Suhaib Webb – Enough Is Enough Ending Mawlid Divisions
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The speaker discusses evidence of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi's teachings and the importance of thankfulness and gratitude to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. They emphasize the need to be thoughtful and responsible in holding one's emotions and not allow ourselves to wreck the Muslim community's unity. The speaker also mentions the importance of the Wigda of the Um rights, which is a sign of unity for Muslims.
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You know, the month of Rabia Al Awal
is upon us, alhamdulillah,
and we know that for the majority of
Muslims they celebrate
the Mawlid of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
and there is a minority of Muslims who
celebrate the birth of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
I want to remind you
that both groups have their evidences,
and both groups have scholarly support from the
earliest days of Islam.
In fact, Imam Asiyuti
mentions, of course, the hadith led by Imam
al Bayhafi in Suna Al Qubra, and there
is some dispute about the authenticity of this
But Sayna Imam Asayuthika Mutus Sahilan, he considered
it Sahih
and he said that the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
wa Salam.
At the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, he made
the Aqika for himself in Madina after we
that his grandfather made Aqika for him 7
days after he was born.
Alayhi salatu wasalam.
So Sayna Asiyuti
said, This is a proof
that the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam made the
Apeakah the second time
to teach us the honor and nobility
and blessings
around the name, the birth of the Messenger
Also, the hadith that many people use to
fast Ashura.
When the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam came to
Medina, and he found the Jews, they were
and he asked them, why are you fasting
at this time? And they said, this is
the day that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala saved
us from Firaun.
So out of thankfulness and shukr,
the prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said, we have
a greater right to observe these things than
you do. So some ulama, they said this
is a general evidence
that allows the Muslim
to exercise thankfulness and gratitude
to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala for any great
in the history of the Imaan.
As Allah says,
remind them of the days of Allah.
And the third evidence is the narration
of Sayna Imam al Bukhari and Sayna Imam
that the Prophet
said I was born on Monday, so I
fast on Monday.
We know also that the other
brothers and sisters, they have evidences
as to why they don't,
recognize the celebration of the Prophet's birth
this was not a practice done by a
large number of the Sahaba.
This was not a practice that was done
a good considerable number of the early Muslims
and so on and so forth.
So the point I'm trying to make is
we need to stop fighting about this issue.
Like, are we really fighting over people loving
Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam?
Those who observe the mawlid, they do it
out of love.
Those who don't observe the mawlid, they do
it out of love. Fakunu muhibbeen Alhamdulillah.
So that means everybody's a lover,
but how can you destroy the lovers that
you cause them to hate?
And year after year after year, aren't we
tired of the same record being played?
So my advice and my training in Islamic
law is to say that you should not
say this is Bida,
this is innovation
because both have evidence.
And also we should not say that those
people who don't
celebrate this, that they're bad Muslims
or that they're out of Islam or they're
not part of the community. This is ridiculous
because both groups have evidence,
and when both groups have evidences and they
differ over those evidences, we say this is.
This is an issue of difference, not bidah.
So we need to be thoughtful and responsible,
and we need to be measured,
and we need to hold our emotions
and not allow ourselves to wreck
fledgling unity of the Muslim community. The the
Wigda of the Ummah, as we're gonna talk
about later,
is Fard Ayn.
The unity of the Muslims is an obligation.