Shadee Elmasry – NBF 87 Tafsir of Surah alAdiyat

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various topics related to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, including J.P. Morgan's name, struggles of progressives with their job, the importance of understanding and valueing oneself, the use of "monster" and "monster" to describe oneself and their behavior, the use of language in religion and the need for guidelines on clothing for older people, the importance of showing up in public, and the use of language in religion and recitation as a form of prayer. They also touch on the use of language in religion and the need for guidelines on clothing for younger people.
AI: Transcript ©
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Nice and cool now I'm gonna

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We're on

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Alright, so now that I'm on that or hey, just give it a second wait

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for everybody to come in.

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Hamza say, if I look like Mr. Pena

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let's get on to the instance see what's going on here

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no internet connection on my iPad why's that

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make any sense?

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Who else we got G space

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give it a second while everyone logs in Muhammad here. I've got to

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start today. And she's in green. Interesting, really? Islam is

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Ryan is back by the way, folks.

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Ryan is

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he had a great trip to Spain to study with chickens and hiking rod

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who was really one of the greatest theologians in my opinion of our

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He understands the philosophies of Nam, you know, the Western

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philosophy is probably better than anybody else, and he can

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articulate it better than anybody else. So he had to retreat. Like

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it's gonna be a type of retreat. It wasn't like heavy on theology

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or anything like that. But it was a really good retreat

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Mohammed is asking about the Safina membership on YouTube.

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So I haven't actually seen what that actually entails. Like what

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does that entail? What is the fina membership? What is YouTube

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membership? Actually do?

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We have to find out what it entails. Okay.

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Instagrams given me a hard time again what? Honestly Mark

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Zuckerberg said his

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that's why I gave him because the killer vegans probably reported us

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that's what the killer vegans. When I sit next to people

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I don't care if they eat meat from having dinner with people. I just

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want to make sure you're not a vegan, but you have to just don't

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be a vegan.

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Your mom's vegan. She's from that whole generation of vegan and

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Reiki and all that stuff. Right? It's that's a package right? I've

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never seen her. Yeah.

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It's it's somewhat like acceptable from white women. Right? It's not

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something offensive, but if that's their culture, right, just not

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accepted. Musi like a, you know, brown guy. She cooks meat though.

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She cooks me for you. Okay, so she's not a killer vegan. She's

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just personally vegan. Or vegetarian just eat cheese. She

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that's like the only thing she eats. How could you a person not

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eat cheese? Like this is one of the greatest creations. We're just

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waiting for everyone to log in here. And I'm not trying to log

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into my stupid Instagram. I don't know what the problem is. Good.

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Man says

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oh, she's she's able to color her name. And she gets a star because

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she's become a member. All right, Hamza McCool, she said, I watched

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you watch the rights of the husband and the wife. And it was

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really good. She said, and he would quote are Kelly, is that the

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that's that guy who got arrested recently.

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I don't know anything about him except that hit song that he did

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in the 90s

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because he did the Michael Jordan movie.

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Okay, Muhammad Muhammad Zoggs. He's asking how did she get she

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gets a color name. She gets to use different emojis I guess.

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Man also saw the lecture with chicks addict six years ago. That

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was crazy. It was a long time ago. It's amazing how fast time is

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flying by Instagramers unfortunately, I can't I can't

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talk to you guys. Okay.

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It's Mark Zuckerberg. These platforms are so impossible to

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use. Right? Like Instagram. Everyone loves Instagram, but

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every two weeks they make me change my password. Every. Okay,

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here we are. We're back on Instagram. Now we're on Instagram.

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Yeah, got it.

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Twitter, and meanwhile, you log in boom, it's right there. Oh,

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Facebook manager, right. There's a page manager. Because Because my

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thing is a page. It's not a personal page. It's a page. It is

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such a headache to see anything. It's impossible to see anything.

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So these things are just terrible.

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All right, in my opinion, fake Instagrams, okay. Facebook, really

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pain in the neck to us because there's so many things going on

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Twitter easiest thing to use, which is pretty dangerous. Which

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is it's dangerous because Twitter is just like street fights

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There's like no rules. Alright, J Perez says

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he messaged me a few pages from how many texts

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by Dr. hatom. It confirms Edward Hudson SATs methodology. Nice.

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Nice. He's okay, I'm gonna look for that. No, I need to get back

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to Noah badly because Noah is going to make us a killer. Intro.

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But it's just our organization is, is growing like this. And our

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personnel is growing like this. And that gap has to be fixed.

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Right? And it'll be fixed. I believe within a year when we

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actually become like a.

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I don't want to make it depersonalized or to official, but

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the backend has to become official. My problem is I'm not an

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official person. I gotta get someone else to do it. I call them

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suits. Your the suits. They have to have meetings, right? And they

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have procedures and they have timelines and they got

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PowerPoints, those are called suits. I'm gonna have to get a

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suit. But I just can't be too close to him. Because I don't want

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to ruin my own personal way of doing things. I might drive him

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crazy. But that's okay.

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Sophia is is eluding by saying dead naming. You know, the, of

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course the Liberals as a great genius, comic genius and

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philosophical genius.

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Dave Chappelle said, these liberals, anytime that they want

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to win an argument. They just make up a term.

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Which is exactly the truth, right? They just make up a term. Oh,

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micro aggressions, micro aggressions, dead naming all that

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stuff because Jordan Peterson, a little bit of

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news. Everyone knows Jordan Peterson. He's been hanging out

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with Muslims lately. He did. She comes to us. If he did Muhammad

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hijab, he did these other guys.

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I don't know what got in his head. And he gave us giving us advice,

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right? And he really says a six minute video that just bothered

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everyone, which it's so patronizing and so lame, in that

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it's just like, he plays into all these like,

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the stereotypes.

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And he suggests to Muslims get out there, interact with people,

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Get a pen, pal, and PAL, What world are you in? And he said, to

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be a Christian? And God forbid, even might be a Jew. It's like,

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what do you think? Like who? What's going on in your head? To

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even release a video like this? To tell us what to do? I mean, I

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didn't. That's it was

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it would I mean, I She says it was condescending. And it was and I

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would say it was one step short of condescending because we're

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actually past condescending because was actually like, stupid.

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Where you don't know us? You don't know anything about Islam. You've

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given us advice. What's wrong with you? Okay, and this comes on the

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heels of him being expelled off of Twitter.

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Because he said that a woman who became a trans, she became a guy.

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She's a trans dude, I guess. And he said that pride was a sin. And

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this woman remember when she had * because they did a dual

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mastectomy, cut her * off. Okay? That got him because he used

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her old name that got him kicked off Twitter. So that's the news.

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And that's why she mentioned dead naming and dead naming another

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term that they just made up. They love making up terms. And a lot of

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you people will be dealing with these these folks. And be like,

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someone will say, Oh, you're dead anemic. And you're actually like,

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I don't even know what that means. It might like, at my dumb, because

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I don't know what that means, right? You're not dumb. They just

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made the word up like two weeks ago.

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If you knew all the English, every word in the English language in

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the year 2010.

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You would not know how to have a conversation with these people in

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2022. In 12 years, how many terms have they made up? How many words

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have these people made up? Right? And then they use the word as if

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it's a universal thing. And they scoff at you for it. Right? Oh,

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that's dead naming so

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that's known universal. Yeah. So we were in Spain, were with our

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friends from Turkey and yeah,

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So if he's like, Yo, you guys have all these terms. Yeah. Like, what

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is this? What are these terms that you bring up? So he brought up the

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question, and we were talking about it, should we should we use

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them or not? Like should never use these services? Never use these

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terms? You say word Oh, that's transphobic. Okay, go back to,

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like, 1990

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That word did not exist or not even close go to 2000. It didn't

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exist. Okay, maybe it existed. I don't know it one or two academic

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references. That's it. But now it's just like something you

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should understand. Right? No, it's, it's as if to say, that's

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how you'll bring yourself like universal things that all human,

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they act like that to make you to destroy you. To make you feel like

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oh my gosh, I just did something so terrible. And I don't even

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know. And a lot of people are like this. They go into college, they

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go into academia, and someone drops that turret like a term with

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so casually, and so accusatory. Like, it's very accusatory. And

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then they get destroyed, they're like, completely. So what you got

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to do when you deal with these people is, you literally have to

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say, Listen, absolutely nothing that you utter, or say, has any

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meaning to me, or value, your entire worldview, your opinion, it

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has no meaning to me. And it also has no meaning to 90% of the

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society, except that the big businesses, they need us

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customers. That's the only reason they care. You have to understand

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that right? And they're actually some of their extremists. They go

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after these companies for hypocrisy. Like they they call,

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they're calling out these companies as hypocrites, like

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Gillette, when it makes a commercial for

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I don't know what they're supporting some social cause. And

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they're like, wait a second, Gillette, what do you care, it's

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just that the bulk of their customers are that that's it. So

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nobody really cares about if you scratch the surface, nobody really

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cares. But people are just intimidated, because these people

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are just wild, the rabid dogs, going after people and canceling

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them, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, they just keep making up

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an RD RTD to says they just keep making terminology to keep you one

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step behind the discourse. And then they drop the terminology. If

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you don't cancel that terminology right away. So this is you just

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use the word that I don't believe in at all.

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I don't even care what it means. Okay.

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So ultimately, we just cannot have a discourse with these folks.

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These progressives ICMR can't keep up. Nobody can keep up. To be

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honest. I think they themselves cannot keep up. Now he goes back

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and Jordan Peterson wants to have this unit. He's like, why don't

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you all get along? Like, you know, like an old grandfather who's been

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out of it for for 20 years. He's basically been on out on the

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pastures for 20 years ready to pass away. And he's totally out of

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everything. And then he comes to this huge feud between like two of

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his grandkids or something or two of his kids Family Feud. And he

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comes up he's like, why don't you just get along?

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It's like, grandpa, it's not how it works, right? You've seen some

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I've seen I've had people come up to me in the masjid. Right. And

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one man says your mashallah, that was such a good clip. But from now

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on, you're I'm gonna name nickname you've been best.

