Shady Alsuleiman – Steadfastness in seeking knowledge
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The importance of seeking knowledge and learning from others is emphasized in Islam, as it is a big broad religion. The church is also important for bringing happiness and achieving success. The importance of seeking permanent and continuous learning is emphasized, as it is a big broad religion. The segment emphasizes the need for individuals to obtain knowledge and pursue their interests, while also addressing challenges and struggles in achieving success in life. The segment ends with a mention of a live stream.
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Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Bismillah
ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen Wassalatu
wassalamu ala al-mab'uthi rahmat li'l
alameen Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma
'een Rabbish rahli sadri wa yasalli amri wahlul
uqdatan min lisan yafqaw qawli amma ba'd All
praise be due to Allah subhana wa ta
'ala and peace be upon Muhammad ﷺ I
testify that there is no god except Allah
and I testify that Muhammad is the prophet
and the messenger of Allah Sisters in Islam,
I greet you all with the greetings of
Islam and I say to every single one
of you Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
I want to thank Allah subhana wa ta
'ala for this beautiful blessed gathering that we
get together for the sake of Allah azza
wa jal to please Allah subhana wa ta
'ala and to make us from amongst those
that get together for the sake of Allah
and to get closer to Allah and may
Allah subhana wa ta'ala make us from
amongst those who are close to Him Ameen
Ya Rabbil Alameen We've been talking about steadfastness
which is a very important topic for every
single one of us and may Allah subhana
wa ta'ala give us the ability to
be steadfast and to be from amongst those
who are steadfast for His pleasure and for
His self says that nothing had made my
hair go grey except the verse in which
Allah subhana wa ta'ala commands in the
Holy Qur'an فَاسْتَقِمْ كَمَا أُمَرْتْ O Muhammad
be steadfast or Allah subhana wa ta'ala
had commanded you to be steadfast So steadfastness
is not an easy concept in Islam Even
the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ struggled with steadfastness But
what we need to know is to be
strong in getting close to Allah subhana wa
ta'ala And one of the things that
we aim as part of this series on
steadfastness in particular after the month of Ramadan
which is the month of steadfastness is for
us to gain knowledge How can we be
And we've spoken about being steadfast and seeking
knowledge and being steadfast and being part of
the beautiful environments that we have for the
sisters and the brothers in particular the good
environments that Islam had facilitated for us in
different mosques and centers in particular here at
the Umayyad Center in which Alhamdulillah once again
all the sisters are welcome to be with
us here at the Umayyad Center and sisters
also to be with us here online and
we are alive as you all know Alhamdulillah
and Inshallah we'll continue seeking knowledge and we'll
continue conveying the message of the Prophet Muhammad
ﷺ to everyone whether face-to-face or
online And another concept that the Sharia teaches
us to be steadfast is the concept of
seeking knowledge And that's what we're doing right
now We are seeking knowledge Seeking knowledge is
one of the most noble rituals in Islam
That the first thing that Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala had revealed to the Prophet Muhammad
ﷺ was Iqra, recite And the reason that
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala revealed to the
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Iqra, where a lot of
people might think what was the first thing
that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala revealed to
the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was to be pray
Salli or fast or give da'wah But
the first thing that Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala ordered the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to do
was Iqra, recite And what does Iqra imply?
When you say Iqra it means seek knowledge
What's Iqra?
Iqra means go and seek knowledge So Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala is commanding the Prophet
Muhammad ﷺ in one way or another to
go and seek knowledge Because through seeking knowledge
you'll gain taqwa Through seeking knowledge you get
closer to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Through
seeking knowledge you'll become steadfast Through seeking knowledge
you'll become strong Everything starts from seeking knowledge
Iqra Recite And subhanallah also what's amazing about
that verse that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
revealed that verse to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala commanded the
one that does not know how to read
and write to read Iqra Usually you say
that to someone who knows how to read
You know how to read?
