Suhaib Webb – Usul al Fiqh Lesson Sixteen The Meanings of Commands & Introducing alBaydawi’s Text, alMinhaj

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various topics related to the title of Jesus, including the use of "imams," "will" and "has been" in Arabic, and " moral" in Arabic. They stress the importance of creating healthy mindsets and setting boundaries in the language, and explain the use of "naught" in Arabic to signal a lack of value. The transcript also covers various examples of "will" and "has been" used in English, and how they can be used to express pride or weakness. Finally, the transcript discusses various examples of " moral" and "will" used in the church's language, and how they can be used to express pride or weakness.
AI: Transcript ©
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Don't laugh at my glasses. I have a

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3 year old

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who and

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I hope all of you are well. I

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woke up one morning and she said, baba,

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I hid your glasses from you.

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I said, really? And then she said, and

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then I I I I pulled out the

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shiny thing.

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So my prescription readers actually are,

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So I had to buy some of these

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from the the local

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drugstore, and this is all they had that

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allow me to read and see.

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I'm not trying to make a fashion statement

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here at Welcome back to our readings on.

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May Allah bless you and increase you.

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Obviously, if you've if you've made it this

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far, you have the resiliency needed to really

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study this incredible subject. And for this section

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talking about commands, we're actually gonna be reading

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from a different text because

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Imam al Haramain alludes to this, but this

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text actually expands on it. This is, of

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course, a sort of intermediary text,

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written by al al Qadi al Berdawi, which

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we know as al Minhaj al Wasul ila

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Enmi al Usul.

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And this this actually is the the the

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curriculum in Al Azhar is taught to the

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Hanafis, the Madakis, and the shayafis. This is

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the book in usool

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that we study in the head to Surah

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of Sayyidina Imam al Isawi.

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And also I believe that this is part

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of the curriculum at Qura University,

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great academic institution, of course, in Mecca.

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And the reason that we're reading from this

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is now he's going to talk about

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the different meanings of

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one of the reasons I wanna read this

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text with you, my my goal in life

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is to actually teach this in English,

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and and to do so in a way

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that it facilitates those who are studying in

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like Al Azhar and in, Umuqara.

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Because I remember when I first

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laid eyes on this text, man,

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I was like a deer in the headlights.

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I was terrified. I was so bad. I

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was so bad at that time. It was

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very difficult. But

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with patience

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and perseverance and having

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a healthy sense of self confidence, not arrogance,

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and having great teachers

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and reading texts to different teachers.

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That's really one of the keys to to

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to mastering

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for those who have mastered it and people

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like myself

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who are just

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of this ilm, servants of this knowledge,

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to be able to be in that position.

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When I went to study overseas,

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my goal was first to improve my worship

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and then secondly to be of service to

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people in my community, specifically here in the

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United States.

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So make dua for me.

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Imam is is from an area called Beibla.

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It was called Beibla because

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it's white because it was on the map

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in Shiraz in Iran

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coming out of this incredible,

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Sha'afi experience. The Shafi myth had blossomed

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in this part of the world for centuries,

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which is not part of Shiraz,

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but he was from an area called Beidlah,

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Beza, I believe in Persian,

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if my Persian serves me well, because the

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tips of the mountains were white. So

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and this is a very important section because

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he's gonna touch on something that Imam alluded

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Literal and the figurative.

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We talked about what those mean. I heard

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from Sheikh,

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doctor who

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I read

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rhetoric to some years ago.

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You know, we know that there were some

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great imams and scholars and thinkers who said

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there is no majaz,

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like Imam, Al Baqidani, Al Mariki, Al Ashari,

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Imam Ibnotamia,

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They said there's no Mejaz.

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Why specifically

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imam Ibnotamia

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said because majaz is a form of of

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kadib, of lying and this

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is like Allah is not gonna lie and

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there's no lies in the Quran but

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the response of the majority of Sunnis and

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the majority of the is that in in

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the definition

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of majaz, right, we saw

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Right? That's the only time you can use

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is when there is a strong supporting evidence

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for it because we know

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Right? That,

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ideally, we we wanna stick to the literal

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meanings when possible, but there are times when

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interpretation is obligatory, and I I talk about

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that in my readings of Imam Razi's Taqdis,

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Assesu Taqdis.

