Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Lecture on Aqeedah and Atheism Shaykh Hamza Wald Maqbool of Chicago USA (230117)
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I'm Nabad.
I'd like to thank Moana Abdul Rahim,
our learned and pious elder,
an introduction
that is largely undeserved.
I would also like to
say that I'm not an expert in.
And I would also like to propose the
that you don't need to have any sort
of high expertise.
intact, their original state inside of their heart
It is part of that original
logic and reason Allah created every human being
That common sense that seems to be very
to to know that Allah
So the part about proving the existence of
god is not difficult.
The locus of the problem is not in
the mind.
The locus of the problem is where it's
in the heart.
says regarding those
All these
that are polluting the earth, stealing money, and
then getting angry at a poor person for
buying a Snickers welfare check,
those people who steal
and and then and then cheap out on,
actual human beings
for pounds and cents.
Those those people, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala describes
them as
a people who have a rust that has
enveloped the heart.
The solution to removing that rust is something
that people like Moana,
Abdul Rahim Saab will be able to provide
you better. It is a solution of the
Once the heart dies, the mind becomes twisted
and things that are don't make sense to
it start to
sound reasonable even though they're not reasonable at
You know, should does a man man marry
a man or a woman or is you
know, why is it that a man cannot
marry his sister or his brother? All these
kind of weird things. Right? Was read it
was read by
Don't be like those people who forgot Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala for He caused them to
forget themselves.
And the age that we live in is
a a a sometimes
comical and more often than not sad
of this
ayah of the book of
Allah. I would like you to consider a
contention made by Imam Ghazali
in his
that he says it's a type of stupidity
in a person
to think just because they don't understand something
that nobody understands it.
It's possible for all of us as individuals
that there is something in the world, it
was explained to us or it wasn't explained
to us. We don't understand it.
It's possible we don't understand it, but it
does make sense. Just because we fail to
understand it doesn't mean that it doesn't make
I would further propose
to the, people who are listening to this
that the din makes sense.
There are certain things in the deen that
are super rational, but there's nothing in the
deen that is irrational.
We read books of logic in in madrasa,
at least we used to read books of
logic in the
There are a number of things that are
irrational. For example,
to say that there's such a thing, a
part of it is bigger than the whole,
obviously, it's not rational. It's an irrational proposition.
It's irrational if someone says, 1 equals 3,
isn't it?
1 doesn't equal 3. 1 is 1, 3
is 3. There are different numbers to say
that both of them equal one another. It's
an irrational proposition.
There are entire groups of people in this
world, the bedrock of their aqidah is what?
It's irrationality.
For them,
faith in God is an irrational proposition.
taught Adam He taught Adam
the proper names for everything.
We give names to things, we give labels
to things, we give technical,
terminology to things, and sometimes we do naming
So what certain people refer to as a
sacred mystery or a holy mystery,
It's not a sacred or holy mystery. What
is it? It's irrationality.
Because we live amongst them, it doesn't matter
how long your beard is or how
black your niqab and hijab is or jilbaab
is. It doesn't matter how double triple HMC
your meat is.
I love HMC
HMC for life, man.
But it doesn't those things don't matter if
inside your
your regarding,
your conception regarding the world around you is
This is something I hear again and again.
How can you say someone says
he's a kafir? Well, there's a group there's
a in in America.
Right? They say
they mean Allah is like
a rug merchant from the east, and Muhammad
is a gentleman by the name of Elijah
Pool from the south side of Chicago.
If that's what your
conception of
then your deen is not valid, is it?
This is a this is a maximum, legal
maximum in the Maliki school.
The the consideration is to give into reality
is not to the words.
Obviously, both of them are important. But in
the case of a person's
and the case of a person's belief, the
iman, the seed of which is in the
mind and in the heart,
It's not just enough to say the word
of iman, it's
important to understand it. In fact, it's critical
to understand it. Now I propose the following,
which is that we live in a society
and amongst the people, not just in Bolton
because we're in the UK or because I'm
in America,
But in the entire world,
the cultural
*, the cultural hegemony of the civilization
of the
has completely
covered over
even even the way people think about things
amongst the
and the ruling classes
in the Arab world, in the Indian subcontinent,
in Africa, and all of these different places.
So that the the ruling and the enfranchised
elites in those places,
they also
they also have the taint of the color
of this
this that
the belief in god is based on some
sort of irrational,
matter. It's based on some sort of quote
unquote holy mystery and you have to take
it on faith. Don't try to make sense
of it because it's not gonna make sense.
