Shadee Elmasry – on Dr Shabir Ally

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases.
AI: Transcript ©
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should be ready. I've always known about him, but I never knew he was

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this level of milk deadens indeed, he has a big beard he debates

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Christian. He wears the topi wears everything. He's got the shaved

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stash. So you think he is, you know, some classically trained

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scholar from Pakistan? Turns out he is one of the biggest

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Muqdadiyah that's on the internet. You want me to read him to you?

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The mistakes this man has spouting hijab is not fought, and it's not

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sinful. Even if you don't wear hijab, then what's the point? I

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don't say Islam is the only way to God. It's the best way he says

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Christians can go to paradise. If they're good people, then why are

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you debating them then? Yeah, he said, Yeah, Christians do like all

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good. If they do good in their context. He said, Alright, so what

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if my context has like two logs? That's it. The Santa's visit

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Muslims homes, instead of laughing right? What did you say? Well, oh,

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there's multiple perspectives on this. Are you serious? I'm

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clicking off right at the moment you say that. This man says Quran

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never actually mentions homosexuality at all.

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