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So imam imam

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Al Baydawi is gonna talk about the different

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of commands

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and this is very important for you. And

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he says,

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he says,

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He's talking about the different meanings and forms

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commands. Maybe somebody who's listening, you speak Arabic,

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say why doesn't he use a plural?

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Why is he using a singular? Because in

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that oftentimes

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a singular,

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So the singular

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modafon ilay

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implies plurality. So like when you

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Allah. So excuse me. So the singular

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the names of Allah

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Allah. So here the sheikh

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and and maybe someone asked why for Ijaz,

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to save time.

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It sounds better. Right? There's a lot that

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comes with this.

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He says in this there are some

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He says that the first is that the

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form of the order

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comes with 16 meanings.

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and we're gonna talk about those now.

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This is the first

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is that it means an obligation.

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Example of this,

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Allah says

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in verse number 43,

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is you must establish prayer. That's why the

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translation shouldn't be established prayer. It should be

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you must establish prayer. I believe sometimes the

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you can tell if a translator has a

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background in in

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by how they translate the Quran. And, of

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course, it's not easy. May Allah bless Allah

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bless everyone who's out there working and trying

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their best

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So he says here

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the first meaning is

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and it's important to note, as ima,

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the writer of maraqis sur'ud, he mentions

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that only when it comes to ijab

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is the

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This is the literal meaning of

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The rest are majez.

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The rest are figurative. So only 1 out

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of 15

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The second is

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something encouraged, a mandub ilay.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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Then make the contract with him, marry them

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and find this mashal Surat Amur verse 33.

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Why? Because we know there's times the prophet

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he did certain business

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engagements or

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things like marriages and other things without a

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written contract. So, therefore, we understand

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that this is

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Women who

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and and linked to a is something called

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means encouraging someone to do a specific act.

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The prophet said to the young man,

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eat what's closest to you.

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Maybe somebody asked what's the difference between a

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nadab and teddib. They both follow under this

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idea of mandubile nadab,

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but specifically the nadab tends to be related

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to a general thing

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and teddib relate tends to be related to

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a specific

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of of goodness. So, like, writing contracts, that's

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Eating what's in front of you is specific.

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We'll talk about this in the future

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Inshallah. So we say in tahdig, there's like

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a not Tarsis as you understand it in

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Oso, but Tarsis

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Al Mokif. It's like more of a specific

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kind of situation.

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A third is,

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the third is is, like, you know, encouragement

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and guidance.

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Something's better if you do it, but it's

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not wajib.

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2nd is not wajib.

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Only the first Egypt.

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said then, you know, seek 2 witnesses or

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2 witnesses.

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This is Irshad because we know that, again,

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there were certain, not marriage contracts, but other

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type of contracts at times that didn't have

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2 witnesses.

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The 4th

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eat what's on the earth if if we

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said this meant

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But you understand what I'm trying to say

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Eat what's in the earth.

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This means it's permissible. What is it what

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does permissible mean? And I haven't explained this

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Permissible means

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That it is allowed to benefit from something.

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You need to remember this

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for the future.

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Allah says in again verse number 168

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here in front of me.

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This is permissible.

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Kind of like a warning.

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Do whatever you want.

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Here, it it can't mean,

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You must do whatever you want so peep

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people can do haram. They can do fasad.

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So here, this is a form of, like,

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a threat.

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Okay? Just keep doing what you're doing. You're

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gonna see one day the punishment of Allah.

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why the Qari of Quran

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who has a a background in Balaga and

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will read the Quran differently. You can tell.

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You can tell by how they read.

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They're gonna be making it like beautiful.

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So the sort of to verse number 40.

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a warning.

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Say to them, enjoy.

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Enjoy yourself.

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Enjoy what you want.

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Verse, number 30 from Surzi Ibrahim. So here

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we see and then under, this is the

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idea of

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a warning. So a threat and then more

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specifically a warning.

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And this is close to

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but here,

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this is a slight difference. It has the

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meaning of

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but also it means to recognize the blessing

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Allah has given you. So

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seek nourishment and eat from what Allah

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has provided you.

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Again, this is going to be Surat An'am

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verse number

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The 7th,

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Allah has honored you with something. Allah mentions

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in the

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you know submerged

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with peace and tranquility.

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This is

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an honor.

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The 8th to shame.

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I said to those

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disobedient followers of Musa,

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be kunu.

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You must be

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This is a form of

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Is from Ajaas,

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which means

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Surah Say to them, then bring a Surah.

