Suhaib Webb – The Supplications of Islam Part One Introduction

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The importance of worship, specifically the act of worship, is emphasized. Shrouds of worship, the use of words and ideas to build a message, and learning and practicing the concept are key to building a message. The historical context of Ayni's book, which is a book about the remembachment of Allah, is discussed, along with the use of words like "we" and "has been" to describe the book's meaning. constructive criticism, engagement, and the concept of constructive criticism are emphasized, along with the use of words like "we" and "has been."
AI: Transcript ©
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Created us for worship. He says in the

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Uma khalaqotul jinnawa insa ila riabodun. I did

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not create human beings in jinn except to

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worship me.

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And we know

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that one of the forms of worship

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which is shared

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by all creation,

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whether it's angels,

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is things like bacteria, plants, birds and animals.

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Whether it's human beings, whether it's the jinn,

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the shayateen,

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or the jinn who are mutminin.

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One of the acts of worship,

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which exists between all of us,

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is dhikr.

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Allahu Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, the beginning of Surat

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Baqarah mentions that the angels say,

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We, we praise you, we glorify you, we

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magnify you.

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referring to things that we can't see and

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animals and birds and all of creation that

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we don't communicate with. He says they praise

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Allah, we

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understand tasbihahum.

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How they mention and praise him, subhanahu wa

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala mentions the jinn, the

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believing jinn in Nasami Ana Quran

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Ana Ajayba.

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Right? We have heard an incredible Quran.

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And even Iblis,

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He makes dua.

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He asked Allah

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to give him respite.

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And also we know the Shayateen.

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Even though for them, it's not worship in

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the same sense of our worship. The point

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I'm making is that even the evil jinn

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and Iblis

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know that they have to acknowledge Allah through

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his remembrance.

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So the Hadith of Sayna Abi Huray

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who this man kept coming to him in

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the form of a person,

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and trying to steal zakat from him.

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And finally he said, I will take you

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to the messenger of Allah.

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And he said, 'If you don't take me

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to the messenger of Allah, I will tell

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something.' And he told him about Ayatul Kursi.

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Whoever reads Ayatul Kursi will be protected from

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the Shayateen.

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From the devils. And the next day, he

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went to the messenger of Allah, salallahu alaihi

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wa sallam.

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And he told him what happened, and he

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Like he he said the truth but he's

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a liar. Like that was a shaitan.

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We learned from that that even shaitan knows

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the fada'il and the fawaid

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of the dhikr of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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And then there's you and I.

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So subhanAllah, all creation,

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subhanAllah, remembers Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Allahu Akbar.

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And that is an evidence for the greatness

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of this act of worship.

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Such that Saydah Aisha said that the prophet

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Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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remembered Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala in every situation.

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Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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For that reason, even though this isn't a

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main course that we teach in our core

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curriculum here at Swiss.

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I felt it was important to go through

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a text that covers

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the major remembrances and supplications of Islam.

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How can you benefit from this course?

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Number 1 is you want to, of course,

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the videos, watch the vlog version.

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You want to take advantage of any of

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the multimedia opportunities that I solely post for

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you. You want to try to memorize some

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of the supplications that you feel are very

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important and say them throughout the week and

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monitor yourself.

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And you can follow-up with me in our

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live sessions and say, listen,

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you know, I want you to listen to

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me. Am I saying it correctly?

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And then also the lesson plans that are

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there for you, you can use those to

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teach people. And you can use those to

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engage people insha'Allah.

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So, following the videos, taking advantage of all

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the multimedia resources,

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memorizing and learning and remembering for yourself, Can

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do it as a couple, as a family,

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as an MSA,

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as a halaqa.

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Number 3, making sure that you utilize the

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lesson plans in your own

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constructive thought, as well as if you're teaching

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other people and then number 4,

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is engaging me. So insha Allahu Ta'ala, we're

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going to begin with a book called, Al'alam

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Al Hayyib.

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is a word which means a sign. A

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held by an army is Alam Al Mujaysh.

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That's why Allah

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says Alhamdulillahi

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means signs because everything

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Everything as we discussed

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and continue to discuss in our aqidah track

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is an evidence for the existence of Allah.

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Al Hayib

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is youheb, right? We say hayba.

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And Hayib is the one who has reverence

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and fear of something.

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Someone who, who, who, who, the sign of

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reverence and fear is this book.

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So this book is like a flag, if

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you will. A sign, an indicator

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that someone has haybatullah.

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That someone has the reverence of Allah

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through their remembrance of Allah.

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So, Al-'alam

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Al hayyab fi sharh.

