Suhaib Webb – Lesson Nine Friends & Companions

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of friendships and relationships in Islam, including companionship and the ability to be around people who are worshippers of Allah Subhan evolution. They also mention the importance of understanding and embracing one's friend's values, especially when it comes to non-M-think people. The speaker emphasizes the need to be around people who do not challenge their values and principles.
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome back to

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our first,

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series on those things that we need to

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understand as fundamental practices to helping us bring

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life, and imen, and taqwa to our hearts.

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And we're reading from the end of a

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poem that we're going to read again

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on theology

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by a sheikh Ahmad Adardir, who wrote actually

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the text I explained in the essentials of

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Islamic faith.

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And the next quality that he's going to

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talk about is companionship.

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When I first embraced

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Al Islam,

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Sheikh Abdulrahman al Balsir Rahim who died just

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a few months ago of COVID 19. Keep

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him and your family in,

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your duas.

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He said to me, if you show me

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your friends, I can show you who you

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And I recently heard from a podcast on

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leadership that your 5 friends will tell you

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why you are or are not

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succeeding in who you want to be in

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The prophet

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he says very beautifully in a famous narration

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which is authentic,

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The man or the woman

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is on the religion of his or her

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So the sheikh now he gets into

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friends, because friends and the people whose company

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we keep

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are triggers to the kind of behavior

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that we want to achieve. You know, there's

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a great

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statement that says, if you want to be,

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you know, a professor, hang around professors. If

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you want to be a body builder, hang

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around body builders. If I want Jannah,

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then let me be around the people of

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Jannah. And the prophet

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the Sahaba asked him,

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which one of our gatherings is the best?

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And he said,

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you know, those gatherings

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the person's speech

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increases your knowledge of Allah. Subhanu wa ta'ala.

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Like like the best people to hang out

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with. Right? Those people who

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his or her speech increases your knowledge of

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Allah, and their actions remind you of the

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say the sheikh, he says,

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He mentions 2 important qualities of people whose

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company we should keep. Number 1, that they

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worshipers of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala says in the Quran after 'audubilayimashaitanarajim

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You know, resiliently

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stay with those people who call on their

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Lord all the time, morning and evening. We

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know this verse in Surat Al Kahf

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was sent to the prophet

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in regards to Bilal and Salman al Farisi

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and Suhay Baroomi.

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3, quote unquote, non Arabs,

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right, outside of the Arab community of the

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Prophet, and who were known for being poor.

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And in fact, after this verse was revealed,

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the prophet said, 'alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah,

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who commanded me to be with the poor.'

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Why? Because these were people of

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They call on the Lord on their Lord

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morning evening means all the time. They're constantly

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in the state of remembrance,

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in the state of of, alhamdulillah,

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And Allahu

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he says in the Quran,

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voodoo, you alone we worship not I worship.

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Because as human beings we're weak.

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I'm a weak person. That's why the prophet

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he forbid

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for people who could not to live alone.

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we're weak, but when we're around others, if

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those others are good, we're going to try

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to rise up

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to the standards that they and we have

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set. So Allah says, 'Iyakana

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You alone, we worship not you alone, 'a'

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budu, I worship.'

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So the first quality of a friend is

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that that person should be engrossed in Ibadah.

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Of course, we'll talk about non Muslims in

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a second.

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The second quality, the Sheikh he says what

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The second quality is they should have knowledge.

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Seek refuge in being around the ignorant.

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And here,

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knowledge doesn't just mean here. It means also

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in their character,

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how they carry themselves. Sayna Imam Ahmed used

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to say, I would rather be with a

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righteous sinner than a fake saint, more or

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less the meaning.

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So what those

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who are devout

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to Allah,

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those people who have knowledge.

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That takes us now to a misunderstanding

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that we find in the Quran as it

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is translated, not the Quran itself where Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala says

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All believers do not take the Jews and

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Christians as

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some people translate

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it as friends. But if you speak Arabic,

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there is a difference between

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and Friends and Disbelievers.

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Friends, excuse me, and allies.

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Friends and allies.

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Here, 'Aulia' does not mean friends.

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means to take them as your allies

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in war against the Muslimi.'

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As the prophet,

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right, we don't seek the help of polytheists

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in these kind of situations.

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So this verse is not talking about the

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normal kind of friendships that we have with

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People as Sheikh Mohammed 'Ali Sayyas, he mentioned

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to us in explaining this verse who was

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the former in his tafsir, actually he studied,

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he had passed away,

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the former dean of the College of Sharia.

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And Al Azhar in his book Tashir Ayat

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Al Hakim,

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said this is not talking about Ma'asharah.

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Right? Like, the normal kind of friendships and

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relationships we have with people. How are we

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gonna make dawah and spread the light of

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Islam if we're not nice to people, if

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we're not friendly to people? And we know

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the prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa'alehi wasallam,

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when he sent Mu'adhim Mujabal to Yemen he

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be good. Those people are Christian.

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Be nice to them. Treat them well. So,

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this idea that

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is a mistake. But even with non Muslims,

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we need to be around people who do

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not challenge our foundational ideas and beliefs and

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who are not, triggering us into unhealthy evil

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We ask Allah ta'ala ba'afiyyah. So this quality,

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the sheikh, he says,

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Sabeel anakisina

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Friendship and the type of company that we

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keep. Imam Al Khortubi in his tafsir in

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Surat Al Kahf says that friends are so

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important that sometimes it's even better to be

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with a dog

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than humans who aren't loyal and good people.

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