Shadee Elmasry – The Abandon Biden Movement NBF 322

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various topics related to Islam, including political and social misunderstandings, the loss of Muslim Americans in the election, and the importance of finding a solution to issues such as ADHD and mental disorders. They emphasize the importance of finding a solution to these issues and finding a way to act to avoid confusion. The speakers also touch on various events and events, including bars, dressings, coffee machines, and events, emphasizing the importance of being aware of social media and community events to avoid confusion and strengthen one's belief. They end with a countdown for the day and a brief advertisement for a social media post.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam

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ala Rasulillah. Early here was behavoir. Manuela welcome

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everybody, to the SOFIA society, nothing but facts live stream on a

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cold all of a sudden day in the great state of New Jersey Sunny.

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But for some reason, it is cold again, I don't know why it's cold.

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yeah, maybe just didn't hear but

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we got a couple of segments today. The first thing I want to talk

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about is Shaun King entering Islam and then getting slammed by a lot

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of people who have issues with Him from before he entered Islam. And

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apparently those issues have to do with two fundraising

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campaigns that he ran in which people felt

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strongly enough to accuse him of taking the funds. So big

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accusation and

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and that he fundraisers too much. Well, here's the thing with that

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you either have proof that the man's soul or you don't.

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That's how I look at it. That's number one. But number two, what

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does that have to do with the guy becoming a muslim?

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Let's hypothetically say he stole right. Thieves don't have beliefs.

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Let's take it to the worst possible scenario, right? An

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absolute thief enters Islam.

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You don't think thieves actually think about God and maybe do have

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It's another grift of his really? That's not a good grift

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you're not a good grifter. If you're if becoming a muslim as

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part of your deal. There is not a lot of paychecks gonna be being a

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Zionist as far better. Right? Think about that.

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grifter. I mean, he's there. He was already a what is it? Before

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that he was one of these Baptists. Okay.

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This is not a smart grift it's not a smart move to grift. Secondly,

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wouldn't he want to publicize it? Because last I checked, he didn't

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domestic did

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East Plano mosque had their livestream going and most masajid.

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They just got a camera sitting there. Anytime there's an event

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going on. If the Imam sneezes, they turn the camera on, right?

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Anytime a guest comes in, they turn this livestream on. I've seen

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this in small time masajid, where they've set it up that there's a

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camera sitting there hooked up to the computer to their YouTube page

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or whatever page and the moment an event starts, just click a button.

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That's it.

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And then, so it happens to be streamed. Right?

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So my question is, though, there is number one, to attack this or

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to question the sincerity of a Muslim.

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You may have your own personal beliefs, but you keep it to

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yourself because it's nothing other than a personal speculation.

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What's the proof of that? Prove that is that was sama bin Zayed

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came upon a man

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in a battle.

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And this man, he got him basically about to kill him.

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And he ended up the man said, Okay, Leila illAllah. Muhammad

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Rasul Allah.

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This is fake guilt. Right? That's what what happened with the great

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companion Osama bin Zayed, who was the son of Zayed bin had etha who

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was at one point, Zayed bin Mohammed, he had was adopted by

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the Prophet peace be upon it's number one.

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So Zaid Bin, Osama bin Zaid killed him set this man, it's a fixer

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head. He's just trying to save his life.

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Okay. And then word spread to the Messenger of Allah salAllahu

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Salam, and he said, Oh, some what happens? He said this business,

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the Prophet peace be upon him said as Shakta on Saturday he did you

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open his heart to look at what's inside.

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A chakra on Saturday, Chaka sang kalbi

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to see what's inside.

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So if that's the case for a man who was obviously saving his life,

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so it's up to us, obviously to us, but are we allowed to act upon it?

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The answer is no. Because we have a law people, we have a law, we

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act upon the law.

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The law treats you by what you can prove it treats you by the

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outward. I can't prove anything is on the inside or not on the

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So if that's the case with Osama bin Zaid

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and that campaign, and that man who uttered the shahada, and then

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was killed and the Prophet peace, who bonza Did you open his heart?

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That is far more worthy to say it about this man, who was not

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fighting the Muslims was not fighting for his life.

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and is making a decision that will really make it his economic life

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much harder.

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His financial life much harder. We don't have multimillion people

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speaking tours go around, ask her out. We don't have multimillion

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dollar or institutions that are given 15,000 2002. I mean,

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20,000 $30,000 gigs to talk. And that's not even a lot of money in

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today's day and age.

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In a regular institution, if a celebrity could get 50k K, just to

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show up and talk for 20 minutes.

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So point being in our law by Islam, we're not allowed to say

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he's a fraud in his shahada, he's a fake in his shadow, you want to

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say, I don't like the way he does business? I don't like his

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personality. Find say that all you want. But you cannot now doubt

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someone's head. That's not allowed in Islam. Simple as that. Now, let

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me talk about something else. Why don't we let people prove

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And by the way, they don't have to prove anything to us. They don't

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always zilch to us. When you become Muslim, if you're out

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there, and you think you are becoming a muslim. You don't owe

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the community zilch. You don't have to prove yourself. This is

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actually promote hypocrisy, when people act like this. I'll prove

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you're, you know, it promotes hypocrisy and the whole woke

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world. It's all a bunch of hypocrites.

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Okay, I'll tell you what I mean. They constantly want you to prove

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that you're not racist, prove that you're not something else. Right?

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Prove your that you're not against women.

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Prove that you're all about diversity. So what does this

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promote? It's resulted in a bunch of fakes a bunch of people who are

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just, it's what they call performative

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Just to make sure that nobody calls me this, that or the other.

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That's all that's what it's become. So when you're, you become

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a community where someone has to prove themselves to you. No, I'll

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tell you who has to prove themselves to you. Anytime that

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you and that person are going to have some kind of share a risk.

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Like what you want to marry into my family. Well, you're guilty

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until proven innocent. No, no, it's not your right

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to marry somebody said a right that you have. And it's not your

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right upon me that I have to accept you. You need to prove

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yourself. If I have to hire you have a job.

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Then I want to hire you.

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It's not your right to take this job. It's not my my right to give

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you money. It's not Zika it's my it's my company. It's my store,

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So when there's a job when there's for example, Hey, you have room in

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your apartment? Yes, I do. Oh, good. I need an apartment. You

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want to split rent?

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I don't have to split rent with you. It's not charity. This is not

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I have to see who you are first. So there are certain things in

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Islam, that the is fair for us to say you better prove yourself.

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You understand?

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But at their actual faith, listen, if you want to donate to his

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charity, interrogate him all you want. If it's about marrying him,

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interrogate him all you want. If it's about hiring him, interrogate

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him all you want. But when someone takes the shahada, you're not

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allowed to say he's a liar, and it's a grift.

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Isn't that fair? And simple to? It's very fair, I think. And it's

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very simple. And let me go back to the point let us hypothetically

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that a guy the guy is a complete thief.

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Don't thieves also have like religious proclivities at some

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point, can do we have the Hadith of the 19? The guy killed 99

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people, then he goes in as a worshiper. Is there any

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forgiveness for me? I killed 99 People that worshiper was

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ignorant. He was pious, but ignorant. He said 99 How do you

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kill 99 people? Right.

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And so he killed that guy, boom. 100 people he killed. So I mean,

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the man is trying to make repentance after killing 100

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People murder of 100 people.

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A scholar said yes, repentance. He can't he went to a scholar. He did

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the right thing. You went to a scholar? He said yes.

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100 people.

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You can still make Toba even if he killed 100 people.

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So he then went, he said you need to go move to another city because

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this the people of this city

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They're no good. Why are they No? Good? They're no good for a couple

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of reasons.

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Number one,

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you killed 99 people, and no one established that punishment on

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you. Right? These people are definitely no good.

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You killed 100 people, no one advised you nobody stopped you

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physically? No good. Right? So these people are no good. So move

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to this other city where the people are good. So he did move to

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that city and but on the way there,

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he died.

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When he died,

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the angel of * came to take him and the angel of mercy came to

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take him.

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And then they argued, is this man to *, or to heaven.

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So then they had to get an arbitrator. So a third angel came

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to arbitrate between them. I don't know if it was Djibouti or

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somebody else. From Dominica. The angel came to arbitrate between

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them and said, Okay, why don't we measure the distance? That's the

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fair arbitration if he had made it to the New City?

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Right halfway to the New City, then yes.

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Go goes to heaven. His job is accepted. If he makes it to, if he

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didn't, then no, take him to *, because he didn't fulfill his

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repentance. So they measured and they found he was short. He didn't

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make it to the halfway point.

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But then Allah caused an earthquake to occur, and when the

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earthquake occurred, then he had made the distance and he was taken

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to paradise. Okay, this man killed 100 people no one questioned his

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no excuse on this one it's pretty cut and dry. Don't Don't

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you don't like his charity? Don't Don't don't eat his charity. You

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don't like his talks? Don't listen to this talk. Same Same exact

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thing I said about interfaith.

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You don't like him? Don't listen to him. But to question if someone

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isn't Muslim is not it's not allowed for us to do you want to

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say he's a hypocrite of actions. So yeah, fine. Say what you want.

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Hypocrite of actions is that we don't we we're not saying that

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you're a liar in your heart. We're saying that your actions don't

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match your behavior, your your your words, say what you want. You

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want to say he's a festival say what you want.

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I you know, I would I say about Andrew Tate. I actually

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I don't I don't just believe that he's, same thing with Shaun King.

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I take it further at at his face value that he converted to Islam.

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When I listened to his podcast with Muhammad hijab, I liked a lot

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of things that he says I do, like a lot of things that he says, and

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as a ton of stuff. It's total garbage. Right? And let me tell

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you this, but here's my biggest critique of him. And it's just a

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critique of like, his philosophy or whatever he's movement he's

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doing, right.

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Brother, you don't go home to take care of a wife or kids. You don't

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take care of anybody. You go home. Yes, I know you're like under

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house arrest. But even before that, you go home and you buy

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bodies and you buy cars and you do all the other other things. Smoke

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cigar hang out with the boys in play poker. What are you talking

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about manhood you had not put showed in your life? One thing of

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manhood. kickboxing, okay, fine. But manhood is not to go hang out

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with your boys. Smoke cigar and stream and then of course you're

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working out so well. Right? Because you got all the time in

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the world.

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If I had that amount of time I could work out as better than you.

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Yeah, scattered all over the world with all different women.

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Good Dad. Good Dad. Are you do you raise them every day? Do you wake

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them up for school? Do you wake them up for for whatever it else

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do you take drive? Good dad is the guy who does the absolute most

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tedious things with their kids. That was what I would call a good

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debt. The guy who goes drives the kid to practice weights they're in

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the car. Okay, maybe takes his laptop with him thing goes take

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some back. Hey, has math. Alright, let's work on these math

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questions. Meanwhile, the guy has spent zero time on himself. The

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men that is a good dad. Then when he gets home okay, the kids done

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we're taking care of that. Alright, what's next? Oh, I got a

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meeting for this organization. I'm a volunteer for Alright, what's

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next after that? Alright, let's go sit down and have a cup of tea.

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You know with the wife

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it's not a you're not a man. When you got all the time in the world

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for yourself.

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That's improve anything, and then go to the gym. All right, and then

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take pictures

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And then here's my, my my car that you got from basically selling

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women essentially. That was the main business that he started but

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that was before slim so let's not hold him accountable to that. I'm

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telling you I like a lot of things he said but I'm sitting talking to

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this man who think it's old because it's complete because you

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do not take care of anybody on a day to day basis. Now, I'm not

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saying this to trash the guy because as I said, I actually do

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like him. Right, generally speaking.

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But this thing now you're not taking care of anybody. You're not

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representing this thing properly. Most of these things that Allah

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says original COVID Munna Allah Nisa, meaning they are providing

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the services needed for this woman to live well. And they're taking

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care. He's taking care of her kids, and taking care of a lot of

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things in the community. Okay, so that they could have a good

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community life that is kolam, constant, constantly non stop

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standing up, non stop doing stuff. That's the aspiration, that stuff

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is never gonna make it on Instagram and Twitter and with

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that generation

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of people

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making money is a sliver of that. It's a very important part of

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that. There's no doubt about that. Okay.

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But it's, it's not the main part of it. So Oh, likewise, Owen

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Benjamin, when he was interested in Islam, I'm interested to talk

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to him.

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If he loses his interest in Islam, that's his choice, right?

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colorless, does it so all three of them, all three of them, you can

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make critiques of them. One you can say, oh my gosh, what what he

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said about blacks is absurd. I agree. hulless we're not going to

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this is how I view it in Islam.

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The prophesy centum said the Muslims are one body, if one part

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of them is injured, right is hurt than all of them are awake.

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And fever, which means

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I'm not Pakistani I don't know about Pakistani politics. But if

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there was a civil war in Pakistan, all my friends it doesn't it's not

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it would not touch my household life. My extended family My in

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laws would not touch our life. Not 1% yet, all my friends are Paxton.

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All the restaurants I go to are Pakistani.

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Okay. So therefore they're affected you think now I'm going

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to completely ignore it. I have to look into it now as a Muslim

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brother and feel for them. I gotta have some kind of sensitivity to

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that same thing with African Americans. Same thing with white

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Americans. Same thing with Hispanic Americans, whatever. And,

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of course, the whole amount Philistine.

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95% of the almost not even Philistine, right. 80% of the OMA

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is not even Arab. Speaking at least, right? So that's, that is

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our Arpita. That is our approach. So anything that is in generally

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upsetting to a group of people becomes upsetting to all of us, by

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religious mandate, right by religious men. So like, Oh, do you

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care about oh, you tell me there's a there's a coup d'etat in Costa

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Rica, I could care less. Right. Now you say, oh, no, Costa Rica.

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They're all from the Muslim. They're all Muslims. All right.

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Now, I guess I have to care. Right.

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I'll go look it up. And I'll spend a few minutes I'll ask a Costa

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Rican Brother, what's going on here? And then I care, right,

00:18:26 --> 00:18:29

other than I genuinely would not care. How many how much can I

00:18:29 --> 00:18:30

care? There's too much information.

00:18:33 --> 00:18:38

So that's the point. So we we need to denounce from a person what

00:18:38 --> 00:18:40

they do that is contradictory to the Quran.

00:18:41 --> 00:18:44

And the Sunnah, and the Sharia. And if they do something good, we

00:18:44 --> 00:18:48

accept it. And my role on podcasts on the stream is to just talk to

00:18:48 --> 00:18:51

anyone who's interested in Islam. So whether it's Shaun King,

00:18:52 --> 00:18:52

whether it's

00:18:54 --> 00:18:55

anyone else?

00:18:57 --> 00:18:57


00:19:00 --> 00:19:01

Segment Number Two.

00:19:03 --> 00:19:08

Are the Muslims going to abandon Biden? Let's talk about this.

00:19:08 --> 00:19:14

Let's bring on our guests. Has an Abdus Salam, welcome to the Safina

00:19:14 --> 00:19:17

society nothing but facts live stream

00:19:18 --> 00:19:22

amazing amazing oh one oh my Can you turn the TV on because I can

00:19:22 --> 00:19:22


00:19:23 --> 00:19:28

the volume Hold on I can't hear maybe it's something else it's

00:19:34 --> 00:19:36

so the volumes on maybe he's not on

00:19:40 --> 00:19:41

say something real quick.

00:19:42 --> 00:19:47

No, no, he can't hear him. It's not the TV saw the TV. It's maybe

00:19:47 --> 00:19:49

it's watching we'll call it

00:19:50 --> 00:19:51

it's either

00:19:53 --> 00:19:54

stream yard

00:19:58 --> 00:20:00

it's either stream yard or some

00:20:00 --> 00:20:02

than else you guys can hear him but I can hear him

00:20:09 --> 00:20:10

Yeah, you guys can hear him but I can't hear

00:20:14 --> 00:20:16

in the meantime, speaking of stream yard I was asked to come

00:20:16 --> 00:20:19

onto stream yard by another gentleman. His name is

00:20:19 --> 00:20:20


00:20:22 --> 00:20:24

did come and debate me on stream yard.

00:20:26 --> 00:20:30

You know, domestically you know what he called me a scorpion while

00:20:30 --> 00:20:33

we fix this. I'll just tell you the story. He said, We have a new

00:20:33 --> 00:20:37

Scorpion in town who's the new Scorpion? It's me why because I

00:20:37 --> 00:20:41

said selfie as a fifth method and we're not following it. So what is

00:20:41 --> 00:20:44

that? Is that from khoy to Dean or something

00:20:45 --> 00:20:49

that you would get to call what is the what is the issue here? Minute

00:20:49 --> 00:20:52

co I did Dean right that

00:20:54 --> 00:20:55

you have to believe in Sofia

00:20:56 --> 00:20:58

Subhan Allah share a Jeep

00:21:04 --> 00:21:06

something happened when Zeb was was here.

00:21:08 --> 00:21:09

Yeah, I've been gone.

00:21:10 --> 00:21:12

So let's let's keep working on that.

00:21:14 --> 00:21:18

Anyway, Hudson, stay with us while we fix it. We'll do the second

00:21:18 --> 00:21:23

segment that I wanted to do, which was the mess Ella on niqab.

00:21:24 --> 00:21:28

I just answered a question the other day correctly and accurately

00:21:28 --> 00:21:33

in the Maliki school. What Imam Khalil says or carry her into

00:21:33 --> 00:21:37

macabre chin This is from it's in the book of

00:21:40 --> 00:21:43

preconditions of Salah, the coverage of a woman and the

00:21:43 --> 00:21:47

coverage of a man in prayer. And what is discouraged? So it is

00:21:47 --> 00:21:51

discouraged. And I'm going to read to you here that's the text from

00:21:51 --> 00:21:56

study. What are you to hear what data D It says a toggle Thea to

00:21:56 --> 00:22:01

what G had been niqab covering her face with niqab whoa what may

00:22:01 --> 00:22:06

y'all see Lou little or Yun got that which reaches the eye? The no

00:22:06 --> 00:22:12

Minella Hulu because it is from what is extreme is what is

00:22:12 --> 00:22:16

extremes what is Hulu and Sharia the definition of Hulu is to

00:22:17 --> 00:22:20

obligate that which Allah did not obligate with the Sharia did an

00:22:20 --> 00:22:24

obligate okay and you can find that definition in Nefer always

00:22:24 --> 00:22:29

commentary on a reseller All right. Well rajulio Hola. And a

00:22:29 --> 00:22:37

man of course cannot cover his face is mcru however, if it is now

00:22:37 --> 00:22:40

this is inside of Salah and outside of Salah the CARA he had

00:22:40 --> 00:22:41

the discouragement

00:22:43 --> 00:22:48

is inside of Salah or outside of so who says that? This okay he

00:22:48 --> 00:22:54

says here a sofa and cannot feel solids and Elfi have at her candle

00:22:54 --> 00:23:02

into kaaboo fearly edge li hola so Hola. So he says it is mcru inside

00:23:02 --> 00:23:06

of Salah or outside of Salah. Why because is Gulu what is the Sookie

00:23:07 --> 00:23:10

he gives you the same meaning that nephrology gives later on because

00:23:10 --> 00:23:17

nothing that we came later he says a as Ziad fit Dean. Okay, so if

00:23:17 --> 00:23:17


00:23:19 --> 00:23:25

all right is in the religion and you went took it an obligated more

00:23:25 --> 00:23:26

than what Allah obligated

00:23:27 --> 00:23:30

that's what we call a lulu. If you brought something completely

00:23:30 --> 00:23:32

outside of the deen

00:23:33 --> 00:23:37

completely outside the deen that's a bitter that's a difference.

00:23:38 --> 00:23:38


00:23:39 --> 00:23:47

so all Hulu is better but not all Bidda is Hulu is the all Hulu is

00:23:47 --> 00:23:49

better because you're bringing something you're gonna you're

00:23:49 --> 00:23:52

stretching something and making an obligation that is not there in

00:23:52 --> 00:23:52

the religion.

00:23:54 --> 00:23:55


00:23:56 --> 00:24:02

now there's some commentary though. He says mal Aamir Khan min

00:24:02 --> 00:24:08

ko Minaya data homothetic meaning interclub if you come upon a

00:24:08 --> 00:24:12

people and the way that they dress is to cover their face for Encana

00:24:12 --> 00:24:14

Mel Coleman, I admit to him that IQ

00:24:16 --> 00:24:18

and he gives an example like the people of Neff Musa

00:24:21 --> 00:24:23

and Masuka in Morocco,

00:24:24 --> 00:24:29

for a niqab. I'm in debt be him in the pub. Is there their habit?

00:24:29 --> 00:24:31

Well, I mean, I adapt, I adapt to him.

00:24:32 --> 00:24:38

Lay it through Kuno, Aslan, Fil A okra, intercom. They all cover

00:24:38 --> 00:24:38

their bases.

00:24:39 --> 00:24:43

And also we have to remember to the toric people, the men cover

00:24:43 --> 00:24:44

their faces from the scent.

00:24:45 --> 00:24:50

So if covering the face for any reason, is just odd to have the

00:24:50 --> 00:24:54

comb. It's a habit of the people that it's not my crew. Right, then

00:24:54 --> 00:24:59

you can wear it. Outside solo, not inside stuff. Okay,

00:25:01 --> 00:25:08

Heather Kulu filovirus Salah who am fee her in the Salafi okra is

00:25:08 --> 00:25:11

always mcru Even we're in our tea that can

00:25:15 --> 00:25:16

talk about them even if it's

00:25:19 --> 00:25:21

a habit of the people so insights loves different amounts excellent

00:25:22 --> 00:25:28

kolu for niqab will mcru Hoon, Malacca? It is mcru Metallica,

00:25:28 --> 00:25:34

Kana fists sadati elkaar eg her, sir on Kana fear, Holly actually I

00:25:34 --> 00:25:39

will leave it her. Okay. Regardless insula outside salaam,

00:25:39 --> 00:25:43

Madame Yakuza, as long as it's not the common behavior of that

00:25:43 --> 00:25:48

people, and that if so then fell ACARA. Right, she Khadija because

00:25:48 --> 00:25:51

if he touched me read for me and he goes on to other subjects now.