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Maybe he's one of the most beloved uncles now he's a grandpa in the

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commute for me is like an uncle. Like, I love him. I've known him

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for almost 20 years.

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And he's like, your nickname is me. But I was like, No, how about

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booty? I'll take booty, right? He's like, what's the difference?

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Then? Bezer. Booty? I was like, well, one is. One is correct. And

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one. Yeah, some of the things like in his office. He said yes. But

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most important, we will seems to get along. Right. So that's a

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great perspective, when you're on the edge of something. What does

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this all get along? But once you're actually it's almost like

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coming, Hitler. Come on. Look at the Jews. They're not that bad.

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Get along, right. So it just doesn't work life. Real life

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doesn't work like that when you're on the periphery of something.

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Yeah, maybe it's your perspective is so distant that you could have

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that you could say stuff like that. But so that's the other

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thing that Jordan Peterson said that really made everyone you know

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laugh. And it was a joke. Essentially, his whole thing was,

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that's why I said when the sister said condescending it's like one

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step past that. To the level of you just you don't even comment

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you just move on.

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You don't really analyze it because it's not a serious thing

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this is funny. A big bank here in the UK announced staff will be

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wearing pronouns on their name tags.

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And if you don't like it, take your business elsewhere. How do

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you say that to customers? Like what's wrong with you?

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I am it says he always watches at a later time. Let's it's good that

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we keep the YouTube up.

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I Nico Archimate

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There's a clear agenda behind Peterson's interviews of religious

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scholars, cherry picked by him to assist in tackling the ultimate

00:15:06 --> 00:15:08

target, right.

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Why is Mohammed Jacobi the 34th generation from the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but King George and King Hussein of

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Jordan is the 42nd. Well, of course, because there's so many

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lineages. And some people live a short life. Some people have older

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sons, like if you live a long life, and you're the last son that

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your father produces a son at the age of 60. Back in the old days,

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it would happen, right? A guy could be 60, and he could have a

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son. Right? So another man in the same generation.

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He's 20. And he has a son.

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Right? And that son has a son at age 20.

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Right? You see the difference? So one man has a son at age 60.

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Excuse me, that son has a son at the age 60. So that's a longer

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chain, or a longer link, I should say. And then the others are

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shorter links. So that's why you can have 42nd generation 34th

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generation, et cetera. That's how it works.

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You know, which one is the shortest, like how I think 30 is

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in the 30s. Today on the earth, there is in the 30, still,

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Okay. That's how it works.

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Khadija says it's quite scary to be in academia, I don't even know

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how you could survive in academia. I don't know you definitely can't

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survive in politics. With the left.

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You can't survive in politics on the left, even if you're a

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progressive, because the progressives, their natures to eat

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something, they got to eat something. When they keep hanging

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out with themselves. They'll eat themselves, like the poor, not

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poor. There's like a transgender, ultra progressive, LGBTQ Black

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Lives Matter.

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You know, because Black Lives Matter is also against traditional

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family too. It's not just about race, right? But they had a coffee

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shop. It's like a total hangout for them.

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They got a costed and attacked and canceled, right for being owners

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and other things. And, essentially, the workers the

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employees demanded, they divvy up their company, to the employees.

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Marxism I mean, what in the world?

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So there are trans people that got cancelled.

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So we're doing a pre open QA before we get to our tafsir today.

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How are we doing on Instagram?

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All right. So Allah

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Sarah says, Why doesn't Peterson take his own advice with regards

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to the right and left stupid advice? I'm shocked. I agree. It

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was like some grandpa coming in and come on. Everyone get along.

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I assume Rockstar, they're gonna have to fire their CEO. No doubt

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about it. They're gonna have to reassign him to some desk and put

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a new CEO. That's a disaster. This bank that says take your business

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elsewhere. How do you say that to your customers?

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What do I study recited says after Fanta Dine, you study Aki to

00:18:36 --> 00:18:41

heavy. You go deep into theta and kill them. Watch. Ryan, when you

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were here last Thursday, we did a monster stream stream on

00:18:44 --> 00:18:48

abolhassan. That was a monster stream. I was sad. I missed

00:18:49 --> 00:18:53

these and I will have some. Yeah, those were those were huge.

00:18:54 --> 00:18:55

And they were basically

00:18:57 --> 00:19:01

it was trying to bring the bare bone fundamentals of what the idea

00:19:01 --> 00:19:05

of Kadem is and how important it is. And the idea that you want to

00:19:05 --> 00:19:10

take the safe side and Arpita fine, but don't lead because you

00:19:10 --> 00:19:13

can't say you know what? Look, alright, look, we got a river

00:19:13 --> 00:19:16

problem, right? Let's say in fifth, there's a river problem.

00:19:16 --> 00:19:19

How do you get an education without it? So one, how do you buy

00:19:19 --> 00:19:24

a home without him? So one company tries and it gets critiqued to

00:19:24 --> 00:19:28

heck, but it tried, right? And it found a solution. You don't like

00:19:28 --> 00:19:32

the solution but find another guy says Listen, I'm not gonna

00:19:33 --> 00:19:35

do make any mistakes.

00:19:36 --> 00:19:40

I'm just going to rent my whole life. Wonderful. You can die upon

00:19:40 --> 00:19:43

that, and you will be safe, but you're not the leader the

00:19:43 --> 00:19:48

community, right? Because don't do anything and just freeze and live

00:19:48 --> 00:19:51

back in time. That's not gonna work. You have to try to find

00:19:51 --> 00:19:56

answers to this to people. So we have 50 problems. We also have

00:19:57 --> 00:20:00

philosophical problems. We have people attacking and throw

00:20:00 --> 00:20:06

Without literally legit logic nunchucks at you to try to put a

00:20:06 --> 00:20:11

dent in your confidence in Islam. Kalam is all about defending the

00:20:11 --> 00:20:12

idea of Muslims

00:20:13 --> 00:20:17

from the perception that there's any inconsistency within it as the

00:20:17 --> 00:20:21

Quran says, well, Kenya and India lady learner wanted to figure out

00:20:21 --> 00:20:25

11 kathira. So it's part of our theta. As the Quran says, if it

00:20:25 --> 00:20:28

was from other than Allah, they would find much inconsistency in

00:20:28 --> 00:20:32

it. Part of our job, the duty of scholars, is to show that it's

00:20:32 --> 00:20:36

not, it's consistent. There's no inconsistency EFA that's

00:20:36 --> 00:20:38

afternoon, there is no inconsistency within itself.

00:20:39 --> 00:20:43

There's no consistency within reason. Good. From between

00:20:43 --> 00:20:46

revelation, and often, how could there be an inconsistency between

00:20:46 --> 00:20:50

revelation intellect and observe nature when Allah is the Creator

00:20:50 --> 00:20:55

of all of them? Okay, so we have to prove that. All right, prove

00:20:55 --> 00:20:58

it, you have to define what is awful, and how what is the right

00:20:58 --> 00:21:01

way to use it? Because you can observe things in the wrong way.

00:21:02 --> 00:21:05

Right? I could go out there and I say, hey, the shadow is not

00:21:05 --> 00:21:09

moving. swear by Allah, the shadow is not moving. Right? Well, we

00:21:09 --> 00:21:14

would say you're wrong. Okay. Because one sample size of one

00:21:14 --> 00:21:18

glance doesn't is not sufficient. You have to look at it. After an

00:21:18 --> 00:21:21

hour, and after another hour, and after another hour, then you'll

00:21:21 --> 00:21:25

conclude it's moving so slowly, I can't perceive its move. I can

00:21:25 --> 00:21:29

only I'm only certain that it's moving by looking away coming back

00:21:29 --> 00:21:34

after an hour, then I see its movement. Okay. So observation can

00:21:34 --> 00:21:38

be has to be defined and what's the right way to observe

00:21:38 --> 00:21:43

something? What's the right way to use your intellect that Allah gave

00:21:43 --> 00:21:46

us and said, Do you not use it? So what is the right way to use it?

00:21:46 --> 00:21:51

These rules are called Aloka. Does not the Quran say or mantra? Let's

00:21:51 --> 00:21:55

go. Alright, Billy Sen and RV and movie we revealed this Quran in a

00:21:55 --> 00:21:56

clear Arabic tongue.

00:21:59 --> 00:22:04

So what does that mean? If it's an unclear Arabic tongue, shoot, the

00:22:04 --> 00:22:05

currents covering their conditioner.

00:22:06 --> 00:22:10

I just want to use this lower like two degrees, it's okay. When AWS

00:22:10 --> 00:22:10

comes you can do it.

00:22:12 --> 00:22:14

So it's Allah says in a clear every time we have to ask

00:22:14 --> 00:22:18

ourselves a question, what is Arabic? Right? How can we know

00:22:18 --> 00:22:23

it's clear? If we don't define what it is? Allah describes it? If

00:22:23 --> 00:22:27

anything has an adjective, the noun itself must be defined. So we

00:22:27 --> 00:22:30

have rules of Arabic. Okay, what is an error in the Arabic

00:22:30 --> 00:22:35

language? Can I say that to Ellen Bayto? That's a mistake in Arabic

00:22:35 --> 00:22:39

language, the Bates should have a customer that have to elevate it.

00:22:39 --> 00:22:44

Alright. So that's what we said here. And that the barebone basics

00:22:44 --> 00:22:47

of Kadem every muscle has to understand it's meant to show

00:22:47 --> 00:22:49

there are none of these inconsistent Dennis meant to show

00:22:49 --> 00:22:54

the inconsistencies in the Harris's how heresies are not

00:22:54 --> 00:22:57

consistent with the book and how Cofer is not consistent with

00:22:57 --> 00:23:02

itself. got weak you cannot attack an atheist and say your Cofer is

00:23:02 --> 00:23:06

not consistent with the Quran. You didn't care about the Quran, while

00:23:06 --> 00:23:10

at the villa, what would you say to them is your Cooper is not

00:23:10 --> 00:23:14

consistent with montem cannot be accepted, or with reason or with

00:23:14 --> 00:23:18

observation, a cosmology. The Kalam Cosmological Argument

00:23:19 --> 00:23:23

consists of a logical principle that cannot be debated. And

00:23:23 --> 00:23:27

observation that is not debated. And then it brings you a

00:23:27 --> 00:23:30

conclusion. If the first two are not debated, the conclusion must

00:23:30 --> 00:23:34

be true. The opposite of that conclusion must be false. Very

00:23:34 --> 00:23:38

basic thing so I advise people watch the previous episode on

00:23:41 --> 00:23:43

Apple, Apple has an SRE.

