Shadee Elmasry – Why is religion more authentic when rooted in the past

Shadee Elmasry
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The speaker discusses a course that focuses on technology and technology is the opposite of science. The course is a combination of rooting in the Arabic language and learning about the past. There is a risk of losing information if there are similar incidents, but the course aims to improve science and technology rather than just discovering new things.
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Of course, the one that happened earlier, we root ourselves in the

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past because this is a religion of transmission. This is not science

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and being up to date with technology, scholars of the past,

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they were more pious than us. They knew the Arabic language better

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than us, the tradition was shorter to them. generations were shorter

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chances of things being lost or misunderstood less dad is where we

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learn our religion from technology is the opposite technology, you're

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always trying to push the envelope and discover something different,

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always trying to improve. So you want innovation in science and

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tech. It transmitted knowledge. The proof is how far back you can

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go. So if I if there's an incident that happened, let's say in 1905,

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and you have a newspaper reporting on the incident from 1906, but I

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have a newspaper reporting on the incident from 1905. The same year

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that it happened, Well, which one is going to be more authoritative?

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Let's say All else equal.

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