Iqra But for you to get to someone
that doesn't know how to read and say
to him Iqra Recite It means that Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala has more to just
reading which is going to seek knowledge And
that's why my sisters in Islam One of
the rituals One of the elements that help
you to be steadfast is seeking knowledge Go
and seek knowledge Seek knowledge Increase your knowledge
in Islam And that's exactly what every single
sister right now is doing here And every
single sister that's online are doing Seeking knowledge
To seek knowledge And to continue seeking knowledge
Seeking knowledge is a noble act that Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala had commanded in the
Quran Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says There
must be from amongst you Ta'ifa A
group of people that go and seek knowledge
Islam alhamdulillah is a big broad religion that
has different aspects And Islam has different elements
that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala wants every
single one of us to be responsible of
if not all elements some elements Not everyone
is in a position to go and seek
knowledge Not everyone is in a position to
go and give dawah Not everyone is in
a position to go and lead the prayers
Not everyone is in a position to go
and memorize the Quran Every single one of
us has a responsibility And Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala has put a responsibility upon a
group of people in Islam in the community
of Islam to seek knowledge and teach one
And subhanallah one of the characteristics and teachings
of the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam
was always to be what?
Everyone that learns something from me go and
convey it to other people You learn something
from me go and pass it to other
people You learn something from me go and
teach it to other people And that's why
you look into the hadith of the Prophet
Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam whereby the Prophet
Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam says khairu kun
man ta'allama al quran wa allama The
best of you those that learn the Quran
and teach the Quran It's not just about
learning but also teaching And teaching to others
for others to learn And that's why Nabi
salallahu alayhi wa sallam will constantly say to
the sahabah radiyallahu ta'ala alam whenever the
Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam would deliver
a sermon let the one that's listening to
me right now go and convey it to
the one that's absent The one that's present
let them listen and convey it to those
who are absent which is the importance of
seeking knowledge And I do believe that religion
had emphasized on the importance of seeking knowledge
as much as Islam did The first verse
that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala revealed to
the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam was
Iqraa Muhammad Recite Read Learn Learn What Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala had revealed And there's
a lot to learn obviously And no one
can grasp and no one can comprehend or
learn everything at once There are things that
we know and there are things that we
don't know There are things that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala blessed us with that we
know of and there are things that a
lot of people don't know Is this online?
Is the sound on online?
Okay So there are things that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala had allowed us to know
of and there are things that we don't
know of Not everything that exists on the
face of this earth we know of Even
the tangible things that we see Subhanallah we're
talking about the coronavirus this pandemic till now
We know the existence of the virus but
there's no medicine Is there a medicine for
Yes There is Where did I get that
In Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam said every
single illness and disease there's a medicine for
except death So is there a medicine for
all those diseases out there?
Yes there is a medicine but we don't
know of it As we didn't know of
many cures and many medicines of diseases in
the past and alhamdulillah over time and with
the hard work of scientists Muslims and non
-Muslims they managed to come up with cures
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala put a
lot of knowledge out there but it doesn't
mean that we know everything and subhanallah what
resonates to my mind is the story of
Musa alayhi salam and al khidr because when
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala commanded Musa alayhi
salam to go and meet with al khidr
and the reason Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
commanded Musa alayhi salam to go and meet
with al khidr is because a man asked
Musa alayhi salam a question he said oh
Musa are you and this is Musa alayhi
salam the prophet and the messenger of Allah
who is the greatest man at that time
he told him Musa are you the most
knowledgeable human being on the face of this
earth so Musa alayhi salam turned around and
he said yes I am you know what
when you really think about it if I'm
in the shoes of Musa I would have
said the same thing yes I am I
am the most knowledgeable man I'm the prophet
and the messenger of Allah I'm the one
that speaks to Allah directly yes I am
the most knowledgeable man on the face of
this earth so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
wanted to teach Musa a lesson you can't
just give an answer to a question that
you don't know of you have no rights
to so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reprimanded
Musa and he told Musa based on what
did you give this answer to this question
when someone asked you are you the most
knowledgeable man on the face of this earth
and obviously Musa has his reasons he's the
prophet and the messenger of Allah he turned
around and he's the one that realized you
know what I'm the prophet and the messenger
of Allah there's no one more knowledgeable than
me therefore I'm the most knowledgeable one so
the prophet Musa alayhi salam was reprimanded by
Allah in which Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
wanted to teach Musa alayhi salam a lesson
and the lesson that Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala taught Musa alayhi salam is that yes
there is someone who is more knowledgeable than
you and that's Al Khidr go and meet
with him and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
mentions the entire story in the whole of
Quran in Surah Al Kahf and Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala even gave signs and marks
for Musa alayhi salam where he'll meet this
person and then he met with him he
met with him and Musa alayhi salam did
not even hold back from going to seeking
knowledge subhanallah a prophet a messenger of Allah
one of the greatest prophets and messengers of
Allah one of the greatest creation of Allah
Musa alayhi salam went to seek knowledge from
a stranger that Musa alayhi salam never met
with before qala hal attabi'uka ala an
tu'allimani mimma ullimta who's that?
