Shadee Elmasry – Shaykh Rhodus’ Advice for Working Muslims NBF 266

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker advises the audience to prioritize their day and add prophetic sup comfortable before starting their sleep. They suggest keeping a schedule and slowly starting from a priority. The speaker also mentions the opening of doors.
AI: Transcript ©
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Different people have different circumstances. The most important

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thing is to have a schedule. Make a priority of your day, your five

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daily prayers and then add to that prophetic supplications in the

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morning prophetic supplications in the evening and five minutes of

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solitude before you go to bed Subhan Allah and then you start

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adding from there other things that you can do, that's the heart

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of it, make that a priority over everything. Make that the axis and

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the pivot of your day and then slowly start filling in the other

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times that you have and inshallah Tada. The doors are open

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