This is utterly ridiculous, completely wrong. This is
dead on arrival, returned to sender. This maybe
somebody else's
They have the right to have that aqidah
under the law.
This is not our aqidah, this is not
what Allah and His Rasulullah
alaihi wa sallam, sat down on the wahi
that that that came in the Quran in
the sunnah of Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Nor is it what is transmitted by the
salaf of salih. The is not some Abu
something or another who's in the masjid down
the street. I'm talking about the and
the The deen makes complete sense. The deen
is completely rational. The proof of the existence
of god is completely rational. It's a very
rational proof.
It's something that you can teach a small
child. I said in the beginning, I'm not
an expert on. I'm not a I'm
not an expert on.
It's just that this is something that makes
sense to me, so I share it with
people out of the hope that the Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala that watches over all of
us. Maybe if I say something good about
him and spread some good word about him
in front of his slaves, maybe inshallah he'll
be happy with me. Maybe if you spread
that word to somebody else, he'll be happy
with you. Also, by
say, amen. Amen.
So what is it? Right? We live in
a world of what they call asbaab, causes
and effects. Okay?
One of the mistakes that the ancient Greeks
made, that the ancient Romans made, and
that mistake was assumed by Banu Israel by
the Jews, the yahood, and it was assumed
by the Christians because of the cultural hegemony
of the Greco Roman civilization.
One of the mistakes that they made was
to believe
that they're gods. Right? Because what is the
gods of the Greeks and the Romans? It's
like Zeus, Jupiter.
Right? It's it's what? It's, you know, all
of this, like, Athena and and Hades and
all these different gods that they had. They
were essentially they're not they're not what we
consider to be
They're like essentially like Marvel
Comics superheroes, like souped up versions of human
beings. So they have a body like we
have a body, maybe it's a little bit
They fly in the air and throw thunderbolts
at stuff and, you know,
transform into different animals and whatever. But essentially,
it's like a souped up human being.
That human being lives within time and lives
within space. That human being is subjected not
only to physical constraints,
spatial constraints, temporal constraints,
but also to ethical, moral and rational constraints.
Meaning what? If Zeus should take somebody and
and and shoot a lightning bolt at him
for no reason, people will say what? Zeus
did something that's unjust.
Because Zeus did something that's unjust. 1 of
the gods did something unjust, the other god
will take revenge from them. The people will
stop worshiping them, etcetera, etcetera.
What is it? It's this idea that
the gods are really powerful human beings, but
there's a reality that exists over even them.
Which is what? Time,
and also
You know, think
realities of meaning, philosophical realities like justice, like
whatever. Okay?
This is the reason, you know, the
we have
the. Right? This is it's a difference of
opinion amongst the ulama as to which of
the sons of Sinai Ibrahim Alaihi Salam was
The opinion according to our,
our text and according to the
the opinions of our ulema is that it
was Sayna Ismail alaihi salam. But there is
an opinion that comes as narrated from the
sahaba radiallahu anhu that it's Saina Ishaq. I
propose for the purpose of learning the lesson
from the story,
it's irrelevant which one it is by and
large. It's not totally irrelevant, but by and
large is irrelevant.
So the the story of the binding of
Ibrahim and his son, whichever one it was,
they don't even accept the possibility that it
That story is an important story in
Jewish tradition as well.
They call it in
Hebrew the in Arabic means to tie something
up. Right? They call that the means binding.
The binding of,
of of of Ibrahim of his son in
order to sacrifice him, because sacrifices were bound.
So it is an opinion
it is an opinion and a respected and
valid opinion of the rabbis.
That said that Ibrahim, by slaughtering his son,
he failed the test.
It is a an opinion that the rabbis
is not the only opinion that they have,
but it is an opinion that they respect
as a valid point of view, that by
sacrificing his son when
asked him to,
failed the
test. Aside from the issues regarding that
what's the point of sending a if he's
not going to be able to carry out
your commandments? Right? That itself is an irrationality.
Aside from that issue,
the idea is what? They said that God
commanded something unjust to,
Ibrahim. He should have not listened to him.
The purpose for sending the mbih alaihimusan in
the world was to take the creation and
the creator and and the link that was
broken between them to mend it and make
it whole again.
The purpose was not to teach people to
second guess Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
I consider with, I I I
I put forth to you with all due
respect to our,
of the Jewish religion and our friends and
our colleagues of the Jewish religion who live
amongst us and have lived amongst us in
peace for centuries,
that this is utterly in the in the
in the realm of the intellectual. This is
utterly nonsense as a complete fail. It's a
fail of iman. It's a complete failure of
faith to even acknowledge this has any sort
of moral or intellectual
or spiritual worth in it.
