Shadee Elmasry – Why Do Madhabs Exist

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of sentences and sentences with no discernible meaning or context.
AI: Transcript ©
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scholars themselves differed within the realm of Hadith on what

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was the final say of the prophets of Allah when they differed on

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ranking Hadith. Abu Hanifa famously would judge by the action

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of the narrator, rep more than his words. So if a narrator said

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something, but he acted differently than we must assume he

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said it as an exception, not as the norm because he practiced

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differently. That's the third reason that methods exist. They

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differed on Hadith itself,

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regarding when he says something to say, and then this is the

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Sunnah, that's all so he's using his opinion. And you may have

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heard of another scholar who's early from the earlier times or

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after him that says, No, there is a stronger had eaten this, or this

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hadith is an exception, or this hadith was abrogated, or I fought

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a fight a stronger proof is the action of this narrator or the

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action of a more seniors competitive

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