Shadee Elmasry – The Core of Arabic Grammar
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The transcript describes various forms of sentences used in various sentences, including a "tape" or " sighting," a "rock" or "rocking," a "tape" or " sighting," a "tape" or " sighting," a "tape" or " sighting," a "tape" or " sighting," a "tape" or " sighting," a "tape" or " sighting," a "tape" or " sighting," a "tape" or " sighting," a "tape" or " sighting," a "tape" or " sighting," a "tape" or " sighting," a "tape" or " sighting," a "tape" or " sighting," a "tape" or " sighting," a "tape" or " sighting," a
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even as your room says era who will tell you to a worker will
kill him enough to level our military affinity Allah Lofven out
of zero
era or declination
is the alteration of the ending of words based on the factors
entering in upon it be they explicitly spoken or implied. The
application and indicators of the four cases are
Rafa, the nominative case, or alpha seeks to point us to the
main actor or idea in a sentence.
This is the key right here. If you understand the philosophy of the
IRA, so much your life will be so much simpler, Rafa seeks to point
us to the main actor or idea in a sentence, it applies to the
subject and looked at the predicate the cover
and the present tense
verb. Okay, federal data. It's also marked by it and right here.
Also subject is the file. The word file, and the word looked at are
both translated as subject. The moped data and hover are the noun
sentences, which are the nominal sentence, the sentence that begins
with a noun, which is basically a piece of news or a piece of
information that I'm pointing your attention to. And the news about
it, which I'm also pointing your attention to. That's called the
moped and the hover that's one form of sentence called a nominal
sentence. I begin with a piece of information, right, I think, and
then I tell you about that thing.