Suhaib Webb – Balance in Life- Striking the Perfect Harmony According to Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay, daddy Cachia hola como Alma? Tanwar Satara we made you a

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balanced community. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said, higher Ohmori El Salvador have that the best.

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The best things are balanced. So, the secular world may try to pull

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you to neglect certain things, and then your assumptions of religion

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or maybe you've been exposed to people that push you to focus on

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religion, to the extent that you neglect the world.

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So it could lead you can have gotten so give everybody

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everything it's right

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