00:23:48 --> 00:23:51

So Jordan Peterson is with the daily wire and Ben Shapiro is

00:23:51 --> 00:23:55

rising up as the dawn of the of the left, right. He's such a nerd,

00:23:55 --> 00:24:00

but he's really smart. Right? I mean, the right. He's a complete

00:24:00 --> 00:24:04

nerd and a geek looking guy, but he's extremely smart. And he's a

00:24:04 --> 00:24:08

shark. Okay, he's like the John Stockton of the right. John

00:24:08 --> 00:24:11

Stockton, if y'all remember in basketball, he looks like an

00:24:11 --> 00:24:14

accountant. But he's got the hair of an of a geek and a dentist and

00:24:14 --> 00:24:16

an accountant and no offense to accountants and dentists out

00:24:16 --> 00:24:19

there. But you know, like the straight laced guy.

00:24:20 --> 00:24:25

But if you look at this guy, John Stockton was a shark and a killer.

00:24:25 --> 00:24:28

He had an unfortunate thing in his career that he was stuck with Karl

00:24:28 --> 00:24:31

Malone. If he was with oh my gosh, if he was with Michael Jordan.

00:24:33 --> 00:24:37

If he was like that, that shooting guard for Michael Jordan, right?

00:24:39 --> 00:24:40

Or anyone close

00:24:45 --> 00:24:48

so and so that's what Ben Shapiro is, and he's a hardcore Zionist.

00:24:48 --> 00:24:51

We can't even come close to him. He's like rabid dogs Zionist. He

00:24:51 --> 00:24:54

wants us all killed. Right? And he's like, Oh, the Palestinians

00:24:54 --> 00:24:56

are putting their babies up type of Zionist.

00:24:57 --> 00:24:59

He's just you can't even come near him. He

00:25:00 --> 00:25:02

If you want to learn something about his logical techniques, how

00:25:02 --> 00:25:06

he cuts up transgenderism fine, that's fine. You see, you could

00:25:06 --> 00:25:09

study that because he's destructive, its destructive,

00:25:09 --> 00:25:12

right? When you're taking something down, you could learn

00:25:12 --> 00:25:15

from even your worst enemy, how to take something down certain

00:25:15 --> 00:25:20

things, you did not need the moral or the opposite of the source.

00:25:20 --> 00:25:23

Let's say you want to be a surgeon, you can, you can study to

00:25:23 --> 00:25:25

be a surgeon with anybody you want, as long as they're a good

00:25:25 --> 00:25:29

surgeon, because this is something that there's no morality behind

00:25:29 --> 00:25:32

it, and there's no transmitted evidence behind it. It's just

00:25:32 --> 00:25:35

facts that you can all discern in front of our own two eyes, so you

00:25:35 --> 00:25:38

can discern these things. So that's what you could get from

00:25:38 --> 00:25:39

those types of people.

00:25:40 --> 00:25:41


00:25:46 --> 00:25:49

Someone is asking quick question. If Austin is in 30 minutes, and

00:25:49 --> 00:25:52

the congregational time is in 30 minutes, what do I do?

00:25:53 --> 00:25:57

You pray, if you have to leave, you can pray and leave. But if you

00:25:57 --> 00:25:59

can stay then you stay in prayer with the congregation.

00:26:09 --> 00:26:11

We're doing a pre QA here.

00:26:14 --> 00:26:16

Any good book on Islamic epistemology?

00:26:18 --> 00:26:21

To be honest with you, I don't even think you need a lot but not

00:26:21 --> 00:26:23

an English language that I know of.

00:26:35 --> 00:26:37

Alright, folks, we are going to go to our

00:26:42 --> 00:26:45

we're going to go to our, our reading today.

00:26:47 --> 00:26:48

Go to our reading,

00:26:49 --> 00:26:54

read from the book of Allah and for the baraka of reading from the

00:26:54 --> 00:26:59

book of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. And then we will go back to

00:27:00 --> 00:27:03

our q&a Insha Allah Tada for our Monday, which is always a long

00:27:04 --> 00:27:07

stream in which you get to say a lot, but let me remind you all

00:27:08 --> 00:27:10

don't bother posting a question.

00:27:11 --> 00:27:17

Right now, post it when we start the q&a, so that we could actually

00:27:18 --> 00:27:22

get every question live. Okay, so we can answer the question on the

00:27:22 --> 00:27:24

spot. So as soon as the question comes in, I'll be able to answer

00:27:24 --> 00:27:27

it, and we'll try to do it rapid fire. Before we start, you can

00:27:27 --> 00:27:30

support this, this this program.

00:27:32 --> 00:27:36

And we want to make this a monster program. Okay, we want to

00:27:36 --> 00:27:39

eventually have multiple shows. Other people will be on this

00:27:39 --> 00:27:43

program, inshallah different times, so I'll have this time

00:27:43 --> 00:27:47

slot. And we are looking to probably fill in a Sunday night

00:27:47 --> 00:27:50

time slot. The UK errs might not like that, because it'd be too

00:27:50 --> 00:27:53

late for them. It'd be in there while they're sleeping. But the

00:27:53 --> 00:27:57

West Coast folks will really like it and the East Coast folks. And

00:27:57 --> 00:28:03

it'll be with two of our shields here in the in the masthead or the

00:28:03 --> 00:28:07

madrasa that we have here. So you can support that by going to

00:28:07 --> 00:28:12 backslash stuffiness, society backslash

00:28:12 --> 00:28:16

stuffiness it and you can also get great books from our people.

00:28:19 --> 00:28:22

Mecca I love Mica They're always been

00:28:22 --> 00:28:26

really good to me. And they're always been a big supporter of

00:28:26 --> 00:28:28

Safina society and a sponsor

00:28:31 --> 00:28:36

V to saying is it this Sunday, we started No, we're not starting the

00:28:36 --> 00:28:40

additional streams. The additional episodes will not start this

00:28:40 --> 00:28:41

Sunday. They will start probably

00:28:44 --> 00:28:48

the Sunday after that maybe so but I'm just giving you guys a

00:28:51 --> 00:28:57

preview. Noah says are madrasa. Is it dotted PhET I think it's going

00:28:57 --> 00:29:01

to be artifacts. And I'm purposely going with number one a name that

00:29:01 --> 00:29:05

has about a cut to it because I asked one of the wonderful sheets

00:29:05 --> 00:29:09

that I consider to be someone whose dua is accepted to give us a

00:29:09 --> 00:29:13

name. And this is the name that he picked he picks in first I said

00:29:13 --> 00:29:16

give us him for a mustard he said mustard and fat. But then we as

00:29:16 --> 00:29:21

well this is not a mustard. It's a school masthead. So does it fit.

00:29:22 --> 00:29:24

That could be my husband, fat daughter, fats, robots and fats.

00:29:24 --> 00:29:29

But everyone seems to like dotted fats. And the connotation there is

00:29:29 --> 00:29:33

that it's in an Arabic name. You are doing heavy duty studies

00:29:33 --> 00:29:37

there. Right. Whereas most of my other public classes on ArcView

00:29:37 --> 00:29:40

it's for someone just coming in for the first time.

00:29:41 --> 00:29:45

So it's vanilla. It's very simple. It's in English. And I like to

00:29:45 --> 00:29:49

take people who are just fresh out of their Toba to be honest with

00:29:49 --> 00:29:53

you and take them in so let's show them the way to become taller, or

00:29:53 --> 00:29:57

to at least just be literate and which American in his fundamentals

00:29:57 --> 00:29:57

of his deen

00:29:58 --> 00:29:59

and then to

00:30:00 --> 00:30:05

I'm to maintain that with streams like this, that you learn

00:30:05 --> 00:30:08

something but it's also like an easy to listen to, to for a long

00:30:08 --> 00:30:08


00:30:10 --> 00:30:13

But the shoe at DOT effects, no

00:30:15 --> 00:30:21

drilling, memorization intensity, You better catch up. It's an

00:30:21 --> 00:30:25

actual like factory. It's like a military training program.

00:30:26 --> 00:30:31

So, the name itself if you're too scared of the name

00:30:32 --> 00:30:34

that should give you a signal you're not ready for that.

00:30:35 --> 00:30:40

If you can't even pronounce the TH, is it fifth? Or FETs?

00:30:41 --> 00:30:43

You're not ready for it yet.