do you allow me to follow you from
what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala had taught
do you allow me to follow you to
learn from what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
had taught you to?
so Musa alayhi salam followed him and amongst
the events that took place is that while
Musa alayhi salam and Al Khidr were together
on a boat a bird came and drank
from the water of the sea that this
boat is sailing on so Al Khidr tells
Musa alayhi salam tells him oh Musa see
this zip of water that this bird had
drank from my knowledge to your knowledge is
that zip of water your knowledge to mine
is like that zip of water from this
ocean and my knowledge to Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala is like that zip of water
to this ocean Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
knows everything inna allaha bi kulli shay'in
alim Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows everything
we are the ones that know very little
so there's so much knowledge out there but
it doesn't mean we grasp all of it
but we need to know the bare minimum
and part of learning the bare minimum of
this knowledge that will assist you on being
steadfast subhanallah steadfastness every single one of us
right now and I'm talking about myself here
and I'm sure I'm talking to every single
sister here at the center and to all
those who are listening to us online we
are all struggling in steadfastness compare yourself five
weeks ago in the last ten nights of
the month of Ramadan to now compare yourself
every single one of us who say yes
in my praise and my reading of the
Quran in my worship and keeping away from
the haram I was a lot more steadfast
of course we vary there's variables between one
person and another person there's difference between one
person and another person but we were a
lot more steadfast in the month of Ramadan
than we are right now what helps us
to be steadfast is seeking knowledge and seeking
knowledge is only one element that helps you
to be steadfast and that's why the sharia
emphasize so much on seeking steadfastness and emphasize
so much on seeking knowledge to the extent
of the prophet Muhammad says in one way
or another for you to go and seek
knowledge it's better than you praying the voluntary
praise the voluntary praise of course praying is
an obligatory there's no compromise on praying the
five daily praise the three prayers but in
some hadith the prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
tells the sahaba for you to go and
learn one verse from the Quran it's better
than praying 100 rakaat and when we talk
about 100 rakaat the voluntary the sunnah rakaat
for you to learn two verses of the
Quran it's better than 500 rakaat for you
to learn 10 verses of the Quran it's
better than praying 1000 rakaat subhanallah seeking knowledge
is ibadah right now when you're sitting down
whether those sisters are here or even those
are online right now for you to spare
this half an hour one hour for you
to spend this is a form of ibadah
like how you are praying and when you
are in the state of prayers you are
worshipping Allah subhana wa ta'ala and receiving
rewards right now you are receiving rewards for
every single moment that you are sparing and
every single moment
and you are for the power of steadfastness
after you sit down in a gathering like
this gathering.
You see the difference, subhanallah, huge difference between
10 minutes before you came in a gathering
like this gathering and 10 minutes after you
came out of a gathering like this gathering.
It helps you to be steadfast.
Seeking knowledge helps you to be steadfast.
Seeking knowledge helps you to be on the
right path.
When you open the book of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala and you learn more about
the Qur'an al-Karim, you learn more
about the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ,
you listen to what the scholars say, you
listen to the righteous people what they say,
subhanallah, that connects you to Allah subhanahu wa
That connects you to Allah azzawajal and connects
you and keeps you steadfast and keeps you
on the right path.
That's why Nabi ﷺ will constantly encourage the
sahabah to seek knowledge.
So many hadiths that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
had spoken about the importance of seeking knowledge.
No religion emphasizes on the importance of seeking
knowledge as much as Islam.
Islam just emphasizes and reiterates, emphasizes and reiterates
that the first verse, the first word the
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ hears from Allah was, go
and learn, iqra, iqra, recite.
But subhanallah, we live in a day and
age where seeking knowledge is becoming secondary.
If not secondary, it's one of the last
things that we care about.
If you look at the time of the
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, seeking knowledge was the number
one priority.
