes the change in the life of Omar it was by mistake his ears
fell upon the recitation of the Quran. The man who wanted to kill
the enemy of Allah will be resurrected with an embryo of
Allah he will be the eternal companion of the Nabil of Allah
and Jana, imagine if you and I open up our daily routine in our
lives to the Quran, what magic the Quran will perform in our lives.
Just give the Quran a chance. The time is now it's the season of
change. It's time to change for the better and to remain changed
for the better insha Allah may Allah gonna come in all of us the
Tofik was sudden Allah who was telling them all about Allah and
Amina Muhammad. Welcome to that one and hamdulillah al Amin was
set up Marty Kumar
is Okolloh here on to Molana Salam and for those beautiful words, may
Allah subhanaw taala
runt Molana many more years old with happiness and student so that
Molana can continue to inspire and guide us as the Ummah of our
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Salah Avraham will be
performed immediately after the Pharaoh Salah for the 1000s who
have lost the lives in the earthquake. We ask Allah subhanaw
taala to grant all those who have passed on China to favoritos insha
Allah and now present you with the council Jin general of Turkey
Sinan usoda
salam ala eco to Allah. Just before brother Sinan addresses us.
Bahama. Joanne has asked me to just introduce and say a few words
on this particular matter. We know on the sixth of February, we woke
up to a devastating earthquake that shook the southern eastern
part of
the correct name is Turkey, and Syria,
the northern parts of Syria thus far over 20,000 people have lost
their lives, and close to 12 million people have been displaced
across 10 provinces in the south eastern part of Turkey.
Now we note with pride that Turkey has been one of the most biggest
donor nations in the world dwarfing the United States in
terms of GDP, contributions towards humanitarian aid across
the globe. And South Africa has been part and parcel of the
recipients of that particular aid. And therefore it is our time to
stand with the people of Turkey and whether people have Syria in
order to alleviate the devastation and the destruction that has taken
place. Immediately our relief organizations have responded to
the call for aid and assistance institutions like gift of the
givers Islamic Relief the geometry RollerMouse South Africa
so many others Alim dad African Muslim agencies gift other give
Islamic Relief on the ground the other institutions or distribution
centers across Turkey are helping and assisting today Oh calm South
Africa sending 3003 cargoes close about 24 tons of blankets and
tents inshallah through Turkish Airlines to alleviate the
suffering and we want to thank glaucoma Joanne as well as the
board of Islami for initiating and bringing to us the call to say let
us perform across South Africa Senato Janas Alhaj as well as
Dubai Knut in the Juma football, at least in the Jamal salah, and
thus far we've received messages, honorable share that monana Rama
that over 600 massages have adhered to that call as a show of
our solidarity and support. So without further ado, we welcome
also the Indonesian consul general as well as the Consul General the
founding Consul General for Cape Town brothers Ananya shelduck to
address us for a few minutes inshallah.
Sam, I love
thank you so much for this opportunity. I'm honored to
address you. And I convey to you brothers,
Salem and greetings of all Turkish sisters and brothers.
It is indeed a big disaster.
A large distractions.
More than
15,000 people were affected with 6000 houses distracted, destroyed.
Unfortunately that toll now is around 20,000.
And it is already more than 100 hours and hopes are
for the people under rebels.
Thank you for all your support calls messages. Your doors give us
more strength.
Please keep all your turkey sisters and brothers in your
Nearly 100 countries sent rescue and medicals medical teams to
Last three days, gift of the givers.
Also among them I was with them at the airport brave young
woman and men of South Africa
we are now organizing the donations
like winter tents blankets, gas heater and generators, we are
accepting them in the Turkish consulate in Constantia.
Finally, we must say to Allah we belong and to Him is our return
may Allah accept your your duas Inshallah, thank you so much
we say shukran to Consul General of Turkey Sinan yes Allah by Allah
subhanaw taala protect us all inshallah I mean, we are requested
to make dua for sister up there who came out of hospital and is
back here at the masjid Alhamdulillah May Allah subhanaw
taala grant her and all those that are sick completely for insha
Allah I mean, once again today Islamia College has the honor of
officiating the Joomla ASALA. The first Advan will be made by Adam
Oren and the second Athan will be rented by Saifullah Oliver Academy
awesome all Mussolini's can please stand and fill any gaps that no
time is wasted between the huzzah and the salah shukran was Salam o
alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Are you
are you
are you
Salam aleikum wa Rahmatullah?
Al Hamdulillah Muhammad who understand you don't want to stop
through to whom and we'll be here when I tell what could I they want
to be looking into Dorian fusina Omen sejahtera Molina May the
level for them will be Lella OMA, you delete HuFa la de la
ilaha illallah wa de julio Cherie Keller wants you to Anessa you
then I want to begin our Mo learner Mohamed Abu Manasu
aristata who will have to be shared on one of the La Mina de sa
Miyota Allah also sola who forgot Allah shed woman hasta la Sudha
for in the hula don't do it learners. What are you doing hola
che and my bad for inner circle Hadith Nikita Bula whoa
tabula rasa Kalamata Taqwa worker you will merely military Ibrahim
alayhis salam Are you too soon any sunnah to Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam. Well actually the full Hadith the Victrola
Watson caspase Al Quran while you will Ohmori our Zimo her wife
Sharon Ohmori. To him, Watson will head he had an MBA. Well actually
partly Butler Shuhada will armella Abdullah to battle who them will
lead on earlier hired Amina lady Sophia, warmer collar worker for
hire America for our oil hub. Where shovel
remote were shoveling them at Yom Okayama ACOTA Cody Heather was
stopped for Allah Hi Lea welcome. What is it in Muslimeen I'm in
Cali then meanwhile, Katya first of Pharaoh in Mahalo for a rhyme.
