Suhaib Webb – Four Actions That Revive The Heart

Suhaib Webb
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Speaker 1 discusses the four things that contribute to bringing life to our hearts, including being generously engaged in the remembinding of Allah, realizing that we have 2 ears and one mouth, being moderate in our consumption, and being mindful of our words. They also mention that many people forget to deal with their viruses when they're alone with their lord. Speaker 1 encourages people to make it easy for them to realize their true reasons for bringing life to their hearts.

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			Here's 4 things we can do to bring
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			life to our hearts.
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			And they're super easy,
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			The first,
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			is to be generously
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			and joyously engaged in the remembrance of Allah
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			The second is luzumasamt,
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			is to realize I got 2 ears and
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			one mouth. Therefore, the default is silence, so
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			to observe
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			strategic silence.
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			The third,
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			interval moments of isolation with Allah.
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			At night, for example, making dikr and dua
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			after salah. So many people worried about going
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			viral in public that they forgot to deal
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			with their viruses when they're alone with their
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			And is to be moderate in our consumption,
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			to eat and drink, but to do so
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			in moderation. These are the 4 things in
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			the Islamic tradition that are recognized as being
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			of bringing life
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			to our hearts. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
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			make it easy for all of us.