Being around the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and learning
the deen of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and seeking knowledge and understanding Islam was the
number one priority amongst the sahabah radiyallahu ta
So much so that the rata amongst each
other, the sahabah rata amongst each other, especially
those that live far away from the masjid,
the rata amongst each other, which one to
attend so the one that learns comes back
and conveys it to the one that was
That's how vigilant and mindful they were on
seeking knowledge, conscious of the fact to seek
And alhamdulillah we are blessed, yes we are
We are blessed to be in a gathering
right now for us to seek knowledge and
learn more about Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala wants from
And one of the beautiful things about seeking
knowledge, when you learn more about Allah, not
only that you just understand Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala better, but you also tend to
love Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala more.
And when you love someone more, you get
closer to them more.
So when you learn more about Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala, you just tend to love
Allah azza And when you tend to love
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, you just become
closer to Allah azza wa jalla.
And you continue to get closer to Allah
and get closer to Allah and get closer
to Allah until you become so close to
That's why the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used to
emphasize on seeking knowledge.
And the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ obligated seeking knowledge,
and obviously the obligation of seeking knowledge comes
in different categories.
The obligation of seeking knowledge comes in different
There's the obligatory knowledge, which is obligatory upon
every single male and female Muslim, in which
we must learn at least the bare minimum
of Islam.
What's the bare minimum of understanding Islam?
The shariah, the bare minimum of understanding the
shariah, when it comes to the creed, when
it comes to the practices, when it comes
to the salah, when it comes to the
That's the bare minimum.
It's not enough just to say alhamdulillah I'm
a Muslim, I'm a believer, alhamdulillah I believe
in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, I believe
in the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
But there's more to it.
You need to know more about Islam, you
need to understand more about Islam, especially in
this day and age, where the core principles
of the shariah are at stake.
The core principles of the shariah are at
And I'm sure most of you saw the
statement that was issued yesterday from the Australian
National Imams Council on hijab, and the position
of Islam and hijab, which is simple things.
You ask any general, mainstream Muslim, what's the
Islamic principle on hijab?
If I will tell you, I know it's
fard, it's obligatory, whether I'm wearing it or
not, I know it's fard.
Not wearing it or not is a different
I believe that I should be wearing the
hijab, but I'm not wearing the hijab, may
Allah forgive me.
Like someone, I should be praying to Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala to forgive me.
But the unfortunate thing is, that you hear
some of the feedback that people are saying,
what did you even say, who's fard?
People are questioning the Islamic position on hijab.
People are questioning the Islamic position on many
different things.
These are areas that you can't compromise.
Whether you practice them or not, that's something
People believe in the salah, but I'm not
praying, why?
May Allah forgive me.
Huge difference between someone who says, I don't
pray because I don't believe in the prayers,
or I don't wear the hijab because I
don't believe in the hijab.
That's a major issue, you can't compromise on
And it really shocked me, how many Muslims
are even questioning the Islamic position on hijab.
You can't question that.
It's a clear cut area.
How do you counter this?
You counter this by seeking knowledge, understanding your
deen, and making sure that people around you
and after you continue to understand your deen.
Because it all starts from lack of knowledge.
People want to debate issues that were never
ever debated in the past.
People want to debate the legal issues of
the Islamic legal position on matters that were
never ever debated in the past.
And it's slowly like talking about Hizab and
tomorrow something else something else something else and
tomorrow the question will be what's this thing
about Allah and Muhammad But they don't exist
even though people right now Muslims who's saying
a proof to me that Muhammad didn't exist
Maybe we're just a superstitious character like the
different characters In order for us to preserve
and safeguard our religion.
We need to seek knowledge.
We need to understand We need to understand
our deen and obviously You know position and
I'm not in a position for every single
one of us to understand I do from
A to Z but every single one of
us has an area to understand and Every
single one of us has an area for
us to uphold just yesterday one of the
brothers from the you may he deals a
lot with non-muslims and Debating topic of
He sent me a message asking me and
Asking me for an answer to a question.
My reply to him is I'm not the
right person to answer you because my answer
My answer to this question on this topic
to the person that you're talking to it's
gonna be irrelevant because I know her answer
from An Islamic perspective from the Quran and
Sunnah addressing Muslims.
You need to give a different swing You're
dealing with this person.
You could give this answer in a different
way I'm not the right person for you
to ask this question because my answer is
not gonna help you.
My answer is just direct It's wrong.
Haram Allah says this the Quran says this
that's it.