Because what you did is you were supposed
to worship Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
as the supreme being.
And what did you do? You took your
justice and you imposed it on top of
him. So Allah is not Allah. The justice
on top of him has is of a
higher rank than Allah. There's an external thing
called justice, and you made Allah into this
marvel superhero character just like the Greeks and
the Romans did.
Our friends and our neighbors that we live
and happily coexist with for centuries,
they did the same they did the same,
mistake and they did it even worse.
It's okay. We disagree with them. They disagree
with us. No no offense, you know. I'm
not saying this to, you know, like, pump
up sentiment against different religions, but we have
these discussions, we have our point of view,
and that's okay. They have their point of
view. We think they're wrong. They think we're
wrong. We get along with each other, because
we're stuck in this life. That's something we
all agree about. Right? We're stuck in this
life together. We may as well get along.
What did they do? They said, God is
This justice is external. It's over Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala. It poses its will on Allah
Ta'ala even though Allah Ta'ala is the one.
Right? Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's will this is
our akhida that it overwhelms all other wills.
This is justice impose its will on us
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
that the creation sins,
and God is just, so he has to
punish them. He can't forgive them. Why? Because
justice is forcing him to not punish them
supposedly. Right? Or not forgive them supposedly.
So in order to forgive, he has to
take out that justice on somebody.
So god is just because it's justice, he
can't forgive. He has to take out that
punishment on somebody.
So what does he do? He incarnates himself
into the created world, in the form of
a human being, and then he puts all
the punishment on himself
who came as a sinless and a blameless
and a masum,
an infallible,
and sinless,
human being.
through that, his justice is served. Now, if
you're a rational person, you see, like, there's,
like, a couple of things that are very
wrong just off the bat, which is what
created the entire universe.
How can he become a part of it
How can he become a part of it?
Didn't we say that the it's rationally impossible
for the to be bigger than the? It
doesn't make any sense from that point of
view. What else does it make any sense?
The justice is imposing itself on him from
ex from an external from above, which means
he's not Allah. The justice is Allah because
the justice has the upper hand over him
as well. And Allah ta'ala is the one
who has the upper hand over all of
his all of his subjects.
What else is wrong? Right? What else is
If his justice doesn't allow him to forgive,
how does his justice allow him to punish
somebody who didn't do anything wrong in the
first place? That's even more unjust.
Right? Iman has its logic. Kufr has its
It's quote unquote logic. Right? We use one
and one like Istighfafan
or Istighizaan.
Iman has logic. Kufr has its own line
of reasoning that appeals to it.
So I propose all of this is what
this is all something that doesn't make sense.
It's irrational.
I propose what? I propose that we have
a rational definition of Allah
philosophical ideals like justice, all of them are
created by Allah
Isn't it the hadith of Rasulullah
a dua of his
is related in the the Sahihab ibnuhibban,
that he said salallahu alaihi wa sallam to
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
My def My The thing that will come
to pass is whatever you order. The thing
that will come to pass over me is
whatever you order. My definition of justice is
whatever your decree is.
Our definition of justice comes down Allah sends
it it down. It's not something that's over
Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Time and space, Allah created it. This is
the reason why the
traditionally considered the question of where is Allah
to be a wrong question.
Why? Because Allah
created everything.
He created time and he created space.
We say
That his his beginning
his his his primordial
eternity has no beginning.
And his,
his his existence forever has no end.
But the the reason that is is not
because what he's inside of time always. The
reason is time itself is a creation of
All points in time, space, they're all equal.
We cannot sympathize or understand what the that
of Allah is or how Allah's essential existence
is. Why?
There's nothing like anything like unto him.
There's nobody who has any parity with him
But there are certain things that he did
that help us to relate to something.
Something regarding what he's not. So doesn't it
come in the hadith of the prophet
that the first thing Allah created is the
pen and the tablet. And then he commanded
the pen to write everything that was, everything
that is, and everything that will ever be.
To show us what? In his
the past, present, future, it's all the same.
Why? Because time is like a speck that
he created. All of it is in front
of him.
Completely uncovered, not not a mystery at all.
All of it is equally in front of
him. He doesn't change. He is who he
is now, and it's the same Allah who
he was and this is same who Allah
who he we will he will be. We
experience time as what? We experience time as
a sequence of events, a linear sequence of
events that's moving in one direction.