00:30:44 --> 00:30:48

When is the person consider themselves to live in very simple

00:30:48 --> 00:30:52

answer there are three conditions. When you have this you have

00:30:52 --> 00:30:56

understood the men hedge. When I say men hedge I mean

00:30:57 --> 00:31:02

what positions and method of Arpita will suit and flip

00:31:04 --> 00:31:04


00:31:06 --> 00:31:11

You have made a decision on the men hedge. Number two, you have

00:31:11 --> 00:31:15

isolated a text or a teacher, either one, some people go by the

00:31:15 --> 00:31:18

teacher, some people go by the text. For example, when I was

00:31:18 --> 00:31:19

coming up,

00:31:20 --> 00:31:22

I didn't have teachers around the shield around me. So I picked a

00:31:22 --> 00:31:25

text and I literally had reset it to Debbie's eight I study with

00:31:25 --> 00:31:26

three people

00:31:27 --> 00:31:28

a bulk of it which ecstatic

00:31:30 --> 00:31:32

part of it with Sheikh Abdul Rahman

00:31:35 --> 00:31:36

will did Hajj

00:31:37 --> 00:31:41

His name is Abdul Rahman will see the Mohammed in Mecca he was more

00:31:41 --> 00:31:43

genuine there's more tannins in Mecca

00:31:44 --> 00:31:47

was Wizard of Oz what's happening

00:31:49 --> 00:31:51

and there and I finished part of it with

00:31:53 --> 00:31:57

a chick in Egypt Sheikh Mohammed Al jindee of each as hurry of

00:31:57 --> 00:31:58


00:31:59 --> 00:32:02

Other people that take one chick and go with that chick so you have

00:32:02 --> 00:32:07

to isolate next second point is your either your shirt or your

00:32:07 --> 00:32:11

book, your medicine. And number three, that you have a systematic

00:32:11 --> 00:32:15

approach of studying it and it can some consistency and studying it

00:32:17 --> 00:32:20

that's it you're talking about even if it's once a week, once

00:32:20 --> 00:32:23

every two weeks your thought event because you've you've isolated

00:32:23 --> 00:32:27

your men, which you've isolated, your

00:32:29 --> 00:32:34

your your, what you're studying, and then you have a system of

00:32:34 --> 00:32:37

doing it consistently your thought of it. So there's to be thought of

00:32:37 --> 00:32:40

in strong thought of and that's slow. This is all the same in the

00:32:40 --> 00:32:45

sense of your thought of it RTD just says what is there and

00:32:45 --> 00:32:48

defines an arc the arc view is our online operation and that is walk

00:32:48 --> 00:32:51

on someone brand new, and then we can take them to the middle

00:32:51 --> 00:32:55

levels, but data fest is solely in person. It's not online, so it's

00:32:55 --> 00:32:59

not really relevant unless you want to move here okay.

00:33:00 --> 00:33:02

It's not going to be totally irrelevant to the to the people

00:33:02 --> 00:33:03

who are online unfortunately.

00:33:05 --> 00:33:11

All right now let's go to but but but ArcView can get to some

00:33:11 --> 00:33:15

serious topics through the scholarship track our fee plus,

00:33:15 --> 00:33:21

which this year we hope to have 200 level Qalam lessons on their

00:33:22 --> 00:33:23


00:33:24 --> 00:33:28

Bushra says we talk about saying that Hussein, of course it's going

00:33:28 --> 00:33:29

to be basically

00:33:31 --> 00:33:35

it's going to be one of the Thursday stories of the odia is

00:33:36 --> 00:33:39

the head of the Olia saying I remember her saying because he's

00:33:39 --> 00:33:42

the sage of a hill Jana, him and his brother so that's why we can

00:33:42 --> 00:33:47

say there's the head of all the Olia and Jana Shiva say you there

00:33:47 --> 00:33:48

Shabaab al Jana

00:33:51 --> 00:33:52

Surah to add yet

00:33:54 --> 00:33:55

11 eyes

00:34:00 --> 00:34:04

when idea de la Baja What is it as yet but even our best while

00:34:04 --> 00:34:07

thought when we try to acronym or has an old girl vo Caja the world,

00:34:07 --> 00:34:13

mocha tila? Well, I would earlier it's the horses that are fighting

00:34:13 --> 00:34:14

in the armies.

00:34:16 --> 00:34:20

And Allah is saying this horse he has no agenda.

00:34:21 --> 00:34:24

This horse will not go down in remember be remembered in the

00:34:24 --> 00:34:25


00:34:26 --> 00:34:30

Yet this horse, he has not been commanded to fight for the sake of

00:34:30 --> 00:34:39

Allah. Yet this horse will go and send and drive right into the

00:34:39 --> 00:34:42

opposite opposing army with no fear. If the horse is doing it,

00:34:42 --> 00:34:46

why don't I do it? So why Allah gave us animals in this world. And

00:34:46 --> 00:34:49

we can find an animal with a virtue better than human virtue.

00:34:50 --> 00:34:52

Look at the attitude of the line.

00:34:53 --> 00:34:57

Only time you can ever get a line as if he's tired. That is the only

00:34:57 --> 00:34:59

time you can ever defeat our line. When a line is

00:35:00 --> 00:35:05

Tired it loses its attitude it loses its power. Hey oz while

00:35:05 --> 00:35:08

you're at it, could you also get this? Because it's one plug too.

00:35:08 --> 00:35:09


00:35:11 --> 00:35:14

What is it? Is the lion the fastest animal? No.

00:35:15 --> 00:35:19

The cheetahs faster. Is it the biggest? No, the tiger is bigger

00:35:19 --> 00:35:24

than line. It's longer. It's heavier. The Tiger hits harder. Is

00:35:24 --> 00:35:28

it? Is the line the most efficient killer? No, it's not at all. Not

00:35:28 --> 00:35:35

all wild dogs have like an 90 to 80 90% kill rate. Lions don't.

00:35:36 --> 00:35:37

lioness goes out

00:35:38 --> 00:35:43

to kill. It doesn't always come back. I think it's 40 to 50 comes

00:35:43 --> 00:35:45

back empty handed every other time.

00:35:47 --> 00:35:52

Is the lion the heaviest hit? Of course not. The Tiger again

00:35:52 --> 00:35:59

defeats the smack of the lion is heavier. The Bite of the Jaguar I

00:35:59 --> 00:36:02

think is stronger than the bite of the line.

00:36:03 --> 00:36:07

What is the lion have that no one else has in the devisee that kink?

00:36:08 --> 00:36:14

It's is beard a little bit? Maybe he's his appearance? What is his

00:36:14 --> 00:36:19

attitude? Okay, so if this we see virtues

00:36:20 --> 00:36:25

in animals that are either really good or really bad, and Allah

00:36:25 --> 00:36:30

gives us a virtue in this animal. This horse will boom go straight

00:36:30 --> 00:36:34

into the battlefields no fear and it will die. How'd you fix it?

00:36:36 --> 00:36:36

Maybe you're

00:36:37 --> 00:36:38

such a wizard.

00:36:40 --> 00:36:44

Yeah. Perfect. Such wizard Kool Aid

00:36:45 --> 00:36:45

left Thank

00:36:46 --> 00:36:49

you give it to the give it to the those people who

00:36:51 --> 00:36:53

haven't had this since second grade. You know what? I wasn't

00:36:53 --> 00:36:56

allowed to have these when I was young. My mom would never buy

00:36:56 --> 00:36:56


00:36:57 --> 00:37:01

See my parents in our household there were certain things symbolic

00:37:01 --> 00:37:05

of American like it's symbolized the bad thing. munchables,

00:37:05 --> 00:37:09

Lunchables munchables. Unless it was very special treat. I'll tell

00:37:09 --> 00:37:12

you what, my my parents considered certain things to be like, the

00:37:12 --> 00:37:15

worst of the worst of American like the rotten kids of America.

00:37:15 --> 00:37:19

Right, McDonald's. Because there were at the time, we didn't have

00:37:19 --> 00:37:22

the right we don't know any better. And kool aid was one of

00:37:22 --> 00:37:26

them. Like, never got that. My dad was into Burger King was fine,

00:37:26 --> 00:37:29

because he said it was like cooked like actual real like real cooked

00:37:29 --> 00:37:33

meat. Whereas McDonald's is trash. And then Coca Cola. Of course, he

00:37:33 --> 00:37:36

was a big fan, because that hit the Arab world. Coca Cola hit and

00:37:36 --> 00:37:37

they're all addicts.

00:37:40 --> 00:37:44

So, but I haven't literally have not touched one of these. I'm

00:37:44 --> 00:37:46

telling you in like ages. How did you get it?

00:37:47 --> 00:37:51

There's downstairs, someone must have brought them. Okay, what idea

00:37:51 --> 00:37:55

did love Uh huh. So this animal? If it's doing it, why can't we do

00:37:55 --> 00:37:55


00:37:56 --> 00:37:59

If the lion is an animal, and Allah created with that attitude

00:37:59 --> 00:38:03

for us to learn, how about the eagle eagle is another animal to

00:38:03 --> 00:38:06

love because the eagle there's no animal that actually

00:38:08 --> 00:38:13

seeks out the storm, except the eagle. Every other animal. Bird

00:38:13 --> 00:38:17

when it rains, it goes away, the eagle will fly around seeking out

00:38:17 --> 00:38:20

the storm. Why? Because it found a way to benefit from the storm. The

00:38:20 --> 00:38:25

State uses the storm for its favor in two ways. It goes above the

00:38:25 --> 00:38:26


00:38:27 --> 00:38:32

And the current of air pushes up in a storm. So it is allowed, it's

00:38:32 --> 00:38:36

allowed to rest its wings. It literally does nothing. It just

00:38:36 --> 00:38:39

holds its wings out. And the air will push the eagle up.

00:38:41 --> 00:38:45

And on top of that it the air will push the eagle up so high that it

00:38:45 --> 00:38:48

could get a view that it could never have gotten before. And it

00:38:48 --> 00:38:53

will get a view of the world that he could never get before.

00:38:54 --> 00:38:59

Isn't that an amazing metaphor? Like in the time of fitna, you do

00:38:59 --> 00:39:03

so little, when you're when Allah is testing you, you do so little,

00:39:03 --> 00:39:06

but you get a perspective that you would never have gotten before.

00:39:06 --> 00:39:09

That like an amazing analogy. Let me tell you another amazing

00:39:09 --> 00:39:13

analogy in the Chris that's why it said the creation, the intellect

00:39:13 --> 00:39:17

the book can never can contradict each other. And it's all analogies

00:39:17 --> 00:39:17

and lessons

00:39:19 --> 00:39:22

are owed. The old that we burn. Now there's a couple types of

00:39:23 --> 00:39:28

this. The first type of food is the sap. That's one thing.

00:39:29 --> 00:39:32

Frankincense it's very good as medicinal properties actually. The

00:39:32 --> 00:39:37

second type of owed is is the stuff that middle class people use

00:39:37 --> 00:39:41

every single day after dinner. And that is basically wood chips that

00:39:41 --> 00:39:45

are dunked in perfume. That's the stuff that we buy for 50 bucks. It

00:39:45 --> 00:39:47

lasts for like a month or half a month.