00:25:52 --> 00:26:00

Now what about if there is fiscal and harm, then? That's a separate

00:26:00 --> 00:26:04

question set to run wedge he Makaha tell fitna is a whole

00:26:04 --> 00:26:10

nother question. And at that point, there is no one to say

00:26:10 --> 00:26:14

generally right away, what is the fitna and what is a facet? That's

00:26:14 --> 00:26:17

up for discussion. So there there is a clarify is not a

00:26:17 --> 00:26:21

clarification. It's just repeating exactly what I said on that clip

00:26:21 --> 00:26:24

that went on to YouTube. That surprised many people because they

00:26:24 --> 00:26:28

didn't know the medical school. And now let's ask some other

00:26:28 --> 00:26:32

questions. How is it that

00:26:33 --> 00:26:37

the wives of the Prophet were nipa answers questions very simple, was

00:26:37 --> 00:26:41

crucial. See, it is something very specific to them. I think it's

00:26:41 --> 00:26:42

fixed now.

00:26:44 --> 00:26:47

Lower the volume at least so it doesn't interfere. There we go.

00:26:50 --> 00:26:53

The wives of the prophets of Allah what He said him war niqab. That's

00:26:53 --> 00:26:56

Hosea for them. They're also not allowed to marry after the

00:26:56 --> 00:26:58

prophets of Allah when he was seven. They're also nine in number

00:26:58 --> 00:27:02

where it can be more than for a number for everyone else.

00:27:03 --> 00:27:08

So it's not a Hulu for them. That's the hokum for them. And as

00:27:08 --> 00:27:13

a Hulu for everybody else, the Hadith the colon fuss first of

00:27:13 --> 00:27:17

all, it's one of the matters of the Ahmed masala of how the women

00:27:17 --> 00:27:21

dress. So why would they the scholars need textual proof for

00:27:21 --> 00:27:23

this though, of course, we have checks for fruit proof for

00:27:23 --> 00:27:29

everything. But don't the Sahaba didn't their wives. Didn't they

00:27:29 --> 00:27:32

know how their wives dressed? Didn't the tablet he knows how

00:27:32 --> 00:27:36

their moms dressed? Who are Sahaba yet, right. They know how their

00:27:36 --> 00:27:41

moms dressed. They know how you know their wives are supposed to

00:27:41 --> 00:27:41


00:27:42 --> 00:27:46

They never went outside. So how did they go to Mecca? How did they

00:27:46 --> 00:27:50

make ombre? How do they make Hajj didn't they have to walk outside

00:27:50 --> 00:27:54

in the street? It's far fetched to say that women in that time never

00:27:54 --> 00:27:57

walked out in the street. As far fetched. They did walk out on the

00:27:57 --> 00:28:02

street for needs. Even some of the prophets say that the whole hadith

00:28:02 --> 00:28:06

of if she learned that she was being accused when she was out

00:28:06 --> 00:28:09

with OMA Miss DOP was getting something from the marketplace.

00:28:09 --> 00:28:11

Right? So they did walk around.

00:28:13 --> 00:28:17

Didn't they know how to dress? So that's from the Ahmed another

00:28:21 --> 00:28:27

perspective of that the textual evidence is the hadith of Alfred

00:28:27 --> 00:28:30

living Ibis. When a woman came up to him, and she was very

00:28:30 --> 00:28:34

attractive and sheet and the Prophet turns his face to not look

00:28:34 --> 00:28:37

at her. Therefore, she wasn't covering her face. That's number

00:28:37 --> 00:28:40

one. That's the first proof right there.

00:28:41 --> 00:28:45

And he didn't he didn't tell her to cover her face. Otherwise, no

00:28:45 --> 00:28:50

niqab is gonna come and you're looking at her? No. So that's

00:28:50 --> 00:28:54

first second proof right there. Is that on that issue? Or that

00:28:54 --> 00:28:57

instance is she asked, what has to be has to be covered? He said

00:28:57 --> 00:28:59

everything except this and this.

00:29:01 --> 00:29:01


00:29:03 --> 00:29:06

that's the textual proof. Now what about college a yard on one of the

00:29:06 --> 00:29:12

famous Islam? QA websites, called the Ayyad said it's mostly a hub.

00:29:13 --> 00:29:17

answer to that is called the a yard. Not all of his federal

00:29:17 --> 00:29:21

represent the dominant opinion the medical school. He came very

00:29:21 --> 00:29:28

early, before the final say was, was documented that lien is the

00:29:28 --> 00:29:35

final say, because he took from the four most dominant, most

00:29:35 --> 00:29:40

authoritative books in the medical school. Okay. He took from a

00:29:40 --> 00:29:45

Lakshmi he took from Ibn Yunus, which is called most half and

00:29:45 --> 00:29:51

Maliki had been Eunice's book. He took from hypnosis to the jet, the

00:29:51 --> 00:29:57

grandfather hypnosis headband he was seen and he took from

00:29:59 --> 00:29:59


00:30:00 --> 00:30:06

As a lucky web newness web notice still Jad the fourth one skipping

00:30:06 --> 00:30:08

me but he took from for

00:30:11 --> 00:30:14

it took from Lucky his teacher what's the Who's the lucky Miss

00:30:14 --> 00:30:14


00:30:16 --> 00:30:20

We'll get that for you another time but he took that from those

00:30:20 --> 00:30:21


00:30:22 --> 00:30:23

names skipping me

00:30:24 --> 00:30:28

right now but he took from those four books so he is the dominant

00:30:28 --> 00:30:30

one. Can we test has a no

00:30:32 --> 00:30:35

All right, you should be good to go this one. Let's try it

00:30:37 --> 00:30:41

now still not working. So it tries to try stream yard go into stream

00:30:41 --> 00:30:41

yard make sure his mic is on.

00:30:45 --> 00:30:48

Try settings go. It's from stream yard. It must be from stream yard.

00:30:49 --> 00:30:50

Because when you tried YouTube it worked.

00:30:55 --> 00:30:58

Meanwhile, let's take a few questions on

00:31:01 --> 00:31:05

from here before we get to that, one of the things about niqab I

00:31:05 --> 00:31:09

would wear it only in so much as I hate the gazes of people and

00:31:09 --> 00:31:13

particularly the iron that people give so if I was all covered up I

00:31:13 --> 00:31:14

protected myself completely

00:31:17 --> 00:31:22

so set total watch covering the face not out of out of but because

00:31:22 --> 00:31:27

it is possibly fitna yeah that that could even be fought at some

00:31:27 --> 00:31:31

point. Right? It's not far off that a scholar could say it's fun,

00:31:31 --> 00:31:36

but it's going to be fun based on what based on each Jihad based on

00:31:36 --> 00:31:41

the the the determination that this is fitness so you determine

00:31:41 --> 00:31:42

its fitness for another woman it might not be fitness.

00:31:44 --> 00:31:44


00:31:46 --> 00:31:48

Is it disliked to

00:31:50 --> 00:31:53

fast while traveling? No, not at all. In fact, it's preferable to

00:31:53 --> 00:31:57

fast while traveling went into sumo Cairo. Luckily, Allah says in

00:31:57 --> 00:31:57

the Quran.

00:31:58 --> 00:32:02

Right? What's the ruling on niqab in the Hanafi school? Listen, I

00:32:02 --> 00:32:06

answered correctly in the Maliki school and the internet went nuts.

00:32:07 --> 00:32:10

I'm not even going to touch the Hanafi school. Someone else will

00:32:10 --> 00:32:12

answer the I O monad. Hashem is here. Ahmed Hashem me Are you

00:32:12 --> 00:32:14

here? Or is that somebody else

00:32:20 --> 00:32:23

is fitna determined by the individual by the community. I

00:32:23 --> 00:32:26

think it's determined by the individual. fitna is different

00:32:26 --> 00:32:29

from person to person I believe there are there are some of the

00:32:29 --> 00:32:33

folk who have said any caffeine is a facet because he doesn't believe

00:32:33 --> 00:32:34

that he has to lower his gaze from you.

00:32:36 --> 00:32:39

I don't think I don't see I didn't see my shoe teaching teaching us

00:32:39 --> 00:32:41

that shape and mfine Definitely didn't teach that who we just

00:32:41 --> 00:32:47

interviewed on this subject. About a week to three months ago shucks

00:32:47 --> 00:32:51

addict never taught that shikigami never taught that so

00:32:52 --> 00:32:55

what is the ruling while on fasting while sick if it's modeled

00:32:55 --> 00:32:57

studied as severe sickness

00:32:58 --> 00:33:04

okay, if it is a a sickness that is requires medicine and is severe

00:33:04 --> 00:33:08

and you can't just sort of go through it then yes, you you don't

00:33:08 --> 00:33:11

fast you you break your fast

00:33:12 --> 00:33:13

you make up a day

00:33:16 --> 00:33:21

is it true that we cannot pray no fly? If we have come up prayer the

00:33:21 --> 00:33:26

answer is yes. That is true. There is a federal only that

00:33:28 --> 00:33:31

you can pray Tada we and go to the masjid for the sake of the

00:33:31 --> 00:33:36

community benefits only when you finish your cut out for the day.

00:33:37 --> 00:33:40

That's a federal but the ruling is that there's no nephila.

00:33:43 --> 00:33:45

There's no nephila for anybody.

00:33:46 --> 00:33:50

If they have a thing Oh, called up prayers. All right. We're here.

00:33:51 --> 00:33:56

And we're fixed. Let's reintroduce our guest for today. Dr. Hudson

00:33:56 --> 00:33:59

Abdus Salam thank you so much for your patience while we had those.

00:34:00 --> 00:34:04

Fix that Mike. Welcome to the Safina society nothing but facts

00:34:04 --> 00:34:05

live stream.

00:34:08 --> 00:34:11

Well, yeah, kawaii Can we sit down Marcela? Let me ask, let me get

00:34:11 --> 00:34:12

straight to this and tell me

00:34:14 --> 00:34:17

tell us what's your base where you're based out of and what's

00:34:17 --> 00:34:22

your political activity look like? So I'm currently based out of

00:34:22 --> 00:34:26

Minneapolis where I'm a professor at the University of Minnesota,

00:34:26 --> 00:34:31

Mashallah. The political work that we're doing is the event in Biden

00:34:31 --> 00:34:35

movement, which we began on November 1, after the president

00:34:35 --> 00:34:39

tasked our ceasefire deadline day and never called for a permanent

00:34:39 --> 00:34:44

ceasefire on October 31. And ever since then, it's been history by

00:34:44 --> 00:34:47

the power and permission of Allah subhanaw taala. And we've been

00:34:47 --> 00:34:51

organizing across the country, particularly in the swing states,

00:34:51 --> 00:34:56

and creating the by again, all for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala

00:34:56 --> 00:34:59

and by His power, trying to create the conditions for all

00:35:00 --> 00:35:04

Are Omar here in the United States to respond to the devastation the

00:35:04 --> 00:35:08

policy of death of this administration? What what are you

00:35:08 --> 00:35:12

a professor of? In Minnesota? I'm a professor of strategy human

00:35:12 --> 00:35:15

rights in sociology. Wow. Mashallah.

00:35:16 --> 00:35:22

So tell me something. I agree with the abandoned Biden approach. I

00:35:22 --> 00:35:28

agree that idea that anyone who basically greenlights a genocide

00:35:28 --> 00:35:32

by doing nothing, and then sending aid simultaneously, this new fact

00:35:32 --> 00:35:35

doesn't work. And this is the way he believes plays games,

00:35:36 --> 00:35:40

where you do two things simultaneously to please

00:35:40 --> 00:35:44

everybody. It doesn't work like that. I agree with it. I agree

00:35:44 --> 00:35:48

that everybody should be punished. And then you'll deal with the next

00:35:48 --> 00:35:52

consequence later. So Trump is not going to be better, he probably be

00:35:52 --> 00:35:55

worse. But you'll deal with that when you get there. So I agree

00:35:55 --> 00:35:58

with that. But what do you how do you respond to the critics who

00:35:58 --> 00:36:00

say, Trump is going to be worse? Why should we have been to Biden

00:36:00 --> 00:36:01

when Trump is worse?

00:36:04 --> 00:36:09

The the former president prevented our family and friends and

00:36:09 --> 00:36:14

colleagues from entering into the country. But Mr. Biden killed

00:36:14 --> 00:36:18

them. Subhan, Allah Subhan Allah, what's truly extraordinary is that

00:36:18 --> 00:36:22

often people think that the political equation or the way that

00:36:22 --> 00:36:26

the media characterizes the choice is between two candidates as if

00:36:26 --> 00:36:30

this is an election about our individual self interest. But the

00:36:30 --> 00:36:34

reality is, it's not a question about what's the alternative with

00:36:34 --> 00:36:39

a with an answer, such as the last name of a political candidate? We

00:36:39 --> 00:36:42

think it abandoned Biden, the question is, what is the

00:36:42 --> 00:36:46

alternative world? Imagine rewarding the president after

00:36:46 --> 00:36:51

killing 1000s of our brothers and sisters. That would mean political

00:36:51 --> 00:36:56

suicide. Most of Americans would would self Immolate and in effect

00:36:56 --> 00:37:00

say that they are completely irrelevant. They came out and

00:37:00 --> 00:37:05

protested again and again and again. And then they're rewarded

00:37:05 --> 00:37:10

their own murder. Yeah. So what the way that we think of this is,

00:37:10 --> 00:37:15

it's not really a question between Biden or Trump, it's about whether

00:37:15 --> 00:37:20

we punish Biden, that we will punish Biden, correct. Yeah, I

00:37:20 --> 00:37:25

totally agree. I mean, if you let this slide, you basically proving

00:37:25 --> 00:37:29

that you're completely inept. And that anyone can do what they want

00:37:29 --> 00:37:34

with you. That's so that's, it's an absolute death. Whereas if you

00:37:34 --> 00:37:38

do this, and you and you punish a candidate, and the next one comes

00:37:38 --> 00:37:43

as worse, you actually haven't actually is the lesser of harms,

00:37:43 --> 00:37:47

in a sense, because the first is guaranteed loss, no one will ever

00:37:47 --> 00:37:51

respect you. The second one is now I just will have to face a bigger

00:37:51 --> 00:37:55

challenge now at this point or a bigger enemy. But it's that's not

00:37:55 --> 00:37:58

a guaranteed loss, because it's not guaranteed that he'll be

00:37:58 --> 00:38:01

worse. It's speculated that he'll be worse, but it's not guaranteed

00:38:01 --> 00:38:06

that it will be worse. Right? And even if he is worse, so deal with

00:38:06 --> 00:38:09

it, right? So you have one is guaranteed, and one is

00:38:09 --> 00:38:14

speculative. And you always take the in terms of the negative you

00:38:14 --> 00:38:17

go with what speculatively harmful versus what is guaranteed to be

00:38:17 --> 00:38:18


00:38:19 --> 00:38:23

Absolutely a measure that is super thoughtful. One of the things that

00:38:24 --> 00:38:27

a lot of folks don't understand about American politics, and

00:38:27 --> 00:38:33

understandably so is that when constituencies actually affect

00:38:33 --> 00:38:36

change, and demonstrate that they have power, that they're this

00:38:36 --> 00:38:39

swing deist group in the electorate, both parties will

00:38:39 --> 00:38:44

start to move in their direction. So when folks might not understand

00:38:44 --> 00:38:48

is that the first term won't necessarily be a photocopy of the

00:38:48 --> 00:38:53

next term. If we demonstrate that we had the impact that we hope we

00:38:53 --> 00:38:57

will, then the Republicans will also move in our direction, and

00:38:57 --> 00:39:00

the Democrats will experience a reckoning Remember, it's just four

00:39:00 --> 00:39:05

years, the prophets struggled a huge number of events and

00:39:05 --> 00:39:10

suffering again and again, torture, exile, experience of

00:39:10 --> 00:39:17

famine, loss of family members at battle, before he actually we

00:39:17 --> 00:39:21

entered into Mecca. And so for years, under admittedly a

00:39:21 --> 00:39:25

distasteful character is still part of the overall struggle

00:39:25 --> 00:39:30

towards the liberation of this ummah, while I was in Palestine

00:39:30 --> 00:39:34

conducting research in the hole 2022 From February till December

00:39:34 --> 00:39:37

on December 1, there was a national alert for me and my

00:39:37 --> 00:39:39

research assistant we were

00:39:40 --> 00:39:44

we were arrested handcuffed, I was arrested handcuffed as I was

00:39:44 --> 00:39:48

entering into a OXA on my hands and legs, stripped naked paraded

00:39:48 --> 00:39:52

through the Old City Central mess, cobija basement, tortured and then

00:39:52 --> 00:39:56

deported after 23 days. I was working with activists, youth

00:39:56 --> 00:39:58

activists, and we had a plan

00:39:59 --> 00:39:59


00:40:00 --> 00:40:03

called for the Liberation of Palestine. One of the things is

00:40:03 --> 00:40:08

that when I was in a Luxa with the youth, we would often say that

00:40:08 --> 00:40:13

Abdullah is not just the occupation is not only in

00:40:13 --> 00:40:17

Jerusalem, that Jerusalem is a symbol of the occupation of this

00:40:17 --> 00:40:22

ummah. So the way for us to actually affect change Subhanallah

00:40:22 --> 00:40:26

might not be in a country that's populated with Muslims. But coming

00:40:26 --> 00:40:32

from the United States, by actually bringing down deposing

00:40:32 --> 00:40:36

the autoCrat in the White House, perhaps the largest biggest

00:40:36 --> 00:40:41

Zionist in history, the top a superpower, it would represent one

00:40:41 --> 00:40:45

of the greatest victories in this OMA has been weak and needs so

00:40:45 --> 00:40:51

badly a victory. And so we're, we believe that on November 1, Fifth,

00:40:51 --> 00:40:56

we might have an opportunity there for the OMA to celebrate across

00:40:56 --> 00:41:00

the planet. And for us to finally rupture the first significant

00:41:00 --> 00:41:03

rupture between the United States and Israel that you're referring

00:41:03 --> 00:41:06

to the constant billions of dollars for a very small

00:41:06 --> 00:41:11

population, that they arm them to the teeth, and then attack folks

00:41:11 --> 00:41:15

who are within a walled community that have no place to go and then

00:41:15 --> 00:41:21

declare this security. Nothing but genocide and terror. A question

00:41:21 --> 00:41:28

for you now, how does how do we know that the loss is coming from

00:41:28 --> 00:41:29

the Muslim vote?

00:41:31 --> 00:41:35

Well, at abandoned Biden, in particular, in October, when we

00:41:35 --> 00:41:39

began the presentations, a lot of folks would often ask the

00:41:39 --> 00:41:43

question, can you show us that the margin that will be made up

00:41:43 --> 00:41:45

between the two candidates will come from Muslim Americans, and we

00:41:45 --> 00:41:50

find in a preliminary study that 111 electoral votes, Minnesota,

00:41:50 --> 00:41:55

Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Florida, and

00:41:55 --> 00:41:58

Nevada, North Carolina are also added that make it nine. But those

00:41:58 --> 00:42:03

seven initial states I listed are places where Muslim Americans we

00:42:03 --> 00:42:07

believe can make the difference if they come out. But I often tell

00:42:07 --> 00:42:12

folks, why are we thinking small, this is not this is a movement.

00:42:12 --> 00:42:15

And within it, there's an election, we have to talk to our

00:42:15 --> 00:42:19

fellow Americans, in the same way in the best tradition of Dawa of

00:42:19 --> 00:42:24

our beloved prophet, or the South Sudan, who spoke to everybody, and

00:42:24 --> 00:42:28

including getting allies who never converted to Islam, as we know, is

00:42:28 --> 00:42:33

Uncle being perhaps the exemplar of that dollar. And so we feel

00:42:33 --> 00:42:38

fundamentally, we need to reach out to Gen Z to African Americans,

00:42:38 --> 00:42:42

to Latinos, if you appeal small percentages, you're way beyond the

00:42:42 --> 00:42:47

margin that Biden won those swing states. We believe that we have to

00:42:47 --> 00:42:50

come together. And we're asking for volunteers and for us to talk

00:42:50 --> 00:42:54

to our fellow Americans. It's an opportunity for us to be enmeshed

00:42:54 --> 00:42:58

in this country for us to transform not just the political

00:42:58 --> 00:43:05

apparatus, but American culture itself. No. When people see one

00:43:05 --> 00:43:09

commentator saying very colorfully here, you don't cut your nose to

00:43:09 --> 00:43:15

split your face, again, in defense of keeping Biden as opposed to

00:43:15 --> 00:43:19

going with Trump. But the thing is that as as wacky as Trump may

00:43:19 --> 00:43:20


00:43:22 --> 00:43:25

there's no guarantee that there's going to be a war during his time,

00:43:25 --> 00:43:30

because there wasn't war in the first four years. Right. So it's

00:43:30 --> 00:43:32

really a quest. It's not a guarantee. It's not like he did it

00:43:32 --> 00:43:35

before. It's not like we're saying Bush versus Biden,

00:43:36 --> 00:43:41

like George HW Bush, the second, like we know what his record is,

00:43:41 --> 00:43:46

with Iraq, with Iraq and Afghanistan. Okay, that would be

00:43:46 --> 00:43:50

fair to say that wait a second, hold on which one is worse? Right.

00:43:50 --> 00:43:54

But in the case of Trump, yet, the whole scene around him

00:43:56 --> 00:44:02

is one thing, but there is no war record with him. So that's why I

00:44:02 --> 00:44:06

think it's, it is fair to say that, to not punish Biden

00:44:07 --> 00:44:11

is an absolute harm. Like, you know, for sure at this point, you

00:44:11 --> 00:44:13

are, you've declared your impotence.

