Shady Alsuleiman – Amazing Miracles Of Muhammad – P2

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			testify that there's no god except the law testify that Muhammad is the Prophet and the Messenger of
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			Brothers and sisters of thank Allah subhanaw taala for these blessings gathering a gathering that we
get together for the sake of a larger among each other of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And to understand
what Allah subhanaw taala wants us once from a small
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			and Sharla tonight, we will continue with the series of lessons that were spoken about inshallah, we
spoke about the different miracles of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And last I
mentioned to you that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has two important phases
through his life, the phase before the prophecy and the phase after the prophecy. So the first phase
of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. It is from birth to 40. And that's the first
phase before the prophets of the second phase is from the age of 40. And that's the beginning of the
prophecy to his death sallallahu alayhi wasallam which is from 40 to 63 years of age, Allah His
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			salatu wa sallam,
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			and the scholars devoted the miracles of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to Tupac
parts. One part before the prophecy, another part after the prophecy, the one before the prophecy,
the scholars call it miracles, but they give it a different term. And the term that the scholars
give to that phase before the prophecy in which miracles had occurred, they call it Eros. Eros in
Arabic means an indication or a sign. So the miracles that took place before the prophecy of the
Prophet Mohammed Salah before the Prophet Mohammed Salim received his first revelation, the scholar,
the scholars color, and they're referred to as their house or house means I saw one of the prophecy.
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			I saw of the prophecy like esala, his alarm when he spoke, when he was only few days age, that
speech of a baby it is a miracle. But it's not a prophecy. It's not what we refer to that this is a
miracle during the term of prophecy, because you can't have a prophet before the age of puberty as
the scholars agree on that. But it is a sign a sign of the prophecy or you might even refer to in
English what they call it as a prophecy but a sign to this person to becoming a prophet and a
messenger. So the Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had miracles before the revelation before the
Prophet Mohammed Salah became a prophet, and that is before the age of 40 because the Prophet
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			Mohammed Salim received his first revelation by the age of 40. But then when the Prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became a prophet and more miracles occurred and more miracles took
place. Then now he is a prophet I messenger with miracles Madiba we refer to those miracles as more
Jesus Marja. It is a miracle that took place on the hands of a prophet a messenger it has, it is a
miracle that took place on the hands of someone to become a proper messenger before the prophecy,
and before the message would.
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			Now the problem Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had different miracles before he sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam received his first revelation. And we could see that the Prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lived along a longer duration before the prophecy than during the
prophecy. He lived for two years before the prophecy and 23 years during the Prophet hood. And the
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his birth itself it is a miracle. The birth of the
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the existence of the Prophet Mohammed. Allah salatu
wa sallam into this world is a miracle within itself. He is the one that lots of panatela had
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			promised, that he will emerge is the one that allows a panel to Allah had addressed the prophets and
messengers in Nakuru, Anika masala Xhosa mentions in the surah in Surah, Allah Emraan Allah subhanaw
taala has really taken the promise from the prophets and messengers that if Mohammed sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam was to ever appy during any time that the follow the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, and he is the ones that Allah subhanaw taala mentioned the Napoleonic era Mama
sonica illa Rahmatullah mean indeed, or Mohammed who has sent you a mercy to the entire mankind. So
the birth of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the existence of the problem
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			Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam into this world is a miracle, then it's over. That's your
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			What's your house again, it is a miracle that will occur on the hands of someone who is to become a
prophet before the Prophet
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			It is a miracle. And I mentioned to you in the last lesson a miracle, it is something that will
occur something that will happen on the hands of someone
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			who is a prophet or a messenger, or before the prophecy or before this person to become a prophet
and messenger. It is a miracle though, which is impossible for a human being, to come up with
something beyond your imagination, something that's out of the ordinary out of the normal, like
someone flying or someone saying something that makes it impossible for a human being to come up
with. Because if a human being can come up with something like that, then it's no longer considered
to be a miracle. It's something that every other person can do, or maybe just a small number of
people can do. But this miracle comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala upon this prophet and messenger,
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			this miracles from Allah azza wa jal to this proper messenger, in which a lot of errata Allah
consolidates him or strengthens him or even empowers him with something in his hands as a proof and
evidence to his people to say that I am the proper messenger. This is the proof. This is the
evidence that I am the Prophet messenger. So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
encountered miracles before the prophecy and a lot more miracles during the prophecy. While the
Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam had encountered before the prophecy, obviously he a lot of
unauthentic headaches, such as the headache that we mentioned that with the mother of the Prophet
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			Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam was delivering birth to the Prophet alayhi salatu was salam, she
experienced a light that's coming out of a private part and so on. These are authentic hadith, so
I'm not gonna mention them. I'm only going to mention what's authentic. Well, what's been verified
what's been authenticated by the scholars, one of the amazing miracles that took place during the
time of the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salem at a young age and that is before the prophecy of the
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which is the event that's known the event of the
opening up and display of the chest of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now that's a
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			miracle. What miracle we're talking about. We are talking about a miracle before the prophecy, in
which we refer to it in Arabic as Eros, an invocation of the prophecy.