00:39:48 --> 00:39:51

But then there's the real deal. The stuff that you see in the

00:39:51 --> 00:39:55

Khadija homes in the cut eg stores in Mecca. It's a burning a

00:39:55 --> 00:39:59

darkness of a 24/7 and that is the actual real witch

00:40:00 --> 00:40:05

If that has been in, naturally infused now, let me tell you how

00:40:05 --> 00:40:10

it's been infused. This tree. It's only one type of tree that does

00:40:10 --> 00:40:15

this one or two. Tiger Woods. So how does this work? So I get an

00:40:15 --> 00:40:17

Agra wood tree I planted well, I have Oh no, you have a regular

00:40:17 --> 00:40:18

piece of wood.

00:40:20 --> 00:40:24

The environment around this tree makes it sick,

00:40:25 --> 00:40:31

and the tree is going to be killed by fungus. There is a fungus that

00:40:31 --> 00:40:34

Allah created to attack the Agra wood tree.

00:40:35 --> 00:40:40

Now that tree itself, though defends itself by releasing an

00:40:40 --> 00:40:40


00:40:41 --> 00:40:45

by releasing a response, like an immune system of a tree.

00:40:46 --> 00:40:50

That response mingled when it fights the fungus, and it kills

00:40:50 --> 00:40:51

the fungus.

00:40:53 --> 00:41:00

That antidote then makes the whole tree smell the way it smells.

00:41:01 --> 00:41:04

Right, and you don't smell it. Now, here's another analogy. So

00:41:04 --> 00:41:07

that's an analogy of Toba, isn't it? Allah subhanaw taala says

00:41:07 --> 00:41:09

Libyan I'm the Messiah. But if I'm going to shoot onto the group,

00:41:09 --> 00:41:13

either monsoon was it mean it means the believers if they are

00:41:13 --> 00:41:19

touched by an attack from Iblees, so that they make a mistake, good

00:41:20 --> 00:41:23

to the cuddle, they remembered that turn back to remembering

00:41:23 --> 00:41:26

Allah for either home mobile suit on and lo and behold, there now

00:41:26 --> 00:41:26

have insight.

00:41:27 --> 00:41:31

They're no better than they were before after their war with bliss.

00:41:32 --> 00:41:33

Here's another thing about

00:41:34 --> 00:41:41

the owed is also a metaphor for the moment. Is that on his own,

00:41:41 --> 00:41:44

you leave him on his own. There's no smell, it's just a piece of

00:41:44 --> 00:41:49

wood, you, you would not know anything from it. Neither does it

00:41:49 --> 00:41:51

look any amazing nor smell amazing.

00:41:52 --> 00:41:55

But you take it and you put it under the test, you put it in the

00:41:55 --> 00:41:59

fire, it releases the most amazing smell, and disappears and himself.

00:41:59 --> 00:42:02

So what is it a metaphor for the common Muslim who dies a murderer?

00:42:03 --> 00:42:08

Because the common Muslim, you don't benefit. There's no benefit

00:42:08 --> 00:42:12

from him. He's just living his life. But when he gets tested, he

00:42:12 --> 00:42:16

dies a martyr. So like this wood chip. So we can't say like, he's a

00:42:16 --> 00:42:19

metaphor of a scholar, because a scholar by himself is releasing

00:42:20 --> 00:42:25

benefit to the people. But the martyr is somebody whom is

00:42:25 --> 00:42:28

completely normal, living his life completely normally. But then he

00:42:28 --> 00:42:32

gets hit by cancer. And his response to the cancer inspires

00:42:32 --> 00:42:37

all community, or the whole family response. It gets inspired by his

00:42:37 --> 00:42:40

response, that type of person, that's the metaphor of the road.

00:42:41 --> 00:42:44

Let me tell you something else. That trials and tribulations This

00:42:44 --> 00:42:47

is an amazing dream. Eventually, someone we're gonna have to cut

00:42:47 --> 00:42:51

this out and make it its own clip because it's amazing dream. A

00:42:51 --> 00:42:52

woman in Egypt, she had a vision.

00:42:53 --> 00:42:59

She had a vision, and she was a farmer woman. Okay, very simple

00:42:59 --> 00:43:00


00:43:02 --> 00:43:05

Working in the forms of Egypt, she has a vision of the messenger of

00:43:05 --> 00:43:09

allah sallallahu wasallam. Someone says to her, Hey, go over there.

00:43:09 --> 00:43:13

The prophet is there. So she says, okay, definitely. She starts

00:43:13 --> 00:43:17

walking there. As she's walking. She sees a blind person reaching,

00:43:17 --> 00:43:21

trying to go where's the Prophet? Then she looks and she sees a man

00:43:21 --> 00:43:25

with no legs, pushing himself like this, to see the prophets of Allah

00:43:25 --> 00:43:28

Williamson. She sees he sees another person limping, that

00:43:28 --> 00:43:33

they're paralyzed from the side of their body, limping, dragging his

00:43:33 --> 00:43:37

foot to see the prophets of Allah when he was in another person

00:43:37 --> 00:43:37


00:43:39 --> 00:43:42

Like a burn victim. See the prophets I said, other people

00:43:42 --> 00:43:47

healthy. Okay, other people very rich, to see the Prophet sighs

00:43:47 --> 00:43:48

other people very poor.

00:43:49 --> 00:43:54

All sorts of like everything you can imagine. But stick what sticks

00:43:54 --> 00:43:59

in her mind are all these Miss Gaines there's so miskeen

00:44:00 --> 00:44:07

blind, deaf, mu, burn victim, all these things. Finally she reaches

00:44:07 --> 00:44:11

the messenger of allah sallallahu Heusen and she sits next to the

00:44:11 --> 00:44:12

Messenger of Allah.

00:44:13 --> 00:44:17

And she is a shitty Sharifah which means she's from lineage of Satan.

00:44:17 --> 00:44:21

Hesson. So she has the right to sit next to the messenger because

00:44:21 --> 00:44:24

that's her grandfather. And she sits right next to the prophets of

00:44:24 --> 00:44:24

Allah. Do you

00:44:26 --> 00:44:28

have to say that because some people may think that's not right.

00:44:29 --> 00:44:33

No does she's sitting firstly and all dreams, there's no idea and

00:44:33 --> 00:44:37

dreams, in the sense of the symbols of dreams. You don't say

00:44:37 --> 00:44:40

though this was haram or Hala? It's just a symbol but in this

00:44:40 --> 00:44:42

case, it's like a true dream. So she sits right next to the

00:44:42 --> 00:44:44

messages from ALLAH and he welcomes

00:44:46 --> 00:44:50

and she says, she's looking at all these people coming to the

00:44:50 --> 00:44:53

prophets of Allah when he was on them. And she feels bad for them.

00:44:54 --> 00:44:59

And she says La Surah buena Rahim is not our Lord merciful

00:45:00 --> 00:45:01

Prophet looks at says Bella,

00:45:03 --> 00:45:04

for sure he is merciful.

00:45:06 --> 00:45:10

She then says what about all these people there his believers?

00:45:11 --> 00:45:17

Blind, pushing himself because he has no legs, paralyzed, can't walk

00:45:17 --> 00:45:19

with and can't move. One leg in one arm.

00:45:21 --> 00:45:28

deaf, mute, burned poor. What about all these? Where's the

00:45:28 --> 00:45:28


00:45:29 --> 00:45:33

And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam response with the verse

00:45:33 --> 00:45:37

of Quran. Well, our him know him waka Seffner, mabie min min loader

00:45:38 --> 00:45:39

the lead up to the anemia Mahan

00:45:41 --> 00:45:45

if we had mercy upon Allah says, if we had mercy upon them, and

00:45:45 --> 00:45:50

remove this affliction from them, their destiny would have been to

00:45:50 --> 00:45:54

oppress in the land and seek from its pleasures until they committed

00:45:54 --> 00:45:55

sins that take them to the Hellfire

00:45:56 --> 00:46:00

the lead Jew, they would have gone without limits feed the Leanna him

00:46:00 --> 00:46:02

in their excessive Yama Hoon

00:46:05 --> 00:46:07

destroying their Accra.

00:46:08 --> 00:46:11

Who knows this, we don't know this. So I can't come to somebody

00:46:11 --> 00:46:15

says let me afflict you. So you can get better. Only from the

00:46:15 --> 00:46:21

definitions of man is that He alone can punish get or can

00:46:21 --> 00:46:24

afflict somebody, and his affliction is a mercy

00:46:27 --> 00:46:31

he can afflict somebody with a terrible,

00:46:32 --> 00:46:36

seemingly terrible thing now, but it's a mercy for his future. Why?

00:46:36 --> 00:46:40

Because Allah knows that if they were totally free from this

00:46:40 --> 00:46:42

affliction, they would have used their NEMA

00:46:44 --> 00:46:45

to do wrong

00:46:46 --> 00:46:49

well over him know whom aka chef and MLB him and maybe him and

00:46:49 --> 00:46:54

loader Lella jufeel biryani. Miang, unbelievable. Unbelievable.

00:46:55 --> 00:46:59

So this is affliction that they're on. It is the mercy

00:47:00 --> 00:47:02

when Allah sends an affliction, it's mercy.

00:47:04 --> 00:47:07

You may not see it right now and you may not like it, actually

00:47:07 --> 00:47:13

guaranteed you will not see it and you will not like it. But when

00:47:13 --> 00:47:16

we're afflicted with a tribulation, we have to actually

00:47:16 --> 00:47:22

insist as a matter of belief that there is so much good in this and

00:47:22 --> 00:47:25

now you have to become like a pearl diver looking for the

00:47:25 --> 00:47:31

goodness where's the goodness in this? Right? So that's that's an

00:47:31 --> 00:47:35

amazing lesson that came to this woman in a dream and Allah knows

00:47:35 --> 00:47:39

best that she may have been thinking that so Allah gave her

00:47:39 --> 00:47:40

the answer in his dream

00:47:41 --> 00:47:41


00:47:42 --> 00:47:43


00:47:45 --> 00:47:46

All right, so this animal

00:47:47 --> 00:47:52

goes straight into a war with no fear with a shaman and how not

00:47:52 --> 00:47:58

your very first will kill with Sanam were in the top Baja del Hye

00:47:58 --> 00:48:03

won at that era era halwa Main tab of Azhar what a woman coded auto

00:48:03 --> 00:48:09

Bobby had to know either the year at low now. We'll call him Bob her

00:48:09 --> 00:48:10

nurse will muster

00:48:14 --> 00:48:20

well Majutsu will idea tobacco Dhaba will call it alley. He'll

00:48:20 --> 00:48:25

Ibn Phil Hutch tatelman Ottawa LM was Danica. It's the camels that

00:48:25 --> 00:48:28

take us hatch, when it was delivered in a minute.