In Alhamdulillah, Allah subhana wa Bucha Allah Allah, Allah Salatu
was Salam o Rahim. Welcome Allah. Allah halal. Berea we have got
Elber Sharia what is killing Saniya I'll handle Bashira Suraj
and money rasa detail what I didn't I mean Mohammed Abdullah,
come on Amara Kamala Humphrey thoroughly in Allahu wa Mala Ikeda
who you saw Luna Allah Nabi, you, Manu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
with a slimmer Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala early so
you didn't know Muhammad you were Berek wa sallam, what are the
Allahu manufa Rashidi NaVi Bacary in Warhammer outman Awali what is
the HMI in Allahumma? Is that Islam when was Amin? Allah Houma
is Islam when Muslim in Allah Humann Surah Edward unelma Domina
mustafina frequently McCann Yara Allah hoomans Saudi Hua and FE two
t allow humans to record and are free to hear Allah human story one
and a half free Surya Allah hoomans Surya hun unelma Domina
Mustafi in free Philistine will be equally McCarran Dr. hamre mean
Allahumma Sneha and Muslim in Allah Who Muslim Muslim in Accra
Mala Grameen where are the poor within Medina Allah Haman Misaki
in where the lot of Sheila them a lot but Tina for dunya hashanah
will fill fill out the Hasina working harder but now in the La
Jolla more will be likely will certainly want you to it will put
one hand in fascia you will want and carry you will bury your Edo
Comilla come to the Koran first Qurani as corkum Washko truly well
attic full on alchemy salah.
Straighten the Roseman firstly
fill all the gaps
stopped him I was still going
along oh
this means many more
hamdulillah Bin Laden on Walkman me man again woman coming in
gonna stop me had no feel on dumping it all gone levena And
with all the RNA and went on me
star you know Bill Slavonian was sworn
law mo Fabiani
on him
getting the show home
whatever no one
be showing
you or anyone
anyone on
whether shinning for reading what I shooting for meaning and levena
saw that
movie back
Oh in
here he wants
him to
be more men want
me I'm Lauren Lehman
Allah walk
this means man in the middle come Don't Don't be mean Oh man you
want me man again we'll be in you're gonna
kind of stirring it hit Dino Finn off when was stomping July
unarmed I named him and
we'll go there and he went off on me
this means
man Amy one long sleeve
Santa Fe
Wyoming was fine he didn't want that well
they didn't want while slow Bill slow
all Neiman Hamid
Allah hola Medina FIM and Herdade Wi Fi my
webedi Glenna love my female employee. Athena was really fun,
magical shawarma CO going, but
leaving Bay one morning in
the LUMO
Gaulle burn out with
me when I'm
going there
still feel a little bit long
along monsoon everyone happy to ruukki Allah monsoon f1 and IVF in
steam along monk zoom f1 and IV is
along amongst whom f1 and FE
Hi mama walking alone
will make me
want to ship or was ruin or wash
me one one arrow they'll make me
concern one who came in and killed me when we're both on the one
question one will make me move on
up on honey
medica oh hi ma Amy and all along that on NFP milk all Amina Iommi
now all the men
wanna man for lunch eaten one day in
one ma then
one mid one in
day eating on our own even in learners
wanna get in the ball in
my line me along model how
on earth 141 bien
bien de the
ad all info below
the mean alone must be public
watch me move on
alone no fiddling me and I want to emotionally
meaning I want
Knievel Mooji Buddha
instant give me for the link
instead give befuddling
instead he
saying he didn't
me on any points and hello I'm Bill Finn Oh
Amy along
on a metal all stuff for monolines to Philomel names to familiar with
one more thing and then you know you know he led on to him winning
alone man to sell them on him consider him tomorrow Daniel
genetic Quran so marijuana went far enough along the Columbia now
when they couldn't see the law when they went up and went that
level and on and on. So that was sent in Hamdu lillahi rabbil
also that's all I'm worried about you being a Hema from Allah
all along
walk manual
don't belong to me and also not to us
one more setting Sayidina on our hobby Bina, what's your feeling?
No, I'm older now my mother son Allah on English and I'm Alana you
all spa beanie emmalin Allah on Mueller Hinton EGB IMO
autonomously mean alerting and shahidul
Allah or multi level on water hammer home was going off engine I
love multi level motorhome was going on Finnegan I love multi
level home on Hamo ma skin on
alo minecon almost any fuzziness
Ling Gan moc and I thought that yeah, I was honest and yeah, I can
watch your own mind
will sit there, you know, shahada it was
well how soon I
glomming along you want
to hang up in
big here all the
further 41 to 40 9am one
up as I know, a lot in
telco so the handle a big
milestone for was
setting while handling Mila