Shadee Elmasry – Story of the young man who barely avoided zina…

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a situation where a cousin tells a desperate woman to lay down and sleep with him. The woman refuses to marry him and instead takes a loan, putting it down. The cousin fears someone named Jesus and tells the woman not to break the SEal, which he says is a sign of weakness.
AI: Transcript ©
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The first one, he had a cousin that he loved so much, she was so

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beautiful. And she wouldn't marry him. Time passed and she falls on

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hard times. She comes to him for a loan, he brings her the money, and

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he puts it down. And he said, this money is not for no cost, there's

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a cost for the money. And he tells her to lay down and sleep with

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him. So she is so desperate so that she accepts, okay, it's just

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sort of had a moment of weakness. And he's doing everything to her.

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And just as about that he's going to

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she says to him, don't break the seal. In other words, I am a

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virgin girl, fear Allah. So he fears Allah and he gets up and he

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lets her go. He said, Oh Allah, I was this close to doing exactly

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this Marcia

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Zina that I wanted, right and just when she said Fear Allah, that's

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when I left. So for that reason, Allah subhanaw taala moved the

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boulder a little bit

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