Shadee Elmasry – The Jinn Sword

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of being mindful of what people think and the use of technology to draw inspiration from various sources. They also mention a former basketball player who used technology to connect with people and gain inspiration from various sources. The transcript describes a cloak where one of the speakers met a Prophet Muhammad Sallali Alayhi, who believed in him and was one of the believing Jin. The transcript describes a situation where a chef caught a glimpse of a woman in a gym and describes the woman as a woman with a sword. The conversation then shifts to the history of the alien culture and its origins, including a woman who describes a gym and a man who claims to be a god.
AI: Transcript ©
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So if you look at our people forget what the western cultural

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left set, right? Why should we care about what they think? Right?

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Let's look at what our own people say, and our own automount are

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telling us, You got to be careful, recite a NAS and follow up a NAS

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because there are forces out there. Right. One of the things

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that we're sort of blindsided by, is by all this technology, we

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think that we sort of become immune because Western culture

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doesn't, you know, recognize and believe in these things. But here

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we're not I'm telling you, there are forces, especially in

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Hollywood and all these things, utilizing all these things, where

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people are listening to music and, and almost being brainwashed,

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right, just through the trance beats that are used to what we got

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to do is connect with those GoodGym

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in our Well, we're there with, with Metallica, well malaika and

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Virgin. I mean, it's like you need like multiple like you need the

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Navy SEALs, you need the army you need the way that the reserves you

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know, so we need like angelic plus the angels won't be involved in

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battle after bed that you're gonna like they're, you know, they can't

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actually be involved. But the jinn Can you and they have technology

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that's like amazing, right? They have I have stories too. That'll

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be for the next show. You're gonna talk with Rami and sue to drop one

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of these stories now. It's called the gin sword. So So what is this

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gentleman? Tell me Tell me this. I want to hear this. Okay. So before

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I went to Mauritania, I heard a lot of stories about the gins and

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you know, and then they're going to the mattresses and they're

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actually you know, there's gin students because there's Muslim

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gin. And there's actually an interesting story. It's mentioned

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in the some of the copies of JELA Lane, the Tafseer of Judah Lane in

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the there's some editions that have a baboon uzun, like the

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reasons of revelation in the footnotes and in the story of

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one of the last suit as the talks about the people of the mood. So

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the people of the mood they carved their houses out of the the

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mountains so he mentioned that one of the the tabular he mentioned he

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went into the one of the Dr. mood and he saw a man in the corner of

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one of the Dr. Praying and he knows he just thought to himself

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mind that's an amazing cloak that he's wearing. And after the man

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finished his Salah to whatever he was, was praying, he turned around

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and he said, You're amazed by the, the the fineness or the glamour of

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my cloak. He said, What decays cloth and what the clay wood

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decays, clothing, our sins. Essentially, like if you don't

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sin, your clothes won't be decayed. He said, In this cloak. I

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met Musa and I believed in him. This isn't the time of the tub

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anyway. He said in in this cloak, I met visa, and I believed in him.

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And in this cloak, I met the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi

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salam and I believed in him and I am from the gym that Allah said

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about them. Blue here. Ila. Yeah. And now stummer NFL, Amina Jin, he

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was one of those. He was one of those Jin, one of the believing

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Jin. And so it is man. It's like, Man, I want to meet him. So I

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asked one of the shoe when I got to Mauritania, I was always we're

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looking for Jin and I got a lot of

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I'm like, I got a book. I found a book on Jim biomems CLT. It's like

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amazing. What's the title? Keep that one? Yeah.

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Cam and Jen. I'll send you the PDF.

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So yeah, that's like

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so. So when I was in Mauritania, I was I was intrigued by Jen because

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I heard that oh, there's Jin, that sometimes go to Muslim because

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they're in the desert, too. They love Yeah, they're in the desert

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in the mountains. So I asked one of the people who spent a lot of

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time with Morocco had he spent almost now over 40 years living

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and studying with him and being companion with him. So I said

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didn't want to ever have a gin student. And the reason why I

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asked him this is because I had heard a story from one of the

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other more Italians that like you were talking about how how they

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use it as a cell phone connection. Well, the more Italians used to go

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from from Mauritania, there's a lot of livestock there and they

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would drive the livestock into Senegal. And once they go to

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Senegal, they'll sell there because Senegal has more

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agriculture, they don't have as much livestock. So it's a it's a

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trade off. But the whole trip would take a few months. And back

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in the 40s in the 50s and 60s, there were no phone lines. I mean,

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even up until we were there, there was just there was very few

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landlines. So they would go to this person who had a gin and they

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would pay him some money in the gym would go back into the deserts

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and get information about their family and come back and tell them

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these more returns. Okay, yes, I also had a kid so and so got sick,

