Shadee Elmasry – Read These 6 Duas to Cure Your Sadness

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the sadness of emotional stress and the need for protecting one's health and family due to slavery and violence. They also touch on the importance of mercy and protecting one's health and family, as well as the use of words like HPma and the Quran in preventing feelings of sadness. The speaker also discusses four cures for sadness, including reciting the Sharia and calling upon Allah by all its examples. The use of the Quran and reciting its we'd be forgotten is also highlighted.
AI: Transcript ©
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And if you asked me at a very basic level, I believe that

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depressions that people suffer. It's compounded sadness. It's like

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sadness, automatically, you didn't treat it, then it continued and it

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continued into became your state. When we talk about our outside of

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religion, outside of spirituality or regular emotional states, you

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can't always control your emotional state, something can

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make you sad. And then something can make you happy. But you don't

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want to be a feather in the wind, you want to be more in control of

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these states than not. So when sadness comes, you need to be able

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to curb it and say, This is enough. This is that we're not

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going to go any lower than this. And we're not this is not going to

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go on for two or three days. We're going to put an end to it. Islam

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helps us monitor these moods, so that you don't become a feather in

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the wind. And then a mood takes you and controls you then that's

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it's slavery. We have solutions to hose and folks do not let yourself

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get set. And if you do, we have solutions. Let me read you some of

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the prayers of the prophets of Allah who it was of them on the

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subject matter that if you recite these jobs, you can't possibly get

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said number one. La ilaha illallah al Halim will Karim Subhan Allah

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He or Bill Arshad Adim Subhan Allah Arab Samoa to sub a what a

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Banaras should carry him focus more on the these Dickerson dua

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it's more than that. The reason for the sadness, so sadness can be

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totally out of your control. Someone could totally ghost you.

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Right? And you're like, Wait, I thought we were friends. Or

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someone could just do an about face on you for for no apparent

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reason that you know, he just don't know what what reasons

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people have in their heads. Don't even go there. Don't try just do

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that. Allah will take care of everything. This is from Ibn Ibis

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that the Prophet used to say this, when he was struck by something in

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his heart, any massive matter or personal matter or social matter?

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What have you. How about this one, a great sadness came upon the

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prophets of Allah who it was sudden them and of course the

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prophets sadness is for extremely lofty, you know, reasons our

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sadness is someone ghosted me, right? Someone didn't talk to me,

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someone you know, just leaving me without answering me. And I

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thought we were friends at thought if he had lost, Khadija had lost

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Apple toilet. And he was now sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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without any support, outwardly or inwardly. And he went to talk if

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it's to give them the Dower, and they treated him extremely

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viciously and rudely. And they were violent, and they sent kids

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out to throw rocks at him. And they mocked him. So the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said from his heart this this extremely

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powerful dua, which is a cure for anybody who has sadness Allahumma

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inni escuela alayka Dafa Kuwaiti Oh Allah I complain on to you the

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weakness of my strength locket Allah to heal it and the meekness

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of my abilities, my plans, well, how can you harness and how easy I

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am to be rejected by people? And that's how people feel sometimes

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they feel so easily to be rejected. So easily rejected by

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everyone. So that really hits home. Yeah, out of hamara he mean,

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almost Merciful of the merciful and rubble Musa Dauphine, YOU'RE

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THE LORD OF THE WEEK won't be and you're my lord Illa mentor

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Killarney unto Whom will you? Will you give me in other words who's

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going to who's going to be have power over me? It got even yet to

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Germany a stranger to brush me aside. It occurred even malleco

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Emery or someone near but is in control of me in lemmya Can Baker

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hollobone Aliya fella who barely if there isn't, if you have no

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anger upon me, as long as you're not angry with me then I don't

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mind any of this. As long as Allah is accepting me and is pleased

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with me then then I can bear all these hardships while I can. Or

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Machuca hiya Elsa Ali, however your mercy is easier for me such a

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powerful dua the next one Allah Who mufaddal Him what can she

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fella come? Oh Allah, the remover of anxiety and the remover of

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sadness. Alhambra welcome Mooji boo Zhao wattle Motorin the one

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who answers the prayer of the one who is in dire need of a man who

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dunya will Accra the merciful in the dunya and the Accra whare.