But to Allah
all of it is equally in front of
just like that all spaces equally in front
of him. So when someone asks what's the
the question where is Allah
what do we say? We say, he's everywhere
in his knowledge.
People say he's everywhere to little kids to
kinda shut him up, but that's not a
really correct answer. The correct answer is what?
He's everywhere in his knowledge.
But to answer the question where is Allah
to say that he's in a certain point
in time and space,
explicitly says he's not contained within the directions,
up, down, left, right, front, back. He's not
contained in those six directions. Right?
That that he's not contained in those six
directions. We say his knowledge pervades all all
but to think that within the space that
he created that he's in any one point
misses the point that he's bigger than space.
To think that he exists in time, he's
bigger than time. Time and space are creations
of his. It's like a cage, a prison
that you and I are imprisoned in.
But he's not imprisoned in it. He's Allah
to to you know, this is all a
very big setup for what will possibly be
almost disappointingly simple.
When somebody asks, does God exist or not?
Right? Your university professor,
he says, does God exist? You cannot prove
to me God exists.
You can't prove to me God exists.
Show me God.
Touch God. Let me hear him. Let me
see him. Right? Let me smell him. Let
me taste him. Let me sense him somehow.
And then I'll believe that he exists. But
if you can't show him to me, then
this is your imaginary friend, pie in the
sky in July, spaghetti monster in the air.
Why are you bothering me with this? This
is completely irrational Just like the deen of
the Yehudin Nasara.
We say what? As a as
a our own holy book says what?
The eyesights will never be able to see
even though he sees all of the eyesights.
And I propose that one of the meanings
of this ayah
is not just it's
not just, what you call
limited to the eyesight. Rather, the eyesight is
the. It's the most noble of all of
the senses that a human being has.
It's the most powerful of all the senses
a human being has.
And a person is more debilitated by losing
their eyesight than they are by losing their
sense of smell, for example.
It includes all of the senses.
There's nothing like unto him. We said from
the beginning,
you will not through your senses be able
to understand him. You'll not be able to
understand him through his senses. In fact, our
say that to think that you your senses
or your mind can understand Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala, this in in and of itself is
a type of ship.
Rather, what we can do is think about
anything you can think of, whatever you can
think of, whatever you can understand. That's a
the fact that you can think of it
or understand it is is a or you
can see it. It's a it's not him.
It's a it's not him. So for somebody
to ask us, make mupalaba
of his existence, for somebody to ask us
to say, show me God,
let me touch God, and if you can't
do so, he doesn't exist. This in and
of itself from the very beginning, this is
an argument against who? Against the because
they're the ones who who
who consider god to be bound by time
and space And consider God to be like
a that
he's a physical being that is contained within
the six directions. Maybe he can, like, he
has some, like, super powers and things like
that. He's essentially just like a souped up
human being in their existence. That god, we
also disbelieve in him.
There are many Muslims that never sit in
the halakah of or the halakah of of
of learning the ill of deen
because they even some of them have beards,
some of them pray 5 times a day,
but because of the because we went to,
you know,
kindergarten through high school, bachelor's degree, medical school,
law school, master's degree,
aqayd of those people. And then when they
grow up and say, you know what? I
don't believe in god anymore.
The god you disbelieve, that god, we also
disbelieve in that god. There are many
Christians and Jews that that that apostate. They're
no longer Christians. They're no longer Jews anymore.
They say we don't believe in God. The
reason they don't believe in Allah ta'ala is
what? Is because the souped up like Marvel
superhero thing they disbelieve in. We disbelieve in
it also. That there's a Santa Claus sitting
in a chair in the sky.
We don't believe that. We don't believe it.
We never believed it. We consider it kufr,
whoever amongst us says that God has a
body, we consider it to be kufr. What?
The 6 directions cannot contain him. The 6
he doesn't have limbs and and things like
that. He doesn't have a body. He doesn't
have flesh. We don't believe in any of
that. Rather, he's
There is no exception to this rule
that there's nothing like unto
him Any place in the Quran any place
in the Quran where a person might get
the idea that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala resembles
his creation in any way, shape, or form,
there's also methodology in the Quran of how
to explain that.
Right? That some of the ayat of the
Quran are they're very clear.
Someone steals,
cut their hand off, not a whole lot
of, you know, super Fafruddin
type people needed to understand what that means.
Okay, fine. There are some conditions that has
to be within the confines of a sovereign
policy. The government has to do it. The
theft has to, you know, be of a
certain amount. It cannot be someone trying to,
you know, steal food, because they're starving, etcetera.
