Shadee Elmasry – Why Israel Is An Apartheid State NBF 269

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The three main guidelines for being an century ago state are listed, with one being the goal of maintaining racial domination and being a full citizens, while the other two are motivated by international law and systemic oppression of one race. The third guidelines are related to actions taken on a widespread scale, with one being a legal definition of oppression on a systemic scale.
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The three main guidelines for being an apartheid state is first

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that they have intent to maintain racial * of one racial

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group over another. If we look at like the West Bank, Israeli

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settlers lived there as full citizens, they are encouraged by

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the state to live in this place a violation of international law.

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Palestinians lived there without statehood. So there's an incentive

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for Jews to live in a specific place and for indigenous

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Palestinians to not live in that place. So that first guideline is

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kind of very easily met. The other one is systematic oppression of

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one racial group over the other, which is also very clear if we

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look at what's happening in Gaza today. And then the third is one

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or more inhumane acts carried out on a widespread or like systemic

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scale. So by a legal definition, Israel fits the standards of

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apartheid very easily.

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