Suhaib Webb – The Role of Institutions and Ulama in Muslim Societies

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the negative impact of collation on society, citing the assumption that everything is destroyed and people are conditioned to be flooded by dams. The speaker warns of the danger of false assumptions and the potential for people to be conditioned to push things forward.
AI: Transcript ©
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There is an assumption

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because of dictatorships in the Muslim world

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that the academic flavor is gone. The Azhar

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is done. Medina is done. Everything is destroyed.

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This is the outcome of colonality

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because colonality wants you to destroy

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your institutions.

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Because when you have no institutions,

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it's you have no protection anymore. That's why

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we have to be very careful of people

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who all they do is attack with the

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just institutions

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and shirk imams because it is part of

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the poi of sheitbar to remove away their

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protective barriers. The dam that protects you from

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kufa and being astray are the ulama. If

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you have no trust in the ulama, you're

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gonna be flooded by this dunya.

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Doesn't mean all ulama, but some of them

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of course they have problems.

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But then the juul So one of the

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assumptions is, you know, I was to ask,

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Oh, somebody told me, you know, it would

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have been better if you went you know,

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you did just didn't go.

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I didn't go in.

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Really, like, this is the this so, again,

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it undermines utility. It undermines growth. It undermines

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the ability to push it forward.

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