Shadee Elmasry – Why Was Sayyidna Ali Weeping

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the need for strong character and a focus on one's success. They also talk about the difficulty of facing difficult situations and the need for continuous continuous training. The conversation is difficult to follow and is difficult to read.
AI: Transcript ©
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When you're in the world, you need to be strong. Okay? You need to be

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strong. You never show any weakness right in front of your

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enemies in the world or anyone with ALLAH. It's the polar

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opposite you show your brokenness, you weep, we weep

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and our dua in our calling in our all the seats, which means the

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feelings that we come upon us, what you want you weep for it. You

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weep for it. And we are not to say not even every thought. Is there

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anyone going to know this Dean better than him? Is there anyone

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going to know Allah better than him? Is there anyone going to be

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tougher than say not even if he thought of in one of the battles,

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Khyber? There was the city gate had been knocked down and the main

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door part of the gate that closes had been knocked down off the

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walls. Seven Sahaba seven Sahaba went to lift it, they couldn't

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lift it. Some period of time later, they looked back and they

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found say daddy carrying it on his shoulders, say naughty, whenever

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you thought he was once wounded slightly in in a battle. And he

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was seen on his bed weeping of the pain. Okay. And begging to Allah.

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His son say Nalley saying that hasn't said to him. A tough key

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quality. You you weep, you weep? Say nanny thought he said his

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answer has taught us until the end of time. He said let the shujaa

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Allah be. I don't try to be macho with my Lord. I don't try to be a

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tough guy when it comes to Allah subhanaw taala you don't say I'm

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not gonna ask. I can handle this. Okay, no, you don't do that with

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Allah. You have to be the opposite. With ALLAH SubhanA wa

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Tada we have to be broken and when you want something you need to beg

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for like a child. You need to beg for it. We pay for it. And this is

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what draws us near and we know and I ended mucus erotica, luminosity

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ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada tells us I am with the brokenhearted ones

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from for my sake. We separate between how we are with Allah and

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how we are with people. This is why we have heroes tough, tough

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men amongst the Sahaba kind of been worried I'm gonna have to cut

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say not even send them over a referee. Tough men. Okay, and you

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wonder well, how is how are these spiritual men? They're so tough?

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No, because behind closed doors with Allah azza wa jal, they are

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broken. Okay. They are broken, and they beg and plead and are begging

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and pleading his moko labor and do local labor. This is what we have

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to be doing daily as a prescription. Because who's going

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to give us victory is going to be from Allah victory against our own

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demons, and against the outside society and all the battle,

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the battles, ideological and otherwise, that we are engaged in

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every day

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