Sikander Hashmi – Gross Injustice in the Blessed Land KMA Friday Message

Sikander Hashmi
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AI: Summary ©

The history of the Nakba land known as the holy land is discussed, with the importance of the land held in the hearts of Muslims and sharing happened to ensure it is not buried, forgotten, misrepresented, or misrepresented. The holy land is a holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy, with historical significance in political and political environments. The importance of the Baytul Maqdis in the spiritual world is also emphasized, citing the prophet's statement that the holy month is close to being near the event of the umroom and the historical significance of the holy land in political and political environments.

AI: Summary ©

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			Respected elders,
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			dear brothers and sisters, my young friends,
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			We read in history books
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			about how past empires
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			conquered new lands
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			through terror
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			and massacres,
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			how those lands were ethnically cleansed,
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			how property
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			and farmland and trees were destroyed,
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			and villages
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			were razed to the ground.
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			My brothers and sisters,
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			while this is something that we read
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			used to occur
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			100 of years ago,
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			it is also what our brothers and sisters
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			in Palestine endured 75 years ago.
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			1947 1949,
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			at least
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			Palestinians were made refugees.
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			and cities were ethnically cleansed
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			and destroyed,
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			and 15,000
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			were killed in a series of mass atrocities,
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			more than 70,
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			70 massacres.
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			This was
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			what is referred to as the Nakba, the
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			that they faced.
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			And every single day since then,
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			they faced
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			the brutalities
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			of occupation
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			and continued aggression
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			and unprecedented
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			human rights abuses
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			in their own homeland.
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			But even in the midst
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			of all this darkness
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			and oppression,
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			it is heartwarming to see
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			that even after 75
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			they continue to hold their heads high, and
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			a vast majority
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			of the Muslim Ummah has not for forsaken
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			And in fact,
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			many and a growing number of people of
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			who are not
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			Muslims continue and are starting to and are
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			continuing to speak out. And I want to
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			specifically acknowledge
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			the leaders, the political leaders, the politicians
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			who had the courage
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			to stand up and to recognize this reality
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			because education is a key component
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			of sharing what has happened
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			to ensure
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			that it is not buried, to ensure that
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			it is not forgotten,
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			and to ensure
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			that it's not misrepresented.
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			Historically, my brothers and sisters,
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			this land has held a very great importance
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			in the hearts of Muslims,
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			which is underlined by its special link
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			to Allah
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			and his messengers
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			As we know, Allah
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			mentions it, refers to it in the Quran
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			in Suratul
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			says, glory be to the one who took
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			his servant, meaning Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
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			by night from the sacred mosque, from Masjid
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			al Haram
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			to the farthest mosque to al Masjid al
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			Aqsa whose surroundings
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			we have blessed.
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			And Abu Zar radiAllahu anhu reported that he
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			asked the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam that, you
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			which masjid was built first on the earth?
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			And the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam responded,
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			al Masjid al Haram, the sacred masjid of
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			And then he asked again, which was next?
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			And the prophet
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			said, the Masjid of, the Masjid Aqsa or
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			Masjid Al Aqsa. And then he asked further
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			that how long was the period between the
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			building of these two masajid, of these two
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			mosques? And the prophet
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			said, 40 years apart.
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			And then he went on to say, apart
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			from these, offer your prayers anywhere when it
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			is time to pray. Although excellence is in
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			praying in these in these mosques, in these
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			masjid as related in Sahih al Bukhari.
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			Regarding the importance of visiting Masjid Al Aqsa,
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			Abu Huraira, radiAllahu anhu,
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			relates that the prophet
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			You should not undertake
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			a special journey, meaning a religious journey, to
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			visit any place other than the following 3,
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			meaning with the expectation of a greater,
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			And he listed the 3, the sacred Masjid
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			of Mecca, the Masjid of mine, meaning Masjid
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			al Nabwi, and al Masjid al Aqsa in
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			It was also reported that Abu Dhar radiAllahu
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			anhu said that we were discussing in the
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			presence of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
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			which of them was more virtuous, the Masjid
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			of the Messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam or
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			Al Baytul Maqdis, meaning,
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			Masjid Al Aqsa. The Messenger of Allah
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			said, one prayer in my Masjid is better
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			than 4 prayers there, but it is still
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			a good place of prayer. And then he
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			went on to say something very profound.
