Suhaib Webb – Transforming Emotion into Action- A Call for Change

Suhaib Webb
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The speaker discusses the idea that protest and the movement in protest are rooted in emotions and moral norms. They also mention a famous hadith about evil behavior and how it is a result of actions and speech. The speaker suggests that the lack of a strong point of view for Sunni'sology may indicate a weak point of view.
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We want to think about from protest to

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process as being rooted ideally in some type

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of emotion, some type of moral, if you

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will, instability that then compels us to move.

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The Prophet ﷺ linked this to movement in

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the famous hadith where he says if you

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see an evil, obviously if someone recognizes evil,

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that's a moral judgment as well as a

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sharia judgment, that now is compelling them to

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one of three things, right?

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If man ra'a minkum munkaran, whoever from

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amongst you sees munkar, something which is detestable

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and evil, fa liyaghayyiru biyadi, they let them

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change it with their hand, and if not

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with their hand, then with their speech, and

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if not with their speech, with their heart,

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wa dhariqa adhaafu liman.

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But the point is that there was a

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movement in that person, a moral, if you

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will, fault line was broken that compelled them

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to act.

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So this idea that feeling upset, feeling angry,

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feeling sad is somehow a sign of weak

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iman does not align with Sunni theology.

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