Suhaib Webb – How Faith Empowers Change in Our Communities
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It's very empowering,
very liberating. And we as Muslims, we have
a mandate. This is called Carmel and Islam
Where people just argue about me using mortgages
and this and that. Go to Andalus. Go
to Mallorca, the islands.
69% of the water that still comes to
them were built by Muslim engineers in the
10th century. They won't argue about how long
your Thobe is.
A a a defeated community
turns particulars
into the big issues.
Because it doesn't have a mandate. It doesn't
feel confident. W did what I talked about
double consciousness. Is that double consciousness when when
us that we have to stop thinking about
making other people happy not in the sense
of the irresponsibility.
But we also have religious obligations, like to
bring good to people. Look at DC now.
People die everyday getting shot.
We have a methamphetamine problem, I believe. You
know, across the country, we have many physicians
open up clinics. Look at Muslims do a
great work. I'm the left. I have a
mandate for goodness.