00:48:31 --> 00:48:34

Nonetheless, be worked out the better candidate will have us

00:48:34 --> 00:48:39

werfen Islami bedre will make no mana, mana Illa for us, and we

00:48:39 --> 00:48:43

only had two horses in better said and it says Zubayr. And with

00:48:43 --> 00:48:44

jejunal s words,

00:48:45 --> 00:48:49

forgive to call it a failed idea it will have the habit of an

00:48:49 --> 00:48:54

investor would sow the seed and it says no, no, no. What idea to

00:48:54 --> 00:48:58

double is not the horses in battle. It's the camels and hedge

00:48:58 --> 00:49:02

that take us from place to place. Right? So here's another animal

00:49:02 --> 00:49:08

that has a stamina and an ability that's beyond. So he said we only

00:49:08 --> 00:49:11

had two horses embedded and therefore the plural would not

00:49:11 --> 00:49:16

work. But you have to understand a rule in tafsir. Good to have seen

00:49:16 --> 00:49:21

it is about the language. And it is not restricted to the

00:49:21 --> 00:49:26

circumstance of Revelation. So anything that fits the language of

00:49:26 --> 00:49:31

what idea to love is a sound tafsir if not the circumstance of

00:49:31 --> 00:49:34

Revelation. So say nobody tells us here the circumstance of this

00:49:34 --> 00:49:38

revelation is the camels of hedge, not the horses of medicine. That's

00:49:38 --> 00:49:42

the circumstance but the Tafseer can go to anything that fits the

00:49:42 --> 00:49:47

bill, the language of Abraham Alebrije to be a woman nurse,

00:49:47 --> 00:49:53

learn equals Zeus Tenzin, memorize this at a Broto Alebrije means the

00:49:53 --> 00:49:59

lesson of tafsir the fruit of a tafsir the Omu a love is by

00:49:59 --> 00:50:00

whatever the

00:50:00 --> 00:50:05

Language suits, Larbey whistles at Tenzin not because of the specific

00:50:05 --> 00:50:08

reason it was revealed. So if someone says

00:50:10 --> 00:50:12

this verse was revealed for the kofod

00:50:14 --> 00:50:18

Well that's what why we said that without a look at 42 environments

00:50:18 --> 00:50:19

and without had a debate in Damascus

00:50:21 --> 00:50:26

and said Now with our he talks about the omad family, your family

00:50:26 --> 00:50:29

they're stealing from those account money from the tax money

00:50:29 --> 00:50:30

that's the almost money

00:50:31 --> 00:50:34

and he says to me, you're not spending it properly. And he cited

00:50:34 --> 00:50:41

the verse of Quran of you reckon he's gonna have in the neck mizuna

00:50:41 --> 00:50:43

dabba will fit though, those who hoard gold and silver.

00:50:45 --> 00:50:47

Wow, he said that was revealed about the Christians and the Jews.

00:50:48 --> 00:50:50

So that's also said Tenzin

00:50:51 --> 00:50:56

said, No, I will not have said it was revealed about them as a

00:50:56 --> 00:51:00

warning to us. Meaning Yes, it was revealed about them. But the

00:51:00 --> 00:51:05

warning applies to us. Right. So that's I brought to be our move. I

00:51:05 --> 00:51:08

love, love your associate Tenzin, you want to learn something

00:51:08 --> 00:51:13

technical? This is like a technical will solely interpret a

00:51:13 --> 00:51:15

very important thing because sometimes you say it's FCM says

00:51:15 --> 00:51:18

no, no, that's not the right of suit. We're not talking about

00:51:18 --> 00:51:21

associates and Z, we're talking about moving left, or moving left

00:51:21 --> 00:51:26

is what is a valid tafsir actually answers a question that a lot of

00:51:26 --> 00:51:26


00:51:28 --> 00:51:30

like it's not like the kuffaar believe any of this. So why are we

00:51:30 --> 00:51:33

told about the kofod and you know, that I think there's examples

00:51:33 --> 00:51:36

where Allah subhanaw taala addresses the kofod it makes sense

00:51:36 --> 00:51:39

that it's a warning to us so that we don't resemble them all of the

00:51:39 --> 00:51:44

speech to the kuffaar is not recited by the kuffaar Right. All

00:51:44 --> 00:51:50

the thought towards the kofod is is is not at all recited by them

00:51:51 --> 00:51:54

and if it's recited by them they don't believe in it for us.

00:51:57 --> 00:52:01

And moody Attica said I couldn't I thought what the heck were

00:52:01 --> 00:52:07

McCartan? Well Kelby saying it's the horses that even go through

00:52:07 --> 00:52:07


00:52:12 --> 00:52:18

Yeah, Neil Cody has cut Yep. Danna be however in with their hopes.

00:52:19 --> 00:52:20

They go through it

00:52:23 --> 00:52:27

or they they go through the fire of war

00:52:30 --> 00:52:33

Okay, so this is an image here of the horse going through war garden

00:52:33 --> 00:52:35

which I had was a didn't Aslam

00:52:37 --> 00:52:42

it is the idea that somebody had to cut her. It's the trickery and

00:52:42 --> 00:52:44

the plots of enemies.

00:52:46 --> 00:52:49

Yeah, I need the journal how macro regional.

00:52:53 --> 00:52:57

And mo Allah hillock the 100 Ilica. Formula OBrien Ilica by

00:52:57 --> 00:53:02

Muhammad niqab, a neuron touch demo, so it's the fire of plots or

00:53:02 --> 00:53:07

it's the literal burning heat of the sand or the rocks or the sun

00:53:07 --> 00:53:11

or, or the ground that the horses go over? Or it's the plotting of

00:53:11 --> 00:53:17

soldiers fed up with it. So the hub again the horses, so they

00:53:17 --> 00:53:19

before Sanya, I do

00:53:21 --> 00:53:25

Oh, that he'll be for Sanya. I do and the Saba.

00:53:26 --> 00:53:29

Okay, it's again the war horses going out in the morning.

00:53:30 --> 00:53:33

And auditor we said it's the camels

00:53:34 --> 00:53:39

that go out during hatch. So the idea of the Alapaha again is that

00:53:39 --> 00:53:43

some people said it's the horses at war. There's the camels at

00:53:43 --> 00:53:47

hedge but the dominant are saying it's the horses at war because the

00:53:47 --> 00:53:49

camels that hedge it's not like

00:53:51 --> 00:53:54

what's the risk that the camel is taking? Like what's the difference

00:53:54 --> 00:53:56

between a camel going from minutes and was dedica

00:53:57 --> 00:54:00

or from modified some was dead you know go from minutes was that if

00:54:00 --> 00:54:04

you go from modification was dead versus going across going from any

00:54:04 --> 00:54:07

other town to any other town like the camels doing the same thing?

00:54:07 --> 00:54:11

What's unique is horses and brother we could take a mule to do

00:54:11 --> 00:54:14

that job right? I can think of mule from modifieds and was

00:54:14 --> 00:54:19

dedicated to Mac to mechanism and etc. But no other animal goes

00:54:19 --> 00:54:21

toward the way the horse goes to work

00:54:24 --> 00:54:26

for us I don't have enough

00:54:35 --> 00:54:36

for something to be

00:54:41 --> 00:54:45

found to be Nakara means it leaves traces of dust behind it. And

00:54:45 --> 00:54:48

that's actually one of the beauty of watching a horse is to actually

00:54:48 --> 00:54:50

see the trace of dust that it leaves behind it

00:54:52 --> 00:54:55

fell itself gonna be he GEMA a duck Allah was

00:54:57 --> 00:54:59

the horses they get in the middle fo a something IV Gemma

00:55:00 --> 00:55:06

What's up? They get in the middle of the war when the when they in

00:55:06 --> 00:55:10

mesh. You ever watched those movies? Man? It really clicked the

00:55:10 --> 00:55:14

line? Yeah, the Calvary is cavalry opens it up.

00:55:15 --> 00:55:20

And you know, how do you handle the in the olden days, the same

00:55:20 --> 00:55:25

way that any youth today knows how to do a pick and roll. Okay, any

00:55:25 --> 00:55:29

youth knows how to set a pick, okay, and then move move around to

00:55:29 --> 00:55:32

and then dump it to the guy whose defender was picked.

00:55:33 --> 00:55:37

That is not a pick and roll, right? So every all youth knows

00:55:37 --> 00:55:40

how to do this. All youth who play football don't know how to do a

00:55:40 --> 00:55:41

slant pass.

00:55:43 --> 00:55:46

Which is basically like you go off on an angle, and then you cut back

00:55:46 --> 00:55:51

in so your defenders behind you. Okay. So people know how to do

00:55:51 --> 00:55:54

these things, because they know that but in the old days, what

00:55:54 --> 00:55:55

were they doing?

00:55:56 --> 00:56:01

Okay. In the old days, they used to know, basic war strategies. So

00:56:01 --> 00:56:05

what is the basic war strategy by which so many people won their

00:56:05 --> 00:56:10

battles? All right. And so I had Dean was an absolute expert at it.

00:56:11 --> 00:56:15

And the Romans were experts at this. If you've ever faced

00:56:17 --> 00:56:21

horses coming at you, if they bring the cavalry at you, okay?

00:56:21 --> 00:56:25

The cavalry is coming this way. And your soldiers are here. What

00:56:25 --> 00:56:28

do you do? How do you defeat this? You don't take them the cavalry

00:56:28 --> 00:56:30

head on, what you do

00:56:31 --> 00:56:36

is what they called the feigned retreat. And that is start acting

00:56:36 --> 00:56:39

chaotically and yelling chaotically, then half the tube

00:56:39 --> 00:56:43

goes this way, half goes this way, you look like you're running away.