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			That miracle took place when the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was young. Some
narration said he was only four is out of generation. So he was only five years old of generation
say more or less, but obviously nobody saw Sonam was very young, he was a child. And what happened
during the care of Halima Sadie when she was taking care of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam at a young age and Nabi sallallahu wasallam was in the desert in Arizona, Los Alamos not
living in the city of Mecca. Baba the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salam grew up and his upbringing was in
the desert with the Bedouins to strengthen the Prophet Mohammed sossalamander was a custom that the
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			Arabs used to undertake the Arabs is to do in particular for their children, for them to go out in
the open for them to become stronger for them to learn the pure Arabic language for them to accustom
to difficult times and difficult environments. And that's exactly what the mother of the Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam did to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam she sent
him out in the case of Halle Masada. And even though that moment when Halima Sadie and her right
when she picked up the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had the rest of herpes, and the
rest of her colleagues and friends were reluctant to pick up the profile as Salatu was set up and
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			take him with them because he was known to be an orphan. So each one of them thought about the
financial benefit that they're going to acquire or get from the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam, what are we going to get from someone who is a baby an orphan, his father is dead, we're
not going to get much money. But on her way back Allah subhanaw taala blessed her not only blessed
him blessed her husband, her family, and even the mount that she was writing. She said it was the
slowest, the slowest mount on the way to Mecca but then she became the the quickest and the fastest
mount on the way back home.
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			And honey Masada she says I encountered the blessings of this child from the very first moment I
entered the house. how Allah subhanaw taala blessed us Our lives are blessed our crops, our laws of
blessed our farms, our laws of our animals and kettles. Allah subhanaw taala blessed our household,
Allah subhanaw taala blessed him. That was a miracle even though it's a blessing but it's also a
miracle. But then fees after that when the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was playing
with his other foster brothers, because he had a number of children's and evisa was playing with the
other foster brothers. And this is I had this been narrated
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			in a salon to salon was playing with his other foster brothers in the open. So the narration
continues to say to men, strange men, that no one in the area, no one in the village or in that town
or even in in the desert.
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			Ever seen those two strange men? what they did, they've taken the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wasallam away from his foster brothers and their right away his two or three foster brothers that
were playing with him. They rented their mother had a Masada to inform her. What happened to the
problem Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. During that time, those two strange men had taken the Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam as the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself
narrates, and they took him behind a small hill, where the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, his
heart and chest was open.
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			You talking about
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			five, six, even four years old, as I mentioned, different durations. And the Prophet Muhammad SAW
salams chest was open. It was opened by others to strange men. And they took the heart of the
Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam out of the chest of the Prophet Mohammed la salatu salam, and
then the Prophet sallahu wa salam, he says,
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			Those two men opened the heart of the LA Salatu was set up and then took something took a piece of
meat or a portion out of the heart. And then they said to one another, has a have a shaper. This is
the luck of the shaper in this hall. They took out the heart of the problem Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam out of his chest and Oh no, just to open a chest, especially back then you
straightaway gonna die. There's no chance of you living. But those two strange men who were later on
to be known to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam as angels that opened the chest of the
Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam took out the heart of the provider in salatu wa sallam, then they
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			took a little portion or a piece of meat out of it, or some narrations, even a black portion out of
it. And then those two men said, half the shape on this is the lack of the shape on in the how
Mohammed Salalah alayhi wa sallam. Then they washed it with Zamora, in a pot in a pot or a bucket.
And some narrations even say in a golden Paul said they watched a golden pop and then they put it
back in the chest of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and seal the trust of the
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
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			He went back to his foster mother haleema Sadie and his face was so old, his face was so petrified
and obviously he's a child of course, it's gonna be petrovac disease and ha in front of him. If
you're an adult, if you're a man and you see something like that in front of you gotta be petrified.