Those details are fine. Once those are once
those are all worked out, there's something called
theft if it happens. Someone has something called
the hand, you cut it off. They're
value. And they're allegorical.
They're not to be interpreted at face value.
Anyone who says you're supposed to interpret the
in a in a completely at face value,
literally, that person is a moron. There was
a school of people who used to do
that. They're called the.
They died out long ago. The ulema nowadays
quote their opinions in the books kind of
like as an inside joke, not really to
to to be taken seriously.
The idea that, okay, Allah says, you and
the ones that you worship other than Allah
will be the grabber of jahannam.
that that they will be the grabber of
jahannam. Do people worship Sayidna Isa Alaihi Salam
other than Allah? Yes. If someone says that
based on this ayah, I I say that
Isa alayhi salam
is going to be the grabber of Jahannam.
We'll say this person is a cashier. This
person is disbelieved in Allah and his Rasool
But I was just interpreting the Quran literally.
We don't interpret the Quran literally in every
single place. It's not appropriate to do so.
Because human speech is not always literate. What
if you said, imam Saab, give me a
hand. He's like, alright. Grabs a meat cleaver,
cuts his hand off. Here you go, Moana.
He said, this guy needs to go to
the mental hospital. Okay? That's not that's not
that's not something that's a a a a
a mentally
sound thing to do. Okay? So what do
we say?
Our ulema said that proof of the existence
of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
The need for every
created thing or the need for everything which
exists within the world of causes and effects
to have a cause to make it happen.
Okay? So what if said,
look that way, and he turns around and
looks the other way, and I throw my
phone at him. And then he turns around
and looks at me again, and I'll be
like, it just happened. Is are you gonna
believe me? Of course, you're not gonna believe
me. It's ridiculous to think that stuff happens
without something making it happen.
That happened from my direction.
Therefore, it's a very
a very reasonable conclusion for him to make
that I'm the one who threw it at
They used to be and we've shared this
example in the, in the, in the course
that we had in Huddersfield over the weekend.
There used to be a theory
amongst medieval
medieval means dark ages. It was dark ages
in Europe, not in the Muslim lands. Medieval
dark ages European
called the theory of spontaneous generation.
It's a theory that anyone who had taken,
like, biology
or gone to medical school or
dental school or whatever.
Yeah. There you go. Right? So they mentioned
it in biology books. Right? Like, they they
used to believe that you could take a,
a a a a
like a piece of rancid meat and wrap
it up in a damp rag and throw
it in a dark cellar and it will
spontaneously turn into a rat. Right?
And then, like, people are like, you know
what? Let's let's, like, keep watching that rag
and we wanna see it happen. So after,
like, observing for a while, they see the
rat comes from the outside. There's it doesn't
turn into a rat anyway. But they mention
this, like, in a little,
like, a little box in the biology books,
as if to say,
how stupid were they? They thought this stupid
thing. They're dumb people. Right? They're laughing at
them. They're laughing at their forefathers.
Now tell me something,
what's more stupid?
We're talking about stupid. So, well, I'm so
stupid in the mustard. My mother will hit
me if she sees
the if she sees the the thing in
the hot tub is the hot tub, you
have to say it. Right?
What's more stupid, to think that a piece
of meat in a damp rag can turn
into a rat or to think that this
entire universe can come from nothing?
The the rancid meat and the damp rag
is surely, it's smaller than the entire universe.
And surely, the rat is larger than,
sorry, the the rat is larger than the
entire universe.
Rancid meat and a damp rag can turn
into a rat? Or to think that every
that nothing,
in and of itself without any sort of
intervention, can turn into everything.
Do you understand what I'm saying? Is this
rational or irrational? Is this a sacred or
a holy mystery or is this completely rational
at this point? It's completely it's a very
simple it's a very simple,
observation, a completely rational observation.
A logical observation.
the ancient atheists were actually
better schooled in philosophy
than modern atheists are.
and, what's this,
what's this other guy's name? Sam Harris and
Bill Maher. These these people are lightweight people.
I mean, really they're not super intelligent people.
they're not trained well.
The ancient the ancient,
atheists that used to, like, argue with Imam
Abu Hanifa type atheists from, like, back in
the day, those guys were they had a
very robust philosophical training.
They understood
that it would be ridiculous to say that
everything came from nothing. So what they used
to say is what? That the the material
universe existed forever,
and it will exist forever, and it just
goes through cycles. It doesn't need a creator
because it just exists.