That's where I stop It's not my specialty
But you need to have other specialized brothers
and sisters who are addressing those topics in
different areas where they can give it more
credibility So seeking knowledge, it doesn't mean Allah.
I need to know everything and you need
to know everything but we need to know
something at least we need to know the
bare minimum and Knowing the bare minimum gives
you that strength my brothers and my sisters
and particularly my sisters in Islam.
We live in a very very dangerous Day
and age we live in a society where
Religion in general is at stake Religion in
general not any Islam religion and believing in
God in general is at stake and It
happened that we are safeguarded Through the Quran
through the Sunnah because it happened that our
religious so concrete our religious so solid But
we need to continue seeking knowledge in order
for us to counter In order for us
to continue countering this rhetoric and to continue
countering this wave that's coming against Religion in
general coming against Islam in general.
We need to know ourselves Especially as parents
on the number to be our parents are
meant to be our young children You need
to empower yourself with the power of knowledge.
So you got addressed this topic So when
you kids talk to you, at least you
have an answer to work because when your
children come up to you your kids when
they come up to you and they ask
you a question and the same mom and
Especially when it's something simple and something that's
straightforward that does not give you That does
not give you a lot of credibility in
front of your children for them to continue
looking up to you You need to continue
main aiming This thing of children always looking
up to their parents and I always mentioned
that the number one superhero to the children
are always the parents but when the kids
start to pick up on their parents are
not doing the right thing or The parents
don't know much then they start turning away
from their parents And this is a study
that I've looked into personally why you find
many children on the street Look up to
thugs and gangsters, for example, or looking up
to the wrong people Why because they try
to look up to their parents.
They try to follow the steps of their
parents But they found that the parents are
not the best of examples So they deterred
away from parents.
Initially they deterred away from them, maybe in
a good will, maybe with a good intention
But eventually starts to Take a wrong path.
So we as parents we as Muslim parents
We are also responsible in safeguarding and protecting
and preserving Islam in the lives of our
children it all starts from knowledge and That's
why my sisters in Islam is so important
for us to continue Dedicating committing ourselves to
seeking knowledge, even if it's one hour like
what you're doing, right?
Yeah, what are we gonna learn something gonna
learn something new subhanallah imam ash-sharif is
a great scholar He says there's no good
in a day There is no good in
a day Where this day is the exact
same day as the previous day when it
comes to knowledge if I don't increase my
knowledge in This day this day to me
is a useless day You compare your knowledge
to yesterday.
Did you learn something more than yesterday?
Oh, are you still on the same level
as yesterday the imam ash-sharif that day
is a useless day.
It's an obsolete day Non-beneficial day every
single day of your life is not only
a day that you increase in age Also,
it is a day they increase in knowledge
Put it as a target in your life
Everything that will learn something new Even if
it's one hadith that takes you five minutes
to read even if it's one verse that
takes you five minutes to understand Every single
day of your life is a day that
you not only increase in age and not
any increase in world I'm not any increase
in these increase in seeking knowledge so my
sisters in Islam Seeking knowledge is a form
a platform in being set fast But also
seeking knowledge is like the salah, you know
You put yourself a program in the praying
where you've got the five-day the praises
start early in the morning with praying salatul
Fajr, then midday salatul adha, then Salatul asr
and then when the Sun sets salatul maghrib
and then just before you go to sleep
salatul isha You've got a routine you've got
a system They are following that helps you
to maintain your salah that helps you to
stay connected to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
You also need to put yourself a system
a routine that you seek knowledge Put a
program for yourself Put a program for yourself
that you continue seeking knowledge and that program
will not only contribute towards you increasing knowledge
But that program also contribute to you being
steadfast To be steadfast to start on the
right path subhanallah helps you a lot and
Today I want you to evaluate yourself today
after coming out of this gathering after coming
out of this Knowledge circle whether those sisters
are online or those sisters attending today Assess
yourself today.
It's gonna help you so much to be
steadfast When you walk out of this door
today, or when you walk out of this
gathering today, you're gonna find yourself empowered You're
gonna find yourself on the right path.
You're gonna find yourself inspired.
You're gonna find your imam being uplifted So
subhanallah seeking knowledge helps you so much and
How many people told me the moment I
stopped seeking knowledge whether attending the sharia classes
or attending the gatherings?