00:44:16 --> 00:44:19

Trump coming in, it's not a guarantee that there's going to be

00:44:19 --> 00:44:23

a war. It's not like it's it was HW Bush, who gave us precedent of

00:44:23 --> 00:44:24

two wars.

00:44:25 --> 00:44:30

So I'm thinking now though, the the people who the abandoned Biden

00:44:30 --> 00:44:35

folk, I'm trying to think of when Muslims put in bush over Clinton,

00:44:36 --> 00:44:41

and they said, Clinton, yeah, he did have some bombings. And he

00:44:42 --> 00:44:46

knew he wasn't moral. Bush at least has family values. And then

00:44:46 --> 00:44:50

Bush came in and it was a biggest as, you know, political mistake to

00:44:50 --> 00:44:54

put Bhushan and those people have no answer. Like they just the

00:44:54 --> 00:44:56

people who supported Bush, they just have no answer. They said we

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

screwed up. So Let's hypothetically now

00:45:00 --> 00:45:03

I'll draw out a couple scenarios. Let's draw out the scenario that

00:45:03 --> 00:45:04

Trump comes in.

00:45:05 --> 00:45:09

I personally believe he would have won anyway. Right? But he's

00:45:09 --> 00:45:12

probably going to be is probably going to be bigger now with the

00:45:12 --> 00:45:15

abandoned Biden campaign. Right? bigger margin. But Let's

00:45:15 --> 00:45:20

hypothetically say Trump comes in and he's really bad things happen.

00:45:20 --> 00:45:22

Then people will turn

00:45:23 --> 00:45:26

on advocates such as, what's his name?

00:45:28 --> 00:45:33

The guests that we just had from England, wasn't it? I can't

00:45:33 --> 00:45:36

remember. But he's very big on the abandoned Biden campaign, rather

00:45:36 --> 00:45:40

semi handy semi Hamdi? Yep. Then they're going to turn on yourself.

00:45:41 --> 00:45:43

They're going to turn on everybody who was part of the band and bind

00:45:43 --> 00:45:47

it. Are you do you have, you know, what are you ready to say to them?

00:45:48 --> 00:45:53

By the way, our goal is to get the backlash, we want to unelect Biden

00:45:53 --> 00:45:57

and take the blame. By taking the blame, we would send a signal to

00:45:57 --> 00:46:01

the political landscape that we affected the change. Right.

00:46:01 --> 00:46:04

Interesting. Right. Interesting. It's taking the blame, you're

00:46:04 --> 00:46:10

actually also taking credit for having some effects. Right. So

00:46:10 --> 00:46:13

yeah, that's, that's a great, that's a very good way to put it

00:46:13 --> 00:46:18

continue. Absolutely. And so we we are looking forward to

00:46:18 --> 00:46:22

experiencing that backlash that we know will result in a

00:46:22 --> 00:46:26

transformation in the Democratic Party in four years where they're

00:46:26 --> 00:46:31

going to publish having a red line to ever have foreign policies like

00:46:31 --> 00:46:36

the one we see witnessed here before. And so we feel really

00:46:36 --> 00:46:40

strongly that we have to have this moment of transformation. By the

00:46:40 --> 00:46:45

way, a strict strategist will come before Mr. Trump in the Oval

00:46:45 --> 00:46:49

Office, and they'll say quite clearly to him, don't antagonize

00:46:49 --> 00:46:53

the Muslims. They illustrated their power, you want them to run

00:46:53 --> 00:46:57

back into the arms of the Democratic Party. And so we're

00:46:57 --> 00:47:01

gonna see recalculations. That's how politics works in America. And

00:47:01 --> 00:47:06

so this is what I mean by it's not necessarily a photocopy. Yeah, we

00:47:06 --> 00:47:09

we want to take credit. And by the way, you mentioned that you think

00:47:09 --> 00:47:15

that Mr. Trump will likely win. And Allah Allah subhanaw taala on

00:47:15 --> 00:47:19

him. He is the most knowledgeable. The recent polling that I see

00:47:19 --> 00:47:25

suggests that it will be very close already as this. Yes. We see

00:47:25 --> 00:47:29

we see in some polling, Mr. Trump is ahead. And some polling, Mr.

00:47:29 --> 00:47:33

Biden is that some practice is to take the aggregate polling, which

00:47:34 --> 00:47:38

is in a recent, recent calculation, I think Mr. Trump was

00:47:38 --> 00:47:42

like point five percentage points ahead. Which by the way, why is

00:47:42 --> 00:47:46

that you can have various outcomes when you look at the specific

00:47:46 --> 00:47:49

swing states, because remember, popular vote is not what

00:47:49 --> 00:47:54

determines the outcome. It's the electoral college. What is the

00:47:54 --> 00:47:55

tell us about?

00:47:57 --> 00:47:58

Were you involved in the Michigan

00:47:59 --> 00:48:03

name? Tell us about that whole story? Yeah. So our people

00:48:03 --> 00:48:06

abandoned Biden, leaders in Michigan in the Michigan chapter,

00:48:06 --> 00:48:11

were actively involved in pursuing the uncommitted, and we had folks

00:48:11 --> 00:48:16

volunteer, we had folks phonebank. And it demonstrated that the

00:48:16 --> 00:48:21

theory we operated since October was accurate, that we can show we

00:48:21 --> 00:48:26

had numbers by the way, including non Muslim Americans, who came out

00:48:26 --> 00:48:30

in droves to show this president in the elections, which often

00:48:30 --> 00:48:34

don't bring people out in the primary is specific specifically

00:48:34 --> 00:48:37

with an incumbent president. And we've showed that we had the

00:48:37 --> 00:48:42

numbers to effectively make Michigan swing away from the

00:48:42 --> 00:48:46

president in the general. So we this is why you're seeing in

00:48:46 --> 00:48:50

recent reporting that Mr. Biden is shouting is angry, his strategists

00:48:50 --> 00:48:53

are telling him he's likely going to lose Michigan and Georgia. When

00:48:53 --> 00:48:57

I look at our map, and our strategy, we feel that we can make

00:48:57 --> 00:49:01

sure that Mr. Biden loses nine states 133 electoral votes, and he

00:49:01 --> 00:49:09

won over Trump with 74 electoral votes in 2020. So and each state

00:49:09 --> 00:49:14

that he loses, adds to the power of Muslim Americans into the

00:49:14 --> 00:49:20

future. What's the number one Muslim swing state in America? The

00:49:20 --> 00:49:23

number one Muslim swing state in America is likely Wisconsin,

00:49:23 --> 00:49:27

really, but a lot of folks don't know the media is focusing on

00:49:27 --> 00:49:33

Michigan because its population. But Wisconsin is expected to be so

00:49:33 --> 00:49:38

swingy that it's possible that 100 People 1000 People

00:49:39 --> 00:49:43

15 15,000 People will determine the outcome and there are far more

00:49:43 --> 00:49:49

Muslim Americans than that, then that margin so and yeah, a lot of

00:49:49 --> 00:49:50

the media isn't aware.

00:49:51 --> 00:49:55

They were surprised. They often mentioned Michigan and I told, you

00:49:55 --> 00:49:59

know, I tell journalists, that actually we can still win this

00:49:59 --> 00:49:59

meaning by

00:50:00 --> 00:50:02

And we'll lose even if you won Michigan

00:50:03 --> 00:50:06

by locking him out in states like Nevada, Arizona, Georgia and

00:50:06 --> 00:50:11

Florida where we have our leaders actively organizing day and night

00:50:11 --> 00:50:15

to make sure that we protect our money. But like you said, I love

00:50:15 --> 00:50:19

that your brother I mean, you're apologizing that I was here

00:50:19 --> 00:50:24

waiting but just listening to your wise words is typical. Mashallah,

00:50:24 --> 00:50:29

this is one of those moments where Muslim Americans might be the most

00:50:29 --> 00:50:32

powerful Muslims on the planet, and they must respond.

00:50:33 --> 00:50:39

Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Georgia. These are

00:50:39 --> 00:50:43

parts of the body of the Ummah, that the prophets of Allah sunnah

00:50:43 --> 00:50:47

mentioned in this hadith, and that we must be feeling excruciating

00:50:47 --> 00:50:52

pain in all of these locations in America, and that we must respond

00:50:52 --> 00:50:56

and take this responsibility seriously, to make sure that our

00:50:56 --> 00:51:00

Ummah is protected and to signal not just for Palestine, because

00:51:00 --> 00:51:03

once you demonstrate you have power, it won't only be for

00:51:03 --> 00:51:07

Palestine. But it would be an extraordinary moment for the

00:51:07 --> 00:51:11

entire Ummah, to show Muslim Americans imagine the headline

00:51:11 --> 00:51:18

that Muslim Americans delivered America away from a presser. And

00:51:18 --> 00:51:23

so it will have ripple effects across the world. And it will

00:51:23 --> 00:51:29

demonstrate finally, that when we organize, and we've we asked Allah

00:51:29 --> 00:51:35

subhanaw taala for support, that we will protect our Ummah, that we

00:51:35 --> 00:51:39

truly believe that we are a single body, and that the harm in

00:51:39 --> 00:51:44

Palestine is felt every day by each and every one of us. Let me

00:51:44 --> 00:51:46

ask you another question. Again.

00:51:47 --> 00:51:51

From the opposite side, we're playing chess here, right? Someone

00:51:51 --> 00:51:55

says to you, Biden is not guilty. He couldn't have stopped Israel.

00:51:55 --> 00:51:59

Anyway. Israel is a runaway train, it's out of control. Nobody can

00:51:59 --> 00:52:01

stop them. True or False?

00:52:02 --> 00:52:08

False. When I was in prison, the Americans knew that everything

00:52:08 --> 00:52:11

that was happening, and they allowed it my tortures,

00:52:11 --> 00:52:15

interrogators said, they're allowing this to happen. The

00:52:15 --> 00:52:20

United States presents itself as a weak party, only with Israel. But

00:52:20 --> 00:52:24

then we'll fully well, there politicking into Ukraine and other

00:52:24 --> 00:52:28

parts of the world in which they definitely flex their muscles. The

00:52:28 --> 00:52:33

United States is the reason for the oppression by Israel since

00:52:33 --> 00:52:40

1948 14. Presidents seven Democrats and seven Republicans,

00:52:40 --> 00:52:44

each equally contributing and sustaining these attacks. No

00:52:44 --> 00:52:47

question that if Mr. Biden threatened

00:52:48 --> 00:52:53

Mr. Netanyahu and told him that you will no longer get funding and

00:52:53 --> 00:52:55

that you will not have the support of the administration, you will

00:52:55 --> 00:52:58

have no choice but to back off.

00:52:59 --> 00:53:04

Okay, so you actually, now that your torturers told you, America's

00:53:04 --> 00:53:05

allowing this,

00:53:06 --> 00:53:07


00:53:09 --> 00:53:14

But a torturous? Yes. So they could be lying. And that's part of

00:53:14 --> 00:53:18

the torture. Absolutely, except for the fact that I learned that

00:53:18 --> 00:53:23

and then confirm this after I arrived, that they basically

00:53:23 --> 00:53:28

allowed it to take place. And they stood back and asked very

00:53:28 --> 00:53:33

disturbing questions about me, to my research assistant. We've been

00:53:33 --> 00:53:39

questioned by the FBI after we arrived. And effectively, this is

00:53:39 --> 00:53:44

an administration that is two faced, they currently realize that

00:53:44 --> 00:53:50

Muslim Americans are increasingly powerful. And so they have

00:53:50 --> 00:53:54

specific discourses directed domestically to Muslim Americans,

00:53:54 --> 00:53:58

like wonderful Ramadan mubarak. Yeah, well, that's

00:53:59 --> 00:54:03

great, have a great eat. But on the other hand, in when it comes

00:54:03 --> 00:54:07

to Israel, there provide them complete carte blanche to do the

00:54:07 --> 00:54:10

attacks that they that they wish and the whole, the whole thing of

00:54:10 --> 00:54:14

the administration is not that they're going to actually stop the

00:54:14 --> 00:54:19

attacks in over our heads that the hope is that Muslim Americans will

00:54:19 --> 00:54:23

look out for their own self interest, that they will not bear

00:54:23 --> 00:54:28

the thought of being insulted by the former president. And so

00:54:28 --> 00:54:35

that's their goal is to sort of focus on that and make us fearful

00:54:35 --> 00:54:38

about the next four years. And this is something that I also kind

00:54:38 --> 00:54:42

of want to mention to my fellow Muslim Americans, you know,

00:54:42 --> 00:54:47

please, volunteer, join the movement, and donate. This is so

00:54:47 --> 00:54:50

critical for us to demonstrate that we're a powerful community at

00:54:50 --> 00:54:55

at abandoned Biden 20 But one thing that is really

00:54:55 --> 00:54:59

critical is for us at the end, even if we would not

00:55:00 --> 00:55:05

gain a single drop of power, we must sacrifice for years under

00:55:05 --> 00:55:12

Trump. We is nothing like a single day in the USA. And we must

00:55:12 --> 00:55:15

experience what the Prophet sallallaahu Salam said, which is

00:55:15 --> 00:55:18

to feel the pain of our brothers and sisters, we should not be able

00:55:18 --> 00:55:22

to sleep, we should not be able to endure the images that we're

00:55:22 --> 00:55:27

seeing. And so the pleasure of agenesis a dare to be deposed by

00:55:27 --> 00:55:32

by our own hands should be sufficient to motivate us day and

00:55:32 --> 00:55:36

night, regardless of the outcome of what comes and we ask Allah

00:55:36 --> 00:55:40

subhanaw taala to see our sacrifice, and then reward us and

00:55:40 --> 00:55:45

protect us never dealt what Allah subhanaw taala has that for when

00:55:45 --> 00:55:51

the time will come with it the gel were not is really Jana and Jana

00:55:51 --> 00:55:57

is not where where Hellfire is truly paradise and Paradise is

00:55:57 --> 00:56:03

hellfire. And perhaps Biden, that what is what appears to be lovely

00:56:03 --> 00:56:07

is truly what's harmful. And Trump the alternative who I'm not we're

00:56:07 --> 00:56:11

never suggesting anyone should vote for appears to be evil, which

00:56:11 --> 00:56:16

he is on its face. But good things may happen for the OMA as a result

00:56:16 --> 00:56:20

despite him coming in. And again, I really emphasize we do not

00:56:20 --> 00:56:25

recommend voting for a such a distasteful candidate. But as as

00:56:25 --> 00:56:29

Dr. And Muslim mentioned, the obviously in a two party system,

00:56:29 --> 00:56:34

the likelihood is that he would win if Biden lost. Okay, let me

00:56:34 --> 00:56:41

ask you this. When do Biden abandoned Biden campaign? What is

00:56:41 --> 00:56:44

it exactly? Is it just a series of getting awareness?

00:56:46 --> 00:56:49

Are you telling people to vote in a certain way to not vote at all?

00:56:50 --> 00:56:53

What what is the movement? Exactly? Physically speaking,

00:56:53 --> 00:56:57

like, what do we do? Yeah, so it's a movement in which we're calling

00:56:57 --> 00:56:59

on people, which includes that element you talked about, for

00:56:59 --> 00:57:05

folks to be aware about this grave immorality that's being committed

00:57:05 --> 00:57:09

by our administration that we voted in droves, for in 2020. But

00:57:09 --> 00:57:13

part of that movement is to act change. And so within that

00:57:13 --> 00:57:16

movement is an election, which is part of our broader toolbox. It's

00:57:16 --> 00:57:20

just one piece of it. So we're organizing an election campaign

00:57:20 --> 00:57:24

without a candidate, in effect, trying to ensure that we punish

00:57:24 --> 00:57:27

Biden, for it to be a historic moment in American politics and

00:57:27 --> 00:57:31

bring civil rights into foreign policy to ensure that we don't get

00:57:31 --> 00:57:36

Medicare and security. And we get when we forgive that

00:57:37 --> 00:57:41

why we shut blood across the planet. And so what we're asking

00:57:41 --> 00:57:44

folks to do is to join the campaign to get out the vote, to

00:57:44 --> 00:57:47

have a to tell our fellow Americans who are Muslim and non

00:57:47 --> 00:57:51

Muslim to join the campaign, and never vote against your

00:57:51 --> 00:57:55

conscience. And so this is precisely what we're asking folks

00:57:55 --> 00:57:59

to do. And if you go to our website, it will funnel you into

00:57:59 --> 00:58:03

the into the movement where we would recruit you as a potential

00:58:03 --> 00:58:08

volunteer, as well as we really would appreciate your generosity,

00:58:08 --> 00:58:11

because campaigns take a lot of money, just the President has

00:58:11 --> 00:58:15

seen, this is such a major problem for him. So he announced a $30

00:58:15 --> 00:58:20

million ad campaign to target Gen Z to compensate for the losses

00:58:20 --> 00:58:24

among our community. I want to share with you a strategy of

00:58:24 --> 00:58:28

minorities, fringe minorities, like Muslims, this is a political

00:58:28 --> 00:58:29

idea. No.

00:58:30 --> 00:58:36

They're too fringe, and maybe even too controversial, for anybody to

00:58:36 --> 00:58:42

go to bat for them. However, they're large enough in number to

00:58:42 --> 00:58:44

be able to destroy a candidate.

00:58:46 --> 00:58:50

And that that is the strategy of this the way we are right now.

00:58:51 --> 00:58:55

That's the strategy of Muslims. I found that to be wonderful. Do you

00:58:55 --> 00:59:00

agree with that strategy? 100%. It's exactly what the strategy

00:59:00 --> 00:59:04

we're operating with. We don't take the assumption that we need

00:59:04 --> 00:59:08

to do this in an insular way, that it's an opportunity to transform

00:59:08 --> 00:59:13

our culture and to bring a fellow Americans from various minority

00:59:13 --> 00:59:18

groups, African Americans, Latinos, we progressives, Gen Z of

00:59:18 --> 00:59:21

progressives who are very disturbed by what they're seeing,

00:59:21 --> 00:59:24

we have a strategy in Nevada, that includes Muslim Americans in Gen

00:59:24 --> 00:59:27

Z, we have a strategy in Pennsylvania that includes Muslim

00:59:27 --> 00:59:30

Americans and African Americans. And so in the same with Georgia,

00:59:30 --> 00:59:34

and North Carolina, African Americans play a major role in

00:59:34 --> 00:59:39

Arizona, with Latinos. And we feel it's an opportunity for people to

00:59:39 --> 00:59:43

learn about how in our tradition, we believe that if you kill one

00:59:43 --> 00:59:47

soul, it's as though you killed all people. And when you save one

00:59:47 --> 00:59:52

soul, it's as though you saved all people, all people, not just

00:59:52 --> 00:59:57

Muslims, all people, and this is a message to all Americans. We ask

00:59:57 --> 00:59:59

you, bye bye

01:00:00 --> 01:00:05

But in truth and in and with great humility to join us in a campaign

01:00:05 --> 01:00:09

to make sure that no political candidate in the future will

01:00:09 --> 01:00:14

violate what truly goes against American conscience. There was a

01:00:14 --> 01:00:17

Martin Luther King, who called for civil rights and voting rights

01:00:17 --> 01:00:21

that many people, harrow wise little folks don't know that

01:00:21 --> 01:00:24

Martin Luther King spoke against the Vietnam War, and broad

01:00:24 --> 01:00:28

international abroad intervention by the United States abroad. So

01:00:28 --> 01:00:32

the ban and Biden were also guided by those voices, voices like

01:00:32 --> 01:00:35

Martin Luther King, who called on us to bring civil rights into

01:00:35 --> 01:00:38

foreign policy. So we asked her brothers and sisters among the

01:00:38 --> 01:00:42

African American community, among Latinos, among progressives, and

01:00:42 --> 01:00:47

Gen Z, please don't lose this moment. Because if Mr. Biden comes

01:00:47 --> 01:00:48

back into office,

01:00:50 --> 01:00:54

that's the red carpet being rolled out for perpetual death and

01:00:54 --> 01:00:58

destruction in communities worldwide in Latin America, in the

01:00:58 --> 01:01:03

African continent, and in Far East Asia. We can't allow that. Tell me

01:01:03 --> 01:01:08

what about people who live in affirmed blue or red states? How

01:01:08 --> 01:01:11

can they participate. And for those in England who don't know

01:01:11 --> 01:01:16

what we're talking about, the blue state is a state that every four

01:01:16 --> 01:01:18

years it goes to the Democrats,

01:01:19 --> 01:01:23

enough democratic people in there, they vote for the Democrat, red

01:01:23 --> 01:01:26

state, for the Republican, New Jersey, for example, and

01:01:26 --> 01:01:31

California are blue states, Texas is a red state, for example. And

01:01:31 --> 01:01:34

then purple states are what we call the swing states, that could

01:01:34 --> 01:01:39

go either way. And now Muslims have enough numbers to actually

01:01:39 --> 01:01:42

damage a candidate, no one is going to go to bat for us. But we

01:01:42 --> 01:01:47

can damage a candidate. Right and take maybe 4% from them, or 3%, of

01:01:47 --> 01:01:52

very important number, you know, that could eventually 3% Here 4%,

01:01:52 --> 01:01:57

there another 5%, there could tip the balance for this candidate. So

01:01:57 --> 01:02:00

tell us what does someone do from from a red or a blue state? Yeah.