So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself, who was petrified and his face was so
powerful that he went back to his mother, or his foster mother Halima Saudia, and then he explained
to her related to what just had happened to him, and then Hannah, Masada became Sarah, serve afraid
on the problem Mohammed Al Salam. She became afraid upon the Prophet Allah is salatu wa sallam says
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			she summoned his mother and called it to come and to take the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam away from her. She didn't want to take any responsibility or liability on the Prophet
Mohammed la salaatu wa sallam, but that's a miracle. Now, obviously, it is a miracle for two
strangers just to come out of nowhere to open the chest of the provider is Salatu was Salam Tiga,
the heart of the provider in salaatu, wa Salaam cleaner, take something out of and put it back in,
and then tell him off you go. This is a miracle. But what do we call the in Arabic? What do we call
the according to the Islamic or the Sharia Terminology The scholars refer to refer to as a miracle
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			but they refer to at the same time as an in house. Their house is a miracle that takes place on the
hands of a prophet and messenger before the prophecy.
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			There was one miracle that took place.
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			Before the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and before the Prophet
Mohammed Allah salaatu wa Salaam became a prophet and a messenger. And we'll all know the Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became a prophet and messenger by the age of 40. Another
miracle took place on the hands of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he was
under the care of his uncle,
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			who was born as an orphan, and then he was taken care of by his grandfather. But then when he was
six years old, he passed away. So his mother was taking care of him and then he scared was passed on
to his uncle during the time of his mother than his mother passed away and Abdulmutallab was taking
care of the problem. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that's an amazing upbringing of the
Prophet Mohammed Allah is Salatu was Salam. And that within itself has a lot of wisdoms behind that
the we could speak about it later on.
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			The other miracles that took place during the time and the childhood of the Prophet Mohammed
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is when the problem Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam traveled with
his uncle
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			traveled with his uncle Abu Khalid from Mecca to Syria. And during the journey and we're talking
about not a day or two, a two day journey, it was weeks, if not months. And back then he used to
take a monetary month to get to Syria
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			by travel, and then we're talking about they used to travel on the amounts and these are travel on
camels and these to travel by foot, and then one or two months to return back from Syria.
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			During that journey in which Abu Talib had accompanied the problem, Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, or
the provider is Salatu was Salam had accompanied his uncle Abu Talib on the journey and it was a
journey of trade that the people have put ISIS to take some stocks on products with them from Mecca
seller in Syria, then boy from Syria and come back to Mecca and seller in Mecca, on this journey of
autonomy and the rest of the people that were with obatala that encounter that experience amazing
things that took place on the hands of the provider in salatu wa Salaam, not knowing that this man
is going to be a proper messenger but the need is one thing about this man that knew that this man
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			or this child one day is gonna have a very respected position and status in the future. The problem
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was only 12 years old.
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			on this journey, the provider is Salatu was Salam was only 12 years old. And the people that
accompanies Abu Taliban went out with Abu Talib on this journey with the problem Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam and again, back then or during that time when he was 12 years old, in Ibiza la
little Salaam was not recognized to be a profit until another 20 is after the when the provider is
allowed to have sort of reached the age of 40. But in the vehcile Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he's
still being prepared but Allah subhanho wa Taala, to be the Prophet and the messenger, but not any
Prophet and Messenger, but the greatest proper messenger to ever step foot on the face of this
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			earth. And that's what Allah has prepared him with different miracles that occurred on his hands,
different miracles that emerged on the hands of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. During
this journey, a lot of those people that accompany the provider is salatu wa sallam experienced and
encountered amazing things. One of them is what they narrate. And they say, that was the problem,
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we are talking about a kid here, we're talking about a
child of Toby's old while he was on his mount, or whenever he traveled whenever he walked, whenever
he was writing, there was always this cloud above his head, protecting him from the sun.
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			And that cloud will never ever go away from the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam during the day,
and people experienced that, I understand that you say a cloud but this cloud wherever you guys
following you, there's gonna be something behind this cloud.
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			Wherever he went wherever he traveled is always declared above the head of the Prophet alayhi
salaatu wa Salaam, protecting the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from the heat of the
sun, while the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is traveling in the middle of the desert
in the middle of summer in the middle of the hill, where are you salatu wa salam is being preserved
and protected by Allah subhana wa tada with this clarity. Now, how are you going to make a claim of
this with all the technology that we bought these days, there's no way you can even fabricate or
even put together a cloud that can follow whatever you want. But now you're talking about a cloud.
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			Wherever the problem amazon seller traveled wherever the problem homosassa them went, that cloud
follow the Prophet Mohammed la salatu wa sallam. He is the one the organized, that clear that
establish that clear to follow the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam wherever he's going, Allah
subhanaw taala. And now,
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			there's no way that this cloud was fabricated or that cloud was created by any human being or
integration of Allah subhanaw taala.