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And Sharah means the explanation. So what we

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learn now is there's 2 books that we're

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reading from. One is the explanation

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of another book. We know that Sharah in

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shirah means to expand.

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Sayyidina Musa, of course, has quoted Rabi Sh

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Rahli Sadri.

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Allah says to Sayyidina Muhammad

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alaihis salam Aram nashora laqasadarak.

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So the first verse,

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prophet Moses is asking Allah to give sha

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of his chest, Expand his chest and make

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things clear for him.

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And Allah who, subhanahu wa ta'ala, says to

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Have we not expanded

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your chest? So,

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means to take an existing text

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and to expand on it, to edit it,

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to constructively criticize it. And then of course

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know its its its positives as well as

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build on its existing,

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lessons and so on and so forth. And

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then of course, I will be adding for

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the majority of it, my own explanation.

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Ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala even though I

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am completely,

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unqualified to do so to give me tawfeeq

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So the writer of the book, Al-'Adham Al

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Hayyb is the 9th century scholar,

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Imam Badurdeen

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Al Ayni.

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Imam Al Ayni, Masha'Allah, was from the great

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scholars of the Hanafi Madhab.

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He explained Sahih al Bukhari, umda Tulkari.

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He explained Al Hidayah,

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Al Binayah

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which is a great book, of course famous

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book in the Hanafi Medheb.

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Al Maqasir and Nahuya Fisha,

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Fisha Al Alfiya.

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He explained a great book of course in

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in Arabic grammar, Alfiya to Nimatic, the Shawahid

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of that book, the the the proofs for

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the Arabic language. Actually he wrote like more

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than 25 books man. He was he was

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definitely G status, mashallah.

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An OG from the ulama. And he was

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born actually in southern Turkey

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and because of that he spoke many languages.

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He migrated eventually

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to Egypt and he was used there in

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many different ways because of his prowess in

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and his brilliance.

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And he lived a full life and he

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actually died around 90 years old. So he's

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born around, you know, 755,

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I think. And he dies around 840,

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you know, 8:44.

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Some, somewhere in that area, 8:46,

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kind of in this area.

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He was a contemporary of imam ibn Hajj

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al Aspalani, of course those of us who

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know that, it's interesting.

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And and others.

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The book that he's explaining is called Al

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Kalim Al Payib, which was written by the

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great 8 century scholar, Imam Ibn Taymiyyah.

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And the reason that I find this interesting

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is that if we were alive today, imam,

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al Ayni would be kind of like more

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on the Sufi traditional side. And of course,

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imam ibn Ataymiyyah would be more on say

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the Salafi side.

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And what's remarkable

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is we don't appreciate history as Sunnis, and

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we don't understand how we are constantly being

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encouraged to hate each other.

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And if we were to look back at

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our history, we'll find that scholars may have

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vehemently disagreed with one another, but they they

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understood that they were brothers. Right? They understood

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that they were sisters. They understood that they

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were an ummah. And an ummah doesn't always

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get along. So I felt that one thing

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we can take from this book is the

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idea of constructive criticism,

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constructive engagement. But then at the same time

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met with respect,

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which also is key to being someone who

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from the remembrance,

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of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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And that's why the Sheykh he says,

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He said, you know, it's very rare

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that you can find

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someone who finds good in the mistakes of

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people. Like, they're able to see through that.

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the, the, the peep Mosaiwiya, the people who

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always find mistakes, like that's nothing special. But

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that comes from everybody. That's something that equally

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is shared amongst the people.

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And then he he begins, and this is

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where we're gonna start his explanation of the

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So he says, Bismillahir Rahmaanur Rahim

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with the name of Allah, the most gracious,

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the most merciful. Then he mentions of course

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this is from the Sunnun of the 'ulama,

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empty ther and emulating,

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the Quran and emulating the Sunnun of the

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prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam.

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Know, every important matter that is not commenced

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with Bismillah is going to be short.

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cut off,

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from Ejer and from blessings.

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So after saying Bismillahrahmandurhim,

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Imam Ibn Taymiyyah says, Alhamdulillahi

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was salaamun

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ladeen astafah.

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He says Alhamdulillahi.

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is translated

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as praise.

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And you know, that gets the meaning there.

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scholars notice some really beautiful things that I

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thought I would share. And it's interesting that

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he begins with Alhamdulillah,

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as though to denote like the purpose of

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the book is the remembrance of Allah. And

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also again, following the way of the Quran.