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			The prophet
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			went on to say, soon there will come
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			a time that if a man has a
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			spot of land as big as his horse's
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			rope from which he can see Baytul Maqdis,
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			that will be better for him than the
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			whole world. A time will
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			come. Soon, a time will come when a
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			who has a spot of land as big
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			as his horse's rope.
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			How big is the land? How big is
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			a horse's rope? Right? You know, meaning how
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			small is it? Right? So even if a
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			person has a land of that size from
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			which he can see Baytul Maqdis, that will
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			be better for him than the whole world,
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			and this is reported
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			as Sahih from Al Hakim.
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			One prayer in Masjid al Nabawi is equivalent
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			to 1,000 prayers elsewhere in terms of reward.
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			So one prayer in Masjid al Aqsa is
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			equivalent to 250
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			prayers elsewhere, and Allah
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			knows best.
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			Abdullah ibn Hawala al,
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			reported that the prophet
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			put his hand on his head. He says,
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			the messenger of Allah
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			put his hand on my head and said,
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			He said, oh,
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			if you see the Khalifa, the caliphate has
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			taken abode in the holy land in,
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			then earthquakes,
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			and great events are at hand. The last
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			hour on that day will be closer to
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			people than my hand is to your head.
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			Meaning, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam prophesized
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			that when the, when the Khalifa is established
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			in that land, there will be trials and
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			There will be chaos and turmoil,
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			and people will be closer to the day
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			of judgment than they ever have been. Imam
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			al Khattabi,
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			this Khalifa to mean the Khalifa of Banu
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			Umayyah, and he understood or explained this Arud
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			al Muqaddasa, this holy land,
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			to refer to as the land of Sham.
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			And others have taken it other scholars have
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			taken it as a prophecy for the coming
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			of, or or regarding the Khalifa of the
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			Mahdi with the holy land referring to Jerusalem,
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			and Allah
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			knows best. The prophet
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			also reported to have said that a group
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			of my ummah will remain upon the truth,
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			and they will vanquish their opponents and those
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			who disagree with them and will not and
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			they will not be able to harm them
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			Allah's command.
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			And the companions
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			asked that where they will be and the
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			is reported to have said that they will
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			be in and around Beitul Maqdis.
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			And this is this part about the Baytul
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			Maqdis, some of the scholars of hadith say
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			that there is some issue with regards to
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			its strength in terms of the chain of
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			narration, this last part of the hadith, and
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			knows best best. This is the same area
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			in which the Masjid of Soleiman alaihis salam
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			stood referred to by the Jewish people as
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			the temple mount, and it is their holiest
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			site. The Romans had destroyed it. The Romans
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			had destroyed it and turned it into a
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			trash dump and have forbade them from worshiping
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			there. And it was Sayna Umar, radiAllahu anhu,
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			who liberated Jerusalem
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			and helped clean up the trash with his
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			own hands
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			and gave the Jewish people the right to
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			reside in Jerusalem
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			and to pray on the Temple Mount without
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			Today, sadly, this blessed land has turned into
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			a land of oppression and occupation
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			recognized as being illegal by the international community.
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			Now there are two primary reasons
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			that Palestine is of significance to us, and,
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			of course, there is a religious significance that
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			we have just discussed. And, of course, we
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			have a duty to stand against oppression and
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			injustice, and there is no doubt with regards
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			to this. My brothers and sisters, there are
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			so many Muslims
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			around the world. The number of Muslims has
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			never been greater ever in the history of
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			yet we feel helpless in the face of
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			these challenges.
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			And there is much to be said if
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			we analyze the history and the politics and
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00:10:23 --> 00:10:26
			that have been gripping this ummah. But I
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			want to leave you,
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			with 3
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			underlying factors
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			that must be addressed. Otherwise, our situation
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			collectively as an ummah is
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			perhaps unlikely to change.
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			First of all, Thauban said,
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			that the prophet
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			He reported that the messenger of Allah
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			said, it is close. It is near that
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			the nations will call one another against you
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			just as the eaters call one another to
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			their dishes.
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			It is near that the nations
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			will call each other against you just as
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			the eaters
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			call one another to their dishes.