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The meaning here

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is you can't you can't do that.

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You don't have the

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So the meaning here is

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verse number 23.

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To the one in hellfire

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tasty This is a form again like insult.

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It's not

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this is talking about in the hereafter.

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There's no in the hereafter.

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This is a form of

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with the

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You can find this, verse in,

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sort Duhan verse 49.

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Means equality.

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This is the 11th.

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Be patient

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or don't

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be patient.

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Or don't be resilient. Doesn't

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matter. Verse 16.

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The meaning of dua.

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O Allah, please forgive me.

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that you want something that can't happen.

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So like a false hope. And he mentions

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here the the line of

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Oh, you long night. Will you not, like,

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you know, be illuminated?

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The knight doesn't have the ability to do

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So he's he's lamenting his situation.

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know? And this is.

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You you know, in his drunken state, he's

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in his drunken stupor hoping that, you know,

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even now he's asking the night itself

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to bring on the

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Sayidamus alaihi salatu salam,

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when those magicians and sayidamus alaihi salatu salam,

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when those magicians and sayidamus alaihi salatu salam

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were going back and forth,

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told him, throw your stats.

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Again, this is kind of like a form

00:17:54 --> 00:17:58

of, like, he's shaming them because he knows

00:17:58 --> 00:18:00

they have no power to do anything. You

00:18:00 --> 00:18:02

find this in sort of,

00:18:02 --> 00:18:03

verse 33

00:18:03 --> 00:18:04


00:18:06 --> 00:18:06

The last 2

00:18:07 --> 00:18:07

he says

00:18:12 --> 00:18:14

and he gives an example here

00:18:15 --> 00:18:15

of the statement

00:18:20 --> 00:18:22

of If you have no shyness, you're gonna

00:18:22 --> 00:18:23

do whatever you wanna do.

00:18:25 --> 00:18:26

The form here,

00:18:27 --> 00:18:29

is like he's informing you of something. You

00:18:29 --> 00:18:30

can say, no, that's not true.

00:18:31 --> 00:18:32

That's called

00:18:35 --> 00:18:37

but the meaning is the meaning

00:18:38 --> 00:18:39


00:18:40 --> 00:18:42

like if you don't have any shyness

00:18:43 --> 00:18:44

you can do whatever you're gonna do, but

00:18:44 --> 00:18:45

you're gonna get in trouble.

00:18:50 --> 00:18:51

Also the opposite,

00:18:54 --> 00:18:55

For example,

00:18:58 --> 00:18:59

It looks like

00:19:00 --> 00:19:02

it's Al Khabr but actually it's called I

00:19:02 --> 00:19:03

haven't taught you about talked to you about

00:19:03 --> 00:19:05

this or taught you this because it's later

00:19:05 --> 00:19:07

on down the line. Its meaning is meaning

00:19:07 --> 00:19:07

a command.

00:19:08 --> 00:19:09

What is?

00:19:10 --> 00:19:12

Is a phrase which you can accept or

00:19:12 --> 00:19:13


00:19:14 --> 00:19:15

In Arabic

00:19:15 --> 00:19:18

is a phrase in law and rhetoric that

00:19:18 --> 00:19:21

you can't affirm it or deny it. For

00:19:21 --> 00:19:24

example, if I say, Suhaib is in

00:19:24 --> 00:19:25

New York City,

00:19:26 --> 00:19:28

you can say, no. No, he's not.

00:19:28 --> 00:19:29

Yes, he is.

00:19:30 --> 00:19:32

But if I say, yeah, Suhaib,

00:19:33 --> 00:19:35

you can't say that's false or that's true.

00:19:36 --> 00:19:38

If I say to you,

00:19:39 --> 00:19:41

don't pray. You can't say, no, that's a

00:19:41 --> 00:19:43

lie, or if I say to you,

00:19:43 --> 00:19:45

you can't say that's a lie or truthful.

00:19:45 --> 00:19:46

That's called.

00:19:47 --> 00:19:47


00:19:51 --> 00:19:52


00:19:52 --> 00:19:54

Mahmoud used to tell me he preferred to

00:19:54 --> 00:19:54


00:19:57 --> 00:19:59

talk about it in the future.

00:19:59 --> 00:20:00

Same thing here.

