Shadee Elmasry – Secret to Effective Dua Ep. 10 #Shorts

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of sentences and phrases.
AI: Transcript ©
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I've said this a Korea himself as an adult, as a veteran as a

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prophet that's 90 years old, took inspiration from Satan, Miriam.

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And he began praying more than he already praised. And he continued

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to ask Allah for a son. So he begins by naming all the reasons

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that he feels he's weak. And this is something we're going to talk

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about in the future that when you bring your weakness to Allah

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subhanaw taala this is part of our servanthood first thing he says, a

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lot of being the one a lot of money, my bones are frail, which

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to Allah razza shave my hair is flaming white, it's so white it

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attracts your eye just like red attracts your eye. When I'm not

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going to draw economy Sharpie Never before did I make dua and

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lose faith and you never did before? Did I make dua and that

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you didn't answer me and I never lose faith in my prayer. These are

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all preconditions teaching us how to make dot here.

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