Shadee Elmasry – Maliki Madhab Goes Against Hadith – Amal Ahl Madinah Explained
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Today I'm going to read to you the Amil of Ireland Medina, and we'll
give you the summary from shakaama taharah Yen's book on the mimetic,
I'm in Medina in the Maliki school of thought the action of the
people of Medina more more correctly the consensus of the
scholars of Medina at the first three generations. Why the first
three generations the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
the best of you are my generation than those who come after than
those who come after. That's what the Prophet peace be upon him
said, therefore, the first three generations are praised by the
prophet, the first generation, all of them, anyone who met the
prophet who was in the presence of the Prophet peace be upon second
generation, their scholars, their generation, their scholars, and in
general the people were pious to in general, as a generation, did
ematic come up with the idea of the actions of the people of
Medina. Did he come up with it? No, he didn't come up with it. He
did not innovate this idea. This idea came from those before him,
Ken automotive and Abdulaziz Yeji mountain fuqaha Ahmed bin
Abdulaziz together all the jurists in the scholars who was
alternative and Abdulaziz second generation never met the Prophet
he met the companions. And he rose up as a prince than a governor of
Medina. Then he trained under their scholars until he became a
scholar. And then he became very pious, no longer with this fancy
prince, he became very pious, and then he became the Khalifa of all
Muslims in a situation that was very rare that would have happened
like multiple deaths at once. And then No, no, no boys. So the
Khilafah came to him, although it was far from him.
There was no
normal life and normal births and everything. He wouldn't have been
the Khalifa. But Allah had a will to bring him in and he is the
great grandson of Ahmed Al Khattab. He's the great grandson
of Alma if not hooked up through the daughters not through the sons
or whatever it is just to gather the scholars and he would ask them
with Elohim honest Sunon what are the Sunon? What are the practices
that are practiced by the pious and knowledgeable people of this
city? And they would say this, this this he said, Alright,
preserve that. Well, McKenna men who lay you on Melby nests or Leia
Malou, b1, nesu. Alva, if it's a claim that this is a sunnah, this
is a claim that the Prophet used to do this. So he was asked, Did
the pious scholars of Medina do this? Now the people don't do it
here. Nobody does that. Right? He said that. It's not the Sunnah.
Why? The philosophy is, life wouldn't have changed, the Muslims
would not have changed that close from the Prophet peace be upon.
He's within 100 years, right? It wouldn't have changed. Now 100
years today is not like 100 years back in the back and back in those
times. Back in those times, there may be one new invention every 300
years. An animal would go extinct once every three to 400 years.
Today. There's a new invention every other week. Every three days
there's something brand new a new app a new this new that when
Candomble Khadija whom in Manteca even if this claim that this is a
sunnah, this is a practice of the Prophet came from a reliable
person. But if this people of this city do not do it, the scholars
the notables, the pious, they don't practice it. It's not from
the Sunnah. It must be some exception, or something. But it's
not the trodden path, why didn't even medical the trodden path, the
trodden path is walked up on so much that it becomes very clear
that this is a walking path, people walked on it so much. So
medic wants to be absolutely sure of our religion to do the things
that has been done so much, not something one thing that was said
here and there, a transmission here and a transmission there, no
medica teacher, his name is Robbie to array. And his name is Robbie
how to write because anytime that it would appear that texts
contradict each other, he wants to bring an analysis of that and
bring them together. Right, not the right as in, he doesn't have a
hadith so he uses his opinion, not like that. Of course, you know, a
hadith is a transmission from the Prophet peace be upon something
the Prophet said or did or approved of, in general. But Obeah
once said he there was a ruling and Malik said, oh Teacher, why is
this the ruling when we have a hadith that says such and such
Hadith that said the Prophet did or said such and such? So how are
we doing the opposite of that? It'll be I says, 1000 from 1000 is
better than one from one. That means that 1000 People righteous
scholars of this city, saw 1000 companions of the Prophet doing
that, that to me is far better than merely one person said that
one person said that the Prophet said, if you go by one person said
this one person said that
There's one narration here, there's a narration there, there's
an interpretation here, you will lose your religion. The true path
of the Prophet will be lost from here. The Prophet lived in public.