01:02:00 --> 01:02:05

And so we do have a 50 state strategy that we announced in late

01:02:05 --> 01:02:11

December of 2023. And it involves having folks come in and volunteer

01:02:11 --> 01:02:15

actively and abandoned by it. And we have operations where we work

01:02:15 --> 01:02:19

to connect with media to put out the word about abandoned Biden, we

01:02:19 --> 01:02:23

need folks to do work in data. We need campaigners, connectors,

01:02:23 --> 01:02:27

organizers, we need folks to create fundraisers. And one thing

01:02:27 --> 01:02:31

is you mentioned to our Ummah abroad, including our own minds,

01:02:31 --> 01:02:36

the Western world, that in many of these so called red and blue

01:02:36 --> 01:02:39

states, there are huge Muslim populations, California, New York,

01:02:39 --> 01:02:45

New Jersey, Illinois, Texas. And so we need those folks and their

01:02:45 --> 01:02:49

energy. And they can play a major role. We have folks from all

01:02:49 --> 01:02:53

across the country, working in operations in media and social

01:02:53 --> 01:02:57

media, putting out the words throughout the country also

01:02:57 --> 01:03:02

brought a doctor and mastery was emphasizing the campaign. But we

01:03:02 --> 01:03:05

feel that the campaign is one element of the movement. We want a

01:03:05 --> 01:03:08

national movement like Black Lives Matter

01:03:09 --> 01:03:13

and the dreamers on trying to protect the rights of undocumented

01:03:13 --> 01:03:18

people. So to do so we need to actively engage Americans across

01:03:18 --> 01:03:22

the nation, from coast to coast for them to understand that what

01:03:22 --> 01:03:26

the stakes are, and for all of us to change, not just merely in the

01:03:26 --> 01:03:29

swing states to have a change of mind about American foreign

01:03:29 --> 01:03:33

policy, and its perception that it could project power with with

01:03:33 --> 01:03:37

impunity. And without any reflection. It comes in like a

01:03:37 --> 01:03:41

giant and destroys people's lives and their futures. And that's

01:03:41 --> 01:03:45

something that many Americans once they know that it's happening, we

01:03:45 --> 01:03:49

will be completely averse to. And so a movement involves all of us

01:03:50 --> 01:03:53

across the nation. And so we ask everyone Muslim and non Muslim to

01:03:53 --> 01:03:55

actively be part of abandoned by

01:03:56 --> 01:03:59

Omar, can you open the website up? Let's show everyone what the

01:03:59 --> 01:04:04

website looks like abandoned Biden 24 dot O R G

01:04:05 --> 01:04:11

Did you get abandoned Biden too? Can you tell while he's

01:04:11 --> 01:04:14

pulling that up? Can you tell us who are the main personalities in

01:04:14 --> 01:04:15


01:04:16 --> 01:04:20

in this movement? Yeah, so we have lots of folks in the movement. We

01:04:20 --> 01:04:24

have assigned co chairs in all the state chapters, which are focused

01:04:24 --> 01:04:28

in the swing states, but we have folk folk people working in

01:04:28 --> 01:04:32

operations people working on data and research hundreds of people

01:04:32 --> 01:04:38

right now, and everyone obviously plays a major role. In theory I co

01:04:38 --> 01:04:42

founded but that's too precious for us to speak I worked with a

01:04:42 --> 01:04:47

brother, Jelani Hussein, who works in his personal capacity, but has

01:04:47 --> 01:04:49

been an active member of the community and Muslim community in

01:04:49 --> 01:04:54

Minnesota, as we began in October, but this is not really about

01:04:54 --> 01:04:58

persons. It's truly about bringing everyone together because at the

01:04:58 --> 01:05:00

end you can never make

01:05:00 --> 01:05:04

An impact without bringing in hundreds 1000s Millions of people,

01:05:04 --> 01:05:07

and lots of people have contributed immensely to this

01:05:07 --> 01:05:13

SubhanAllah. But yeah, it's it's one of those movements we hope in

01:05:13 --> 01:05:17

which people can contribute actively from all different walks

01:05:17 --> 01:05:21

of life, and that each person is important a gym, that's

01:05:21 --> 01:05:24

transformational in terms of reaching our impact, if you can

01:05:24 --> 01:05:26

change the vote of one person,

01:05:28 --> 01:05:33

then you truly, you truly made a massive impact. You are like the

01:05:33 --> 01:05:37

founders, you are like the co chairs, you are like the leaders

01:05:37 --> 01:05:41

and operations. And this and I can't emphasize that enough, just

01:05:41 --> 01:05:47

like the prophets was unsaid about if you just speak into a message

01:05:47 --> 01:05:52

of a single Aya to Bella, or to message a single a or single sign

01:05:52 --> 01:05:56

or a single word. And that's our duty to transform people by

01:05:56 --> 01:06:01

communicating our message and changing votes. We have the power

01:06:01 --> 01:06:05

of the pen. And we also know about the power of the sword. But some

01:06:05 --> 01:06:09

folks don't realize there's the power of the vote. ballot or the

01:06:09 --> 01:06:10


01:06:13 --> 01:06:16

Yeah, exactly. Sound that's what that's that's what is

01:06:18 --> 01:06:24

that our world today is the vote and the vote is essentially, the

01:06:24 --> 01:06:29

day that it comes where it said that being to pro Israel is not

01:06:29 --> 01:06:35

good for your campaign. That's you've said that that's it. That

01:06:35 --> 01:06:39

is literally it. And that and then it's going to start with, you

01:06:39 --> 01:06:43

know, this is a big one. This is the presidency. Right. But it

01:06:43 --> 01:06:47

could also start now with with Congressman, it could start now

01:06:47 --> 01:06:47


01:06:49 --> 01:06:54

with senators, right, and so on and so forth, until being you

01:06:54 --> 01:06:57

know, pro pro Palestine, it's not going to be

01:06:58 --> 01:07:03

viable. And now for that, let me ask you this question. Is that

01:07:03 --> 01:07:04

going to be solely

01:07:05 --> 01:07:06

in the Democratic Party?

01:07:08 --> 01:07:11

No, I don't believe that's going to be the case. Because what

01:07:11 --> 01:07:14

happens when you're the swing deist group is that you become the

01:07:14 --> 01:07:18

kingmaker, and both parties begin to seek support from those from

01:07:18 --> 01:07:23

that community. Plus, we would show the word is we show were a

01:07:23 --> 01:07:27

credible threat, not just merely because of our numbers, but

01:07:27 --> 01:07:31

because we managed to transform the electorate. But we are so

01:07:31 --> 01:07:34

influential that we change people's minds. And those people,

01:07:34 --> 01:07:38

each person in the electorate, is someone you want to covet for your

01:07:38 --> 01:07:42

party. So the Republicans and Democrats would move in our

01:07:42 --> 01:07:45

direction, yes, the Democrats would have a reckoning. But

01:07:46 --> 01:07:49

everyone will fully understand that we have a red line, a new red

01:07:49 --> 01:07:52

line in American politics. As you know, the red line with

01:07:52 --> 01:07:55

evangelicalism that has transformed the Republican Party

01:07:55 --> 01:07:58

with abortion. It was in 1980, when Ronald Reagan won a

01:07:58 --> 01:08:02

landslide, with evangelicals in response to Roe v. Wade, the legal

01:08:02 --> 01:08:07

case for folks to know, that allowed for abortion in the 1970s.

01:08:07 --> 01:08:11

And when Ronald Reagan came, he sat in peace, a revolution that

01:08:11 --> 01:08:17

led many years later, four decades later, to the basically the

01:08:17 --> 01:08:21

overruling of Roe v. Wade, that case that enabled abortion to be

01:08:21 --> 01:08:26

practiced across the nation. And so we would introduce a new Red

01:08:26 --> 01:08:30

Line evangelists have a red line, you can never ever negotiate with

01:08:30 --> 01:08:34

them, if you're a party that allows for abortion. And so we

01:08:34 --> 01:08:37

would have a red line. And then we would go through a phase of

01:08:37 --> 01:08:40

negotiation with these parties. And what's curious about our

01:08:40 --> 01:08:43

position, unlike evangelists, because that find their place

01:08:43 --> 01:08:47

singly in the Republican Party, is that our red line with the

01:08:47 --> 01:08:50

Democratic Party is one in which they would have to respond,

01:08:50 --> 01:08:55

because they need our numbers. In order to win with the Republican

01:08:55 --> 01:08:57

Party, they're going to be intrigued because of the

01:08:57 --> 01:09:00

polarization because of the fact that they realize they won because

01:09:00 --> 01:09:04

of us. They have no choice, but then to rethink about their

01:09:04 --> 01:09:08

policies. With respect to Muslims. It's extremely easy for the

01:09:08 --> 01:09:12

Republican Party, for example, to get rid of travel bans. There's

01:09:12 --> 01:09:17

last there for example. Yeah, so there's real opportunities. What

01:09:17 --> 01:09:22

about the the very hard ideological stance that the

01:09:22 --> 01:09:25

Republicans have on this subject?

01:09:26 --> 01:09:27

To the point that

01:09:29 --> 01:09:34

yeah, on Israel? Yeah. And but I feel when I look at history, as I

01:09:34 --> 01:09:37

mentioned, seven Republicans and seven Democrats have panel up to

01:09:37 --> 01:09:44

this point, both parties are actively Zionist, in a manner that

01:09:44 --> 01:09:50

is, one can say is equal to a certain extent, and so there isn't

01:09:50 --> 01:09:53

really much difference. The reality is that when you punish

01:09:53 --> 01:09:56

Biden and we can even say no hard feelings, it's not even personal.

01:09:56 --> 01:09:59

It just happens that you're in the White House. And now we managed to

01:09:59 --> 01:09:59


01:10:00 --> 01:10:02

And so we're gonna take this opportunity to mobilize in the

01:10:02 --> 01:10:06

name of your attacks on Palestine to send a clear signal and punish

01:10:06 --> 01:10:10

you. But the reality is put any name including the 13. Last

01:10:10 --> 01:10:14

president since 1948, what we will be doing is using him as a symbol

01:10:14 --> 01:10:19

to the entire landscape. And so yeah, why breaking and deposing

01:10:19 --> 01:10:23

Biden, we will be breaking and rupturing the Zionist link between

01:10:23 --> 01:10:27

the United States and Israel. And we will begin the transformation

01:10:27 --> 01:10:30

for both parties. You're absolutely right. We're really not

01:10:30 --> 01:10:34

in a fight nearly with Biden. He's just a placeholder for a fight

01:10:35 --> 01:10:39

with the entire political apparatus that signs and is bought

01:10:39 --> 01:10:42

by AIPAC. Let's talk about

01:10:44 --> 01:10:48

congressmen or senators, or after Biden, who's next that you're

01:10:48 --> 01:10:54

gonna go after what we're focusing on Biden, we know that other folks

01:10:54 --> 01:10:58

have created 501 C fours, and in great humbleness, we feel that we

01:10:58 --> 01:11:02

want to just manage bite sized already the presidency is huge.

01:11:02 --> 01:11:06

And we know our capacity, we want to do it right, we have a

01:11:06 --> 01:11:10

responsibility to the ummah. And so we acknowledge that we can't do

01:11:10 --> 01:11:14

everything in seven months, brothers and sisters, the election

01:11:14 --> 01:11:19

is in a few seconds from now. So the reality is that we know that

01:11:19 --> 01:11:22

we're working with other people, we're not in competition with them

01:11:22 --> 01:11:25

that are working on Congress. We love our brothers and sisters

01:11:25 --> 01:11:28

doing that we want to give them every support. But we're focusing

01:11:28 --> 01:11:31

on the presidency and the ideas that the organization that's

01:11:31 --> 01:11:34

launching abandoned Biden and coordinating it will focus into

01:11:34 --> 01:11:38

the future on the presidency, like the struggle will experience under

01:11:38 --> 01:11:41

Trump, making sure that he's punished

01:11:42 --> 01:11:47

and so on, until we course correct this country's evil and move

01:11:47 --> 01:11:53

towards a hope and morality to be established throughout the world.

01:11:53 --> 01:11:58

Remember, ending facade and fashion and corruption across this

01:11:58 --> 01:12:00

planet is part of our deen.

01:12:01 --> 01:12:03

So let's talk now about

01:12:05 --> 01:12:09

we talked about after Biden. And I think this take tearing taking

01:12:09 --> 01:12:12

down one candidate after another is going to be the mode of

01:12:12 --> 01:12:16

operation going forward. But I have to say I was surprised that

01:12:16 --> 01:12:20

Wisconsin is a swing state, like what is the percentage of Muslims

01:12:20 --> 01:12:26

there? Or is abandoned Biden reaching outside of Muslims? It's

01:12:26 --> 01:12:30

not just the Muslim vote. Yeah, we're reaching our intention, like

01:12:30 --> 01:12:32

you mentioned very clearly,

01:12:34 --> 01:12:38

that we're definitely reaching and it's it's critical as being a

01:12:38 --> 01:12:41

movement to reach out to many different other constituencies

01:12:41 --> 01:12:46

mashallah clearly dedicated to the idea that life must be protected,

01:12:46 --> 01:12:50

and that this President has violated the value of life. But

01:12:51 --> 01:12:54

no, Wisconsin is actually one of the states where most of Americans

01:12:54 --> 01:12:59

alone can determine the outcome there, wow. percent of yes,

01:12:59 --> 01:13:07

there's approximately 60,000 voters, Muslim Americans, and the

01:13:07 --> 01:13:12

states can in this year round, can potentially go with 1000 votes.

01:13:12 --> 01:13:17

2000 votes will determine who will win that state. It would be

01:13:17 --> 01:13:22

malpractice if we just listened to the journalists. And so we're

01:13:22 --> 01:13:26

going to do everything we can to make sure we single state where we

01:13:26 --> 01:13:31

have potential will go down and in history that we were the reasons

01:13:31 --> 01:13:35

we take the blame for delivering it away from history. And so that

01:13:35 --> 01:13:41

was his goal. I have to say, No, it's not enough to not vote for

01:13:41 --> 01:13:44

Biden, you have to vote for the guy who's going to defeat him.

01:13:45 --> 01:13:50

Well, we feel we have a committee that's working on candidate

01:13:50 --> 01:13:55

selection. A lot of abandoned, we haven't come or endorsed anyone, I

01:13:55 --> 01:14:00

can tell you, a lot of our people are feel Mr. Trump is truly

01:14:00 --> 01:14:05

distasteful. And so the argument has been that it's likely that an

01:14:05 --> 01:14:08

independent candidate would be selected there and we have

01:14:08 --> 01:14:11

interviews with the Green Party and Cornel West.

01:14:12 --> 01:14:16

What I want and my responsibility to Allah subhanaw taala is to

01:14:16 --> 01:14:23

ensure that we win. And so I just want us to be all together and

01:14:23 --> 01:14:28

unite it so that we there is no fitna no division. And so the goal

01:14:28 --> 01:14:33

is to create shorter, and we've been doing hearings since early

01:14:33 --> 01:14:37

February examining leave it blank, examining a right in examining

01:14:37 --> 01:14:40

independent candidates, and everyone is discussing the

01:14:40 --> 01:14:44

questions you brought up by the way, brother that sometimes

01:14:45 --> 01:14:48

vote for a candidate or actually not sometimes but a vote for a

01:14:48 --> 01:14:51

particular candidate goes further than voting for another candidate.

01:14:52 --> 01:14:56

We feel it's important that everyone vote, vote vote vote

01:14:56 --> 01:14:59

exclamations, because that shows you're part of the system and then

01:14:59 --> 01:15:00


01:15:00 --> 01:15:03

can establish that we were the ones who have a credible threat

01:15:03 --> 01:15:06

that we were behind this, that we can take the blame that is

01:15:06 --> 01:15:09

historically written that is because of us. And so that's

01:15:09 --> 01:15:12

critical. But the question is vote for who and we're taking our time,

01:15:12 --> 01:15:16

we're going to have a large convention, August 31, September

01:15:16 --> 01:15:18

1, where we're going to announce that endorsement, we're going to

01:15:18 --> 01:15:20

bring folks from across the country, the media, national

01:15:20 --> 01:15:23

media, international media will be there after the Democratic

01:15:25 --> 01:15:31

Convention, and we will try to do the best we can to deliver the

01:15:31 --> 01:15:36

most sound, sound endorsement, so that we can truly achieve our

01:15:36 --> 01:15:42

goals in sha Allah. So Milwaukee, sorry, Wisconsin. I have here a

01:15:42 --> 01:15:45

gentleman named Jason treatise saying that a lot of Muslims in

01:15:46 --> 01:15:51

Menomonee, Green Bay, Appleton, Milwaukee and Madison, Wisconsin.

01:15:51 --> 01:15:57

So then we said Michigan, I would assume Michigan, humongous swing

01:15:57 --> 01:16:00

state, right, where the Muslims would have the most impact,

01:16:00 --> 01:16:03

probably, I guess, after Wisconsin No, right?

01:16:04 --> 01:16:09

Actually, the thing is that Michigan is emphasized because

01:16:09 --> 01:16:12

from all the swing states, 5% of the population is Arab or Muslim

01:16:12 --> 01:16:17

American. But the reality is actually Arizona and Georgia are

01:16:17 --> 01:16:21

far more impactful because the margins are expected to be very

01:16:21 --> 01:16:27

narrow. The margin in Michigan was Georgia and in Arizona, and there

01:16:27 --> 01:16:31

are significant Muslims in Arizona and in Georgia to me, so the

01:16:31 --> 01:16:35

question is, so the media looks often at populations of Muslims

01:16:35 --> 01:16:39

relative to other states. But the real way to look at it is

01:16:39 --> 01:16:43

population relative to expected margin, whether you vote that's a

01:16:43 --> 01:16:46

great way to put it. That's a good way to put it. Yeah, the aggregate

01:16:46 --> 01:16:51

polling. So you So Michigan doesn't have a thin margin, it has

01:16:51 --> 01:16:57

a pretty wide margin towards what democratic? Yes, well, it's not a

01:16:57 --> 01:16:59

significantly wide margin. It's just wider than Georgia and

01:16:59 --> 01:17:04

Arizona. And so you get, you have to make up, for example, in

01:17:04 --> 01:17:09

2020 150,000, but in Georgia, only approximately 10,000 votes made.

01:17:10 --> 01:17:13

Oh, I see what you're saying. So there's more of a swing there.

01:17:13 --> 01:17:16

That's why I'd like Jersey has got a ton of Muslims, but you're not

01:17:16 --> 01:17:19

even going to come close, because the margin for the Democrats is so

01:17:19 --> 01:17:24

high. So then Ohio, then is famously Ohio and Florida are

01:17:24 --> 01:17:28

famously like, almost 5050. Right? Exactly. Traditionally, Ohio and

01:17:28 --> 01:17:32

Florida and we're located in Florida, recently, Ohio, has now

01:17:32 --> 01:17:36

trended very strongly red. People are arguing that might be the case

01:17:36 --> 01:17:42

in Florida. But Florida is kind of unpredictable, by the power and

01:17:42 --> 01:17:45

permission of Allah subhanaw taala, who knows all things. And

01:17:45 --> 01:17:48

so we are definitely there because we don't know what's going to

01:17:48 --> 01:17:52

happen. And so because he has a proclivity of swinging, we're

01:17:52 --> 01:17:56

actively campaigning to ensure that we're locking Mr. Biden out,

01:17:56 --> 01:17:59

we have a strategy to lock out Mr. Biden in the states of Nevada,

01:17:59 --> 01:18:02

Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina and Florida, and to contain him in

01:18:02 --> 01:18:07

the north in Wisconsin and Michigan. And so and that's where

01:18:07 --> 01:18:11

he, where he has to defend those states. So even if he wins them,

01:18:11 --> 01:18:14

he still loses. Because let's defend and lock him out in the

01:18:14 --> 01:18:17

States. I said earlier in the south, he can't win this election,

01:18:17 --> 01:18:20

even if you won Michigan, because he'll be busy with those states

01:18:20 --> 01:18:24

and not campaigning elsewhere. First of all, do you even think

01:18:24 --> 01:18:29

Biden can campaign just can you physically travel around like

01:18:29 --> 01:18:32

this? It seems like I think that it's this is a whole nother

01:18:32 --> 01:18:35

subject, but I think it's this is abuse of the elderly. What they're

01:18:35 --> 01:18:41

doing, Tim? I am I'm not sure I'd abandoned Biden, one of the things

01:18:41 --> 01:18:44

that often the media asks What's curious about the conversation

01:18:44 --> 01:18:48

about the age is that, in our tradition, I don't think age

01:18:48 --> 01:18:54

really has been a concern for us. We have many leaders, who are

01:18:54 --> 01:18:59

mashallah are elderly, and we respect them and their wisdom and

01:18:59 --> 01:19:02

their knowledge. And so at abandoned Biden, we focused on the

01:19:02 --> 01:19:09

fact that Mr. The President has become a gymnast to dare and was

01:19:09 --> 01:19:13

off limits, and that we would have been supportive of a candidate

01:19:14 --> 01:19:18

that protected lives abroad. Even if that candidate were 90 years of

01:19:18 --> 01:19:22

age, and he lost the opportunity of allies would have never had

01:19:22 --> 01:19:25

this concern, because so many of the electorate currently, and

01:19:25 --> 01:19:30

particularly Gen Z have concerns about his age, even if even if the

01:19:30 --> 01:19:35

events never took place. And so and so he could have counted on us

01:19:36 --> 01:19:41

and potentially won because of us in 2024. But he lost us on that on

01:19:41 --> 01:19:44

that point. Yeah. And it's not if age is not even so much the issue

01:19:44 --> 01:19:49

is health, I should say. Because it seems like that he falters he

01:19:49 --> 01:19:53

mumble he mixes up his words, he's physically falls and it seems to

01:19:53 --> 01:19:57

be like his health is there's no way this person is going to do a

01:19:57 --> 01:20:00

grueling, you know, four months of campaigning

01:20:00 --> 01:20:03

and getting on your jet every other day. And the last month,

01:20:03 --> 01:20:06

you're getting on your jet two, three times a day, and giving

01:20:06 --> 01:20:10

three, four or five talks a day between live and on TV. Like when

01:20:10 --> 01:20:14

you're on the plane, you're on TV. When as soon as you land right on

01:20:14 --> 01:20:18

the tarmac, you have to give, you know, a pep talk, campaign rally,

01:20:18 --> 01:20:22

you got to do three, four rallies a day. So it seems like, Well,

01:20:22 --> 01:20:26

we'll see. But here's another question that came up. And this

01:20:26 --> 01:20:31

came from I can't remember who wrote this, but is a rich,

01:20:31 --> 01:20:35

interesting question here, I think was rich. He says, What are the

01:20:35 --> 01:20:38

chances that they sub in Michelle Obama at the last minute?