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			And one of the companions asked,
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			that is this because we will be few
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			in numbers that day? They could not fathom
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			that there will be such a time
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			when the ummah of Rasulullah
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			be so weak and in such a state
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			that the opponents
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			will be ready to feast upon them. So
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			they wondered, is this because they will be
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			few in number? And responded
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			that actually on that day, you shall be
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			but you will be like the foam of
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			the sea. My brothers and sisters, if you
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			have seen the foam of the sea, it
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			is weightless.
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			It is worthless.
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			It goes whichever way the tide comes. If
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			it the wave comes one way, it will
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			go in that direction. If it comes the
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			other way, it will get thrown around to
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			the other direction. So this is the example.
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			This is the prophecy of the prophet sallallahu
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			alayhi wa sallam with regards
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			to the state of the ummah,
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			not because of small or low numbers,
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			not because of the numbers.
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			And the prophet went on to explain
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			the condition or the reason of that condition.
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			Allah will take the fear of you away
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			from your opponents
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			and will place weakness into your hearts.
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			What's notable here my brothers and sisters is
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			that the prophet
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			is telling us that who is going to
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			do this? Allah is
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			the doer of this.
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			That Allah
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			will take away the fear of you from
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			your opponents and will place weakness into your
00:13:17 --> 00:13:18
00:13:18 --> 00:13:21
			So somebody asked because this is mind boggling.
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			The prophet
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			is prophesizing a time when the believers are
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			large in number. They're not small in number.
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			Yet, they are weightless and they are being
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			thrown around from 1 from one side to
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			the other like the foam of the sea.
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			And Allah
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			is the one who is putting them in
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			that condition
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			by taking away,
00:13:43 --> 00:13:45
			you know, the the the the fear from
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			their opponents
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			and placing weakness into their hearts.
00:13:49 --> 00:13:50
00:13:50 --> 00:13:51
			somebody asked
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			that what is this weakness
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			so the prophet
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			responded and said,
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			The love of the world and the dislike
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			of death.
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			What did he say? What is this weakness?
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			The love of the world and the dislike
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			of death. So my brothers and sisters, the
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			love of the world and the dislike of
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			death, meaning
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			with worldly and temporary matters and materials,
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			ignoring the reality of death and what is
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			to follow,
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			lack of courage
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			and bravery. Because you see, there is no
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			shortage of wealth in this ummah today. Perhaps
00:14:32 --> 00:14:34
			it has never been as wealthy before as
00:14:34 --> 00:14:37
			it is today. But the love of dunya
00:14:37 --> 00:14:39
			has set in, and the primary concern has
00:14:39 --> 00:14:42
			become about enjoying life and making
00:14:43 --> 00:14:44
			good in this world,
00:14:44 --> 00:14:47
			becoming wealthy and enjoying the luxuries of this
00:14:47 --> 00:14:50
			world and not what is to come next.
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			Secondly, my brothers and sisters, Allah
00:14:53 --> 00:14:54
00:14:57 --> 00:14:59
			and hold firmly to the rope of Allah
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00:15:00 --> 00:15:03
			and do not become divided. And Allah
00:15:03 --> 00:15:05
			tells us as we discussed last week,
00:15:09 --> 00:15:12
			The believers are but brothers, so make settlement,
00:15:12 --> 00:15:14
			make peace between your brothers.
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			But we find, my brothers and sisters, as
00:15:17 --> 00:15:20
			the divisions are so deeply ingrained and so
00:15:20 --> 00:15:20
00:15:21 --> 00:15:23
			that there is true hatred to be found
00:15:23 --> 00:15:24
			in the hearts of the believers.
