Shadee Elmasry – What Should We Focus On in Palestine Sami Hamdi NBF 268

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the focus on human rights and the use of "immoral patient's pressure in Israeli conflict." They criticize the use of "immoral patient's pressure in social media and the resulting political climate." They suggest a campaign of cooperation to break Israel's monopoly and save money, but emphasize the goal of breaking Israel's monopoly and saving money. The conversation also touches on the rise in political activity and the potential for global political unrest.
AI: Transcript ©
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fight the battles that you know that you can win and where you

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won't get caught into a mudslinging competition. By that I

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mean that we will focus on the issue of the civilian casualties,

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the rights of the Palestinians not to live under occupation, the

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violence that Israel implicates on the occupied people, the way that

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they've monopolize the narratives, and everybody's sudden wake up

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suddenly waking up to it, the realities of the Palestinians who

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live under the Israeli occupation, you will notice that human rights,

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which today is using the word apartheid, amnesties using the

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word apartheid, apartheid is being used on the Congress floor, these

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things are unprecedented. You couldn't imagine they would happen

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70 years ago, but they're happening now, as a result of the

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breaking of Israel's monopoly. what Israel is concerned about is

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not that you will prove that the IDF were involved in the

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criminality or whatever happened on October 7, what Israel is

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terrified of is that the world will now see the Palestinians as a

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human, that the world will now see the Palestinians not as the

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barbaric animals that they've been painting them as for the last 70

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years, but they will see them as ordinary children, as mothers as

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fathers as LD and the like. That's what Israel is terrified of. And

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that's why the focus of any token, Palestine should be on the

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humanity of the cause. And on the humanity of the Palestinians, that

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these are not terrorists being killed. These are ordinary

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civilians. And that's why I thought it very poignant that a

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lot of the focus in recent days has been about the idea that when

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everybody says, Will you condemn Hamas? People are saying, Okay,

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fine, let's suppose I do. And let's suppose we go past this

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point. Let's imagine Hamas is eradicated. Let's imagine you

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remove them, then what do you do about the world? That is the West

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Bank, for example? What do you do about the Palestinians who remain

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there? Suddenly, you find that where they're trying to drag you

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into a mud mudslinging bath, in terms of what happiness is and

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what they do? You force them onto a terrain that is very much

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realistic, where they have no answers. You mentioned earlier

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about the West Bank. The reason the West Bank is such an

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uncomfortable topic for the Israelis and Western media is

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because there is no Hamas in the West Bank, you have a Palestinian

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authority that has abided by all of the conditions that the

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Americans have wanted. Since the Oslo Accords of 1993. You have a

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Palestinian Authority that proactively restraints the

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resistance of the Palestinians in order to uphold agreements with

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the Israelis, you have a Palestinian Authority that

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cooperates on security issues with the Israelis, on the basis that

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the Israelis will leave them alone, what's the excuse for

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Israel to keep bombing them. And that's why I think that when it

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comes to social media, the reason they've been so effective is

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because they haven't been bogged down on where the Israelis want to

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talk about, which is criminality of actions or terrorism and the

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like, but focusing on the humanity and humanity of the Palestinians.

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And that's what's making the Israelis go ballistic, they cannot

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fathom the idea that the ordinary American who shouts at the

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scientists in the supermarket is telling them that I don't believe

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that those civilians deserve to be bombed because of the actions of a

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few. And that's why Israel's monopoly is being broken. Because

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we're seeing a lot of non Muslims online who are saying that all my

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life, I believe the Israeli narrative, but I can't think of

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any scenario where it's justified to bomb a hospital and kill 500.

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To leave babies under the rubble to see the pictures of a baby's

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head being split into two wire the biller May Allah never show

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anybody, anything like that, to see the video of the child who's

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shaking with fear, and then burst into tears when he's hugged by

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somebody, because he doesn't know where his parents are the light

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that shakes the heart, because what you're speaking to here is

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not just to the conscience of humanity, but to the flipper or

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the fitter is screaming in every individual Muslim or non Muslim,

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that there is something so horribly wrong here. And no matter

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what Israel or Ben Shapiro, these other people are saying nothing

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can justify what I'm seeing before my eyes. And that's why I know

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sometimes some muscles want to get bogged down. And you mentioned in

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between patients, conspiracy theories, but the reality is that

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the victory is not being won in those battles. It's being won in

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finally breaking Israel's stranglehold on the monopoly. And

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for the first time, US breaking through the algorithm, and

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actually telling people the story. And it's worth noting here, there

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is a prominent political analyst in the US who helped to modernize

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the political industry where I work. My job is to advise

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corporate clients how to save money in in crises and disasters

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by advising them what's going to happen next and scenario planning.

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But Ian Bremmer, who we tend to follow for his analysis, he put a

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tweet out where he said, I've never seen so much disinformation

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on the issue of Palestine in Israel. What he meant was, is I've

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never seen so much pro Palestinian content on my page. So you can

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imagine how many people are now being exposed to that. So the

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question and I'll reframe the question slightly, what should we

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be showing the world we should be showing the world that the

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Palestinians are human, that they are mothers and children and

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fathers with aspiring dreams like everybody else, and that they're

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being slaughtered simply because Israel believes it has a 1000 year

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old claim on a piece of land? And I think that's what's breaking the

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narrative and was seeing the global shift in public opinion.

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And I have I have a burner account on Twitter, where that allows me

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to look at these things without being able to reply right away.

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But it's like you said, the average Joe, even in the United

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States, and all these fake accounts and regular people there,

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the longer this war goes on, the more educated, they're getting on

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the issue. So in the beginning, you saw people posting stuff like,

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Hey, what's going on over there? Oh, they're added again. Well, now

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or two and three weeks in, the same people have bothered now to

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look up history of Palestine look up origin of the Israeli state.

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And they're actually this. In a sense, it's backfiring badly upon

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Israel, the more people are getting educated, that Israel is

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not a state, a country like Ecuador, Bolivia, like a regular

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old country that has been around for hundreds of years, is a

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country that, you know, came into being with controversy came came

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into existence through a Nakba, or a desert, what was called the

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great catastrophe came into being by British hands, right putting it

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in and came into being through refugees, as we mentioned before

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you came on, because, is, in fact, 70% refugees, the people of Gaza

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all came out through from the Nakba, and moved in and on this

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live stream itself. One of the things we're trying to do is the

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ABCs. The 101 What is the history of Israel? What is the history of

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Palestine? What is the Nakba, for example, what is the 1948?

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Borders? How, who was

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Theodor Herzl? What were the ideas going on in the 1900s that led to

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the existence of this state. So the people on the ground, on one

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hand, they're catching up to history, and a lot of these guys,

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especially a lot of the right wingers, this is their first rodeo

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and Palestine in Gaza. The people who got activated politically

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through Trump, these guys who are very outspoken online, and are

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very much America first. This is their first time actually truly

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getting exposed to this type of thing. True. So if the narrative

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is being changed across the board, even really in the United States,

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although the establishment is not budging on it,

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