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			And then when the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam arrived to a place called Basra,
which is in the southern part of Syria, in the recent alario center Malini salaallah alayhi wa
sallam is mourning his business, a normal kid child 12 is out that's Mohammed Allah is Salatu was
Salam doesn't know much about Allah subhanaw taala know that he knows much of Islam. He's just an
ordinary child, an innocent child, but Allah subhanaw taala is preparing them to be the greatest
prophet and messenger and greatest human being to ever tread the earth. He sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam was sitting under a tree. And then there is a Rahab, a monk, a monk by the name of Byron Nava
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			Hara was Amanda had his own temple that will always stay in his temple never comes out. But then
from far when he saw the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and again, he was only a
child. 12 years old, he came out of his temple.
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			He came out of his monastery, and he saw the problem homosassa from afar and then he called he said
to him does this job belong to who's the Guardian who's the responsible person of this child so
everyone pointed to avatar the dunk of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu
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			lucidum so behera raheb behera, the man, he called avatar, and then he told him who is the father of
this child? subutai. I told him, I'm the father of this child. So behera said, This father, the
father of this child should not be even a life. Now you're not his father straightaway.
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			You said, this child's father shouldn't be alive. You're not his father said, You're right. I'm his
uncle. He said, you're correct.
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			And then behind, I start to ask some questions. And we're talking about a monkey that knows some of
what Allah subhanaw taala had revealed in the authentic scriptures. And he knew that it's time,
which is due for a prophet, a messenger, and he could see the traits and the signs in this young
child to be the next prophet and messenger and the greatest prophet and messenger. After he had
spoken to him and altfi question he told them, Listen, by Allah, if the Jews know this man, or they
knew this child is he they'll kill him, take them right now and take him back to where he came from.
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			obatala was astonished. He was amazed, like, what are the statements? What did this man just say to
me? And what are the things that this man is saying to me and one of the things that I had mentioned
to you about all of that this child of yours or nephew, will become someone in the future. So take
him right now and get back where you came from. Otherwise, you're not going to say my love for too
long. Because someone lucky has been mentioned our scriptures. And it does resemble what is been
mentioned our scripture regarding a man or a prophet to come, and it's due for his time to come out
and emerge. So hamdulillah that's another miracle
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			that has emerged and occurred on the hands of the Prophet Muhammad Allah. But when did this take
place? It took place before
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			the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salaam so before the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salam became a
prophet and messenger, that is by the age of 40. In the bass Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah encountered
and experienced those miracles that refer to them as miracles. But we have and we use a particular
term in the Sharia, we call it a house, which is an indication and a sign to the prophecy and this
person to become a messenger in the future. Another one, which is the blessing that took place on
the hands of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he traded and he transacted with
the warmth and the money of Khadija
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			who she became the lead on the wife of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the early
on, some of them used to travel and he traveled with the world of Khadija and he brought a lot of
blessings. He brought a lot of warmth into the business of God alone.
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			On the encouraged producer of the logo, Lana to get married to the problem, Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam just us before the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he
Allah is salatu wa sallam mentions to us that he recalls that while he used to walk while he used to
walk in the streets
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			of Mecca and the valleys of Mecca Hill he the rocks, he'll hit the mountains and leave the tree
speaking to him but the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't know any better at that
time for him to respond back to them. And that was a miracle that occurred in the hands of the
Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam but before the prophecy again it was rocks, trees, even the
Rhodes hills will speak to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and some of the things
that's been the writer. They'll say, Mohammed Rasul Allah and the Prophet
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			Muhammad Rasulullah. And some narrations even say a salam o Alaikum.
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			Peace be upon you or the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard the BA in a salatu
salam didn't grasp it in a besonderen cross comprehend it until later on where Allah Salatu was
Salam was a prophet and messenger. And the last miracles I mentioned to you tonight is that miracles
are prepared the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for the prophecy and that is when the
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in the cave of Hira in the mountain of noon, which
is a cave about 67 kilometers away from the Kaaba, where the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam will
resolve to the cave three years prior to the prophecy from the age of 3039. And to the age of 40. He
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			Allah is Salatu was salam o get to the cave and he Allah is salatu wa sallam will also let him serve
in seclusion away from his people just thinking of a live zoa john, before he had that connection
with Allah subhanho wa Taala maybe had that connection with Eliza. But we are talking about the
indoors connection with Allah azza wa jal and there is the prophecy and Mr. Joon Hee sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam while he was in one of the nights of Ramadan in the cave of Hira, while the Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is just comprehending here la Salatu was Salam is contemplating
he's a law and pondering, just thinking about the grandness of the Creator and thinking about this
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			world and this world has occurred from
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			behind in suddenly the problem Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam He is someone that says to him,
oh Mohammed,
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			Mohammed recite. So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam responded back to him an
innocent response. What was the response of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Anna
Vitara hurry. I'm illiterate.
