Shadee Elmasry – What is Tanween

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker is discussing various examples of words and phrases that occur at the beginning and end of words, including " 10:" and "naught." They mention "naught" as a "naught" phrase, and then mention "naught" as an "naught" phrase. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding these examples and their significance for the overall conversation.
AI: Transcript ©
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10 When is the Double photogra Double Kisara double dama that is

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only found at the end of a word you will never see 10 When at the

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beginning of a word you will also likewise never see a 10 when at

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the in the middle of a word either all right and so, that Fatah time

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test so, I turn the methane double Fatah double Castle double

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Lundmark because it was the same bubble of Dharma Okay.

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Double Bumble at the end of a word only fun at the end of word and I

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have examples here for you as well you have this here, where you have

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well more sellers here. This is the first time

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and then you have the example here wave we do My Way alone. This is

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the bottom and then we have here I love the flow coming in minima in

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