01:20:39 --> 01:20:44

Yeah. That is that is, then you have one that did it? Yes,

01:20:44 --> 01:20:48

exactly. We that is possible and abandoned. Biden includes the

01:20:48 --> 01:20:52

president dropping out, of course, as soon as he drops out, we have

01:20:52 --> 01:20:56

to capture can the candidates to ensure that our policies are

01:20:56 --> 01:20:59

properly represented in the White House for whoever is going to be

01:20:59 --> 01:21:03

the nominee, because we will not support someone who stands by the

01:21:03 --> 01:21:08

policies that are currently being undertaken by this administration?

01:21:08 --> 01:21:12

So whoever that person is, if they're going to continue the

01:21:12 --> 01:21:17

genocide, we will simply continue with our campaign. But yes, it

01:21:17 --> 01:21:21

would be it would mean and we will immediately announce and celebrate

01:21:21 --> 01:21:27

that and take credit for that person having dropped, I have a I

01:21:27 --> 01:21:32

have a problem with the way that Muslims are in right now. Because

01:21:32 --> 01:21:35

right now, we can only take down a Democratic candidate.

01:21:37 --> 01:21:41

Okay, we're sort of the Republicans have moved on without

01:21:41 --> 01:21:42

the Muslims, you can't hurt them then.

01:21:44 --> 01:21:48

So this is a problem. There need to be Muslim Republicans, right.

01:21:49 --> 01:21:51

There needs to be Muslim Democrats. And they're the

01:21:52 --> 01:21:57

community should is better off divided up rather than blocked one

01:21:57 --> 01:22:00

way or the other? Because if we're all Democrats all the time, then

01:22:00 --> 01:22:05

why do they need to cater to us? And why would the Republicans try

01:22:05 --> 01:22:08

because we're already locked in? So that's this is I mean, this is

01:22:08 --> 01:22:11

this is what the Jews did very well. Like, you can't say Jews are

01:22:11 --> 01:22:15

Democrat or Republican. They're going to side with both. They have

01:22:15 --> 01:22:19

significant Republicans and significant Democrats, the biggest

01:22:19 --> 01:22:23

donors, the Democratic Party are Jews, the biggest leader of the

01:22:23 --> 01:22:27

Conservatives right now, in terms of just at least having a talk

01:22:27 --> 01:22:32

show is basically Ben Shapiro. Right? So that's a smarter

01:22:32 --> 01:22:36

strategy than the situation we find ourselves in, which is Muslim

01:22:36 --> 01:22:38

is a default, Democrat.

01:22:39 --> 01:22:43

So how do we resolve that? Yeah, and obviously Jewish Americans

01:22:43 --> 01:22:46

differ. We have many Jewish Americans who come to our press

01:22:46 --> 01:22:50

conferences and speak out against the genocide. But one of the

01:22:50 --> 01:22:53

things is that the policy on Israel is the same policy has been

01:22:53 --> 01:22:58

mentioning by both parties. And so AIPAC makes sure that both parties

01:22:58 --> 01:23:02

regardless of wins could continue with the policies in the Middle

01:23:02 --> 01:23:06

East. What's curious is that's exactly what abandoned Biden is

01:23:06 --> 01:23:09

about. It's not about the Democrats or the Republicans when

01:23:09 --> 01:23:13

you're in this little basket. Yeah, that party puts you on the

01:23:13 --> 01:23:17

lowest rung of the ladder. They all everyone else on top, exactly,

01:23:17 --> 01:23:21

yeah. And then the other party could completely ignore you. And

01:23:21 --> 01:23:23

the idea of being a credible threat and punishing the candidate

01:23:24 --> 01:23:28

is to begin to create balance and bring those two parties closer to

01:23:28 --> 01:23:32

us by recognizing we have that power. And so our strategy, it may

01:23:32 --> 01:23:35

appear that it's only within the Democratic Party, because the

01:23:35 --> 01:23:38

President is a Democrat. But as I said, that's irrelevant. It's

01:23:38 --> 01:23:42

about us demonstrating that we have the power than rearranging

01:23:42 --> 01:23:45

American politics such that we will have influence in both

01:23:45 --> 01:23:49

parties, that we will not be fearful that when one party wins

01:23:49 --> 01:23:54

over the other, then we the policy swing completely in the new

01:23:54 --> 01:23:59

direction. Remember that by being default, Democrats, it implies

01:23:59 --> 01:24:03

that just like the way the Republicans ignore you, the

01:24:03 --> 01:24:03


01:24:04 --> 01:24:06

Yeah, we should be agnostic.

01:24:08 --> 01:24:10

We shouldn't even have Muslim Republicans will some Democrats,

01:24:10 --> 01:24:14

we should all be agnostic together, meaning whatever is in

01:24:14 --> 01:24:17

our interest at this moment in time. That's really the right

01:24:17 --> 01:24:22

approach. Absolutely. Whatever benefits the Ummah whatever

01:24:22 --> 01:24:27

increases and enhances goodness and justice, not are we will be

01:24:27 --> 01:24:32

directed. Your professor, do you have a website? Do you have books?

01:24:32 --> 01:24:37

Do you have articles, anything like that? Yes, I have. I have my

01:24:37 --> 01:24:46

my professor web web page up and I have written the my focus now is

01:24:46 --> 01:24:50

singly on this election. And so our research has had to take a

01:24:50 --> 01:24:55

backstage. It's like working day and night with leaders across the

01:24:55 --> 01:24:59

country. And I feel it's every fiber in me

01:25:00 --> 01:25:03

that I need to make sure by the power and permission of Allah

01:25:03 --> 01:25:09

subhanaw taala that Mr. Biden is deposed. And so that is ahead, my

01:25:09 --> 01:25:12

work and my research I'm learning every day. And I asked Allah

01:25:12 --> 01:25:16

subhanaw taala for Taufiq and nothing happens except by His

01:25:16 --> 01:25:20

will. Wonderful. And we'll see we got a couple months. So you got

01:25:20 --> 01:25:24

eight months what how many months left? What are we in month? Three

01:25:24 --> 01:25:28

month? 11. So you got eight months, right? You got eight

01:25:28 --> 01:25:33

months of work ahead. It's this political stuff is it's it's there

01:25:33 --> 01:25:37

like competitions, these campaigns and there's a lot of excitement

01:25:37 --> 01:25:41

there. And I think it's a lot more exciting when you're just trying

01:25:41 --> 01:25:45

to take someone down than trying to put someone up because it just

01:25:45 --> 01:25:48

seems to be an easier task but that's what we Muslims are at

01:25:48 --> 01:25:52

right now. We're not mature enough to put up a candidate right? We

01:25:52 --> 01:25:55

don't have the finances we don't have the infrastructure we don't

01:25:55 --> 01:25:58

have anything but we can definitely take down a candidate

01:25:58 --> 01:26:03

and we'll see what happens and insha Allah to Allah Allah give

01:26:03 --> 01:26:08

you Tofik if you want to come by things change, come by again give

01:26:08 --> 01:26:13

us the update inshallah. Inshallah Docomo care and your your constant

01:26:13 --> 01:26:17

selflessness and all the amazing work that you do. And if I could

01:26:17 --> 01:26:22

share one moment your brothers and sisters, we are truly a single

01:26:22 --> 01:26:26

body. And we have been coming out in protest after Protest after

01:26:26 --> 01:26:32

protest. Here is an opportunity vote. actively work with us to

01:26:32 --> 01:26:35

campaign against this president who will affect the change that

01:26:35 --> 01:26:40

this woman needs, you should be feeling excruciating pain, because

01:26:40 --> 01:26:46

this ummah is weak, but it's only for a short period. Together, we

01:26:46 --> 01:26:49

can rupture the Zionist link between the United States and

01:26:49 --> 01:26:55

Israel and bring back in sha Allah, the glory of this ummah, in

01:26:55 --> 01:27:00

all parts of the world, including here in the United States. May

01:27:00 --> 01:27:03

Allah subhanaw taala be with each of you may Allah subhanaw taala

01:27:03 --> 01:27:07

grant this victory was salam. Aleikum, wa salam Abdullah, very

01:27:07 --> 01:27:10

well said very well said just like a look into Doctor, again, you're

01:27:10 --> 01:27:16

listening to Hassan Abdul Salam, a professor of human rights,

01:27:16 --> 01:27:21

political science, many other sociology many other subjects in

01:27:21 --> 01:27:25

Minnesota. Thank you very much again. And we can now turn to your

01:27:25 --> 01:27:30

comments and your questions. We had 235 on Facebook, on YouTube

01:27:30 --> 01:27:36

watching and probably another 6070 on Instagram. So let's open it up.

01:27:36 --> 01:27:38

Let's start off with your comments. You want to talk about

01:27:39 --> 01:27:43

the interview that we just had, or you want to talk about? We can

01:27:43 --> 01:27:45

open it up to other questions. Of course, we're going to ask what

01:27:45 --> 01:27:49

breaks my fast Baba ba How do I pay Zika? those basic questions

01:27:49 --> 01:27:52

that always come around at this time of year. Bring them if you

01:27:52 --> 01:27:54

have them no problem. Okay.

01:27:56 --> 01:27:59

Rich go says some people saying they're gonna take they're gonna

01:27:59 --> 01:28:03

let Biden take the blame for the Ukraine and Philistine Biden was a

01:28:03 --> 01:28:08

terrible. His presidency was terrible, because he was so weak.

01:28:09 --> 01:28:12

Right? Everyone says to like, oh, we could do what we want. Right?

01:28:12 --> 01:28:14

Because technically, this is the

01:28:15 --> 01:28:18

police. You know, the policemen of the world is the United States

01:28:18 --> 01:28:20

when the President is so weak, everyone does what they want.

01:28:22 --> 01:28:26

Can we count Tada? We have Korea, Malaysia, it's all one. Tada. We

01:28:26 --> 01:28:30

had Korea, Malaysia. But as long as you do it before sleeping, it's

01:28:30 --> 01:28:31

called Tarawa and Korea

01:28:32 --> 01:28:36

is called taraweeh. When you do it after you sleep, it's called

01:28:36 --> 01:28:39

tahajjud. And both of them are in the broad category of camera

01:28:39 --> 01:28:40


01:28:42 --> 01:28:45

Okay, is it permissible to eat kosher meat at a restaurant in the

01:28:45 --> 01:28:47

United States?

01:28:48 --> 01:28:50

It is yes.

01:28:53 --> 01:28:56

What organization would you recommend paying Vidya?

01:28:57 --> 01:29:00

Vidya, you should give fideo

01:29:01 --> 01:29:06

by the way, do we have an answer on fifth year and cafardo to that

01:29:06 --> 01:29:10

payment and that food has to be for local people? And we know that

01:29:10 --> 01:29:14

that's an fitzer Answer kattiline. So getting Mel, have to be given

01:29:14 --> 01:29:19

locally. Now if you give them abroad like you send us a send us

01:29:19 --> 01:29:24

a cat, because it's going to be valid, but it's not what is

01:29:25 --> 01:29:28

the correct way to do it? The correct way to do it is to give

01:29:28 --> 01:29:33

your Zika to the local people who share in your life and get to see

01:29:33 --> 01:29:38

your life and see your wealth and our miskeen so that their envy is

01:29:38 --> 01:29:41

alleviated from their heart when they receive a nice check of Zika.

01:29:42 --> 01:29:48

Good. So question is that is Fidelia and CO Farah? Are there

01:29:48 --> 01:29:52

mandates for that to be local to we have to research that before we

01:29:52 --> 01:29:56

answer take your time research thing. Are there any cures to

01:29:56 --> 01:29:59

ADHD, OCD, and other mental disorders in Islam?

01:30:00 --> 01:30:00


01:30:01 --> 01:30:06

yeah, there's behavioral changes. And there are chemical changes.

01:30:06 --> 01:30:10

And there's medicines. And there's techniques for both. There's

01:30:10 --> 01:30:14

techniques for behavioral changes. And there are medicines for OCD.

01:30:14 --> 01:30:16

And then I've seen it work on people.

01:30:17 --> 01:30:18

Okay, a

01:30:19 --> 01:30:21

lot of families, I think that especially traditional families,

01:30:21 --> 01:30:24

they get scared of giving their kids the getting on demand

01:30:24 --> 01:30:27

medication. Yeah, I worry about those medications very early on.

01:30:27 --> 01:30:30

You never know what you're putting in your body. You're it's just not

01:30:30 --> 01:30:34

known. But do you think what do you think then it's advisable to

01:30:34 --> 01:30:36

go with the doctors, even if they're, you know, they're

01:30:36 --> 01:30:40

secular. Go with their advice on taking the medicine or? It depends

01:30:40 --> 01:30:44

on how bad I see the issue is, if I feel that it can be altered by

01:30:44 --> 01:30:50

behavior by behavioral changing, Tobia, right, then yeah, I'm gonna

01:30:50 --> 01:30:55

go with the behavioral changes. If it's something that's out of

01:30:55 --> 01:30:58

control now, like I can't change this with behavioral and this is

01:30:58 --> 01:31:03

literally something chemical, in my estimation. And the doctor that

01:31:03 --> 01:31:07

I'm dealing with is not a trigger happy guy. Then you know, lessors

01:31:07 --> 01:31:08

are basically yeah

01:31:09 --> 01:31:14

Newfies reminded me and meze and masteries Allah, Allah says that

01:31:14 --> 01:31:17

he will lock me with new units who have noticed these are the four

01:31:17 --> 01:31:23

that alpha Lee relied upon. Okay. The four that Helene relied upon

01:31:25 --> 01:31:26


01:31:27 --> 01:31:30

I don't know if they've maybe within the method, maybe low on

01:31:30 --> 01:31:34

this burning before and smelling the fragrance break the fast. Yes,

01:31:34 --> 01:31:39

because it's a vapor that goes up and can produce a drop of liquid

01:31:39 --> 01:31:43

down into your throat. The shower is okay. However, because the

01:31:43 --> 01:31:48

shower is something that you can't avoid. Hey, oh my god, can you

01:31:48 --> 01:31:51

please put our launch good. Dash stuffiness slash stuffing society,

01:31:52 --> 01:31:56

for our kitchen? Life? Continue, we continue to work hard and

01:31:56 --> 01:31:59

continue to expand this soup kitchen.

01:32:01 --> 01:32:06

Now the website, the launch go to website? Yeah. Not on the website.

01:32:06 --> 01:32:07

The actual website? Yeah.

01:32:09 --> 01:32:14

Yeah, the actual website. We're, we're gutting the basement. The

01:32:14 --> 01:32:16

workers? Are there the vans are there ometer. When you went

01:32:16 --> 01:32:19

downstairs, you saw the vans. Right? The construction has begun.

01:32:19 --> 01:32:23

So but we need help, because this is like one big push. And then

01:32:23 --> 01:32:26

we're gonna have rental units down there. We're going to be able to

01:32:26 --> 01:32:30

rent this operation. Yeah, there we go. Click on the website, see

01:32:30 --> 01:32:30

where we're at?

01:32:32 --> 01:32:33

No, he's from England.

01:32:34 --> 01:32:38

But his aim is from England. Is your microphone. Right? Oh, keep

01:32:38 --> 01:32:39

your mic up.

01:32:40 --> 01:32:45

Here all the clicks. Oh, is that right? Okay. So we continue to

01:32:45 --> 01:32:48

build out this basement, we're going to have rental units. And

01:32:48 --> 01:32:51

now it's going to be a matter of filling in the tenants. And I

01:32:51 --> 01:32:55

think we're gonna get brothers, right? It should be easy. I want

01:32:55 --> 01:32:55

to get

01:32:56 --> 01:33:00

students of knowledge in there. Why? Because you know, there's not

01:33:00 --> 01:33:02

going to be smoking issues. You're gonna be drinking issues. It's not

01:33:02 --> 01:33:03

going to be Vince.

01:33:05 --> 01:33:07

They're going to help out.

01:33:08 --> 01:33:11

Right? They're going to help out. Their parents are probably

01:33:11 --> 01:33:17

doctors. I want Desi kids can should really sign up. Let's go. I

01:33:17 --> 01:33:19

know your parents got money. I know one of your mom's a doctor,

01:33:19 --> 01:33:21

your dad's a doctor. Okay.

01:33:24 --> 01:33:27

Good. So where we're at? We'll put it on the screen.

01:33:28 --> 01:33:32

Yeah, but on the screen, so we can see where we're at. With our

01:33:32 --> 01:33:36

launch good campaign. All right, give us a scroll down a little bit

01:33:36 --> 01:33:38

to see where we're at. And we are

01:33:40 --> 01:33:47

15,086 Not bad. Keep it keep it there. Keep it there. Let it be

01:33:47 --> 01:33:52

still there. And let's try to get this to 15 Five today. All right,

01:33:53 --> 01:33:55

we get this to 50 and five, that will be wonderful because

01:33:57 --> 01:34:02

it's a live counter. 214 people have supported us. Some people

01:34:02 --> 01:34:07

even put one buck. Some people put one British pounds, whatever it

01:34:07 --> 01:34:11

is, doesn't make a difference. But if we forget 15 five, maybe be too

01:34:11 --> 01:34:15

too much. Let's just get to 15. To how's that 15. Two is very

01:34:15 --> 01:34:18

reasonable while we while we answer questions, because this is

01:34:18 --> 01:34:21

going to go to the apartment. Okay, that we're building out an

01:34:21 --> 01:34:26

apartment downstairs. That means from the lock Cosina house. It

01:34:26 --> 01:34:31

will be divided into five segments, three for rental, one

01:34:31 --> 01:34:35

for the studio and one for the kitchen. Right? So we're making

01:34:35 --> 01:34:41

use of two parts. And we're renting out three parts. So we

01:34:41 --> 01:34:44

have a family here, right underneath has another family on

01:34:44 --> 01:34:45

the first floor.

01:34:46 --> 01:34:47

And then the basement

01:34:48 --> 01:34:51

will have and it's legal. It's all legal, legal egress and everything

01:34:54 --> 01:34:57

is one. Yeah, that's one one apartment.

01:34:58 --> 01:35:00

Mercedes is two doors to one

01:35:00 --> 01:35:04

One apartment for her family. And then Edwin downstairs is one

01:35:04 --> 01:35:09

family. And then downstairs in the basement is going to be, by the

01:35:09 --> 01:35:12

way, it's going to be luxury. It's like a luxury apartment, right?

01:35:12 --> 01:35:15

Because we're going to charge a decent rent. You get to be part of

01:35:15 --> 01:35:19

La Cosina you get to live here. So we're charging a pretty decent

01:35:19 --> 01:35:21

rent. We're not going to be charging a lightweight rent.

01:35:21 --> 01:35:24

That's why I said I want those kids whose dad's a doctor or

01:35:24 --> 01:35:27

something like that kid who doesn't know you know what prices

01:35:27 --> 01:35:27

look like?

01:35:29 --> 01:35:32

That's a good I want so man you're like a candidate for that, aren't

01:35:32 --> 01:35:32


01:35:34 --> 01:35:36

Except you're married now so I can't do it.

01:35:37 --> 01:35:41

suit a student of knowledge prioritize studying a recitation

01:35:41 --> 01:35:44

of Quran and Ramadan and Ramadan recitation of Quran outside of

01:35:44 --> 01:35:48

that study. And in terms of recitation and observe Quran Hamza

01:35:48 --> 01:35:50

Quran of course, no doubt about that.

01:35:54 --> 01:35:58

Dominique benzoin he says this enterprising mashallah that

01:35:59 --> 01:36:03

yes, so, the donation goes to produce more revenue for the

01:36:03 --> 01:36:08

organization not donation comes and boom, masha Allah Allahu Akbar

01:36:08 --> 01:36:09


01:36:10 --> 01:36:17

in one minute, I think two minutes were at 15 524. And that was huge.

01:36:17 --> 01:36:21

That was wait a second Didn't I just say 214 supporters before so

01:36:21 --> 01:36:25

two supporters put us over the top. Amazing job well done.

01:36:26 --> 01:36:30

Amazing job 15. Five Mashallah.

01:36:31 --> 01:36:35

There's must be constant charges. Someone was asking if you're

01:36:35 --> 01:36:38

renting it out. How are you nonprofit? Yes, because nonprofit

01:36:38 --> 01:36:42

does not mean you can't produce revenue. Nonprofit means that the

01:36:42 --> 01:36:47

revenue doesn't go to the founders, or the board members, or

01:36:47 --> 01:36:53

the directors. The not it stays within. Second of all tax

01:36:53 --> 01:36:58

exemption has limits to so a nonprofit it's tax exempt when

01:36:58 --> 01:37:01

it's doing what it's chartered to do.

01:37:03 --> 01:37:07

Let's say we went and opened up for example, a shop.

01:37:08 --> 01:37:14

That shop wouldn't be tax exempt. Right? If we owned that store, and

01:37:14 --> 01:37:16

we ran a store and we were in a visit, that wouldn't be that

01:37:16 --> 01:37:22

income would not be tax exempt. So not every single item in the list

01:37:22 --> 01:37:23

of revenues is tax exempt.

01:37:25 --> 01:37:27

So that's one thing the tax exemption is one thing the

01:37:27 --> 01:37:31

nonprofit status, you can have revenue in the matter that you're

01:37:31 --> 01:37:32

doing in the

01:37:35 --> 01:37:38

you know, subject matter that you that your charter to do. What's

01:37:38 --> 01:37:43

the medical position on paying zakat on money, or gold gifted to

01:37:43 --> 01:37:43


01:37:45 --> 01:37:48

If a year has passed is accountable, his guardian has to

01:37:48 --> 01:37:49

pay as a cat on it.

01:37:51 --> 01:37:54

His guardian must pays a cat on that. If it's gold jewelry,

01:37:54 --> 01:37:58

there's no as a cat on jewelry, gold, silver, diamonds, Sapphire,

01:37:58 --> 01:38:04

whatever it is, there's no zakat. There's no Zika on on these fine

01:38:04 --> 01:38:04

gems either.