Now what do we as Muslims say? The,
Right? Wajibul Wajud and and and Al Baqah
Right? Having existed forever
and existing forever and necessarily existing in and
of itself. These three sifaat, what do we
give these three sifaat to?
To who?
Allah ta'ala.
And the old atheist philosophers gave those sifa
to who? To what? To the material world.
We have our iman. You have your iman.
Our iman isn't the one who created us
from nothing. Our iman is the one who
gave us life. Our iman is in the
one who gave us air to breathe and
water to drink, food to eat. Our iman
is the one who sent us.
Their iman is in what?
Dead matter.
Stupid matter.
Their iman is in you say, well, it's
in good things too, like gold and silver
and a nice car.
Yes. But also by extension, it's in feces
and urine
and other disgusting things. That's what your iman
is. All this stuff existed
forever, and it will exist forever, and it's
It's something that has to exist necessarily. It
doesn't need a reason to exist. Now I
want you to think about this for a
second. Who is who has iman now?
They have iman in this ridiculous thing. So
what you're saying is and so what they
say, okay. Well, we think of time not
as being linear, but as being cyclical.
This is a hadith of the prophet
by the way.
All of kufr is 1. We don't say
that this Kafir is better than that one.
Whoever disbelieves
in any part of the message is like
having disbelieved in the entire thing.
So look at this. Isn't this funny? Right?
What do the what do the,
Christians believe? They say God that the God
in flesh and blood
from this earth.
What do the the the the Hindus believe
also? They believe what? That time goes in
these cycles.
Right? Meaning that the earth also had
the earth also has,
the earth also has
You see how the 2 are the same?
They're saying a piece of this flesh can
be something that exists forever and existed forever
and has power over all things, and the
Hindus are saying the same thing.
It's really it's the same philosophically,
if you undress all of okay. Someone speaks
Latin and the other person speaks Sanskrit, which
are 2 sister languages, by the way. But
if you undress all the outer the outer,
trimmings, if you go to the they're
the same.
All of
is what? It's the same. And it is
not a mistake nor is it a coincidence
that these people who thought that God can
be made from this physical Earth and from
this physical creation have ushered forth for all
of mankind
what is hands down the most materialistic
ever known to the history of man.
is important.
If you don't know what your is, it
just it it means that you're ignorant of
it. It doesn't mean that you don't have
That's why when they say stop talking all
this pie in the sky spiritual stuff, let's
talk about
bottom line, it's all about the money. Why?
Because that's your is all about the money.
Our forefathers, they say stop talking all this
nonsense dunya stuff. It's all gonna disappear one
day. Tell me about what is this between
me and my Allah ta'ala.
So what did what what did what do
we say? We say,
The need, the necessity
that every
every created thing, everything
in the world of causes and effects has
for a cause to make it happen.
Now, the atheists suffered a setback.
The atheists suffered a setback.
Through material sciences,
do we know we know something about the
nature of the material world. Did the material
world exist forever or did it have a
a a finite start date?
Had a start date. Right? What what is
that start date called?
The big bang. Right? I'm really glad my
mother is not watching this because what I'm
about to say is somewhat embarrassing, but it's
the hop. Okay?
Now we know the universe didn't exist forever.
It did actually have some sort of cause
that made it exist, and that cause is
called the big bang.
Tell me something. You guys are mostly
native speakers of the English language. Right?
Okay. On street. No. I'm not talking about,
like, in, in the Webster dictionary, but on
the street, you know, the the verb to
bang something or someone, is this a good
meaning or a bad meaning?
Is it a good meaning or is it
a bad meaning? Now why is it that
this one event
that Muslim
and can agree on is a really important
All of our wujud comes from this event.
We agree about that. Right?
The same,
the same material that becomes the Kaaba, the
same material that becomes Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa
sallam in Madina and Makkan and Bukutsa Sharif
and that becomes the beard of Moran Abdul
Rahim. That same material all comes from that
one place. We have reverence for it. It's
a great event in the in the in
the cosmic history of creation. And for them
as well, they don't believe in the but
the duniya that they love so much, much,
all of it starts from there. Why do
they name it so disrespectfully?
Why? Because the the act of finding out
that the universe didn't exist forever, it doesn't
have the of Allah was very frustrating for
The name in and of itself betrays this
fact. It was very frustrating for them to
realize that that that that our our, like,
for trying to push God out of the
out of the equation, It just got the
rug pulled out from underneath it. Now, so
what happens is, like, you know, decades later,
the atheist, they like, you know, because people
they they try to look for some argument
or some way that they can
justify the still justify God not needing to
exist to say, maybe the Big Bang happened
cyclically. It'll expand, and then it'll collapse, and
it'll expand and collapse. Say, where's your proof?