I wish to attend whether it's one In
other gathering at any other center or the
center a sister who programs the moment I
Is that moment start to fall down in
my steadfastness and the moment I start to
pull down in my religion subhanallah helps you
Seeking knowledge helps you to be steadfast.
It's subhanallah.
It's the vitamin of steadfastness It's like you
are injecting this vitamin in your body to
be steadfast Every single time you sit down
together among this gathering every time you sit
down in a gathering of seeking knowledge It
just continues to hope you hope you hope
it to be on the right path sisters
in Islam Giving and living in a day
and age where becoming steadfast Becoming steadfast becoming
perseverant on Islam is a big challenge It
was a challenge during the time of the
prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Can you
imagine it was a challenge during the time
of the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam?
It was a challenge during the time of
the sahaba radhi allahu ta'ala and that's
why it is more challenging for us right
now But subhanallah the sharia gives us a
lot of incentives the sharia gives us a
lot of privileges I was saying to the
sisters the other day at the sharia class
that the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
had won the sahaba radhi allahu ta'ala
anhum They are the sahaba and they are
the greatest of people and they are the
greatest generation After the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam and nabi sahab told them if
you compromise on 10% of your religion
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will never accept
from me You compromise on 10% of
the religion Allah will not accept from me
But then the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam says about us us.
Yes, you and I The prophet Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam says about us There will
be a nation that will come after me
or there will be a group of people
that will come after me if they just
implement 10% of the religion Allah will
accept from them subhanallah look at the discrepancy
the sahaba are not allowed to compromise on
10% of the religion, but then we
are allowed not to compromise, but if we
don't implement 90% Then get done or
then let your mind drift too far Okay,
because the sahaba were hundred percent in their
obligatory and core principles of the sharia but
then you've got the other side that which
is a voluntary a voluntary side of things
say when it comes to the Obligation is
that compromise gonna be hundred percent But then
when it comes to the voluntary sort of
things when it comes to the non obligatory
acts If you do compromise on it 90
% Allah's gonna accept from you but from
the sahaba if they compromise 10% Allah's
not gonna accept from them Look at the
incentive that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has
given us which tells us right now.
We are struggling in Upholding 10% of
a deen We are struggling upholding 10%
of a deen We are struggling implementing 10
% of a deen and the sahaba will
99% uptake What helps us to be
strong in implementing a deen what helps us
to be steadfast what helps us to be
on the right path is seeking knowledge You
need to put yourself in a position where
seeking knows like your five daily prayers like
how the sahaba know that I'm aware and
Subhanallah during the time the sahaba know If
one sahabi knows that is another sahabi knows
of something of the sharia or Something of
the Sunnah that he does not know of
this sahabi will go to that sahabi and
ask him for that knowledge They'll go and
seek knowledge.
They were so conscious.
They were so eager They were so motivated
and inspired in going to seeking knowledge Seeking
knowledge is a noble thing and Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala preserved the Quran and Sunnah
because of us seeking knowledge because of our
predecessors seeking knowledge So much so that the
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says about
the one that seeks knowledge About the one
that seeks knowledge is on a path to
the Jannah a straight path direct path to
the Jannah Wa man salaqa tariqan yaltamisu fihi
ilmah, sahal Allah lahu bihi tariqan ila aljannah
Whoever seeks a path of knowledge Allah will
make an easy path for them to the
Jannah because our ultimate goal Our ultimate destination
is what the Jannah Every single one of
us is working so hard for what for
the Jannah every single one of us is
striving and Sacrificing and putting this time and
effort because of what because at the end
of day who want to see ourselves in
the Jannah I don't want to see myself
in the hellfire.
I want to see myself in the Jannah.
What's the path?
What's the road map to the Jannah and
maybe some loss and says one man salaqa
tariqan yaltamisu fihi ilmah sahal Allah lahu bihi
tariqan ila aljannah Whoever seeks a path of
seeking knowledge Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make
an easy path for them to enter the
Jannah your roadmap Your direction your navigation to
the Jannah is seeking knowledge subhanAllah seek knowledge
right now Every single one of us is
in a big of seeking knowledge Be navigator
to where we are on the path to
the Jannah Seeking knowledge will take you to
the Jannah So seeking knowledge is not just
a beautiful thing a beautiful sentiment a beautiful
feeling alhamdulillah I love just to listen to
those beautiful words.
