Suhaib Webb – Reading Warsh Practice One The Basmala
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The speaker is introducing a new book and practice component for the rules for the book. They explain the importance of reading the rules before reciting and encourage the audience to pay attention to the reading process. The speaker also introduces a new book and practice component for the rules for the book.
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Let's get to work. If you wanna learn
how to read wash, you have to put
in work. It's not gonna happen if you
do this haphazardly.
So I've added now a practice component for
all the rules so that it's modeled for
you. You're able to lock it in. You're
able to start to read with it. It
will start to recognize things, but you've gotta
work harder than I teach it, or it's
just not gonna happen.
We talked about the rules for basmala,
those 3 different kind of rules that are
out there, and we noted
that within the narration of wash back to
nafir through Azraq,
that the waj and muqaddan
is a sect.
Sayyidina Shatabhi says,
a, their silence, meaning the silence of the
and which is preferred
without breathing.
So what I wanted to do is model
that for you now, and we're going to
start here with.
And as I'm reading, I also want you
to pay attention,
especially where you see these little red
kind of letters and so on and so
forth. Pay attention to how I read those
things. Because later on, if you start to
habituate it and pay attention,
it's gonna be a lot easier for you.
But now what I wanna do is model
sucked for you.
So the scholars of the Quran
agree that everyone has to read the
before they start their recitation
because Allah says
Like, if you wanna read the Quran, say.
Up until now, there's no difference between
This is called
It's different than
Now watch the
Did you hear how I stopped between
without taking a breath?
That's called sept.
Also, you noticed here that I made a
mad. I'm gonna talk about this in actually
the next lesson. This is called mad badal.
Right? For how we're reading it, you're reading
it with me here at Swiss, for Hanukkah.
There's other ways to read it in wash,
but for us, for, and there's a reason
that makes everything easy for us. So just
trust the process.
So here, you notice that I observe.
Also, you notice here I made on the
raw, and there's 2 ways to read this.
But what is preferred is with
but you can also read it with what's
But here,
we're going to observe Badal.
So watch again. Here's Mad Badal also 44.
This should be actually read.
Pay attention to this
It's not
because the
is one of the letters that when it
comes in front of the lamb, it gives
if it makes it heavy.
So here we
Pay attention, how I observe the sat between
the basmara.
So you saw their
Here's not
See? There's no hamza there.
very important.
Very, very important
in this narration
And this is a very important rule for
you to learn if you want to learn
So unlike
where we say,
In wash
Doing good.
We'll continue
watch how I read
in, please, but let me first model this
set for you.
In don't say.
Also, a lot of people do this. It's
not in it's in share. In
All of these, I'm smiling.
Why is it raw
red? Because
in the narration of Saydna
to wash back to Saydna Imam Al Nafir,
Back to Sayna Muhammad.
Wind or Raw has a in front of
it. We read it with
And there is more to come on this,
but just to give you an idea.
Of course, you noticed here a few changes.
There is no.
This is one of the major signs that
someone has no idea what they're talking about
when they start trying to read wars, and
they go
that's called
There's only one place in
that has Imara, and this is insul Taha.
Taha, everything else is taqleel. Taqleel, we have
fat, which is regular,
We have what's called
taqleel, which is between fat
imara. So
So I don't
Also, you notice Talem again is impacted by
the Saied.
Now let's observe this
This is called.
Very similar to what we did earlier.
But what I want you to pay attention
to because I'm gonna go over all these
things with you, but I'm introducing them to
you as we read. Don't be I'm like,
I have to know all this stuff. No.
No. No. No. No. No. But I wanna
approach this
as like I'm introducing you to a neighborhood.
if you have a copy
of, that's another discussion. Which one is the
best one to use? You can take notes.
You can put next to
in a QL.
You can do the same thing.
But let's observe the and watch
the here and here. Sometimes people, they go
but there's no hamza. It's
So here we go. Gonna start here.
Where's the hamza?
Where's the hamza?
This is called Naqal.
So this is a lot. It's happening a
lot. You wanna pay attention, tanween. And after
the tanween is a hamza,
the hamza is gone and you read the
Now you're gonna ask an important question. What
if I go back to sultan Fatiha?
And I prefer my students do that when
they do of Quran
so that, like, we maintain, like, we're not
done we're not done with the Quran until
we die. This, of course, is found in
a hadith of saying that encourages
Do you read the basmalat or not?
So there is a lot more rules around
the basmalat that I don't wanna get into.
I just want you to learn how to
and I wanna take it step by step
by step by step.
And that is that if you
go to a chapter
that precedes the chapter you're reading, there you
you mentioned the basmara.
Because the purpose of the basmara,
this is found also in the Maliki school,
is. Right? It used to tell us, like,
okay. New chapter. New chapter. New chapter. Right?
So if you read, like,
then you went back to say,
you would say
There's differences of opinion on this, but I'm
just keeping it easy. So now the same
thing. If I say,
So alhamduli la, we learned some new things
about water that are coming around the corner.
More importantly, we learned about how to observe
sept. Some people, they do it too short.
I made this mistake early on when I
was reading with my teacher. I'd go like,
He's like, no. No. You have to stop
a little. Right?
So that people know that it's a new
We ask
Allah. I can't wait to start hearing you
guys who are taking this module with me
the of say, no. Wash, don't think you
have to know all the rules to read
to me. You can set up a time
to read to me what you've learned, and
you can tell me this is what I've
learned so far. So that's what we're gonna
work on. May Allah bless you.