Can I see the proof that you have?
Can I see it, taste it, smell it,
touch it? Or is your cyclical Big Bang
just your imaginary friend out in space? Who's
the one who has blind faith in a
holy and sacred mystery now? Tell me.
This is ridiculous.
Rather, every child
intuitively knows that anything that comes into existence,
Allah Okay. The atheist will if everything requires
a cause to make it happen, then who
caused God to happen? What did we say?
Everything was in the realm of causes and
Allah is not in in the realm of
causes and effects.
Created the realm of causes, effects, and
effects. Created time. If he created time, that
means to ask
the question when is just as silly as
asking the question where with regards to Allah
because all points in time are equal in
front of him. Otherwise, how is he going
to command the pen to write on the
tablet everything that was, everything that is, everything
that will ever be, if he hasn't experienced
it yet?
Do you understand what I'm trying to say?
So this is something this is very real.
This is very real. If someone said, well,
you know, the universe just existed. What happened
before yesterday, the day before? What happened before
that, the day before? It's like an infinite
infinite regress. You're just keeping going back further
and further and further. There's no way you
can materially prove that time goes infinitely into
the past. And I propose it doesn't.
That's what we experience.
And this is the,
the the meaning of many expressions in the
book of Allah Ta'ala
that show, you know, the relationship to time
as we're experiencing it with regards to time
as it's going to be experienced in the
heavens, etcetera, etcetera. All of these things are
relative. They're all creations of
Allah creations that he's not bound and tied
into, he's not bound up into, he's not
tied into. So this is something very real.
Now to step back from the rational or
the aqidah discussion,
I would like to propose the idea that
although you guys are all, much of a
wonderful and intelligent the things that I said
today don't require any sort of mental gymnastics
or, like, super ustuli training in order to
know or to understand.
These are all all statements and arguments that
will easily
and naturally appeal to the human mind
that's in fitra.
The reason that people
the reason that people want to believe that
God doesn't exist and will want to frantically
search for all of these other alternative weird
explanations like the universe existed forever and blah
blah blah.
You know, the reason people want to believe
that there's a system in this universe that
came from nothing on its own without any
cause, all of this type of stuff, is
what? Because they want to avoid the moral
for their actions. They want to avoid
accountability to Allah ta'ala. They wanna be the
big one in the creation. They don't wanna
have someone's head over or someone over their
head. They want to be like Iblis.
Don't tell me what to do. Don't tell
me where to make such that. I'm I
know what's up. Don't tell me don't tell
me any of this stuff. I'm not trying
to hear any of this stuff. I'm not
trying to hear any of this stuff.
This is a sickness.
The location of the sickness is not in
the mic.
The location of the sickness is in the
If the heart is straight,
if the heart is doing well,
then the mind will be put to good
If the heart is sick, then the mind
will use the heart for sick purposes.
This is why it's important
to be careful not to look at the
You know, Allah
He knows. Okay. We have beard. We're looking
real pious in Zakaria Masjid right now. He
knows when we leave, what we're looking at,
what we're not looking at.
Nope. Nobody else is innocent. Everyone anyone who
claims he's innocent, he's the most guilty of
everybody. Okay?
The right? You have to be careful though.
You can't you can't you can't be looking
at haram things like we're looking at. We
can't we can't do that. We have to
we have to be very careful lest what
happens is that through the eyes, the heart
gets poisoned.
Right? You have to be careful what you
Right? I made kind of a light comment
about HMC or whatever. This is one thing.
Actually, the first time I met Moana Abdul
Rahim was not at the Detroit retreat, but
when I came with Halal Advocates with Mufti
Abdul Anana in
like my whole goal in life to be
a meat inspector when I came back?
Why am I why am I why am
I involved with this effort?
Really to me, I don't mind eating sushi
for the rest of my life. I'm not
I'm not the guys like I really don't
That's not my thing. Right? I don't mind
eating vegetarian for the rest of my life.
I know in the Indian subcontinent that's like
a real thing. I'm not a Hindu. How
come I'm gonna Don't make me eat vegetarian.
I don't mind. I don't mind eating vegetarian.