It's like an entertainment sometimes It's unfortunately some
people look at look at seeking knowledge like
an entertainment like someone watching TV and watching
the movie Or watching something on TV people
look at it as like an entertainment Not
entertainment, even though you really entertain yourself and
enjoy it But seeking knowledge before it's been
an entertainment enjoyable thing seeking knowledge is a
worship ibadah Seeking knowledge is a worship not
only a worship but one of the greatest
of worships one of the most fabulous worships
One of the most beautiful worships one of
the greatest worships that gets you closer to
allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and it gets
you Rewards from allah azza wa jal.
So the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
also says that those that seek knowledge are
on a path to the jannah nabi sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam says for Every step that
the one that gets the six knowledge for
every step of day eight allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala will forgive them Subhanallah you're coming
from home to here You're from coming from
home to here.
All those brothers and sisters are online For
every single step they have taken allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala reward you And not early
though, but the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam also says That those that seek knowledge
allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Will make the
angels And not only the angels the angels
and even the animals and the insects in
the halls as the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam makes mention And the fish in
the ocean to seek allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala's forgiveness for the ones they can't seek
Look subhanallah We didn't even hear that of
the salah when someone prays the angels and
the animals and the fish and the insects
will ask allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
forgive the person that's praying But allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala will make the angels and
the animals and the insects and the fish
in the ocean to seek allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala's forgiveness for those they can't seek
knowledge On your way from ham to here
allah subhanahu wa ta'ala made the angels
and allah made the animals and allah made
the insects and allah Made the fish in
the ocean say allah forgive her.
Yeah, allah have mercy upon her.
Because she is sacrificing and she's on her
way to get and seek knowledge Subhanallah look
at the incentives allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
gives those that can't seek knowledge And if
there's one thing that I would like you
to change your perception Out of today's lesson
is is for you to change your perception
that seeking knowledge is not just a gathering
Seeking knowledge is a worship Like every other
worship they attend to in the salah and
fasting in ghana Seeking knowledge is also a
worship allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Praises the
scholars in quran Min So the scholars are
the ones who fear allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala praise
the scholars And the prophet muhammad salallahu alayhi
wasalam also praised those that carry the knowledge
of the prophet alayhi salatu wasalam and allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala Had honored those that
have extra knowledge over those that have less
knowledge as the prophet muhammad Sallallahu alayhi wasalam
says the example of the scholar or the
one that has knowledge as opposed to the
one that worships Allah is my example to
you Look at the status of the Prophet
Muhammad and the status of the rest of
the nation of the Prophet Muhammad the same
way that Prophet it says or talks about
the status of the one that seeks knowledge
and the one that doesn't seek knowledge Those
that seek knowledge are on a higher status
those that seek knowledge are on a higher
status in which the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ also
describes those that seek knowledge are what?
the heirs of the Prophets and the Messengers.
You are the heir of the Prophet ﷺ.
Right now, some of the inheritance of the
Prophet ﷺ is getting divided to you.
It's getting passed on to you.
What inheritance are we talking about?
Not money, not dollar.
Something that you can't buy with money.
Something that you can't buy with gold.
Something that you can't buy with anything.
You are right now getting a portion of
the inheritance of the Prophet ﷺ.
And what you are getting from the inheritance
of the Prophet ﷺ is what?
The knowledge of the Prophet ﷺ.
You are the heir of the Prophet ﷺ.
You are the one that the Prophet Muhammad
ﷺ had entrusted in continuing his legacy and
continuing his dawah through what?
Through knowledge, through seeking knowledge.
Unfortunately, one of the reasons that this ummah
went through major challenges in the past after
this ummah was leading the world.
Subhanallah, from the time of the Sahaba ﷺ
and the one after him and the one
after him and the great predecessors.
They were ruling the world at one second.
They dominated the world.
They dominated the east and the west.
One of the major factors that had contributed
to their strength and had contributed to their
power is knowledge.
Knowledge is power.
Knowledge is strength.
Knowledge is iman.
Knowledge is preserving your Islam in your life.
Knowledge is steadfastness.
The moment that this nation starts to slack
off or neglect seeking knowledge is that moment
that you start to see a plunge in
the Muslims.
Our respect starts to diminish.
Our honour starts to diminish.