00:20:01 --> 00:20:02


00:20:02 --> 00:20:04

the is a

00:20:04 --> 00:20:05

inform informative

00:20:06 --> 00:20:06


00:20:07 --> 00:20:10

that you can deny or reject. Tells

00:20:12 --> 00:20:12


00:20:14 --> 00:20:15

a order, a question,

00:20:15 --> 00:20:16

a command,

00:20:19 --> 00:20:20

even a dua. Calling someone. We'll talk about

00:20:20 --> 00:20:21

all of those in the future

00:20:22 --> 00:20:23

especially in rhetoric.

00:20:29 --> 00:20:29

For example,

00:20:35 --> 00:20:36

verse number

00:20:37 --> 00:20:40

233. Allah says that the mothers should breastfeed

00:20:40 --> 00:20:40


00:20:41 --> 00:20:41


00:20:42 --> 00:20:43


00:20:43 --> 00:20:46

their kids. That's but the meaning is

00:20:47 --> 00:20:50

that women mothers must breastfeed their children.

00:20:52 --> 00:20:54

Another example, the statement of saying

00:20:57 --> 00:20:59

that a a woman

00:21:00 --> 00:21:02

doesn't marry another woman. You could say, no.

00:21:02 --> 00:21:03

No. Women do,

00:21:04 --> 00:21:05

but the meaning is.

00:21:06 --> 00:21:08

It's not allowed for women to marry other

00:21:08 --> 00:21:09


00:21:09 --> 00:21:11

There's a debate among some scholars about the

00:21:11 --> 00:21:12

verse, laikhora

00:21:13 --> 00:21:13


00:21:14 --> 00:21:16

Is it chabr or inshaah?

00:21:16 --> 00:21:19

If it's insha, it means you are not

00:21:19 --> 00:21:22

allowed to impose Islam on anyone.

00:21:23 --> 00:21:25

If it's haber, it means that in the

00:21:25 --> 00:21:28

religion of Islam, there's no compulsion,

00:21:28 --> 00:21:30

so you can see the differences here.

00:21:31 --> 00:21:33

The differences here. So

00:21:34 --> 00:21:35

let's quickly go through the 16

00:21:36 --> 00:21:37

that we went through.

00:21:38 --> 00:21:40

If you're smart, you're gonna memorize these, and

00:21:40 --> 00:21:41

only the first one

00:21:41 --> 00:21:42

is really

00:21:43 --> 00:21:45

important to us in the context of what

00:21:45 --> 00:21:46


00:21:46 --> 00:21:47

but, also, it's important

00:21:53 --> 00:21:55

It's important that we know something so we

00:21:55 --> 00:21:57

can affirm it or also recognize no that's

00:21:57 --> 00:21:58

not correct.

00:21:59 --> 00:22:00

So both there's duality

00:23:40 --> 00:23:43

meaning the second issue related to,

00:23:45 --> 00:23:46

the form

00:23:47 --> 00:23:49

and meanings of the commands. Whenever you hear

00:23:49 --> 00:23:49

the word

00:23:50 --> 00:23:52

in in the classical system,

00:23:52 --> 00:23:54

this means that there are evidences that are

00:23:54 --> 00:23:55

being disputed.

00:23:56 --> 00:23:57

That's why people make a mistake when they

00:23:57 --> 00:23:58

say in this masala

00:23:59 --> 00:24:01

according to this madhab but they have no

00:24:01 --> 00:24:02

evidences, then they wouldn't call it masala.

00:24:03 --> 00:24:05

So this shows the person has a problem

00:24:05 --> 00:24:06

with understanding

00:24:08 --> 00:24:09

understanding terminology.

00:24:09 --> 00:24:11

This is one of the biggest problems we

00:24:11 --> 00:24:12

find, especially for those restricted,

00:24:14 --> 00:24:14


00:24:15 --> 00:24:16

not just

00:24:17 --> 00:24:18

non Arabic languages,

00:24:19 --> 00:24:22

but as you've seen here, not understanding specific

00:24:22 --> 00:24:23

terminology of the science.

00:24:30 --> 00:24:30


00:24:31 --> 00:24:32

the order

00:24:33 --> 00:24:35

and the other forms of the order that

00:24:35 --> 00:24:35

we talked about

00:24:39 --> 00:24:41

We talked about some of those different

00:24:55 --> 00:24:56

Most said they're 4.