00:56:44 --> 00:56:46

And then very quickly, you turn around,

00:56:48 --> 00:56:53

you wrap around them. Okay? That's the famous play called The feigned

00:56:53 --> 00:56:57

retreat. It was something they do in war. And what they would do is

00:56:57 --> 00:57:00

they would literally invite it. So that as they're in meshing like

00:57:00 --> 00:57:03

this, I don't know how to show the audience, you're imagining like

00:57:03 --> 00:57:04


00:57:05 --> 00:57:08

After a while, when you want to finish this battle off quickly,

00:57:09 --> 00:57:12

you start to, to fall back, fall back, fall back, fall back, and

00:57:12 --> 00:57:16

they're coming in, coming in coming in. And then your guys lap

00:57:16 --> 00:57:17


00:57:18 --> 00:57:22

And usually, there should be horsemen waiting on these edges

00:57:24 --> 00:57:25


00:57:26 --> 00:57:30

and then you get on those horses, and you wrap around. Okay, so that

00:57:30 --> 00:57:33

was the famous strategy. And now you sandwich because not all of

00:57:33 --> 00:57:37

you represent half of you rep. So a quarter of you go to the right

00:57:37 --> 00:57:41

quarter of you to the left and half of you stay. That half that

00:57:41 --> 00:57:45

stays are very important. Because they're going to keep them

00:57:45 --> 00:57:48

attracted. They're going to keep the other enemy coming and killing

00:57:48 --> 00:57:52

us, right fighting us rope a dope. But then all of a sudden, those

00:57:53 --> 00:57:56

those troops come around the back and sandwich.

00:57:57 --> 00:58:01

This was something like a pick and roll like a slant. Every coach

00:58:01 --> 00:58:04

uses a slant every has everyone does this land, just how good you

00:58:04 --> 00:58:08

are. Now, how did the Romans do it? Well, the Romans had, if they

00:58:08 --> 00:58:13

had a chance, when they were able to do this, what they did was that

00:58:13 --> 00:58:18

the infantry, the first phase that they would do is they would try to

00:58:19 --> 00:58:24

thin out the opposing army with what they called *. I don't

00:58:24 --> 00:58:27

know what the Roman word for * was. But it was basically the the

00:58:27 --> 00:58:28

arrows on fire.

00:58:29 --> 00:58:34

And they would rain * down on the enemy. Oh, that's where it

00:58:34 --> 00:58:39

comes from? Oh, yeah. Yep, rain enemy. This is old. So thin them

00:58:39 --> 00:58:43

out first. That's the first step. Then once the battle in meshes,

00:58:43 --> 00:58:47

the infantry will do a little bit of damage, right. But once the

00:58:47 --> 00:58:50

infantry starts to thin out, the infantry is the guy on feet.

00:58:51 --> 00:58:52

They all break.

00:58:53 --> 00:58:58

They all go backwards. When they break the, what the Romans did

00:58:58 --> 00:59:02

have, when they were able to do it was that they would have all of

00:59:02 --> 00:59:06

their cavalry hidden. The other enemy opponent doesn't even know

00:59:06 --> 00:59:10

that their cavalry is there. And as they pull in, pull in, pull in.

00:59:10 --> 00:59:14

Alright, then the cavalry comes in. Now, what the Romans would try

00:59:14 --> 00:59:19

to do is to pull into a downward Valley. So those infantry men,

00:59:19 --> 00:59:22

they're sack they're sacrificing themselves, right? They're

00:59:22 --> 00:59:25

literally like taking the blow like a rope a dope, but they're

00:59:25 --> 00:59:28

going downhill and fighting someone come against them uphill.

00:59:28 --> 00:59:31

But what does that mean? That means when the cavalry comes from

00:59:31 --> 00:59:32

the back,

00:59:33 --> 00:59:36

they will be coming downhill on people who will turn around and

00:59:36 --> 00:59:40

see a horse uphill. And then that's finished. It's all over the

00:59:40 --> 00:59:44

cat that cavalry. They're basically coming in. It's like,

00:59:44 --> 00:59:48

like, like Mariano Rivera, three strikes and you're out this game's

00:59:48 --> 00:59:52

over. Right? They wipe them away. And that's how the Romans that was

00:59:52 --> 00:59:56

basically like, Roman conquest one on one. You that's what you did.

00:59:57 --> 01:00:00

You only went away from that. If

01:00:00 --> 01:00:02

You had to do something else, right? You don't you only want

01:00:02 --> 01:00:05

away from that. If there was something different about the

01:00:05 --> 01:00:10

land, or something different about the enemy. Right, so this is a

01:00:10 --> 01:00:13

very basic way to how they used to when everyone knew about this,

01:00:13 --> 01:00:17

then why is it so? Effective? So

01:00:18 --> 01:00:23

certain things. Okay. Michael Jordan is backing up on you. You

01:00:23 --> 01:00:24

know what's coming?

01:00:25 --> 01:00:30

You can stop it. Right? Alright, Brady has Gronkowski and Edelman.

01:00:31 --> 01:00:34

You know what's coming? You're not stopping it? Right? It's about

01:00:34 --> 01:00:35

doing it well.

01:00:36 --> 01:00:40

And if you did it, well, that means you hit your cavalry. That's

01:00:40 --> 01:00:43

first thing. Also, you don't know which direction they're going to

01:00:43 --> 01:00:45

come from. Right? Or when they're coming. And when they're coming.

01:00:45 --> 01:00:48

And when you have some some rudimentary tribes, they don't

01:00:48 --> 01:00:52

have scouts. They don't have the ability. So it's a numbers game, a

01:00:52 --> 01:00:55

numbers game. That's why they say words figured out now. Yeah. But

01:00:55 --> 01:00:57

like, now we have cyber warfare and everything like that. But

01:00:57 --> 01:01:00

before it was kind of cut and dry, it's pretty cut droppers. Whoever

01:01:00 --> 01:01:04

has Yeah, became a resource scheme. Yeah. And then and you

01:01:04 --> 01:01:08

also have to know that, in the old world, if you go into a fight up

01:01:08 --> 01:01:12

to the Nordic people, or something, they might not. Not all

01:01:12 --> 01:01:15

their soldiers will be educated on this. So just because a few

01:01:15 --> 01:01:18

generals know it, is gonna be chaos in the ranks, like when if

01:01:18 --> 01:01:22

50% of your guys don't have a clue what's going on? Right? And only

01:01:22 --> 01:01:26

50% Do know what's going on the 50 cake, you can't control it, right?

01:01:27 --> 01:01:30

So you're out of you're completely out of it. And that's how they

01:01:30 --> 01:01:33

basically did it. And you only went away from that. There was an

01:01:33 --> 01:01:36

amazing fight actually, between the French and the British, one

01:01:36 --> 01:01:42

time, olden days, okay. The old days were the French heavily

01:01:42 --> 01:01:44

outnumbered a British faction.

01:01:46 --> 01:01:50

And the French at that time, were armored from top to bottom. Like,

01:01:50 --> 01:01:52

how do you fight them? Every time you hit the guy, you stabbed the

01:01:52 --> 01:01:54

guy, it hit metal.

01:01:55 --> 01:02:01

So one guy was really, really smart. And he just waited, and

01:02:01 --> 01:02:02

waited and waited and waited.

01:02:04 --> 01:02:08

And he picked the land that was a valley. And he waited to the rain.

01:02:09 --> 01:02:12

As soon as it rains, that's when we're gonna fight. Okay, and we're

01:02:12 --> 01:02:16

going to take off all of our armor. And we're going to split up

01:02:16 --> 01:02:17

into little groups.

01:02:19 --> 01:02:23

And then once we get these guys with their armor to come into the

01:02:23 --> 01:02:27

mosh pit, they're gonna slip. Yeah, they're gonna do they're

01:02:27 --> 01:02:29

gonna get back up. Did you have your backup? And so you just get

01:02:29 --> 01:02:34

them in, boom, neck into the you go right? For the little gap,

01:02:34 --> 01:02:39

right? So Noah says he's familiar with this. Right? So that was a

01:02:39 --> 01:02:42

good one. That was a great strategy. See, I like the old

01:02:42 --> 01:02:46

Strategies of War. You know why? It's comprehensible? Right, right.

01:02:47 --> 01:02:49

I don't like the new strategies because you know, what's going on

01:02:49 --> 01:02:52

what's going on? Right? You really don't know what's going on. Like,

01:02:52 --> 01:02:54

no one can say, Oh, this happened and this happened. And this

01:02:54 --> 01:02:58

happened. It's almost like it asked an IT person when he does,

01:02:58 --> 01:02:58


01:02:59 --> 01:03:02

You ask an IT person when he doesn't eat, you're gonna get

01:03:02 --> 01:03:04

gibberish. I like to ask a

01:03:06 --> 01:03:09

gynecologist. What do you do to treat women? podiatrist? What do

01:03:09 --> 01:03:10

you do? Fix feet?

01:03:11 --> 01:03:14

Chef, what do you do? Cook food? Teacher, what do you do teach

01:03:14 --> 01:03:15


01:03:16 --> 01:03:21

Like three words, two words. But war today, it's not like that you

01:03:21 --> 01:03:23

can't put in there was a game plan and boom, this happened. And that

01:03:23 --> 01:03:28

happened. I was it. So. So another question. Yeah. Bring your mic

01:03:28 --> 01:03:33

closer a little bit. You know, bring it closer, the Romans versus

01:03:33 --> 01:03:36

or the Persians? They were vastly out, you know, they vastly

01:03:36 --> 01:03:40

outnumbered the Muslims. And the Arabs there. It's like they're a

01:03:40 --> 01:03:44

bunch of tribes. Yeah. But I would have to imagine like that they

01:03:44 --> 01:03:48

weren't very organized. So we know that Allah gave the Arabs and the

01:03:48 --> 01:03:52

Muslims still. But were the Arabs skilled at this type of warfare as

01:03:52 --> 01:03:54

well? Or did they kind of just figure it as they went along? Know

01:03:54 --> 01:03:58

the Arabs were not skilled in warfare, they were not trained in

01:03:58 --> 01:03:59

warfare. They were not a people of warfare.