We're Punjabi. We eat vegetables. We
we're farmers. We grow stuff and we eat
what we grow. Right? I don't mind any
of that. But what it's not a solution
for the ummah. The reason our Muqtab kids
are like, I don't believe in God anymore
is because the heart is crooked to stare
at because they've been watching TV their whole
life. The parents don't pray. People have been
eating haram in the home. Nobody cares. The
machine the chicken is slaughtered by a machine.
The thing becomes haram. It's a poison for
the heart. It's poison for the body as
well. But more importantly and more more perilously,
more dangerous, more scary is what? It's a
poison for the heart. Gotta be careful what
are we watching? What are we eating, what
do our private parts do, what do our
hands and our feet do, what are we
listening to?
Are we listening to the haram? Because what
is it? It poisons the heart. Once the
heart is poisoned and dead, these types of,
incoherent lines of thinking start to make sense.
Because the the the the heart is is
is the one whipping the chariot. Right? The
mind is a horse that does work for
the heart. If the heart has an evil
the heart is not and it's not the
physical heart. I don't know about the physical
heart. You can go to a card card,
a cardiologist to learn about that. Okay? I
know from, like, you know, contracts, lub dub,
atria and ventricles and all this nonsense. That's
that's not that's whatever. I have some basic
understanding of it, but it's not what I'm
talking about. I'm talking about just like the
human physical body has different tissues and organs.
Right? The spiritual body that a person has,
the spiritual apparatus that a person has, what
they call the ruh, it has different subsidiary
organs and parts also.
And the heart is a part of this
root of a person, and it's a place
where intentions are made. And if it goes
wrong, then it will cause everything else to
go wrong afterward with it. So we're commanded
to prevent it, preserve it, protect it from
going wrong so that it doesn't use the
mind to do all of this silly and
horrible things. The same mathematics, the same algebra.
Salusi is a famous
Right? He wrote a book on algebra. The
same Salusi wrote a book on the same
algebra the same algebra that the Farangi,
teaches math calculus that the Farangi teaches it
teaches. Sunnusi uses algebra in order to find
the qibla and in order to divide inheritance
questions. Right? The Farangi used algebra in order
to make atomic weapons. Now we have so
much atomic weapons, so many atomic bombs between
Russia, America, England, France, all of these knucklehead
countries. Right? The people are wonderful. The governments
Right? So much now tell me, they're like,
oh, Shay, if you're talking about the government
right now look,
we have so much atomic weaponry in these
countries. By the way, not you know, we're
not talking about Muslim countries. Look, Pakistan has
a couple of, like, nuclear bombs. I'm not
actually I'm not proud of that. As a
You What are you gonna use it on?
You're gonna use it on women and children?
Old people? You can What are you gonna
use it on?
What's what's there to be happy about that?
That's disgusting.
We have enough nuclear weapons in the world
that we can wipe out like 99% of
human population in less time it takes to
do than it takes to deliver a pizza?
Is that is that, like, something to use
your mind for? Is that something to learn
math for? Is that to learn some reason
to learn science? That's a type of sickness.
The heart when it's sick, it will use
the mind for sick purposes.
So when a person they're like, you know,
like dying, their iman is dying, you can
call them and call them and he'll explain
the whole,
you know,
etcetera, etcetera. Just to, like, you know, the
you, like, shock the dead person to bring
them back. Ultimately, what is the solution?
The solution is people have to have some
sort of,
some sort of, you know, regimen routine to
protect the heart from all these things that
are killing it, from all this rain and
all this rust that's that's that's encrusting it
and that's making it dead and impervious to
logic and reason and to, you know, impervious
to anything that's good. That we don't be
those people
Don't be like those people who Allah says,
don't be like those who forgot Allah, so
he made them forget themselves that they have
to wake up in the morning, look in
the mirror and wonder if I'm a man
or a woman.
This type of, like, death that happens once
the heart is dead.
Allah give all of us so much tawfiq.
make us people who have correct belief and
conception regarding belief.
Correct heart, correct mind, correct actions.
The correct mind can't happen except from the
the the the platform of a correct heart.
And the correct actions can't happen except for
on the platform of a correct mind and
a correct correct heart. If the mind and
the heart are correct,
the body will be dragged by force. The
same body that likes to, you know,
commit and sleep through fajr
and, eat during the Ramadan, it will it
will have no choice but to comply.
If the heart and mind are are are
And that body that doesn't wanna go and
in If the mind and the heart are
are are messed up,
the body that doesn't want to burn
in that body will follow the mind and
heart all the way to the depths of
the fire. Allah ta'ala be our protection.