00:15:25 --> 00:15:26
			And instead of reconciling,
00:15:27 --> 00:15:28
			we end up perpetuating
00:15:29 --> 00:15:29
00:15:30 --> 00:15:32
			And those, as I mentioned last time, those
00:15:32 --> 00:15:34
			who want to harm,
00:15:34 --> 00:15:35
			take advantage
00:15:36 --> 00:15:36
			full advantage
00:15:37 --> 00:15:38
			of the situation
00:15:38 --> 00:15:41
			to leave us and to continue to keep
00:15:41 --> 00:15:42
			us divided
00:15:42 --> 00:15:45
			while they go ahead and do whatever they
00:15:45 --> 00:15:47
			wish to do. May Allah
00:15:48 --> 00:15:51
			help us. May he remove our hearts. May
00:15:51 --> 00:15:53
			he unite our hearts and remove from our
00:15:53 --> 00:15:56
			hearts this weakness and this love for the
00:15:56 --> 00:15:59
			duniya and the dislike for death. Finally, my
00:15:59 --> 00:16:01
			brothers and sisters, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says
00:16:01 --> 00:16:03
			in the Quran in Surat Montahana, aya number
00:16:03 --> 00:16:05
			8 and aya number 9,
00:16:20 --> 00:16:21
00:16:21 --> 00:16:24
			says, Allah does not forbid you from dealing
00:16:24 --> 00:16:28
			kindly and fairly with those who have neither
00:16:28 --> 00:16:30
			fought nor driven you out of your horror
00:16:30 --> 00:16:34
			homes. Surely, Allah loves those who are fair.
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			And then Allah
00:16:36 --> 00:16:38
			goes on and tells us something that is
00:16:38 --> 00:16:41
			very important and very relevant to our situation.
00:16:59 --> 00:17:00
00:17:00 --> 00:17:04
			says, Allah only forbids you from befriending those
00:17:04 --> 00:17:07
			who have fought you for your faith, who
00:17:07 --> 00:17:09
			have driven you out of your homes
00:17:09 --> 00:17:12
			or supported others in doing so. And whoever
00:17:12 --> 00:17:14
			takes them as friends, then it is they
00:17:14 --> 00:17:17
			who are the true wrongdoers.
00:17:18 --> 00:17:19
			So this is a warning for all of
00:17:19 --> 00:17:21
			us, my brothers and sisters, that we must
00:17:21 --> 00:17:24
			be diligent and we must understand
00:17:24 --> 00:17:26
			which side we are on and who we
00:17:26 --> 00:17:28
			are to support and who are not to
00:17:28 --> 00:17:31
			support. We must do whatever is within our
00:17:31 --> 00:17:33
			means, which is wise and permissible
00:17:34 --> 00:17:35
			to take action,
00:17:36 --> 00:17:39
			whether it is political pressure, whether it is
00:17:39 --> 00:17:41
			advocacy, whether it is education.
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			All of these are important pieces, and they
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			are all good. But if we want
00:17:46 --> 00:17:47
00:17:47 --> 00:17:49
			and long term change,
00:17:49 --> 00:17:51
			then we must start with ourselves.
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			We must start with ourselves
00:17:54 --> 00:17:55
			by correcting
00:17:55 --> 00:17:58
			our own state, the state of our hearts,
00:17:58 --> 00:18:00
			the state of our homes, of our communities,
00:18:00 --> 00:18:01
			of our societies,
00:18:01 --> 00:18:02
00:18:02 --> 00:18:06
			you will see that positive will will positive
00:18:06 --> 00:18:08
			change will come and will spread
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			You must replace
00:18:10 --> 00:18:12
			the love of this dunya with the love
00:18:12 --> 00:18:14
			of Allah and his messenger
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			Live for the akhirah and not for this
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			world while, of course, taking advantage of the
00:18:20 --> 00:18:21
			blessings that Allah
00:18:22 --> 00:18:25
			has given us, but using them as means
00:18:25 --> 00:18:28
			to an end and not as the end,
00:18:28 --> 00:18:29
			and not to let differences
00:18:30 --> 00:18:31
			cause hatred and animosity
00:18:32 --> 00:18:35
			to try to be uni uniters and peacemakers,
00:18:35 --> 00:18:36
			not dividers,
00:18:36 --> 00:18:38
			and not to, under any circumstances,
00:18:39 --> 00:18:40
			befriend those who Allah
00:18:41 --> 00:18:44
			has forbidden us from befriending. We ask Allah
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			to protect the people of Palestine
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			and Al Aqsa
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			and to protect all of the masajid around
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			the world. We ask Allah
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			to protect
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			all of the oppressed people around the world
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			to replace oppression and occupation
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			with peace and justice. We ask Allah
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			to foil the plots of those who wish
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			to cause harm to the believers
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			and to the innocent. We ask Allah
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			to purify our hearts from the love of
00:19:12 --> 00:19:14
			this world and to remove hatred and animosity
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			and to unite us all in goodness. Ameen.
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			We'll take a quick break inshallah.