Shadee Elmasry – Which People Receive Allah’s Mercy

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the verse " marks on the throne" and gives a brief synonym for the verse. They then give a brief synonym for a man named Jesus who says " marks on the throne" and talks about people who are afraid of going to Jesus' orders. The speaker uses the phrase " marks on the throne" to describe Jesus' actions and how he commands people.
AI: Transcript ©
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It's a guidance to the pious and then I give you immediately a

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parallel verse. What's the parallel verse? My Mercy

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encompasses all things. Everyone loves this verse. Continue with

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though, I'll prescribe it. ordain it for those who have Taqwa. All

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right? I've told you this story many times before that I was at a

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talk. And the professor gets up there, one of these Islamic

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Studies professors, and someone raises their hand and says, What

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do you say about very good people who aren't on your religion?

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Right? Very good people who aren't of your religion. So she's, the

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question is already judged them as being good. She's already made

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herself a judge. It's built in the question. And the guy he's being

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political. So he says, The Quran says, My Mercy encompasses all

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things. Now long, a young little boy, just a 1415 year old boy, he

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goes to him. Could you finish what the verse says?

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Finish what the verse says, I shall ordain and on the people who

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have Taqwa, resist temptations, humble yourself except what you

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may not like, okay, all of this is the only way to get this mercy.

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So, it encompasses all things means what means, for example,

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there are enough Lexus's for all of us, doesn't mean you're going

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to all get them. Right. It's going to go to the one who can pay for

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it. So my mercy it encompasses all things. That means no one's too

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big for Allah's mercy. No sinner is so bad that he can't get

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Allah's mercy. However, who's gonna get it? Those who have

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talked about what is really taqwa, the fight to resist temptations,

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right, that's the real crux of what Taqwa is. Okay. And then it's

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described who are the people talk what they pay the prescribed arms,

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they believe in our revelation, they follow the messenger, okay?

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They command right forbid wrong.

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Makes good things lawful, make bad things unlawful relieve burdens,

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okay? He's saying what this is what the prophet does, but this is

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what we're supposed to do.

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