Shadee Elmasry – Path to Healing Step #1

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of not believing in a distributing act and reciting a statement in love. They emphasize the need for action to overcomerangeling and the need for belief in fixing the distributing act.
AI: Transcript ©
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How to handle the tribulation. Rule number one pillar, the most

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essential pillar, do not believe that this tribulation exists on

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its own autonomously, externally. There is no one who put it there

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but Allah that is the number one belief to beginning of healing and

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the beginning of surpassing your tribulation. And you should recite

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his saying in here in love, it's not to get too little we're meant

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to share with you. The more belief that you place in the autonomous

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existence and action of a tribulation, the more it grows,

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and the further you get from solving it.

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