01:38:06 --> 01:38:09

Right so you can own sapphire, you can own emeralds, you can have a

01:38:09 --> 01:38:12

whole bag of rubies, there's no doubt on that. Unless it's

01:38:12 --> 01:38:16

something you plan to hold on to. And trade if you're holding on to

01:38:16 --> 01:38:21

it. Because you just like it. There's no sick cat on it. If

01:38:21 --> 01:38:23

you're holding on to it, because one day you're going to sell it

01:38:24 --> 01:38:27

then the day you sell it you pay zakat on it

01:38:28 --> 01:38:30

if you're you have it because you're constantly buying selling

01:38:30 --> 01:38:31

these things.

01:38:32 --> 01:38:37

Then you pay zakat on it on its inventory now, and inventory once

01:38:37 --> 01:38:41

a year. You pay his account on your inventory and you subtract

01:38:43 --> 01:38:44

you subtract the

01:38:46 --> 01:38:52

other hundreds 15 624 Masha Allah, I mean, I said to get to 15 Five

01:38:52 --> 01:38:55

then said nah, I don't like to burden anybody. Let's just go

01:38:55 --> 01:38:59

nickel and dime it to 15 two. And now we're at 15 Six. You see,

01:38:59 --> 01:39:02

sometimes you try to single to left you home or to right, right

01:39:02 --> 01:39:05

you know that saying? It's actually a true story. It's a true

01:39:05 --> 01:39:12

story where it's game seven in the LDS no ALCS, the American League

01:39:12 --> 01:39:15

Championship Series in baseball, British people don't know this.

01:39:15 --> 01:39:18

But in America, we have a sport here called baseball which is like

01:39:18 --> 01:39:25

cricket but Americanized. And it's taught at any next run for the

01:39:25 --> 01:39:28

Yankees. They win the whole thing they go to World Series. So Joe

01:39:28 --> 01:39:34

Torre goes to Aaron Boone, who was just a regular player, he wasn't

01:39:34 --> 01:39:38

great or anything. And he says to him as he's about to go up to bat

01:39:38 --> 01:39:41

he says, just try to single to right you might home or the left,

01:39:41 --> 01:39:44

right. And that's exactly what happened. Right and he wins the

01:39:44 --> 01:39:48

game and he became famous and he got traded next season for a rod

01:39:48 --> 01:39:48


01:39:49 --> 01:39:52

that's the concept if you actually try to do something reasonable

01:39:52 --> 01:39:56

sometimes you end up going further than you expect.

01:39:57 --> 01:39:59

Is it halal to eat chickens slaughtered?

01:40:00 --> 01:40:04

by Al Kitab in the Maliki method if you're certain that they are al

01:40:04 --> 01:40:07

Kitab and you are certain that they cut the neck then you may eat

01:40:07 --> 01:40:12

it, such as the Amish in Pennsylvania. The Amish are a part

01:40:12 --> 01:40:18

of a religious group called the Mennonites got. The Mennonites?

01:40:18 --> 01:40:24

And they have very Mennonites are very it's there's a number of

01:40:24 --> 01:40:27

Mennonite groups. One of them is the Amish. The Mennonites are

01:40:27 --> 01:40:32

very, very conservative people in terms of technology, so they still

01:40:33 --> 01:40:37

they don't have communities the way we do they still slaughter

01:40:37 --> 01:40:41

with the hand they cook with the hand. All right, and we have

01:40:41 --> 01:40:46

another update. Now we're at 16. One, two people, Masha, Allah, how

01:40:46 --> 01:40:51

amazing is that? On two people 16. One, may Allah bless you all and

01:40:51 --> 01:40:54

support you. This truly is a community wide effort. Some of you

01:40:54 --> 01:40:55


01:40:56 --> 01:41:01

Luck, Cosina hoodies, I'll tell you what, from here on every few

01:41:01 --> 01:41:04

weeks or something, we're going to actually produce a new design. And

01:41:04 --> 01:41:06

we're going to sell it on the stream. But there's only one

01:41:06 --> 01:41:10

wrinkle here. US only okay, because the shipping is too much

01:41:10 --> 01:41:13

to Canada. And you got to know why the shipping to Canada is any big

01:41:13 --> 01:41:17

deal when parts of the United States are further than Canada.

01:41:18 --> 01:41:22

Yeah, so I can I can send to Cali I can send to mean, Maine is

01:41:22 --> 01:41:26

further than Detroit. I mean, sorry. Then Ottawa. Then Toronto.

01:41:27 --> 01:41:30

Right. Maine is higher up than Toronto. If my map is.

01:41:32 --> 01:41:33

Yeah, yeah.

01:41:35 --> 01:41:37

I was really thinking about when I was in Syria, like

01:41:38 --> 01:41:41

you when you go past the border in Turkey. Like you can drive maybe

01:41:41 --> 01:41:44

20 minutes down. It's like a bustling city. Like people like

01:41:44 --> 01:41:48

turkey. Yeah, in Turkey. Like 20 minutes from you know, where we

01:41:48 --> 01:41:51

were in Syria. And people like during Iftar time we were there

01:41:51 --> 01:41:54

and the amount of food that's being wasted. The excessiveness,

01:41:54 --> 01:41:57

the hedonism that's going on there, like people will be eating

01:41:57 --> 01:42:00

like, you know, it's ridic, whatever. They really want buying

01:42:00 --> 01:42:03

this, they'll throw it out. And I was thinking myself it like

01:42:03 --> 01:42:06

imagine if this was the time of the process of 20 minutes down?

01:42:06 --> 01:42:10

Yeah, yeah. The Muslims, the Muslims, not the Muslims. Right.

01:42:10 --> 01:42:14

They're throwing out so much food, wasting so much food. 20 minutes

01:42:14 --> 01:42:16

down, they could have traveled. Yeah, their brother and sister

01:42:16 --> 01:42:19

starving and dying. fed them. Right. They're starving. 20

01:42:19 --> 01:42:24

minutes. 20 minutes, 20 minutes down. So someone could go take the

01:42:24 --> 01:42:27

leftovers off the restaurant plates when you're done. Don't

01:42:27 --> 01:42:29

throw it on the garbage people like and they would eat it. They

01:42:29 --> 01:42:32

take one sip. And this is like the waiter takes it away. 20 minutes

01:42:32 --> 01:42:32


01:42:34 --> 01:42:36

That's discussed because of the British that drew these fake

01:42:36 --> 01:42:40

lines. Yeah, for the Muslims. Yep. Now we accepted it.

01:42:41 --> 01:42:44

And you can't pass that line who says I can't pass that line. We

01:42:44 --> 01:42:48

just made it up in our heads. This area right here. I would say by

01:42:48 --> 01:42:52

2050 is going to be a good chunk is going to be Muslim.

01:42:53 --> 01:42:57

Because of the soup kitchen insha Allah Tala by Allah's power and

01:42:57 --> 01:43:02

Baba and bun and through the soup kitchen, because we're developing

01:43:02 --> 01:43:05

a lot of relationships. Now you won't believe this next initiative

01:43:05 --> 01:43:11

that we have, we got a corporate donation of 1000 sneakers.

01:43:13 --> 01:43:15

We got a corporate donation, we're in the process of securing it.

01:43:17 --> 01:43:20

No Corp, seek sneakers,

01:43:24 --> 01:43:29

vans, and other sneakers. Right. So we're gonna have a massive

01:43:29 --> 01:43:34

bonanza. and organize it, you come in, you show up, you we're going

01:43:34 --> 01:43:39

to put out like, maybe 10 pairs at a time. 20 pairs at a time and one

01:43:39 --> 01:43:43

person at a time. So it's no chaos, right? You pick the sneaker

01:43:43 --> 01:43:47

you want and we'll have them in sizes. So all the sides 567 So we

01:43:47 --> 01:43:50

can have lines, we can do this outdoors. And we can have lines

01:43:50 --> 01:43:54

for all the sizes and you get in line. We're gonna need a lot of

01:43:54 --> 01:43:55

volunteers. I don't want chaos.

01:43:57 --> 01:44:01

We have a catalog we have you're gonna go in you're gonna have 60

01:44:01 --> 01:44:04

seconds to pick less than that. You have 10 seconds to pick a pair

01:44:04 --> 01:44:09

of shoes, right? So the size 12 will be in one area size 1110 Nine

01:44:09 --> 01:44:14

all the way down to one. Right? Then we're gonna play the Quran

01:44:14 --> 01:44:16

and some qasida so they can hear the word of Allah subhanaw taala

01:44:17 --> 01:44:17


01:44:19 --> 01:44:21

law and order, you're going to stand in line.

01:44:23 --> 01:44:28

And then afterwards somewhere else we can have maybe a vendor, we

01:44:28 --> 01:44:32

bring in a vendor, or we bring in someone to bring some food so that

01:44:32 --> 01:44:35

there could be like a nice atmosphere to it. But that's how

01:44:35 --> 01:44:40

it's gonna be. It's gonna be a massive 1000 sneaker Bonanza we

01:44:40 --> 01:44:44

need your drone for that. You guys saw the video

01:44:45 --> 01:44:48

so the video that was said again with their drone there's a group

01:44:48 --> 01:44:50

in Texas called a said again.

01:44:51 --> 01:44:54

They're the ones who provided that drone footage of like Cosina

01:44:56 --> 01:44:58

I think we have a beautiful Soup Kitchen and you know what else I

01:44:58 --> 01:44:59

want to get this this this summer so

01:45:00 --> 01:45:03

especially the summertime, this place is poppin because it's got

01:45:03 --> 01:45:07

the vibe now it's summer, right? He's got your Mexican Andalusi

01:45:07 --> 01:45:11

vibe to it. I want to get a landscaper. I want a landscaper to

01:45:11 --> 01:45:14

properly like, put the

01:45:15 --> 01:45:19

pots up on the walls, grow the plants, we can take care of them

01:45:19 --> 01:45:23

after that, but don't put it up themselves. Right? I want there to

01:45:23 --> 01:45:28

be greener everywhere. And you really truly have that Mexican

01:45:28 --> 01:45:31

restaurant, slash Andalusi and Mediterranean vibe. It's a little

01:45:31 --> 01:45:32

bit of a merging of both

01:45:36 --> 01:45:36

different branches.

01:45:39 --> 01:45:42

Now after we nail this down properly,

01:45:43 --> 01:45:47

Omar, can you put up, open up another tab? Keep this tab in

01:45:47 --> 01:45:50

because we'll go to it later. I want you to open up the YouTube

01:45:50 --> 01:45:52

video that we put up.

01:45:53 --> 01:45:56

And then pause it. Pause it at

01:45:59 --> 01:46:01

go down. Yeah, there we go. Right there. Yeah.

01:46:04 --> 01:46:06

Look at that. Keep going.

01:46:08 --> 01:46:10

Hit plan to actually rewind a little bit.

01:46:11 --> 01:46:14

Look at that layer. There you go. Look at that shot. That's my

01:46:14 --> 01:46:17

favorite shot of the soup kitchen rewind a little bit more.

01:46:19 --> 01:46:23

To the render. We what we did, yeah, the play. No, let it play.

01:46:23 --> 01:46:26

And watch this. Look at that. Gorgeous, stop right there.

01:46:27 --> 01:46:30

Keep that. Just keep it there. Keep that on the screen.

01:46:31 --> 01:46:33

Especially when the sun is on there. Look at how gorgeous that

01:46:33 --> 01:46:36

soup kitchen is. Right? I want to go eat there. You know what we're

01:46:36 --> 01:46:41

gonna do? We're gonna start having the chefs on site. Right? And

01:46:41 --> 01:46:45

maybe if we get good enough, we we grow the vegetables on site too.

01:46:46 --> 01:46:51

So you're actually getting, you know, proper, proper food. But I

01:46:51 --> 01:46:55

look at those sisters ain't up. Did you know sisters? Anna was

01:46:55 --> 01:46:59

very good at gardening too. She's the one who proved who provided

01:46:59 --> 01:47:03

those lush green plants. I'm debating do I put more pots up or

01:47:03 --> 01:47:06

is that enough? Right. I'm debating it.

01:47:07 --> 01:47:11

Right here. Use your mouse. Yeah, that's it. Yeah, we need more

01:47:11 --> 01:47:14

there. 100. Yeah, we need more there. Go to the Instagram, see

01:47:14 --> 01:47:18

what kind of commentary they have their quest q&a on Instagram. Hey,

01:47:18 --> 01:47:21

if you're on Instagram, and you want to see the whole streets to

01:47:21 --> 01:47:27

screen go to YouTube, slash Safina society. Let's take this question

01:47:27 --> 01:47:29

from Sam St. F.

01:47:31 --> 01:47:34

Can I just give the cat to an Islamic organization?

01:47:35 --> 01:47:41

When they take percentages from administration costs? The answer

01:47:41 --> 01:47:45

is that you are allowed to give Zika

01:47:46 --> 01:47:51

through a web kill something called a Joaquin, a representative

01:47:51 --> 01:47:52

who will then

01:47:54 --> 01:47:59

distribute it to the poor. That representative if he is a part

01:47:59 --> 01:48:03

time or full time worker will take his salary from this account

01:48:03 --> 01:48:04


01:48:05 --> 01:48:10

That is held for him. Okay, so let's take an example. An Oregon a

01:48:10 --> 01:48:12

masjid gets $1 million

01:48:13 --> 01:48:15

of Zika a year.

01:48:18 --> 01:48:22

Yeah, go there. A message gets a million dollars of Zika a year.

01:48:24 --> 01:48:27

And the employee that works on that

01:48:29 --> 01:48:29

is full time.

01:48:30 --> 01:48:34

And he gets $100,000 salary a year?

01:48:36 --> 01:48:40

Because let's say he has five kids, then yes, that's how that he

01:48:40 --> 01:48:45

can take it from the Zika. But the Zika should be going to the poor.

01:48:46 --> 01:48:50

Okay. It's not going to turn the lights on of the mosque. It's not

01:48:50 --> 01:48:51

going to

01:48:52 --> 01:48:57

pay for you know, the janitor of the mosque know it's going to the

01:48:57 --> 01:48:59

Zika distributor.

01:49:02 --> 01:49:03

And it's going to the poor

01:49:04 --> 01:49:09

should you conceal if you are from Atlanta debate. You can take it on

01:49:09 --> 01:49:12

a case by case basis because some people may consider this to be

01:49:14 --> 01:49:19

showing off. So in Syria, they they keep it to themselves. Right?

01:49:19 --> 01:49:23

But in Yemen, it's quite common for people to say we're from

01:49:23 --> 01:49:26

lineage of so and so from in Egypt is pretty common. You say oh, so

01:49:26 --> 01:49:30

and so it's from where from the lineage of so and so. But in

01:49:30 --> 01:49:32

Syria, they tend to keep it to themselves. And that may be from

01:49:32 --> 01:49:36

historical purposes because it made sometimes it's not always

01:49:36 --> 01:49:37

welcome in Syria.

01:49:38 --> 01:49:41

But Allah knows best but it you have to judge the people around

01:49:41 --> 01:49:43

you. Are they going to find this? What are you some kind of snob now

01:49:43 --> 01:49:46

tell so what do you want me to kiss your hand next time I talk to

01:49:46 --> 01:49:49

you, like people may have that attitude, which is not the good

01:49:49 --> 01:49:51

attitude towards the debate. I'm just saying that may be their

01:49:51 --> 01:49:55

attitude. So that would be a reason why you conceal it.

01:49:56 --> 01:50:00

It's not concealing it but you're not announcing it, but it

01:50:00 --> 01:50:03

If people would say, Oh, that's wonderful. I love that. Then yeah,

01:50:03 --> 01:50:05

you can tell them certain menu from Arabic, right?

01:50:07 --> 01:50:07


01:50:09 --> 01:50:12

Okay. Like most people in the city

01:50:13 --> 01:50:17

if you read the prophet Muhammad's name, can you think of sallallahu

01:50:17 --> 01:50:20

alayhi wasallam? Or do you have to speak it? If you're reading

01:50:20 --> 01:50:24

silently in your head, then you then it's in your head. If you're

01:50:24 --> 01:50:27

reading out loud, then you have to say it all up. Maureen money says

01:50:27 --> 01:50:31

how do I guide my parents to the correct opt EDA? Maybe you can

01:50:31 --> 01:50:34

just put videos on and let them hear it in the background. Maybe

01:50:34 --> 01:50:37

put booklets on the table and you're in the background or have a

01:50:37 --> 01:50:42

polite discussion with them. No problem. What should one do if

01:50:42 --> 01:50:49

there are sinus issues during the fast if it is shut, did he breaker

01:50:49 --> 01:50:53

fest, meaning it's very painful, but if it's just an aggravation,

01:50:53 --> 01:50:57

then you fight through it and try to find solutions in Soho during

01:50:57 --> 01:50:58


01:51:00 --> 01:51:04

There is a type of there's Neil med. I don't know if you guys

01:51:04 --> 01:51:10

heard of Neil med. Neil med it's it's a guy named Dr. Nila Hindu

01:51:10 --> 01:51:17

guy who invented this technique. But it's very invasive. You put

01:51:17 --> 01:51:21

it's a it's a saline in warm water. And he's created this

01:51:21 --> 01:51:24

device. You actually

01:51:25 --> 01:51:29

push this device up your nose. The saline water goes into your

01:51:29 --> 01:51:34

sinuses and out the other knows it's extremely painful. But he

01:51:34 --> 01:51:34

swears by it.

01:51:36 --> 01:51:39

All mine is showing us the back of the soup kitchen. This is where

01:51:39 --> 01:51:44

all our events happen. Look at this gorgeous back.

01:51:46 --> 01:51:49

That's where we are right up there. That's right behind me

01:51:49 --> 01:51:51

right here. What he's pointing to is right behind me right up here.

01:51:52 --> 01:51:56

Yep, that's the window behind us. All right. And that beautiful

01:51:56 --> 01:51:57

patio right there

01:51:59 --> 01:52:01

is where you're going to see this as well. This will be keep busy in

01:52:01 --> 01:52:03

the summer. Look at the kids running around

01:52:05 --> 01:52:09

playing a game there they are. Can you go to the back end of the

01:52:09 --> 01:52:13

video the back of the video showing more of the kids playing

01:52:13 --> 01:52:18

around? Yeah, all that. All that. All that look at that. Look at

01:52:18 --> 01:52:20

these community events

01:52:23 --> 01:52:28

and the NBI see community is the community that does that's who you

01:52:28 --> 01:52:33

seeing who you're seeing cooking, donating the food, our community

01:52:33 --> 01:52:38

NBC, New Brunswick Islamic center, there's all the Brunswick Islamic

01:52:38 --> 01:52:41

center people right there. All these Shabaab yet. These are all

01:52:41 --> 01:52:44

daata Fett students look at all these students from Donald fat

01:52:44 --> 01:52:46

suit of people from mbyc.

01:52:50 --> 01:52:51

Okay, there's,

01:52:52 --> 01:52:55

you see that brother with the long luscious hair mashallah, he's

01:52:55 --> 01:52:59

single. Habib is single with the sung see the two the two guys.

01:52:59 --> 01:53:01

Yeah, those two guys are single brothers too young right now. And

01:53:01 --> 01:53:04

if it's still give them a couple more years, five more years.

01:53:06 --> 01:53:07

See Shawn getting married next

01:53:09 --> 01:53:13

week. This man was married already. He's ready. Yeah. Have

01:53:13 --> 01:53:15

you been gnarly? Okay.

01:53:17 --> 01:53:18

All right, keep going.

01:53:21 --> 01:53:23

And these are some of the games that we play for thee. Let me

01:53:23 --> 01:53:25

pause right there. Let me tell you something.

01:53:27 --> 01:53:30

Yeah, pause right there. We started off this thing and say,

01:53:30 --> 01:53:34

you know, we need to help these day laborers. We want to give, we

01:53:34 --> 01:53:37

want to be, you know, a source of ease for them and all that.

01:53:39 --> 01:53:41

What we realized afterwards, though,

01:53:42 --> 01:53:44

is that when we had our opening barbecue,

01:53:45 --> 01:53:49

the kids were going crazy. And we realized, you know what the summer

01:53:49 --> 01:53:54

is all it's all kids from now on. The summer is all kids and we had

01:53:54 --> 01:53:57

this year three events. I think next year, we'll have more. Right?

01:53:57 --> 01:54:02

barbecues. We had a we had the first opening day barbecue and I

01:54:02 --> 01:54:06

wanted to show the New Brunswick Islamic Center, the MBI see the

01:54:06 --> 01:54:10

community, the leadership there. You know, what this is all about?

01:54:10 --> 01:54:14

And someone came up with the brilliant idea of saying why don't

01:54:14 --> 01:54:18

we have a barbecue for the whole New Brunswick Community so that

01:54:18 --> 01:54:21

way, the the leadership of the masjid will be able to see what

01:54:21 --> 01:54:23

their own two eyes what's happening. And you don't have to

01:54:23 --> 01:54:25

say anything. You will have to say we're going to do this. We're

01:54:25 --> 01:54:29

going to do that. Right. I thought that's a brilliant idea. So we had

01:54:29 --> 01:54:34

this event at this event. The moms that came in bought all their

01:54:34 --> 01:54:39

kids, and the kids just had a blast. They just don't have space

01:54:40 --> 01:54:43

where they live in New Brunswick. They don't have big spaces like

01:54:43 --> 01:54:45

this. So running around playing games.

01:54:46 --> 01:54:49

Immediately a light bulb went off in my head. The next event we're

01:54:49 --> 01:54:54

going to do is going to be a kids game day. And this is what's

01:54:54 --> 01:54:57

happening here like they line up red light, you have to stop green

01:54:57 --> 01:54:59

light you have to go you know this game. Then they played

01:55:00 --> 01:55:04

Musical Chairs, you know, with Islamic machines on course, so

01:55:04 --> 01:55:08

people don't think we're doing something wrong. Then they we had

01:55:08 --> 01:55:11

a cotton candy machine than a popcorn machine. I'm telling you

01:55:11 --> 01:55:15

they had a blast. There must have been 50 kids here that had never

01:55:15 --> 01:55:17

seen anything like this. They don't get free stuff.