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			I've never read them all off. Now. So the problem Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was shocked.
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			was petrified. And obviously he's he's a human being at the end of the day. So this big that later
on, was to be known to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam as jabril he grabbed the problem
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and squeezed the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
a powerful squeeze the brother Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to himself, I thought that
I was gonna be killed. I thought that my soul is gonna be taken out some powerful squeeze. Now the
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam felt the pain and the agony of the squeeze. And then
release the Prophet Muhammad SAW Selim and then the second time he chose the Prophet Muhammad
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			Sallallahu wasallam Yeah, Mohammed Mohammed resort. And again the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salim
innocently says the man Have you thought
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			about lying to you? I've never read them. I've never opened a book I'm an illiterate man. never read
never wrote. So again for the second time grab the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
squeezes in a squeeze so powerful that the provider is also felt the pain and the agony of the
squeeze. And then he released him. And then the third time, he tells the problem Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam Yeah, Mohammed, Mohammed recite and the provider in salaatu wa Salaam is shivering.
He is petrified. He's so scared and terrified. Sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam from this encounter from
this event of the provider is a lot also did not even expect or even anticipate where Allah salatu
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			wa salam for the third time he is grabbed and squeezed and squeezed so powerful. Again, the provider
is salatu wa sallam said that I thought that I'm going to be doing also that I'm gonna die. And then
he released the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said
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			Bismillah Allah, in Santa min Allah.
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			Allah Allah tala lemon in Santa mela miana which way the first five verses of the first revelation
of Allah subhana wa tada to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from solo to Allah, Mohammed recite
Arabic Allah The hanok resort in the name of your Lord Allah subhanho wa Taala Donna had created and
created the creation your Creator Bismillah Allah, Allah Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Subhana Allah
created this human being from a clock, from a clock that Allah subhanaw taala granted him, probably
some Arabic Allah, Allah Allah Allah, Allah.
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			Allah, Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah May Allah recite the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala,
the most generous and reciting the name of Allah azza wa jal, the one that had taught the human
being, he taught the human being with the pen he taught him when he does not know. So that was the
first revelation of Allah subhana wa Taala upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then that
being disappeared, and nobody sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has no ID, he this bank is in a vase,
Alessandra will expect that this bank will come to him. And then the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu
Sallam left the cave that he was in where he Allah is Salatu was Salam went back to his wife during
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			a time that his wife did not even expect him. That was another miracle to the Prophet Mohammed Salah
Salam out of nowhere, suddenly, a being just a piece of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam and leaves a problem homosassa with words of the Prophet Mohammed Salim did not even expect
and some of you might even ask, what's the purpose of the squeeze? Some of the scholars say, as
Pamela like they're saying, This is to awaken the Prophet Mohammed Salah Machado, Mohammed, what
you're hearing is not a dream. And that's why you could even make you feel some pain. It's not a
dream. And even later on even these days, you've got orientalist, you've got some orientalist, those
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			who are anti Islam or trying to penetrate the knowledge of Islam they say, well, Mohammed had heard
that cables is an imagined imagination.
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			Muhammad had imagined and because of the power of his imagination, he just imagined someone speaking
to him. If that was the case, how could his own imagination, make him feel some pain and agony?
That's our response. But that's another miracle. That prepared the problem Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam prepared the Prophet Mohammed la salaatu wa Salaam to be the next prophet and
messenger and last prophet missing gem the seal Prophet, prophets and messengers sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam and to be the greatest man ever tread the earth, or the greatest man ever stepped foot on
the face of this planet. That's Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. These are all miracles,
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			miracles that Allah Subhana Allah prepared the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam for prepare them
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			prepare them for his mission. Why was the mission of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam Ramadan Delilah mean mercy to the entire mankind, calling people to which is good prevented
people from which is bad and guiding people to the god apothem that's a path of Allah subhanho wa
Taala bring people away from darkness to the light of Islam. This is the mission of the Prophet
Muhammad SAW center all this that we mentioned before that's all preparation that will call miracles
but the all signs to the prophecy of the Prophet Mohammed Salah, salah and preparation for the
Prophet Mohammed Allah is salaatu wa Salaam inshallah next week we'll talk about our miracles that
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			occurred on the hands of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam when he sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam took upon this mission, and he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam embarked on the journey of the
prophecy and Mr. Juma Allah subhanho wa Taala makers from amongst those who listen and hear and act
upon what they listen to his panic alarm Hamdi, Nasha to Allah, Allah, Allah