Shadee Elmasry – What Is Dunya

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the idea of dunya, a term used by Islamists to describe a situation where a person tries to kill themselves by putting their heart in the note of Allah's prophecy. They explain that dunya is not what people anticipated to be their career, wealth, or success, and that they are trying to displace it with something called love of the gorilla. The speaker emphasizes that dunya is not what people expect to be their success, and that they are trying to make them forget about their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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And so dunya is not what people imagined it to be my career, my

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degree, my wealth, that's not don't dunya is khulumani usually

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rolled up the Arabic is everything that business you from Allah. So

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if your action is for the sake of Allah,

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if your career you're seeking it, alright, to fulfill a file, which

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is some whatever your job is, maybe it's a funky file. And then

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there are other ways to make your intention sound. And of course, we

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know how to test whether or not our intention is actually true, or

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if it's a lie. And the way to test it is to compare and to look, are

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we leaving off the fora that Allah gave us

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in order to do this? Or are we actually doing anything haram to

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do it?

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You can't remove dunya from your heart just like that. We said you

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have to displace it with what are you going to displace it? We

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displace it with the product that the MBAs have brought down and

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they are here to channel the note of Allah azza wa jal, and we put

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in our hearts in the note of Allah prophesy, centum talked about it.

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And he said, the sign of it is that you want to leave you forget

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about dunya you forget about the thing that distracts you from

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Allah. Literally, he said, the truth of it is not that you

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intentionally leave something off Nope, you're so busy enjoying his

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vicar that you actually forgot about the dunya didn't even cross

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my mind. Something I forgot about it. And you get more interested in

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matters of the afterlife, and you actually start to prepare yourself

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for death. You start thinking about okay, how do I want to die?

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Do I really want to die with this feud? Do I really want to die with

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this sin? But the point is, we displace dunya

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by the gorilla, love of the gorilla, and that's what this book

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is about.

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