Shadee Elmasry – Where do we get our knowledge from

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the difficulty of finding the right teacher and the lack of knowledge in certain areas, emphasizing the importance of the Prophet peace be upon and the use of fitna in the prayer. They stress the need for clarity in certain situations and the importance of understanding what is right and wrong. They also discuss the importance of developing one's own scholarships and avoiding mistakes, emphasizing the need for consistency in graduation programs and learning from peers.
AI: Transcript ©
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You know, before I came here, it was very difficult to really get

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in touch with the right teachers and to learn the right knowledge.

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And I would say the majority of people today don't even know where

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to start. Right? Where do you get the right teacher? Who do you

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contact? And let's say, if we were to focus our, you know, range

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down, let's just take the average Muslim, what is the average Muslim

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supposed to do? This? This is a good question. Because

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how do you start and in anything, really just getting your foot in

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the door is the biggest accomplishment. I remember myself

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being totally confused. Now, I love scholarship and knowledge but

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didn't know that our OMA was as divided and broken up as it is,

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which is prophesied. So

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the Prophet told us this, this is going to happen, which gives the

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person comfort because when you see a problem, and there you have

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your Prophet peace be upon him telling you that he's telling you

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that is going to happen. That means he's also given you an

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antidote to it, right? A solution to it. Right? He recognizes it. So

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you know, this prophet, Prophet peace be upon him. He's not with

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us today, but his prophecies are living amongst us today. We see it

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in front of our own our own two eyes. So the way I began was, I

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asked myself what access do I have? And that is Allah so we

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don't you have Allah. Right. And we have a DUA, that is the dua

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that will deliver you right to the scholarship, that is going to be

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true, Aloha Medina, and we're gonna talk about that about

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tomorrow. This is a dua that should be said, in the last third

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of the night, in the prayer in the search data with Tada with

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desperation, whenever a person is confused about the truth whenever

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an individual doesn't know. All right, and fitna is not fits. And

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it has a couple of meanings. Number one is temptation. Number

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two, it's killing right. And the third definition of it is when the

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truth and falsehood are confused, when the truth and falsehood are

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confused, right? And a person doesn't know truth from falsehood.

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At that point. That's what we call fitna, right. We call that fitna,

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and this dua is supposed to clear up the fitna. On top of that you

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have in the Quran. Okay, well may attack Allah Jalla hamaca. Raja.

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All right. Why does Aquaman Hydrolat Jessup, right. And we

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this idea which says whoever is taqwa Allah will show a way out

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for him. This isn't everything in knowledge and wealth. In any

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situation. Whoever has Taqwa Allah will show him a way out. Okay?

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Well my tequila your Aleem Allah, whoever has taqwa, right. And we

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the Prophet peace Ivana said, Whoever acts upon what Allah

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taught him, that Allah will give him more knowledge directly from

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himself. And that knowledge directly from himself is not

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anything new. It's understanding of what's right and what's wrong.

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Okay, whenever you have a dilemma, what is this right or is that

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wrong? So most people out there, they are suffering from this and

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will continue because as new events come, you get more confused

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by new events where there's no precedent on these events. So even

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the contemporary scholars will be different. And by the way, in

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America, you have very few scholars, you have advanced

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students of knowledge, right? So even in America, don't say all

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these are Scott, you have advanced students of knowledge, we also

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have, we have to recognize that advanced students of knowledge,

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that means there'll be susceptible to mistakes, and they have to have

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teachers that they go back to. Alright, as much as there's a

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movement now to this. Alright, let's develop our own scholarship.

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How are you going to develop scholarship when you don't even

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have scholars in the first place? You have to have there has to be a

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constant go back and forth. And the advanced pseudo knowledge he's

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going to be wise enough to recognize what part of his

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teachers teachings are

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relevant to his location, right and which part were are absolute

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right to every location. So could you Could you repeat the dua for

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us once again, the DUA is Allahumma. Edina haka, haka. What

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is alternativa? Well, at nl bathala Bartylla, what is open HT

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Nova, which means, Oh Allah, show me the truth as truth, right, and

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give and bless me with the ability to follow it and show me falsehood

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as falsehood and give me the ability to avoid it. And we avoid

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falsehood, right? There's some people out there. And Islam is not

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a type of free for all operation. If once you know that something is

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a falsehood, the proponents of that falsehood we are taught to

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stop listening to them completely. Right. Yeah, there's someone with

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a complete heresy in the Dean yet why you're going to confuse

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yourself, right? You're going to confuse yourself, you're going to

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be confused, okay? And you're going to end up going in circles.

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Okay. And the if you had any other discipline, in any other

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discipline, you spend a long time choosing what university you go

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to, and then you stick to it. You don't switch every two years. You

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don't take a class here in a class there. You don't switch out after

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freshman year and then after sophomore year, switch to another

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school trainers

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If you're going to get a trainer, you're going to think very hard on

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who is the right trainer. Okay, you go and spend a little time

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with this person a little time with the next person all the time

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with the third person. And then you figure out which trainer right

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is going to suit you and you stick with them, the people who switch

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and go back and forth. These are the least the last people to

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learn, right? are the last people to achieve or attain anything you

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need consistency in all disciplines. So imagine now the

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most important discipline the discipline with a lot of detail,

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the discipline with the most on the line, there's we have heaven

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and * on the line, right? So a person should spend a lot of time

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first asking the question of from whom do we take our deen? Right

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What are the signs of people we said the first sign is if you see

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if you're in their presence, you remember Allah azza wa jal, the

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second sign all right, is will focus equally the element Aleem

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above this person is another scholar, which means and above

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that scholars and other scholars and above that scholars another

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scholar, what do we call that? Is Ned a chain of transmission?

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Right? He's not coming out of the blue. So this is a very important

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subject the subject of who do we learn from

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