He lived with the people in Mecca for 13 years. Then he lived in
Medina for 10 years where everybody was looking at him at
every moment of the day in Mecca you could say yes, but the
companions were scattered. They were only a few. And the law
hadn't come down yet doctrine had come down. So he'd afterlife that
had come down in Mecca, but the law of how to do everything had
not come down until Medina once the Prophet settled in Medina and
was sitting in his mosque every single day, teaching people
reciting the Quran to them. At that point, like what was the true
teaching of the Prophet peace be upon him would have been
transmitted? It would have been, everyone would know it. Maddix
says I saw Mohammed son of Abu Bakar, son of Omer, son of hasm.
And he was a judge, his brother was Abdullah. He had a lot of
narrations memorized from the Prophet. One brother was a judge,
one brother had memorized this the sayings of the Prophet peace be
upon him. So if he heard that the judge ruled in a way that was
opposite to the Hadith, he would scold him and he would say LM yet
TP hair that hadith hookah, he said, there's a hadith that says
the opposite of what you ruled by you ruled for this with a there's
a hadith Ruby, why don't you rule by that hadith? So he would say,
Well, if that's a hadith, that's so sound and so, and is the
Sunnah, why don't the people practice it? He said, The scholars
of Medina don't practice that hadith. Do you think they don't
practice Hadith? Because they forgotten? Do you think they don't
practice that hadith? Because they just don't feel like it? And they
all conspire to not feel like it? No, they don't practice that
hadith because they feel there's a stronger evidence, and that that
transmission is solitary in its nature. So it must be for an
exceptional case. Or there's not enough information around it for
us to make it law. So hence, the practiced applied religion of the
people in Medina, which people any person know, the knowledgeable,
pious people of Medina, specifically the scholars is
stronger than a solitary Hadith. Remember, just because something
is a Hadith, you have to examine the transmission. The transmission
needs to be sound, but also widespread. If there's no
contradiction, then we take it. But if it's contradicting
something that's stronger than it, then we don't take it. In a sound
Hadith transmitted by Timothy through Abu Hurayrah. The
companion that the prophesy said him said so Allah would have sent
a letter Kuma Assa T had yet it is an E man who ll Medina. Kimata is
all here to Illa Hijiri or Hajia. The day of judging will not come
until Iman comes back to Medina. In other words, the true
representation of the truth is found in Medina, just as a snake
always comes back to a total of almost opposite. He said in this
hadith by Allah, this is not praise of the city, or the earth,
or the houses, it's the people in it, who will uphold the teaching
of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Okay, at a time when
other people they will take ignorant people as leaders, and
they will be misguided, Malik said on the authority of Ibn Abi always
I heard medic say so the prophesy Saddam is here praising the city
of Medina as the starting point. And the end point, in other words,
is Islam will be represented purely in the city of the prophets
lies in the beginning, then it will be represented elsewhere in
the middle correctly as well. Then, at the end of time, Medina
will return to be the number one place where sums are presented
today. You can study Islam in many places. You can
follow, you can learn to swim in Turkey, you can learn to swim in
Pakistan, you can learn to swim in Egypt, you can use them in
Morocco, you can learn to slam in so many countries right now.
Right? And no one would feel that I have to go to Medina, there's
like the only place I have to go no one feels like that. For
hundreds of years, no one's felt like that. There's only place on
goes Medina to learn. So the Prophet peace be upon him. He
basically is informing us of this, because he's saying that just as
it began, it will end so in the first century in the time of
medic, you were judged in your scholarship by how much time you
spent in Medina, how close you are to Medina, what your chain of
transmission is back to Medina because that's the origin of
everything. That was the origin of the Prophet and the companions.
Okay, and then the Companions spread about but when the Priam
banjo spread about what would they do talk about Medina.
And then after a while these other countries they got established and
people didn't feel the need to go to Medina again. This was maybe
after the first half century and a half. So the prophesy Sam said i
In the end of time, it's going to return back to that. But how is
that a proof? That's a
For the Ahmed because it began like that the prophet is affirming
and confirming that the origins of Islam is the city of Medina. And
here he's saying it's not the bricks and the earth it's the
people alright so the people scholars so that's the proof for
why if you want to follow the setup okay as automated Sanger if
you want to follow our forebears, the early Muslims in the most
correct and accurate way, then you follow the I'm a of Ella Medina.
Because that is what's what they all did not what one person did. I
know one person did. If I come and say, Well, hey, listen, I'm going
to Japan. How do people dress? So I can dress like them? I need you
to tell me what is like the 90% not the 2%. Then you say okay,
yeah, I saw a man dressing in Japan wearing a baseball cap
backwards. Yeah, but that's one guy. I need to know what they all
were. That's the concepts.
That's the understanding.