01:55:20 --> 01:55:24

After that, what did we do? did another one What was it?

01:55:26 --> 01:55:27

We did a Woman's Day.

01:55:28 --> 01:55:33

A a woman's event, all women came. And then the women from the MBSE

01:55:33 --> 01:55:37

community came, gave talks, one sister was Spanish speaking guy

01:55:37 --> 01:55:39

gave talks

01:55:40 --> 01:55:44

just about Islam, then they just ate it. And then they mingled and

01:55:44 --> 01:55:44


01:55:46 --> 01:55:50

Then the third event was the back to school event. So we that's when

01:55:50 --> 01:55:55

we put out a whole thing. Give us all your it was an Amazon list.

01:55:55 --> 01:56:00

And you can basically pay for items, pencils, erasers, Trapper

01:56:00 --> 01:56:04

keepers, all those other things, right? You guys don't know what a

01:56:04 --> 01:56:07

trapper keeper is? Remember? We had that debate. Remember that?

01:56:08 --> 01:56:13

Yeah. So all those things, calculators, and then we laid it

01:56:13 --> 01:56:16

out and very systematically, every kid got a bag.

01:56:17 --> 01:56:19

Right? And then he could pick out clothes because there were some

01:56:19 --> 01:56:21

clothes back to school clothes.

01:56:22 --> 01:56:25

Right? Most people get all their clothes, you know, for back to

01:56:25 --> 01:56:29

school. But some of these kids can't afford that. That event was

01:56:29 --> 01:56:34

so massive. It was unbelievable how many kids came out and

01:56:34 --> 01:56:40

families to take a bag of back to school supplies. Right? So that's

01:56:40 --> 01:56:43

basically what we discovered. The summer is usually all about these

01:56:43 --> 01:56:46

kids. I think one of these kids, we're just going to one of these

01:56:46 --> 01:56:48

days, we're going to get the waterslide

01:56:49 --> 01:56:52

you know, we get the water slide out, you know that water slide.

01:56:52 --> 01:56:55

You connect the hose to it. And it's like a plastic strip and the

01:56:55 --> 01:56:59

kids just run and slide. Right. question. My question is, is there

01:56:59 --> 01:57:03

enough space and what are they going to slide into? Right? Slide.

01:57:03 --> 01:57:06

You know, there's a river behind us by the way. I don't want them

01:57:06 --> 01:57:08

slide woof. Right off and into the river.

01:57:10 --> 01:57:14

Yeah, and we got the goat. I got the goat so the kids could like

01:57:14 --> 01:57:18

see an animal farm animal. Of course, that one cop had to

01:57:18 --> 01:57:21

pretend to he was some kind of hero. Okay.

01:57:23 --> 01:57:28

And he reported us. Okay. Yeah, I know. I wanted the kids to see

01:57:28 --> 01:57:32

like a farm animal feel like there's a vibe here. But no, we

01:57:32 --> 01:57:37

have to Rottweilers Okay, no problem. Pit Bulls no problem.

01:57:38 --> 01:57:40

Okay, but this go had to go.

01:57:43 --> 01:57:47

So hit play keep see if there's more footage. No. These kids

01:57:49 --> 01:57:50

pause right there.

01:57:52 --> 01:57:56

Yeah, that's really good. Look at that wonderful picture. That is an

01:57:56 --> 01:57:59

amazing picture. By the way, whoever took that photograph could

01:57:59 --> 01:58:04

that the lighting is amazing. And it's it embodies exactly what we

01:58:04 --> 01:58:07

want because you can see the greenery there. You don't see

01:58:07 --> 01:58:09

greenery like that in other parts in New Brunswick. It's too

01:58:09 --> 01:58:09


01:58:11 --> 01:58:11


01:58:16 --> 01:58:20

ever since fetcher comes in at 18 degrees 20 minutes after the event

01:58:21 --> 01:58:23

apps and many massage mess it out time for friends can one still

01:58:23 --> 01:58:27

pray to hedge it after the app says fudges and if we believe in

01:58:27 --> 01:58:30

18 degrees less believe in 18 degrees. If that's what we think

01:58:30 --> 01:58:33

is the correct answer, stick to the correct answer. Right.

01:58:34 --> 01:58:37

And therefore you can pray for 200 before that and federate out of

01:58:37 --> 01:58:38


01:58:44 --> 01:58:47

Can Safina be a child's name? Yes, male or female.

01:58:49 --> 01:58:51

And in this the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a servant

01:58:51 --> 01:58:52

named Safina

01:58:56 --> 01:58:59

shake rows, what do we do in the winter in the winter? We have our

01:58:59 --> 01:59:04

events indoors, but it's mainly just the dinners. It's not the

01:59:04 --> 01:59:07

nice barbecues in the outside on the patio, outside

01:59:12 --> 01:59:17

the pixel ninja says community volunteers really are the sales of

01:59:17 --> 01:59:20

the Safina that's totally true. The community volunteers it's all

01:59:20 --> 01:59:25

come out comes out of the Masjid. Now third space, no Institute,

01:59:25 --> 01:59:29

plain old Masjid. Okay, because that's where the foot traffic is.

01:59:29 --> 01:59:30

That's where people come in.

01:59:31 --> 01:59:35

Can we speak to who can we speak to for marital problems?

01:59:36 --> 01:59:39

Well, we're about a month and a half away from launching our own

01:59:39 --> 01:59:42

platform for that. By the way. I've mentioned that many times

01:59:42 --> 01:59:46

before. Our own platform for marital support marital coaching,

01:59:46 --> 01:59:49

marital counseling, right. It's professional operation, though,

01:59:50 --> 01:59:50


01:59:52 --> 01:59:55

Counseling. Like that is same thing, but we're starting only

01:59:55 --> 01:59:59

with marital issues before and after marriage like premarital

01:59:59 --> 01:59:59


02:00:00 --> 02:00:03

bout to get married. Let me show you the ropes it's not going to be

02:00:03 --> 02:00:08

me to do it others do it and after marriage issues and it's going to

02:00:08 --> 02:00:10

be a professional operation right

02:00:25 --> 02:00:28

yes, Nori, the that what I described that cleans out the

02:00:28 --> 02:00:32

sinuses definitely breaks the fast don't do it while fasting, do it

02:00:32 --> 02:00:34

afterwards afterwards

02:00:45 --> 02:00:49

if you've dream of a wali of Allah or a chef who's alive and you have

02:00:49 --> 02:00:52

never met him, it may mean that you're benefiting from that, Chef.

02:00:52 --> 02:00:53

That's what the meaning is.

02:00:55 --> 02:01:00

Do you do we Muslims believe in the curse of ham, on black people.

02:01:00 --> 02:01:04

Now there's there's no authoritative. Even in Judaism.

02:01:04 --> 02:01:08

It's not an it's not like a verse of the Bible. I think it's in the

02:01:08 --> 02:01:10

Talmud. It's a narration in the Talmud or something like that,

02:01:11 --> 02:01:15

which is non canonical. If you don't know what I'm talking about,

02:01:15 --> 02:01:15

it's like this.

02:01:17 --> 02:01:18

Noah's on the ark.

02:01:19 --> 02:01:24

And, of course, his oldest son didn't believe and left. The next

02:01:24 --> 02:01:30

three boys were there that aren't Shem Japheth. And him.

02:01:32 --> 02:01:37

Then, while Prophet Noah was sleeping, allegedly, this is not a

02:01:37 --> 02:01:39

story, we believe in just telling you what the idea is.

02:01:42 --> 02:01:42


02:01:43 --> 02:01:48

wind came and blew his job up, and his outer appeared. So Japheth

02:01:49 --> 02:01:54

turned away. Shem covered him really quickly, and ham left.

02:01:57 --> 02:02:01

So Noah woke up to the scene. And he looked at Shem, who covered him

02:02:01 --> 02:02:05

up and he said, may Allah bless you, my prophecy will go to you

02:02:05 --> 02:02:10

next Japheth Allah bless you for turning away. And you will be the

02:02:10 --> 02:02:11


02:02:12 --> 02:02:16

of him. The prophecy will be with with

02:02:17 --> 02:02:23

Shem and the monarchy will be with Jeff. And as for you, may your

02:02:24 --> 02:02:28

lineage come out black nappy haired and be the slaves of

02:02:28 --> 02:02:30

Japheth and him and Shem.

02:02:31 --> 02:02:34

That's the story in the Talmudic story. I believe it's in the

02:02:34 --> 02:02:37

Talmud, if I'm not mistaken. It's not a biblical verse. It's

02:02:37 --> 02:02:40

definitely not an Islamic story. And it's not anything we believe

02:02:40 --> 02:02:40


02:02:41 --> 02:02:45

Now people say, Oh, well, yeah, but it happens. How did it happen?

02:02:45 --> 02:02:50

Oh, because blacks are slaves. It but Albanians were slaves. Whites

02:02:50 --> 02:02:54

were slaves. In China, when they whenever they conquered people,

02:02:54 --> 02:02:59

they took slaves. In the old world, everyone was a slave. When

02:02:59 --> 02:03:01

Muslims conquered Persians that it took persons slaves, they didn't

02:03:01 --> 02:03:06

take just the so so Yes, everyone was a slave at some point. At some

02:03:06 --> 02:03:11

point, when you have wars, you had slavery. That's how wars were

02:03:11 --> 02:03:15

handled back in the old days. So whites had there were white slip,

02:03:15 --> 02:03:19

who is the first the number one slave? Where's the word come from?

02:03:20 --> 02:03:25

The Slavs. The origin of the word comes from the ethnicity of the

02:03:25 --> 02:03:28

people. Because apparently, I guess the Western Europeans took

02:03:28 --> 02:03:31

them as slaves or something like that. I don't I don't know. But we

02:03:31 --> 02:03:36

could look it up. So so just because Americans had black

02:03:36 --> 02:03:39

slaves, and they were, you know, Christians and attributed

02:03:39 --> 02:03:43

themselves to Japheth. So the story as the story goes, when the

02:03:43 --> 02:03:47

Ark landed Shem and his sons stayed around the Mediterranean

02:03:47 --> 02:03:51

and the Syria area. That's why it's called Shem.

02:03:53 --> 02:03:58

Ham went down and his kids came up black into in Africa. Japheth went

02:03:58 --> 02:04:03

up north and his kids came out Scandinavian looking. And Shams

02:04:03 --> 02:04:07

kids stayed the same, which is a mix between brown sometimes very

02:04:07 --> 02:04:11

dark brown, sometimes light, but not white. Not so white, like

02:04:11 --> 02:04:15

Scandinavians in the middle between the between the two. None

02:04:15 --> 02:04:19

of this is authoritative. None of this should be taken home. None of

02:04:19 --> 02:04:23

this has any action upon it. And in fact, we can outright dismiss

02:04:23 --> 02:04:23

it completely.

02:04:27 --> 02:04:31

How's this idiom saying a wall of vines on the LOC kusina kitchen

02:04:31 --> 02:04:34

would be amazing. I totally agree. I mean, I think we need to do

02:04:34 --> 02:04:34


02:04:36 --> 02:04:37

How are we?

02:04:39 --> 02:04:43

It can look like messy. Yep. That's why it needs to be someone

02:04:43 --> 02:04:47

who's taken care of professionally. So that's the

02:04:47 --> 02:04:51

answer for the North Korean survivor on the Muslims believe in

02:04:51 --> 02:04:53

the curse of him that we don't believe in it.

02:04:56 --> 02:04:58

How are we doing on lunch?

02:05:04 --> 02:05:08

Michelle, I spoke to a young man named Eric Curtis,

02:05:09 --> 02:05:12

about Islam and he has commented here and he says it was pleasure

02:05:12 --> 02:05:15

speaking to you today, if I convert to Islam, will I be held

02:05:15 --> 02:05:17

accountable for the days of Ramadan that I missed as a non

02:05:17 --> 02:05:21

Muslim? Number one, you will not be held accountable for what's in

02:05:21 --> 02:05:25

the past No. And number two, the Prophet peace be upon him when he

02:05:25 --> 02:05:26


02:05:27 --> 02:05:32

his companions to preach. He said, first tell them about Islam. If

02:05:32 --> 02:05:37

they accept it, then tell them about the prayer. When they pray,

02:05:37 --> 02:05:40

when they learn how to pray, then tell them about the fast when they

02:05:40 --> 02:05:44

learn how to fast and tell them about the charity sucker. So when

02:05:44 --> 02:05:47

you become a Muslim, you're not expect it's not expected of you to

02:05:47 --> 02:05:53

carry on every single obligation of Islam at once. Rather, you you

02:05:53 --> 02:05:58

strengthen your belief first. So yes, you have belief, now you

02:05:58 --> 02:06:01

strengthen how by reading more about the Prophet more about

02:06:01 --> 02:06:05

Allah, the attributes of God, the the life of the prophet, the

02:06:05 --> 02:06:09

nature of the afterlife, you focus on that first. So it's one thing

02:06:09 --> 02:06:12

Yes, I have absolute certainty. But now you strengthen that

02:06:12 --> 02:06:13


02:06:15 --> 02:06:21

By reading a lot men by listening, watch lectures, all about God,

02:06:21 --> 02:06:26

profit, angels, afterlife, Heaven and *. You strengthen your

02:06:26 --> 02:06:29

faith regarding that you listen to the Quran, Allah in the Arabic

02:06:29 --> 02:06:31

even if you don't understand it, it strengthens your heart

02:06:32 --> 02:06:35

after you become strongest, okay, now I'm ready to next step prayer.

02:06:36 --> 02:06:39

Some people right away, they learn they take shahada, they want to

02:06:39 --> 02:06:43

take action right away, which is good. Action breeds faith. So the

02:06:43 --> 02:06:46

next thing you're going to focus on is the prayer. It's not

02:06:46 --> 02:06:49

reasonable or fathomable that you have to learn prayer and fasting

02:06:49 --> 02:06:52

all at the same time. We can't juggle by doing three balls at

02:06:52 --> 02:06:56

once due to first belief and prayer now, prayer you have to

02:06:56 --> 02:07:00

learn what is impure and remove it from your body before you pray.

02:07:00 --> 02:07:03

Then you learn have to learn how to make wudu then you have to

02:07:03 --> 02:07:06

learn the prayer times then you have to learn the prayer

02:07:06 --> 02:07:11

movements. And what's to be said in the prayer. What nullifies the

02:07:11 --> 02:07:13

prayer that may take you two months I have a video on it.

02:07:14 --> 02:07:17

Video Series Could you put the link please and maybe even show

02:07:17 --> 02:07:18

the picture of the video series.

02:07:19 --> 02:07:21

I was working overtime today

02:07:23 --> 02:07:27

after that, you learn the fast you learn how to fast after that.

02:07:28 --> 02:07:32

Okay, and then later on now let's say he became Muslim on the 15th

02:07:32 --> 02:07:33


02:07:34 --> 02:07:37

and for the first 15 days Hey guys I'm a brand new Muslim I don't

02:07:37 --> 02:07:40

even know anything so he didn't fast we don't hold who beheld

02:07:40 --> 02:07:43

sinful because the Prophet clearly set first

02:07:44 --> 02:07:49

how to pray then how to fast go to the playlist to the How to Pray

02:07:49 --> 02:07:52

playlist click on that note the playlist itself

02:07:53 --> 02:07:57

yeah yeah click on the title on the right yeah click on that. Oh,

02:07:57 --> 02:08:01

it's the same thing okay. So you can see it all right there how to

02:08:01 --> 02:08:03

pray it's not reasonable or

02:08:05 --> 02:08:06

expectation there you go.

02:08:07 --> 02:08:10

To say he's got to be praying faster us your sinful How is

02:08:10 --> 02:08:14

practically not possible. Give the person a chance to learn how to

02:08:14 --> 02:08:19

pray. After he prays you learn how to fast later on when he becomes

02:08:19 --> 02:08:24

very strong in his religion then he makes up those days as one not

02:08:24 --> 02:08:27

a cuff photo because there's a difference between I missed the

02:08:27 --> 02:08:31

fast I have to make it up for a valid excuse I have to make it up

02:08:31 --> 02:08:35

and I blatantly broke the fast blatantly disrespected the month

02:08:35 --> 02:08:38

of Ramadan when you blatantly break the month of Ramadan then

02:08:38 --> 02:08:39

you owe a very heavy penalty.

02:08:41 --> 02:08:43

But when you're like hold on guys, I'm a new Muslim I don't even know

02:08:43 --> 02:08:47

anything. I don't even know how to pray. So that person is not

02:08:47 --> 02:08:51

blatantly breaking the fast therefore later on when he becomes

02:08:51 --> 02:08:53

strong in Islam he makes mixed his days up.

02:08:55 --> 02:08:59

Okay, makes up those days. So even I was listening to mark Lamont

02:08:59 --> 02:09:04

Hill have had a very good podcast on Shaun King becoming Muslim.

02:09:06 --> 02:09:08

And he said and he basically came to the same conclusion I did.

02:09:10 --> 02:09:13

But he also said that hold on a second. He Shaun King became

02:09:13 --> 02:09:17

Muslim on the first on the eve of Ramadan, like the first night of

02:09:17 --> 02:09:20

Ramadan that shows his commitment because now he has to fast the

02:09:20 --> 02:09:25

whole month but that's not exactly true. Right? Yes, it will be

02:09:26 --> 02:09:27

it will be

02:09:29 --> 02:09:33

the he is liable to fast those months but he can make them up

02:09:33 --> 02:09:36

because he's a brand new Muslim. He does not even know how to pray.

02:09:36 --> 02:09:40

We have a new another convert here it looks like Snoop Dogg steps on

02:09:40 --> 02:09:40

or somebody

02:09:41 --> 02:09:44

I don't know anything about these rappers? Click it.

02:09:46 --> 02:09:49

Show who this person is and he accepted Shahada.

02:09:52 --> 02:09:54

I don't know anything about this rapper.

02:09:56 --> 02:09:59

Click the video let people put it next to me. Yeah, like that.

02:10:00 --> 02:10:03

That's actually good news, YouTube and Allah Subhana Allah keep in

02:10:03 --> 02:10:07

firm upon the TAT of his obedience for the rest of his life. All

02:10:07 --> 02:10:11

right, brother John. So to become a Muslim, you're going to take the

02:10:11 --> 02:10:14

testimony of faith in sha Allah. So that means you're going to

02:10:14 --> 02:10:18

testify that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah

02:10:18 --> 02:10:21

alone without any partner. And you're going to testify that the

02:10:21 --> 02:10:25

Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is the servant and the final

02:10:25 --> 02:10:28

messenger of Allah. Are you ready to do this in Shama? All right, so

02:10:28 --> 02:10:32

we're going to say it in Arabic trust you repeat after me. Then

02:10:32 --> 02:10:34

we'll say it in English as well. Alright. To repeat after me.

02:10:42 --> 02:10:45

Okay, how do I do

02:10:47 --> 02:10:48


02:10:49 --> 02:10:53

illa. Allah was the

02:10:54 --> 02:10:55

last shedding.

02:10:57 --> 02:10:57

I love

02:10:58 --> 02:11:00

what Ash has done.

02:11:03 --> 02:11:05

Mohammed, Mohammed,

02:11:06 --> 02:11:06


02:11:08 --> 02:11:09

was who?

02:11:10 --> 02:11:15

I testify, is there because good no one hears no one worthy of

02:11:15 --> 02:11:23

worship, except Allah alone alone without partner. And I testify

02:11:25 --> 02:11:29

that Muhammad is His servant. And final message. final message

02:11:29 --> 02:11:30

Allahu Akbar.

02:11:31 --> 02:11:31


02:11:33 --> 02:11:36

Congratulations, Allah Subhanallah keep you on the path of his

02:11:36 --> 02:11:36


02:11:37 --> 02:11:41

Where's he from? La Los Angeles as the king FETs mosque in Los

02:11:41 --> 02:11:46

Angeles and we're experiencing at this time in the Muslim American

02:11:46 --> 02:11:49

scene. What I did not say at Hulu, and if he didn't Allah, He Quadra.

02:11:50 --> 02:11:56

So it's maybe not masked, but it's like every day five to 510 people

02:11:56 --> 02:12:01

and very regularly, like highly visible people entering a slump. I

02:12:01 --> 02:12:03

mean, I don't know who this person is. But

02:12:05 --> 02:12:07

that really hits on which one?

02:12:09 --> 02:12:12

No, no, no, no that stuff. Maybe I heard it Yeah.

02:12:18 --> 02:12:19

And it's a big deal, huh?

02:12:20 --> 02:12:20


02:12:22 --> 02:12:23


02:12:25 --> 02:12:25

I can hear it.

02:12:28 --> 02:12:31

Excelsior asks a good question. If I have a disease where I smell

02:12:31 --> 02:12:36

very bad. Can I am I exempt from praying in the mosque because

02:12:36 --> 02:12:39

people are upset at my smell? The answer is yes. That's discussed in

02:12:39 --> 02:12:39

the books

02:12:41 --> 02:12:45

of when is someone exempt from Joomla? Okay, so yes, you are

02:12:45 --> 02:12:49

exempt from Joomla and from the other obligations in the mosques.

02:12:50 --> 02:12:55

What do you recommend reading with teenagers? I would read all the

02:12:55 --> 02:13:00

Sierra books the books of Imam and had dead the remembrance of death

02:13:00 --> 02:13:04

and afterlife. The story is of all the prophets. I would read that

02:13:04 --> 02:13:04

with them.