Our respect and honour as the Prophet Muhammad
ﷺ says in a hadith, Allah had given
me victory from the very moment I marched
out of Medina.
From the very moment that my enemy had
heard of me marching out of Medina, I
Honour and respect.
So honour doesn't say respected.
We lost that honour and we lost that
respect from the very moment that we start
to neglect seeking knowledge.
At one stage, seeking knowledge was the most,
not noble, but the most challenging thing that
people used to challenge over.
It used to be that contest that people
used to race over.
You know how now people are racing and
competing with one another, who's got more money
and who's got a bigger house and who's
got a nicer car?
That's the challenge that people are challenging one
another these days.
That's the race that we're in now.
The biggest race right now, people are racing
one another and people are contesting each other
over money, over wealth, over houses, over cars,
over fame, over reputation, over power.
That's the struggle that we have.
Who is challenging one another who's got more
Have you ever sat down with someone or
you saw people that are contesting each other
in seeking knowledge, in going to gatherings of
knowledge, in going to this chair, in going
to the imam, increasing their knowledge in the
Qur'an, increasing their knowledge in the hadith?
That contest doesn't exist.
On the contrary, no one is even interested
in it.
Very little, very little of people are interested.
Alhamdulillah, Allah bless you to be from amongst
You've got other people out there that are
probably out there racing against each other.
He's going to buy a nicer house, he's
going to buy a nicer this, he's going
to buy this, he's going to buy that,
which is not wrong with that.
Go and have the best house, and go
and have the best car, and go and
have the best dress, and go and have
this, that.
But at the end of the day, when
do we ever contest?
When do we ever race for seeking knowledge?
That doesn't exist.
In the past, they used to race.
He knows more hadith, he knows more Qur
'an, he's got a better sanad, he's been
sitting down with more mashayikh, he's got this,
and that was their race.
That was their race in the past.
Their race and their challenge was, who has
more knowledge?
Who learns more of the Qur'an and
understands more of the Qur'an and has
more hadith in their memory and has this
and has that?
That was their challenge in the past, and
that's why they were honoured.
And that's why back then, right now, when
you talk about what profession, what career do
you find to be the most elite or
the most respectful career, usually doctor, engineer.
You talk about this and that, which is
not wrong with that again, but when do
you ever mention a shaykh, for example, or
become a shaykh or an imam?
No, no, no, that's one of the lowest
careers, that's the least career that you want
to be part of.
That's the least career, you want to become
a shaykh?
No respect, no income, no status, no this,
no that.
That's a perception that people have, and alhamdulillah
now it's better, but in the past, it's
a disaster.
It's the dropouts that get into becoming a
shaykh, yes.
But then, during the honourable times, the golden
times of Islam and Muslims, the imam used
to be the hierarchy, the shaykh used to
be above a minister, the imam and the
scholar used to be like, you know, that's
what I want to be in the future,
that's the person, that's the career, that's the
profession that I want to undertake, that's what
I want to become in the future.
Who thinks of that these days?
SubhanAllah, becoming a shaykh or becoming an imam,
becoming a scholar, it's like, you know what,
that's it, this person has no future, I
feel sorry for this person, he's going to
become a shaykh, feel sorry for him, a
But back then, during the golden age of
Islam and the Muslim ummah, the scholar used
to be the most respected person in the
community, the scholar used to be the most
respected person that walks amongst people.
He used to be closer to the khalifa
or closer to the head of state than
the minister themselves.
The scholar, subhanAllah, knowledge, because that's empowerment, that's
respect, and that doesn't mean in other careers
it's not important.
Yes, they are important, but we're talking about
in status.
And subhanAllah, seeking knowledge gives you status.
Seeking knowledge gives you respect.
Seeking knowledge gives you honor.
And seeking knowledge will keep you steadfast.
So my sister in Islam, look at seeking
knowledge as a ritual, as an ibadah.
There you go, first of all, subhanAllah through
seeking knowledge.
And look at seeking knowledge as a form
of helping you to be steadfast, to be
on the right path, to continue getting closer
to Allah azzawajal.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us
to be from amongst those who are steadfast.
And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make
us to be from amongst those who continue
to get closer to Allah subhanahu wa ta
Ameen, ya Rabb al-alameen.
Jazakumullah khair.
May Allah azzawajal accept from you.
And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reward
you all.
As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
Ending live stream.