Suhaib Webb – The Power of Marifah- Discovering True Repentance and Bravery in Allah – Inspirational Reminder

Suhaib Webb
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Speaker 1 describes a person who has "ma'am of Allah" and hasn't spoken since returning to Islam. They claim to be brave and do not sell out because they believe in Allah's actions. Speaker 1 also mentions someone who has "ma'am of Allah" and hasn't spoken since returning to Islam.
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The last example, alhamdulillah, that we'll mention is

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somebody that has ma'rifah of Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala is not only someone who

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is repenting and turning back to Allah also

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brave, they don't sell out, they're not blinded

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by the intimidation of this dunya because they

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know that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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