Shadee Elmasry – Who Controls the World Rabbi Answers

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 discusses the history and character of the Jews in America, including their involvement in government, finance, and politics. They also mention someone named Kushner and their son's name as the enemy. Speaker 1 talks about the Jews' global presence and their desire to control the world.
AI: Transcript ©
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Listen to Ms. Ray, whatever you're gonna have the Jews will always

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control you. Like the character

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or the financial, always the Jews. The Jews are in charge of the

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world, science, financial politics behind the president, even now,

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everybody knows that all the campaign of Donald Trump is in son

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is his son in law, the Jew because Kushner that's how she made the

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world everywhere. The Jews always run the financial here in America.

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The Jews runs the show everywhere. I mean, I've tried to be fair, but

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then he comes in he blows it out of the water with the Grand Slam

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like this.

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