00:24:57 --> 00:24:59

Four things can equate to a command, although

00:24:59 --> 00:25:00


00:25:00 --> 00:25:02

said 7. We'll talk about that in the

00:25:02 --> 00:25:03


00:25:05 --> 00:25:05


00:25:12 --> 00:25:13

He says that

00:25:15 --> 00:25:16

in the first

00:25:16 --> 00:25:17

that we talked about other

00:25:18 --> 00:25:19

16. We name

00:25:21 --> 00:25:23

and the rest the other 15

00:25:29 --> 00:25:32

we ask Allah to increase us in.

00:25:34 --> 00:25:35

Actually, I think it's good if we read

00:25:35 --> 00:25:37

this just so you can see.

00:25:38 --> 00:25:39

It's really beautiful, man.

00:26:04 --> 00:26:05

You feed a nadeb.

00:26:06 --> 00:26:08

He said no, that it's hakeqa fin nadeb,

00:26:08 --> 00:26:12

that the command is literal when it's coming

00:26:12 --> 00:26:15

to the recommended and and everything else even

00:26:15 --> 00:26:15

the obligatory.

00:26:18 --> 00:26:20

The word the form is what's called

00:26:22 --> 00:26:22

which means

00:26:23 --> 00:26:25

that this the one who said it is

00:26:25 --> 00:26:26


00:26:26 --> 00:26:27


00:26:27 --> 00:26:29

or it's it's weak.

00:26:30 --> 00:26:31

That's why I have to be careful sometimes

00:26:31 --> 00:26:33

as you're reading books in Arabic and you

00:26:33 --> 00:26:33

just come across

00:26:35 --> 00:26:36

and you tell people or people would tell

00:26:36 --> 00:26:38

you, man, this is an opinion.

00:26:40 --> 00:26:43

A weak form, a sick form, meaning no

00:26:43 --> 00:26:44

no don't rely on it. We have a

00:26:44 --> 00:26:45

very important axiom.

00:26:48 --> 00:26:50

We should know about weak opinions, but we

00:26:50 --> 00:26:52

don't use them in that way.

00:26:54 --> 00:26:55

It it is said

00:26:56 --> 00:26:59

that it means permissibility and the rest are

00:26:59 --> 00:26:59


00:27:03 --> 00:27:05

When I talk about in the future inshallah

00:27:07 --> 00:27:08

we talk about

00:27:11 --> 00:27:13

but here what it means is that there's

00:27:13 --> 00:27:13

a shared

00:27:14 --> 00:27:15

between nadab

00:27:15 --> 00:27:16

and wujub

00:27:16 --> 00:27:18

and everything else is

00:27:23 --> 00:27:23

What is

00:27:24 --> 00:27:25


00:27:25 --> 00:27:26

and what

00:27:27 --> 00:27:28

he means by

00:27:28 --> 00:27:30

is that there is a shared

00:27:31 --> 00:27:33

portion between the 2, between

00:27:34 --> 00:27:35


00:27:35 --> 00:27:37

What is the shared portion here?

00:27:38 --> 00:27:39

The request

00:27:41 --> 00:27:43

So they're saying that is

00:27:44 --> 00:27:45

and everything else is

00:27:46 --> 00:27:48

Someone said this. We don't know who

00:27:49 --> 00:27:50

or they're not worth mentioning.

00:28:07 --> 00:28:08


00:28:17 --> 00:28:18

And what that means?

00:28:25 --> 00:28:27

I said earlier, then he gets to the

00:28:27 --> 00:28:28

statement of Imam Abuhamad

00:28:30 --> 00:28:31

and he says

00:28:34 --> 00:28:36

right? That there is a

00:28:37 --> 00:28:37


00:28:38 --> 00:28:39

one of them is

00:28:40 --> 00:28:41

and one of them isn't.

00:28:42 --> 00:28:43

We don't know which one it is. So,

00:28:43 --> 00:28:44

Imam Abu Hamadi did

00:28:45 --> 00:28:47

of course this goes against the majority.

00:28:52 --> 00:28:54

And it is said also that it is

00:28:54 --> 00:28:54


00:28:55 --> 00:28:56

between 3

00:28:59 --> 00:29:00

and Al Ibaaha.

00:29:04 --> 00:29:06

Said that it's shared between all of the

00:29:06 --> 00:29:08

5 major rulings of Islam.