02:13:06 --> 02:13:11

For two books are excellent for to look up for two for two words like

02:13:12 --> 02:13:16

yeah, to be like a noble a nobleman, basically. What makes

02:13:16 --> 02:13:20

Berson noble character? Can I volunteer at the soup kitchen

02:13:20 --> 02:13:26

during Ramadan that feeds homeless people during the day? Yes, you

02:13:26 --> 02:13:30

can. Yes, you can. And even if a Muslim shows up, you can assume

02:13:30 --> 02:13:31

he's traveling or sick.

02:13:33 --> 02:13:36

How do we combat the argument of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

02:13:36 --> 02:13:41

sallam marrying say that she was six years old. Okay, but this is

02:13:41 --> 02:13:42

what's stopping them.

02:13:43 --> 02:13:48

You say look, who knows best god? Are you

02:13:49 --> 02:13:56

If Allah if the Creator ordained something, it's good. Simple as

02:13:56 --> 02:13:59

that. Our level of disgust means nothing. Right?

02:14:00 --> 02:14:05

Our sentiments about something don't mean anything. So if you

02:14:05 --> 02:14:09

believe in God, but i Yes, I believe in God. But okay. God can

02:14:09 --> 02:14:13

do this. Simple as that. Right? You believe in hellfire, right?

02:14:16 --> 02:14:22

Is in hellfire really bad? Right? So you accept that? So Allah to

02:14:22 --> 02:14:22


02:14:23 --> 02:14:29

has, he has ordained things that are beyond our sentiments? So

02:14:30 --> 02:14:34

Allah first our sentiments second, and if Allah tells you, there's a

02:14:34 --> 02:14:37

verse of Quran says If Allah told you to kill yourself will be good

02:14:37 --> 02:14:41

for you. The moment God says something, it becomes good. It was

02:14:41 --> 02:14:44

bad before it becomes good No. And the moment he forbid something

02:14:44 --> 02:14:47

becomes bad, Moses marry two sisters.

02:14:48 --> 02:14:50

Allah came in the Quran forbade that.

02:14:52 --> 02:14:57

It became bad, it was good to became bad. Just like that. It was

02:14:57 --> 02:14:59

something people look at as wholesome now people look at it

02:14:59 --> 02:14:59

with disgust.

02:15:00 --> 02:15:05

The first generation How about this sister? The first generation,

02:15:06 --> 02:15:08

Adam and Eve's kids, how did they marry?

02:15:09 --> 02:15:13

They married each other. Right? You were born with a with a twin

02:15:13 --> 02:15:17

male and female. Eve had 20 pregnancies, and each pregnancy

02:15:17 --> 02:15:18

was a male and a female.

02:15:22 --> 02:15:23

A male and a female.

02:15:25 --> 02:15:29

You couldn't marry your twin, you and Adam would arrange the

02:15:29 --> 02:15:34

marriages. And I don't know how they went. But Adam is the willie

02:15:34 --> 02:15:37

of all the women, right? Anyway, in the first place.

02:15:39 --> 02:15:43

You had to take his permission to marry one of your sisters, and you

02:15:43 --> 02:15:47

married her. And that man felt attracted to that woman. He felt

02:15:47 --> 02:15:50

but he didn't feel attracted to his twin he disgusted from the

02:15:50 --> 02:15:55

concept, right? Just like you can have an attractive relative, let's

02:15:55 --> 02:15:59

say a daughter, a niece, and aunt. And you could admit that she's

02:15:59 --> 02:16:02

attractive, but you have no feeling towards her. That's Allah

02:16:02 --> 02:16:06

created you like that, right? Think about this amazing. Allah

02:16:06 --> 02:16:09

just created you there is no sexual desire at all for this

02:16:09 --> 02:16:11

person. Never will happen even though if they're the most

02:16:11 --> 02:16:15

attractive person. This is if your fits into your net natural

02:16:15 --> 02:16:17

creation is still intact.

02:16:19 --> 02:16:24

Right? Just by virtue of that. So likewise, they were disgusted by

02:16:24 --> 02:16:27

their twin. They would never come near their twin, but they could

02:16:27 --> 02:16:28

marry their other siblings.

02:16:31 --> 02:16:36

And then Abel, and Cain had the fallout, and that reduced the

02:16:36 --> 02:16:42

number of men to what? To 19 Men No. So there's 20 women and 19

02:16:42 --> 02:16:46

men. So that's a problem now. So what happened?

02:16:48 --> 02:16:51

How we had the last and final baby, and that was who the Prophet

02:16:51 --> 02:16:57

Seth sheath. So sheath was born alone, and he was a prophet.

02:16:59 --> 02:17:04

Not by HML, Ishmael is complete consensus. But it's not by HML

02:17:05 --> 02:17:09

that he was a prophet. And she completed the number of males 20

02:17:09 --> 02:17:12

males, 20 females, you can't marry your twin, you have an option of

02:17:12 --> 02:17:14

19 other women to marry.

02:17:17 --> 02:17:18

It's actually interesting, like

02:17:19 --> 02:17:23

that point about how like, the Quran has so many things like,

02:17:23 --> 02:17:25

like about torture, for example? Yeah. Which is like, if you look

02:17:25 --> 02:17:28

at it from the, you know, the moral paradigms that these people

02:17:28 --> 02:17:31

operate on, that should be way worse. Right, then they made an

02:17:31 --> 02:17:37

ISO or the one. Yeah, but what it really shows is, it's outlining

02:17:37 --> 02:17:39

their philosophy, which is the idea of consent being like above

02:17:39 --> 02:17:43

anything, exactly. What is consent representative? It's representing

02:17:43 --> 02:17:46

the human freedom. Yeah. Humans have an issue with that, because

02:17:46 --> 02:17:48

single she couldn't consent. But then they don't have an issue with

02:17:48 --> 02:17:52

like hellfire and people being tortured, and killed. But then

02:17:52 --> 02:17:55

again, in first grade, you can consent these days to being a guy.

02:17:56 --> 02:17:57

If you're a girl.

02:17:58 --> 02:18:02

And you can and you can they have to respect it. Right. But wait,

02:18:02 --> 02:18:05

she can't marry. But you can like the point is like, you can trace

02:18:05 --> 02:18:07

all this back. Yeah, it's interesting to think about.

02:18:08 --> 02:18:10

everything adds up.

02:18:11 --> 02:18:16

Can I can I be thankful for something? If I'm not sure it is

02:18:16 --> 02:18:16


02:18:18 --> 02:18:22

Well, depends if there's action upon it, for example. For example,

02:18:22 --> 02:18:25

if I get money in the mail, someone leaves me wad of cash in

02:18:25 --> 02:18:28

the mail. That's hard for me to take. It's a gift from an

02:18:28 --> 02:18:32

anonymous source, right? I don't have to say, oh, maybe it was drug

02:18:32 --> 02:18:35

money. Maybe someone's got written getting rid of money, right? We

02:18:35 --> 02:18:39

don't know that. Right? If I inherit money from somebody.

02:18:42 --> 02:18:44

I don't have to ask what your job was.

02:18:45 --> 02:18:48

If it's food, I have to be sure that it's headed before I eat. I

02:18:48 --> 02:18:53

can't if someone puts a hamburger in my, in my mailbox, or in front

02:18:53 --> 02:18:57

of my doors. It's anonymous gifts. I'm not eating it. Unless it says

02:18:57 --> 02:19:01

you know, Hala restaurant on it. Even that's probably dubious.

02:19:04 --> 02:19:11

If a woman dreams of taking the hands of a shake, can it be a true

02:19:11 --> 02:19:16

dream? What should he apply? Should I take bear with that

02:19:16 --> 02:19:17


02:19:18 --> 02:19:23

Look, I can't tell you to do that or not. But you can investigate

02:19:23 --> 02:19:29

with your worldly, your wakeful state apparatus that you possess

02:19:29 --> 02:19:32

your hands. I mean, your your ability to read, to listen to

02:19:32 --> 02:19:35

examine, to ask and make a decision that way. Whether you

02:19:35 --> 02:19:36

want to follow that scholar or not.

02:19:43 --> 02:19:48

Adam and 70 is saying that the ham story is in interpretation of the

02:19:48 --> 02:19:51

Old Testament. So it's not even the Bible itself.

02:19:56 --> 02:20:00

What is the proof? What level of proof is necessary?

02:20:00 --> 02:20:04

All right to prove your from a little bait. Are there benefits in

02:20:04 --> 02:20:05

being from edit bait?

02:20:06 --> 02:20:11

Okay, as a convert who married in Yes, the Prophet peace be upon him

02:20:11 --> 02:20:16

said that on the day of judgment, He will intercede, everyone will

02:20:16 --> 02:20:19

want to intercede for his family and he will do so interested for

02:20:19 --> 02:20:21

his family and those who married into his family

02:20:22 --> 02:20:24

as long as they died upon Islam

02:20:31 --> 02:20:35

the same people that were throwing shade at entertains conversion are

02:20:35 --> 02:20:37

the same people throwing shade Shaun king

02:20:38 --> 02:20:42

and he said basically the feminists wait feminists thought

02:20:42 --> 02:20:43

they would like shown kink.

02:20:44 --> 02:20:47

Yeah, cuz he's more on the left side leaning side.

02:20:48 --> 02:20:51

Now hopefully there'll be none of that. It could be left leaning a

02:20:51 --> 02:20:54

little right leaning a little bit within the Sharia. within Islam,

02:20:54 --> 02:20:57

that's all fine and good. Anyone in the activist world is gonna

02:20:57 --> 02:21:01

check listening. Crowds. Yeah. But why are some of the activists

02:21:01 --> 02:21:05

crowd attacking Shaun King? See, I don't know the politics behind it.

02:21:06 --> 02:21:10

If I'm in a state of impurity, and I wake up after fetch, can I fast?

02:21:10 --> 02:21:13

Yes. Let's say a man has a wet dream or he sleeps with his wife

02:21:13 --> 02:21:18

and he doesn't take over. He's in a state of ritual impurity has

02:21:18 --> 02:21:20

nothing to do with fasting. You continue to fast.

02:21:21 --> 02:21:26

You have so hold even you have your pre pre Dawn meal.

02:21:27 --> 02:21:31

Then then a fedrick goes off. Then you go take a shower. No problem

02:21:31 --> 02:21:32

and you own nothing.

02:21:36 --> 02:21:39

Amir SIL, you skipped my question. Okay, let's go back to Amir SIL.

02:21:40 --> 02:21:43

And let's say that'll be a well wind down at that we had a great

02:21:43 --> 02:21:47

stream today mashallah had a nice interview. We talked about some

02:21:47 --> 02:21:49

fic of niqab. We read some FIP

02:21:53 --> 02:21:58

Amir still says I'm scared to recite the word to lock in the

02:21:58 --> 02:22:01

Quran because I'm afraid I will divorce my wife is this was West.

02:22:01 --> 02:22:05

Yes, this was was if the word Talaq comes in a book,

02:22:06 --> 02:22:09

or you're giving an example, has nothing to do with tila.

02:22:10 --> 02:22:13

Tequila counts. If you actually tell your wife I've divorced you.

02:22:16 --> 02:22:18

Is there a Dota and team this year? I believe there's a Dota

02:22:18 --> 02:22:20

every year now in the summer and the winter too.

02:22:24 --> 02:22:29

If you die without a will, is it a sin? It's not a sin? No. Let's say

02:22:29 --> 02:22:30

a man. He

02:22:33 --> 02:22:39

needed to take a shower, full body wash, which is taken after sexual

02:22:39 --> 02:22:45

* or release of * or even just * without

02:22:45 --> 02:22:50

climaxing. All that requires us requires it. Otherwise, you can't

02:22:50 --> 02:22:55

pray and you can't enter a mosque. So a person dies before taking

02:22:55 --> 02:22:59

notice. That doesn't mean he's cursed. It doesn't mean he's

02:23:01 --> 02:23:03

sinful enough. Nothing like that. But it's Oh, it's not good to

02:23:03 --> 02:23:05

delay those for no reason.

02:23:06 --> 02:23:09

What about praying said Allah

02:23:10 --> 02:23:15

just go to Safina as a de l. And

02:23:15 --> 02:23:16

I'll give you all the proofs

02:23:17 --> 02:23:22

that all the Imams, all the schools of thought have clasping

02:23:22 --> 02:23:24

the hands in the prayer and praying with the arms down, but

02:23:24 --> 02:23:28

they have it at different levels. The three schools hold it as the

02:23:28 --> 02:23:30

prayer is valid with the arms down

02:23:31 --> 02:23:33

and you're missing a minor virtue.

02:23:35 --> 02:23:40

In the Maliki school, the arms down is the Sunnah in the

02:23:40 --> 02:23:41

obligatory prayer.

02:23:43 --> 02:23:47

And clasping the hands is permissible in the recommended

02:23:47 --> 02:23:50

prayer. That's it, it's not even a big deal. It's a big deal because

02:23:50 --> 02:23:54

it's so visible. But as a matter of scholarship, it's literally a

02:23:54 --> 02:23:57

non issue. There's not a single method that says your prayer is

02:23:57 --> 02:24:00

invalid based on how you hold your hands up or down. None of them.

02:24:06 --> 02:24:09

When someone converts to Islam, should they take Mosul? Yes, they

02:24:09 --> 02:24:14

should. As a wreck, it doesn't. It's not connected to their

02:24:14 --> 02:24:17

conversion, though. This is the important point. Someone who

02:24:17 --> 02:24:20

entered Islam. Now previously, they had had a * or

02:24:20 --> 02:24:23

something they were or menstruation or they were mature

02:24:23 --> 02:24:27

basically, in something that would have required a full body wash. So

02:24:28 --> 02:24:32

they have to go do that. Now. However, it's not like a condition

02:24:32 --> 02:24:33

of their entering Islam.

02:24:34 --> 02:24:39

You enter Islam, right? As soon as you can you take a full body wash

02:24:39 --> 02:24:43

that purifies you from the state of Genova that you were in from

02:24:43 --> 02:24:43


02:24:46 --> 02:24:50

So the question like, yeah, how do you remember one time, one of the

02:24:50 --> 02:24:54

brothers he took the shahada and the way we worded it was like, oh,

02:24:54 --> 02:24:57

you know, go home, pray to God for guidance, and he took a shot that

02:24:57 --> 02:24:59

we were saying, you know, thank God for guidance and for

02:25:00 --> 02:25:03

We want you to do is go take a bath to purify yourself. Like we

02:25:03 --> 02:25:07

just waited. The poor guy went and filled the tub. No like, go take a

02:25:07 --> 02:25:11

shower like shower. That's like not bath but shower or shall I say

02:25:11 --> 02:25:15

okay, like Yeah. Okay, that's good enough. And just to kind of kind

02:25:15 --> 02:25:18

of get him to take a listen without telling him like yesterday

02:25:18 --> 02:25:21

Felicity Oh, you do need to tell him it's an intention with the

02:25:21 --> 02:25:24

intention of purifying yourself. Not in the Hanafi school.

02:25:27 --> 02:25:30

No, you're right. You're right. You got me on that with He said

02:25:30 --> 02:25:31

not in the Hanafi school.

02:25:32 --> 02:25:33

Yeah, so

02:25:35 --> 02:25:40

tell us he's matassa that's it. He's, that's the way to do it. Or

02:25:40 --> 02:25:44

is there a better way to get them to do listen, like? I mean, if you

02:25:44 --> 02:25:48

think it's hard, because he's just taking a shower. No, I'm saying

02:25:48 --> 02:25:51

like, getting him to take the shower. Like tell him it's an

02:25:51 --> 02:25:53

obligation. You gotta go take a shower. He just changed his whole

02:25:53 --> 02:25:57

religion. The shower is that easy for right? Yeah, I will just tell

02:25:57 --> 02:26:01

you, you gotta go home, take a shower. Take a full shower. And

02:26:01 --> 02:26:04

you could say nice words like oh, it symbolizes your new beginning

02:26:04 --> 02:26:09

and all that. And also it purifies you from the fast yeah, see?

02:26:10 --> 02:26:12

Subhanallah he's thinking in the Hanafi mentality that the

02:26:12 --> 02:26:16

intention is not needed for for will to animals on the desk in my

02:26:16 --> 02:26:16


02:26:23 --> 02:26:24

is it necessary

02:26:27 --> 02:26:33

to pray 1/3 Or half the night for it to count as pMLN No, not at

02:26:33 --> 02:26:36

all. Any amount of ruckus is enough.

02:26:38 --> 02:26:40

If someone missed a lot because they forgot and they fell asleep,

02:26:40 --> 02:26:44

is it sinful to not make it up is immediately as you remember. Yes.

02:26:44 --> 02:26:45

delaying it beyond what is

02:26:50 --> 02:26:54

delaying it beyond for no reason. Yeah. Becomes you enter into

02:26:54 --> 02:26:58

discouragement and even sinfulness but delaying it for a valid

02:26:58 --> 02:27:04

reason. That's Jhala will not be sinful. And Neff is zero is the

02:27:04 --> 02:27:09

feast hearsay and there we go with the beyond the river again. Yep.

02:27:09 --> 02:27:10


02:27:13 --> 02:27:17

Do the Medicaid have to rub the body in the muscle? Yes, you have

02:27:17 --> 02:27:19

to rub your body not just pour water.

02:27:24 --> 02:27:28

How is it that Moroccan and Algerian women used to wear face

02:27:28 --> 02:27:34

veils? Yeah, it's mentioned we just actually read it. It didn't

02:27:34 --> 02:27:37

mentioned it. He mentioned out in Morocco and Algeria. There's a

02:27:37 --> 02:27:39

customer of women they all cover their faces.

02:27:40 --> 02:27:43

Where did the custom from? How did it come from? Was it religious?

02:27:43 --> 02:27:46

Allah Allah doesn't matter. But the answer is that

02:27:48 --> 02:27:53

the answer for that is that covering the face, if it's a

02:27:53 --> 02:27:54

customer of the people is permitted.

02:27:56 --> 02:27:58

And it was a customer people even in Europe, Queens never came out

02:27:58 --> 02:27:59

without a face Phil.

02:28:01 --> 02:28:04

Princess never came out without a face veil. So yeah, then she can

02:28:04 --> 02:28:08

wear it. But if she's doing it believing it's a necessity in

02:28:08 --> 02:28:15

religion, then that's a lulu 15 Not acceptable and discouraged.

02:28:15 --> 02:28:19

We're not even gonna say sinful, just discouraged. But dama crua

02:28:22 --> 02:28:22


02:28:29 --> 02:28:30

last question.

02:28:32 --> 02:28:35

Our next Avandia Kadri on orthodox are they orthodox study because

02:28:35 --> 02:28:38

there's so many branches you have to assess the actual scholar that

02:28:38 --> 02:28:39

you're planning to be under.

02:28:42 --> 02:28:46

And be very careful with this. Where do you get miswak in New

02:28:46 --> 02:28:50

Brunswick, probably any of the hull stores on route 27 Go to

02:28:50 --> 02:28:55

route 27 keep going you head into from North Brunswick to set to

02:28:55 --> 02:28:59

south to Franklin Park to South Brunswick to Kenzo park all

02:28:59 --> 02:29:01

there's a lot of Hillel stores they all should have miswak

02:29:04 --> 02:29:08

this cryptocurrency Khaled it depends on which currency and it

02:29:08 --> 02:29:09

depends if

02:29:13 --> 02:29:15

it's really depends, because

02:29:19 --> 02:29:23

there have been scams before. Like who so in this in the sense that

02:29:23 --> 02:29:25

if you don't know what you're getting, you're not allowed to go

02:29:25 --> 02:29:26

into that business.

02:29:27 --> 02:29:29

What was that guy called? NTF or whatever

02:29:31 --> 02:29:35

it is. Yeah. What is this? What was his cryptocurrency school?

02:29:37 --> 02:29:38

Yeah, thanks shamers I'm like

02:29:42 --> 02:29:46

any advice for people who are diabetic and can't fast to gain

02:29:46 --> 02:29:49

spiritual benefits of Ramadan? Yeah, do the things that fasting

02:29:49 --> 02:29:52

people can't do like help serve the if thought helped prepare the

02:29:52 --> 02:29:55

Iftar things like that help do the things that fasting people can't

02:29:55 --> 02:29:56


02:29:58 --> 02:30:00

What if he had a dream but the prof

02:30:00 --> 02:30:02

It looks a little different than how he's described. That just

02:30:02 --> 02:30:07

means that the dreamer himself is not perfected in his vision. And

02:30:07 --> 02:30:08

Allah knows best

02:30:12 --> 02:30:15

yep, I just answered that one. My grandmother used to cover her face

02:30:15 --> 02:30:18

just last 15 years ago Morocco. Allah bless her soul

02:30:20 --> 02:30:23

Yeah, it was either an all Morocco or probably all of Egypt's

02:30:23 --> 02:30:24


02:30:29 --> 02:30:29

ladies and gentlemen,

02:30:31 --> 02:30:34

we will stop here to Xochimilco let's get to the final count of

02:30:34 --> 02:30:35

how we did on launch.

02:30:39 --> 02:30:40

The final count for the day

02:30:47 --> 02:30:49

just launched inside

02:30:53 --> 02:30:58

per second in the bar. There you go. All right, final count for the

02:30:58 --> 02:31:04

day 16 to 22 Pretty good, a very good days, not a lot more than we

02:31:04 --> 02:31:09

expected. I wanted to get to 15 two right, we got to 16 to see

02:31:09 --> 02:31:14

that I wanted to get to 15 two, you got to 16 to and that is all

02:31:15 --> 02:31:18

the reward of these attendees. May Allah bless you increase your

02:31:18 --> 02:31:20

wealth and

02:31:21 --> 02:31:25

increase I'll accept all of our CM and RPM and our da just come

02:31:25 --> 02:31:30

Lokeren Subhanak Allah Who Moby Dick no shadow and Illa illa Anta

02:31:31 --> 02:31:35

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02:31:35 --> 02:31:39

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02:31:39 --> 02:31:42

Sabra was set on a kumara to LA.

02:32:18 --> 02:32:18


02:32:21 --> 02:32:21


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