Suhaib Webb – Usul al Fiqh Lesson Nine Usul alFiqh (laqabi) & Its Applications

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The history and meaning behind "IT" and "IT" in Arabic is discussed, with "IT" used to describe actions and events and "IT" used to describe actions or events. The speakers also discuss the responsibility of learning and utilizing Masuliatun Umay granted, which is irresponsible, and the differences between the actions of the Prophet and the actions of the people of Madina. The actions of the Prophet are clearly stated in the text, while the actions of the people of Madina are stated in the text. The qualifications of the people who can use the evidence to come to a proper conclusion and how they can benefit from the meaning are also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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This has a history with me, Alhamdulillah, this

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That I'll explain hopefully in the future, but

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welcome. I hope you're doing great. Insha'Allah, safe

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and sound and your families

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and your loved ones are doing well.

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So he says,

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There's a few points that need to be

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made here.

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Number 1 is, the turuk

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is very different than, for example, if you're

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in Al Azhar now studying, you know that

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if you're not Hanafi, the Maqkar is Al

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Minhaj of Sayna Imam Al Qadi Al Baydawi

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with the explanation of Sayna Imam al Isnaawi

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al Shafi'i Rahimu Allah.

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And we know that Imam Abu Baidawi and

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other scholars of Usulufirq, they say

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Right? That usurufakk is knowing

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the dalail

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in a general way.

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Imam Al Asnawi

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offers important criticism that shows us the genius

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of Abu Ishaq al Shirazi and Imam Al

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And the

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incredible depth of the Arabic language they possess

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their knowledge

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it. That they didn't say

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they said Okay. Why? Because the word daleel

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according to the majority of the Usuleen, as

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I heard from doctor Abdul Salam Alatiyaq al

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who taught us in the quality of sharia,

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is that

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the word daleel or adillah

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means according to the scholars of Usul of

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Firth, the majority

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something which is definitive.

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So if

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he would have contradicted what he said earlier

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when he said that

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That firk is the process of extracting rulings

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with ishtihad.

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Because ishtihad is not something which is definitive.

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Right? It is a process which is based

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on like,

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And engagement and research and theory.

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text or no text,

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That scholarship process

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makes this not

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completely sacred.

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The process is sacred, but the outcome is

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negotiable. Meaning you don't have to, I don't

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have to agree. You don't have to agree

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with someone if it's based on istihad, if

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we follow someone else's istihad who is credible.

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So here we

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The second

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is that he does not condition

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He doesn't say

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That is

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And that's very, very profound as I heard

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from one of my teachers because

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the other scholars, some of them say,

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to know. So that means that the usula

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are predicated on us knowing them.

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But Sayna Imam Al Haramain and the majority

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of Usuli'in from, Al Mutakalimin, they say, la,

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la, la.

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Usur Al Fakk is here whether people know

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it or not. And that means that, masha'Allah,

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the responsibility

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of learning and employing these

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Umayyah right is irresponsible of the Ummah of

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the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Fa'aina manuhamilhadihil

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Who's the person that's going to engage and

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utilize these usula until the end of time?

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And we'll talk about this more towards the

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end of the text when we talk about

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are there any more Mujtahids left?

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You know, sometimes we hear people irresponsibly say,

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there's no scholars, there's no ishtiha, there's no

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Khalas, and there's no deen.

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So Imam Al Haramain

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Rahimu Hola, he says,

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like my janky readers,

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means that there is a general recognition of

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what these

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non definitive and definitive

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evidences are.

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That's why Sayyidina Imam al Hatab, he says,

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The statement of imam al Haramay. And then

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between what and usul is a statement of

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al haqqab

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which you find in this book.

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These are the ways that are gonna lead

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you to

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What does he mean by

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In a general way. Then he gives examples,

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You know for example, is a command.

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There are 8 opinions amongst the Usuli'im.

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Ijma'ad to know this. It's like general, you

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know this.

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It's like a general kind of thing.

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What does the action of the Prophet mean?

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There's tashriya,

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gairo tashriya, it's more aqada, it's not more

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and so on and so

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Walhas walmujmal

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Right? Universal text, specific text, walmujmal, ambiguous text

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So so like these kind of things are

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gonna fall under like a general knowledge, not

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specific. The amr means this, the nahi means

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this, the action of the prophet means this,

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qiyas means this, ijmaj means this. That's different

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than Ara Sabir tafsir.

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Ara Sabir tafsir specifically is fiqh.

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As I said earlier, then Imam Al Habab

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says like, does does a command mean that

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it's an obligation?

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Does a prohibition mean that it is forbidden?

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And then there's this general kind of engagement,

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are the rest of these things proof or

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not like the actions of the people of

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Madina? We'll talk about it in the future.

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Will talk about it in the future. Will

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talk about

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in the future, and so on and so

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more things to come, Al Haqqab says. Then

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here Al Haqqab says something important. The difference

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And he said,

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is different than fiqh

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because the tawrq of fiqh are specific to

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and situations,

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and they come with descriptions,

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right, that cause you to arrive to certain

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And that is that the tariq,

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right, the methods of fiqh,

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the evidences and so on and so forth

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of fiqh lead to specific

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specific situations.

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And those turuk

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guide us to the ruling of that specific

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situation. So was dealing with the text,

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the evidences,

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whether definitive

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or not definitive, whether textual

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or not specifically textual

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The specific issue. So

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he gives a few examples.

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So fiqh is going to be something which

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clearly coming from a text without

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or there's ishihad involved or there is,

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something which is going on between the intellect

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of the scholar, the issue and the texts.

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Allah says establish

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The al Suri is gonna look at

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Right? This text means obligation. The Fakkir is

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gonna say this text

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proof that establishing

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prayer is an obligation and somebody who doesn't

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do it makes himself eligible for punishment, and

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someone who does makes himself eligible for reward.

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Right? This means this this is a nahi.

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The faqir is gonna say this is a

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text which shows the act of adultery is

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forbidden and makes someone eligible for *, and

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someone who leaves it, inshallah, will be rewarded.

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The prophet is praying in the Kaaba. Is

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it Mu'akada? Is it

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Nadab, Skarav Firkh is gonna say this is

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this kind of sunnah this kind of sunnah

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blah blah blah blah. Details.

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There's a consensus

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that the daughter of someone's son gets a

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if the deceased daughter is still there without

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the asab,

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So they're gonna say,

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you feed

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you feed.

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There's ijma on this, so that means,

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according to Osuli, this evidence means obligatory.

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The Faqid is gonna say as it explained

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Right. So rice and bhur, there's kliya that

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they are what?

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that rice

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and burr are the same.

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You feed

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according to the one who's making whatever he

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not permissibility, whatever.

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But the

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is going to go into detail on the

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So it's like these are specific evidences that

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he gave.

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Right? The actual specifics of the evidence, you're

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not gonna find in Usur Ufil. The sources

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of the evidence, you're gonna find in the

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books of Usur Ufil.

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So he's modeling these deep discussions in the

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hamash here

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are firk.

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The understanding what I wrote on the side

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of them from doctor Abdul Salam Al Atiq

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How do you how do you understand these

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evidence to be employed? Does

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Does to do, wajib not to do?

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And then he says,

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after this, and

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what are the qualifications of the person?

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How do you seek

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these things for evidences?

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How do you

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Baidawi says,

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How do you benefit from the meaning istila?

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So I have issues in my mind and

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I need to use these evidences. How do

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I use them

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to come to a proper conclusion? How do

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I use istila to come to the daleel?

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And then the last part is Halal Mustafi.

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What are the qualifications

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of the person who can do that? That's

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what we're gonna talk about for the rest

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of the book.

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