00:29:09 --> 00:29:10

Then watch what he does here, and this

00:29:10 --> 00:29:12

is the old style of these writers. He

00:29:12 --> 00:29:13


00:29:15 --> 00:29:17

In in support of what what we say

00:29:17 --> 00:29:19

is that it's only

00:29:19 --> 00:29:21

literal when it comes to

00:29:22 --> 00:29:25

the command of an obligation. Everything else is

00:29:25 --> 00:29:26

in majes. This is the opinion of the

00:29:26 --> 00:29:27

majority of

00:29:35 --> 00:29:37

Allah test Judah and Murtuk. Look how they

00:29:37 --> 00:29:38

use the Quran.

00:29:39 --> 00:29:40

He quotes a sort of a

00:29:41 --> 00:29:43

rough yeah. Sort of Araf here. Verse number

00:29:43 --> 00:29:43


00:29:44 --> 00:29:47

Allah is talking to Shaitan. He said, what

00:29:47 --> 00:29:48

prohibited you?

00:29:49 --> 00:29:51

Judah from prostrating

00:29:53 --> 00:29:55

when I commanded you.

00:29:57 --> 00:29:58

So here is the word

00:30:01 --> 00:30:02

I commanded you

00:30:03 --> 00:30:05

and here the meaning is

00:30:05 --> 00:30:07

you didn't obey the command.

00:30:07 --> 00:30:08

Obviously, then the command

00:30:09 --> 00:30:10


00:30:11 --> 00:30:13

an obligation, obligatory.

00:30:14 --> 00:30:15

And this is the

00:30:16 --> 00:30:17

literal meaning of the word.

00:30:37 --> 00:30:40

Verse number 48 now. The very bottom.

00:30:43 --> 00:30:43


00:30:44 --> 00:30:46

when it is said to them

00:30:47 --> 00:30:47


00:30:48 --> 00:30:49

when it is said to them

00:30:49 --> 00:30:51

bow, make

00:30:52 --> 00:30:53

they didn't do

00:30:54 --> 00:30:54


00:30:55 --> 00:30:56


00:31:05 --> 00:31:07

That's why they're going to *.

00:31:11 --> 00:31:12

Said the imam

00:31:14 --> 00:31:15


00:31:16 --> 00:31:18

that, you know, it's very clear that the

00:31:18 --> 00:31:20

issue here is that they left the command

00:31:21 --> 00:31:22

of Allah Subhanahu

00:31:22 --> 00:31:24

Wa Ta'ala. So just a few examples. I

00:31:24 --> 00:31:26

don't wanna read all of this because it

00:31:26 --> 00:31:27

goes on and on and on and on,

00:31:27 --> 00:31:28

but it's very interesting

00:31:29 --> 00:31:31

But what I wanted you to take from

00:31:31 --> 00:31:33

this lesson, number 1 is to to see

00:31:34 --> 00:31:35

kinda what's in front of us

00:31:36 --> 00:31:40

and how great our scholarship is. How we

00:31:40 --> 00:31:41

should be confident

00:31:41 --> 00:31:42

in our scholarship.

00:31:42 --> 00:31:45

Oftentimes, the doubts of the Muslims are related

00:31:45 --> 00:31:47

to what they are told about their scholarship

00:31:47 --> 00:31:50

instead of having firsthand experience and engagement and

00:31:50 --> 00:31:53

the level of thinking about faith, man, and

00:31:53 --> 00:31:55

the practice of law.

00:31:55 --> 00:31:58

I mean, this runs counter and current to

00:31:58 --> 00:32:00

the, you know, current streams of today. It's

00:32:00 --> 00:32:00


00:32:01 --> 00:32:02

and it will teach us

00:32:03 --> 00:32:05

how to be much more refined in our

00:32:05 --> 00:32:07

thinking and respectful of the text. So we

00:32:07 --> 00:32:09

went through these 16 different meanings

00:32:10 --> 00:32:11

of commands and we said the only one

00:32:11 --> 00:32:12

which is

00:32:13 --> 00:32:13

is the

00:32:15 --> 00:32:17

first and this can we're gonna stop here

00:32:17 --> 00:32:20

our discussions on commands but we'll pick up

00:32:20 --> 00:32:21

in the future especially as we get into

00:32:21 --> 00:32:24

these kind of texts which I hope Allah

00:32:24 --> 00:32:25

will give us

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