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Hema Houma and he is Rahim compassionate in the dunya and her

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entire family for hum NEERA mutton, Tov Nene beha and Robert

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Merton and rahmati menzi work. If you have mercy upon me have mercy

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upon me with with an amount of mercy that will make me not need

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anyone else's sympathy. It's not good to need sympathy from people.

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It's not a good treat. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the

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in in when he was constricted, or when he was said he used to say

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Allahumma in the abduct. Oh Allah I'm yours

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Live and the son of your slave webinar optic webinar emetic and

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the son of your female slave now see antibiotic. My forelock is in

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your hands meaning all of my if you have if you control someone by

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his head by his forelock the front of his hair, you can drag him

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anywhere, right. So it's an expression that says everything of

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my affairs is in your hands. Mauldin Fia hockomock Your ruling

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is happening. Whatever you rule is happening to me. I don't fear

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kuduk Your judgment upon me is always fair. As educated equally

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is men who are like I asked you about with every name that you

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possess. Allah has so many names, some made to be enough such that

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you named yourself with Ansel tofi kitab IK or you revealed it in

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your book. I limped out I had a monocarpic Are you taught any of

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your creation, this name, I asked you by all these names. I was set

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thought to be the enemy of AB index or you name that you possess

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that you kept it with yourself. That was not revealed to anybody.

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And Ted Johanna Khurana Robbia kalbi to make the Quran the spring

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on my hearts. When neurosurgery and the light of my chest were

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Gela, Hosni and the expeller of my sadness. Were the hair behind me

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and the remover of my anxieties. So the prophets of Allah when he

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was salam here is teaching us turn to dua. Number one, there's so

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many lessons in this, he calls upon Allah that he answers the

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prayer of the desperate so pray with desperation. That's number

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one. Number two, remember who's in charge of all things. All things

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are not from people, meaning what happens from others to me, the

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prophet is taking us to a higher ground. They're not doing it. It's

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Allah. Allah subhanaw. Taala is responsible for this. If Allah is

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responsible for this, they're not outside of Allah's control. They

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are in Allah's control. If Allah is the one behind this, is he just

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or unjust? He's just this, therefore this is just what's

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happening to you in the big picture. And we can sometimes go

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back to the bare bones of the Sharia bare bones of the Sharia

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says, well don't why does he have to talk to me? By shittier? Does

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he have to talk to me by should he or does he have to smile at me? He

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puts people in your life. He removes people from your life for

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different reasons. He may make someone not like you because of a

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misunderstanding. And all of a sudden that person's out of your

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life. Who cares about the reason? It's a judgment from Allah Tada,

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you're not being wronged? No, this is a divine plan, and it's

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perfect. That's how we view problems. Once you view things

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like that, you've taken yourself out of the control of another

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human being. Number three, call upon Allah by all of His Names.

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The fourth thing the fourth Cure is the Quran. So this dua here it

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gives us four cures number one, the dua of the Moto, Moto G and

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moto it's actually in another the previous draw Oh Allah you are you

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answer the person who prays with desperation so that means it's not

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necessarily that Allah Tada answers the one who's casual in

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his prayer, you need to ask like someone who sounds like they

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really need something they need help. And for cures so far that

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we've come upon, well I have an Allahumma in the outdo becoming

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ill him me What hasn't we should seek refuge from sadness and from

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anxiety. Every morning when we were sighted, what is it Latif and

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if you don't recite that you can go to Safina cited org slash wood.

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Well, RG will Castle, being lazy, being unable, while broccoli will

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German Baku is being stingy and joven is being cowardice while

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gala betta Daini or curry region, rabbit to deign to be overcome by

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debt, aka regional to be defeated by other men. What else is a cure

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for sadness? Sudha said Kofa Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam

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was extremely, extremely sad after his son passed away, on top of

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losing his son, his enemies had no grace and class and how they

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handled this and the Prophet was extremely grieved. Allah to Allah

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revealed to him Sudha said co author and just recently been

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talking to have you all might have been Hamlet and he said this The

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cure for sadness is for someone to recite, suited to co author

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constantly until their sadness goes away. So I said how many

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times he said what, whatever is easy 10 times 50 times 100 times

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whatever comes easy easily to a person to recite suicide co author

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in outline I can co author because what is the meaning of the sutra

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