Shadee Elmasry – William Lane Craig’s Kalam Cosmological Argument Exposed

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses William Lane Craig's argument that God is contingent and that everything that occurs in time has a cause. He uses a formulation of the Kalam opinion that supports his belief, but his argument does not include the idea that God is contingent. The speaker uses a pages of a synopses to explain the argument.
AI: Transcript ©
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William Lane Craig, he is a Christian, which means that he is

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committed to the idea that God is contingent, and he came into the

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universe. So when he makes the Kalam Cosmological Argument, he

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makes it in a way that supports his belief. The way that the

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Muslims made it, this conclusion is unthinkable. But William Lane

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Craig, he makes this argument. He has a famous formulation of it. He

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says that the universe began to exist. Everything that begins to

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exist has a cause. Therefore, the universe has a cause for its

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existence. And he says that causes supernatural, but he doesn't say

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that that causes unnecessary being he doesn't go there. And then with

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the Kalamoon, what they do is when they make this argument, they

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return it at the end to the contingency argument, but because

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William Lane Craig doesn't do that, it allows him to say as he

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does in his 100 150 page paper, he makes an argument he says that

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this God after creating the universe enters into time

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