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so and so got better. So also died, whatever. And somebody came

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from one of the villages. And he he said I need news from my

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family. So he sent his Gen off and then the guy said, he said,

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there's a there's an old man in that village preventing my gin

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from coming in on. So that was like one of the many stories that

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I was intrigued. So I asked one of the students, I said did Morabito

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hij ever have any gen students? He said, I don't know. He said, But

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you know the other person this other person that was also in the

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school for about 45 years. He said his grandfather had a school and

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he used to teach to gen students. And one night in a dream the chef

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saw to shower theme to devils coming to kill him and his

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students show up in the dream and

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with a sword, they kill those two devils. When he wakes up in the

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morning, he saw the sword subhanaw taala. And this person telling me

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the story he said he saw the sword himself. It's been passed down

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from generations. He said it never gets rusty. And it never gets dull

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mandala. And so I immediately was like, Do you think they'd sell it

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to me?

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He said Rami, stay away from the 10 star, which is which is so you

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weren't looking for not looking for him but just investigative

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journalists? Well think about you know, think about if you're a

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If you're if you're in Mauritania you're not watching Netflix at

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night to relax your maybe tell Jen stories, right? Yeah, like what

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that's like how you have to pass time, which I don't want people to

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get hung up on. Jen. That's not the point. But the point is that

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when the when Western when Western culture laughs at something, it

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doesn't mean they're always right about it, right? Whenever humans

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in general put someone laugh at something that doesn't mean we're

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always right. In fact, most times humans are wrong about things. I

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saw an excerpt from a sheikh Hamza talk a couple of years ago I think

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he was in Istanbul where he mentioned that a lot of the people

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that were in in in advancing technology in this country last

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century were like occultus like members of the Church of Satan and

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all that kind of like the guy so yeah, do you think I mean if the

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gym if this gym guy has the the gym has the sword that never gets

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dull, never gets rested? It might be some metal from like another

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planet. And maybe they got some like intergalactic travels I to

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one of the shoes I described an alien, right you know, the big not

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the greys, you know, the what are the big headed ones with the

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eyeballs? So I described it to me stripe, I don't know about the V

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stripe, but the all of the details and things like that, um, how the

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jinn how the jinn.

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Because look, the jinn used to do intergalactic travel. They used to

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get up to like the seventh heaven. So so they have and they are

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living breathing creatures like us. They have

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that you describe to him what was an alien? The description of an

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alien? What area 51 Yes, yeah, yeah. Because all they're not Eric

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was that one guy? That, Paul?

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Paul? Yeah, my kids have a doll that looks like one of those. And

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they've named him Eric. They live a little. So the history of that.

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I'll put it around the corner. You know, the scariest thing of an

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alien is like you don't see the full thing like you're you know,

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you're at a desk or like this corner right over here. And he

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just like peers his head up when you turn around.

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So when I would look if pranks were Hello, oh, man.

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I got a lot of ideas. But it's hard. You can scare people when I

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had some work from in New York late and go back to New Haven two

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and a half hour drive for two hours. 15 minutes, that was fall

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asleep in the wheel. I had to get some books on tape. So one of the

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things I got was the history of area 51. And the history of all

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this image that you have of the the alien with the triangular

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face. Yeah. And the big black eyes, right? That image was

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basically all roots back the transmission of the like, very way

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of that all goes back to one person I had so it's covered. It's

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just become water, water, but really its root is one person who

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he was in that area in New Mexico, like a worker. Okay. And that's

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what how he described what he thought he saw, right? Because

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that they were trying to area 51 Do you mean at the crash site

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before they picked it up? Yeah. So it all goes back to that one guy's

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description, right. And they wrote him off as like some crazy guy and

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the whole area 51 was supposed to be developing certain sciences to

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combat the USSR and it became engulfed in this myth because of

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this guy. And his narration and he's out in the desert the middle

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of them Yeah, I know one guy who was in the middle of a form you're

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telling us that this shape and more 10 It's telling you this is

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the shape of certain he said the way I described it as like that's

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a gym. I know one person he his his path to Islam was through a

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gym. A good gym. A good gym? Yeah, he gave him he called him to to

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hide and he said his name was truck was the name truck. He's

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American Jen Yeah, this like in the hills of Santa Cruz. Oh, like

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oh, like a hillbilly Jia not a hillbilly Jen like a hippie Jen.

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He's in Santa Cruz. This is in a joking matter either. So but but

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the he told him, he said he called him to tow hate and got him to

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like believe there's only one god he said, but this is only half of

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the message. You have to continue your journey. That's why they call

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me Trump. I don't have the full truth that he is not in my name.

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that's why

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and then he eventually found Muhammad Rasul Allah

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