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So the ulama they said,

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Meaning that alhamd

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is to pray something because you recognize its

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To recognize its greatness. To recognize and to

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be in awe of it.

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Not from the angle of, like, joking around

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or jest, but to sincerely be overawed by

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Now, sometimes people ask what's the difference between

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Shukr in Arabic means to be thankful.

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Alhamdu means to pray something out of awe.

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tawdeen. Oh minjihetit tawdeen.

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So many 'ulama,

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this is something very beautiful that Alhamd

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an act of cognition and faith that is

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through speech.

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And that's why Allahu Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala in

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Surat Israa,

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verse 111,

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he says

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say Alhamdulillah

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And that's why we find for example in

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the Quran

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Alhamdulillahi khalaqasamaawati

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Noor. Sot Al An'am, 6th chapter of the

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talking about the incredible

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nature and awe of creation.

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We say alhamd.

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People who enter into paradise.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala quotes them in Surat

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Al Araf. They will say

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Something incredible.

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Allah mentions hamt

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in correlation to night and day, darkness and

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Then he mentions al hamt here the people

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of Jannah, that they were guided because

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Allah took them from the darkness of Kufr

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and Dunya, and brought them into light of

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Iman and Jannah. Allahu Akbar.

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So, the external

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light of the sun,

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and the night and the day, is a

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cause of alhamd

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and the spiritual

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And being brought into guidance, just like how

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the sun shines light on the earth,

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is also brought about by saying Alhamd.

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But the point is both of them are

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to the one who guided us to this

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because we could not guided ourselves.

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when we talk about

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alhamd, it's rooted in ma'arifah.

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Ma'arifah to shei

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to understand something and to understand its incredible

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Shukr, thankfulness,

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is seen as something which is greater than

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just an expression of the tongue,

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But also Shukr is seen as an act.

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And that's why in Surat Al Saba

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verse 13,

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Allahu Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says,

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O Dawud

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and your family

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perform thankfulness.

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So it's not restricted.

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Like so, thankfulness

00:14:22 --> 00:14:25

touches on all of our actions, subhanAllah.

00:14:26 --> 00:14:27

All of the the khair

00:14:28 --> 00:14:30

that that we can do on our limbs,

00:14:30 --> 00:14:31

to our speech,

00:14:32 --> 00:14:33

is a form

00:14:34 --> 00:14:36

of Shukr. SubhanAllah.

00:14:37 --> 00:14:38

Of course also,

00:14:39 --> 00:14:41

the idea that shukr mokabarat

00:14:41 --> 00:14:44

nama. So most scholars will say that shukr

00:14:44 --> 00:14:45

is in response

00:14:46 --> 00:14:48

to recognizing something good.

00:14:49 --> 00:14:50

So shukr

00:14:51 --> 00:14:53

is based on Ma'arifatul nahma.

00:14:53 --> 00:14:55

Understanding nahma.

00:14:55 --> 00:14:56


00:14:56 --> 00:14:57

is based on ma'arifatutta'udim.

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Hamd is rooted in knowing something's incredible.

00:15:03 --> 00:15:04


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So, yeah, and he's very beautiful if you

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think about it. And the prophet salAllahu alayhi

00:15:08 --> 00:15:09

wa sallam said,

00:15:11 --> 00:15:14

Right? To be thankful to Allah who fills

00:15:15 --> 00:15:16

the scales.

00:15:16 --> 00:15:18

Gonna stop here insha'Allah. Next time we'll pick

00:15:18 --> 00:15:20

it up and start to read from the

00:15:20 --> 00:15:21


00:15:22 --> 00:15:24

that Imam Ibn Taymiyyah and Imam Al Aani

00:15:24 --> 00:15:25


00:15:25 --> 00:15:28

Because these verses of Quran that he mentions

00:15:28 --> 00:15:31

before going into the hadith about dua and

00:15:31 --> 00:15:31


00:15:32 --> 00:15:33

Show us the etiquette

00:15:34 --> 00:15:34


00:15:35 --> 00:15:36

dua and dhikr.

00:15:37 --> 00:15:39

Show us the importance of dua and dhikr.

00:15:40 --> 00:15:41

Show us,

00:15:43 --> 00:15:43

the general

00:15:44 --> 00:15:44


00:15:45 --> 00:15:47

application of dua and dhikr,

00:15:48 --> 00:15:51

whether in good times or bad times, whether

00:15:51 --> 00:15:53

in a group or whether in alone,

00:15:53 --> 00:15:56

as well as the proper etiquette and edeb

00:15:56 --> 00:15:58

when we remember Allah and supplicate Allah.

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