01:04:01 --> 01:04:05

And they didn't have a history before this of warfare, except the

01:04:05 --> 01:04:08

petty stuff amongst themselves. So how did the prophets of Allah who

01:04:08 --> 01:04:10

it was setting them organized them in times of war you organized by

01:04:10 --> 01:04:13

your family, because you're gonna want to protect your family. So

01:04:13 --> 01:04:15

when the Prophet came into conquest of Mecca,

01:04:17 --> 01:04:19

and before that, he set the precedent, we're going to put

01:04:19 --> 01:04:22

these people with their family, tribe by tribe, you would think,

01:04:22 --> 01:04:26

Oh, we're all Muslims, right? No, that's in life. But in war, you

01:04:26 --> 01:04:29

want to protect your family, and you know, your tribe, and you

01:04:29 --> 01:04:33

respect your leaders. So if we're going to war for example, imagine

01:04:33 --> 01:04:35

all of us are going to work and then they just like put Ryan you

01:04:35 --> 01:04:38

go with this got people from South Carolina, you go with people from

01:04:38 --> 01:04:41

Chicago. Nowadays, I don't even know who you are. Right. Right.

01:04:41 --> 01:04:45

But if we all came to war, and the Chicago communities with their

01:04:45 --> 01:04:48

immense right New Jersey communities with our because we

01:04:48 --> 01:04:51

already live together, right? We already listened to the chain of

01:04:51 --> 01:04:54

command. There's already a chain of commands here. We talk about it

01:04:54 --> 01:04:58

all the times. Yeah, leaders like yo, if we're in a war, what role

01:04:58 --> 01:04:59

are you gonna play? Yeah,

01:05:00 --> 01:05:01

We're always talking about it.

01:05:02 --> 01:05:05

We got to plan for it, we got to plan for what I talked with Maliki

01:05:05 --> 01:05:10

click, like, some kind of breakdown of society, where we're

01:05:10 --> 01:05:14

gonna need to come together as a gank. So then he comes in and the

01:05:14 --> 01:05:16

province I sent him I was one thing that the Prophet

01:05:16 --> 01:05:19

established. Another thing that could have been what he did was

01:05:19 --> 01:05:22

all psychological warfare. So for example, the night before a war,

01:05:23 --> 01:05:26

one of the wars he saw there, the scouts told him, You vastly

01:05:26 --> 01:05:29

outnumbered. So kind of unwieldy and he said, every soldier

01:05:30 --> 01:05:34

got laid off a different fire. And he had them spending, you know,

01:05:34 --> 01:05:39

the bulk of the night, lighting fires for like, all the way

01:05:39 --> 01:05:42

across. Right? So a fire you imagine there's like 20 Guys

01:05:42 --> 01:05:47

huddled around a fire, right? So when every guys is lighting a

01:05:47 --> 01:05:50

fire, and they look out at night, and they see the whole horizon is

01:05:50 --> 01:05:54

covered with different fires. They imagine it's that he brought

01:05:54 --> 01:06:00

sometimes extras, make noise, just make noise, like hit stuff, bang

01:06:00 --> 01:06:04

stuff. So at nighttime, you see fires, and you hear noise

01:06:05 --> 01:06:11

in the daytime, now, the light has exposed you right? So what does he

01:06:11 --> 01:06:15

do? He gets extras, kick up dust. For all the across the horizon,

01:06:15 --> 01:06:16

kick up dust.

01:06:18 --> 01:06:21

He did another one. He would go and he would

01:06:24 --> 01:06:29

have people have his soldiers leave the battlefield, change

01:06:29 --> 01:06:35

their armor, and were brand new armor and then come back. They'll

01:06:35 --> 01:06:38

think that reinforcements have come, right. He used all these

01:06:38 --> 01:06:42

mental tricks to make up for the numbers. Right? And most of his

01:06:42 --> 01:06:46

Wars was never had on attack. So you fight in two different ways,

01:06:47 --> 01:06:50

right? If you have the power, you just do a head on attack, is why

01:06:50 --> 01:06:55

Allah subhanaw taala loads on the Omo PME brings the King who lied.

01:06:55 --> 01:06:58

Why do you need to lie? Right? You can add on attack. Why do I need

01:06:58 --> 01:07:02

to lie to you? I'm stronger than you. Right? The king who lies is

01:07:02 --> 01:07:05

something is out of place here. Right? Why do you need to lie when

01:07:05 --> 01:07:09

you're the king? You could just cut my neck off. Right? So.

01:07:11 --> 01:07:14

So that's the head on attack. Now if you're weaker, you have to

01:07:14 --> 01:07:17

fight by like attrition. Right? And that is guerrilla warfare.

01:07:17 --> 01:07:19

Yeah, you have to nip at the edges. And I would imagine the

01:07:19 --> 01:07:21

Arabs were good at this because this is what they did to each

01:07:21 --> 01:07:24

other. That's what they do each other. So kind of nip at the

01:07:24 --> 01:07:28

edges. nip at the edges, right? Just keep NiP. They can't, they

01:07:28 --> 01:07:31

can't concentrate you on you in one area. So you'd like in 12

01:07:31 --> 01:07:34

different areas. How do you see you have to break up your army.

01:07:35 --> 01:07:38

And so he would nip nip nip nip nip away, and that's how you

01:07:38 --> 01:07:41

achieve anything big if you want. If you're a small person, small

01:07:41 --> 01:07:45

resources, I mean, and you want to do something big, you can't go on

01:07:45 --> 01:07:50

ahead on attack, you have to nip at the edges, until slowly, you've

01:07:50 --> 01:07:53

built up something for yourself. Or slowly you've you've narrowed

01:07:53 --> 01:07:58

away the the big mountain that you're trying to attack. If you

01:07:58 --> 01:08:02

can nip like this is this sounds crazy, but it's true. If you have

01:08:02 --> 01:08:04

a mountain in front of you, and you got a hammer, that's all you

01:08:04 --> 01:08:04


01:08:05 --> 01:08:11

logically speaking, if you can break one in one square inch of

01:08:11 --> 01:08:13

the mountain and render it into dust, you can destroy the whole

01:08:13 --> 01:08:16

mountain just a matter of time, right? And then you teach one

01:08:16 --> 01:08:20

other person to do the same thing. And it's just a matter of time. So

01:08:20 --> 01:08:23

that's how they that's all kind of been relieved for and maybe you

01:08:23 --> 01:08:25

know one of these things. It'd be a great series to do his battles,

01:08:25 --> 01:08:28

his strategies, but someone's got to analyze the strategy, not just

01:08:28 --> 01:08:30

that he won and he won. Okay.

01:08:31 --> 01:08:36

So that's in terms of battle and warfare in Al Insana lira Biella

01:08:36 --> 01:08:40

canoed now he goes into the lessons to the above to the human

01:08:40 --> 01:08:46

being, oh human being, like a * look like a fool, Jehovah Lena

01:08:46 --> 01:08:51

Mila. You're ungrateful. Or the biller from being ungrateful or

01:08:51 --> 01:08:53

wounded, beloved, from being ungrateful. You know, the one of

01:08:53 --> 01:08:57

the signs that your Eman is increasing, is that your view of

01:08:57 --> 01:09:01

NEMA is no different. Right? Because and this is something I

01:09:01 --> 01:09:05

think all of us can get good at, for the simple reason that we are

01:09:05 --> 01:09:08

interacting with the football all the time.

01:09:09 --> 01:09:15

And we fast if there's a sliver of meat against you, in your plate, I

01:09:15 --> 01:09:18

mean, that's a massive nema. If you woke up in the morning, and

01:09:18 --> 01:09:23

you looked, you have to really consider that nema. If you walk I

01:09:23 --> 01:09:27

remember one time studying a class in science I had to do as an as a

01:09:28 --> 01:09:34

mandatory part of science, a study of diseases. What do you call the

01:09:34 --> 01:09:38

study of diseases? Isn't not Videology epidemiology study of

01:09:38 --> 01:09:42

all the different diseases now we got to the chapter on the diseases

01:09:42 --> 01:09:42

in the womb.

01:09:44 --> 01:09:48

The amount of the defects that could happen. It's a miracle

01:09:48 --> 01:09:52

anyone's born normal. When you read the number of default, if

01:09:52 --> 01:09:56

this you would imagine everyone has something exactly. If this

01:09:56 --> 01:09:59

genetic sequence is touched, boom, you can't see if this one isn't

01:09:59 --> 01:10:00


01:10:00 --> 01:10:04

Have no nose. Oh, if this one you're paralyzed, right if this

01:10:04 --> 01:10:09

one your skin it's unbelievable how many oh if the woman in in

01:10:09 --> 01:10:13

ingests too much of this chemical, and her body is predisposed to

01:10:13 --> 01:10:17

this boom, if demand this that in the other, his sperm is all jacked

01:10:17 --> 01:10:21

up and boom. He has anyone born normal, right? It's unbelievable

01:10:21 --> 01:10:25

is to show us the Rama that Allah has with us. When you when I look

01:10:25 --> 01:10:26

around, sometimes I look around at

01:10:28 --> 01:10:31

people and you see somebody with, let's say,

01:10:32 --> 01:10:34

their arm is paralysed.

01:10:35 --> 01:10:36

And he's 20 years old.

01:10:38 --> 01:10:42

What a biller that fell on his head. Unbelievable. You start

01:10:42 --> 01:10:45

asking him Hola, hola. Let us enjoyed this Chifa that you've

01:10:45 --> 01:10:47

given us like this.

01:10:49 --> 01:10:51

I fear I fear from sickness.

01:10:52 --> 01:10:55

mean if you don't wake up and realize how lucky we are not to be

01:10:55 --> 01:10:59

sick, not to have had an accident of someone who perfectly healthy

01:10:59 --> 01:11:03

had an accident. You see some of the accidents are senseless. It's

01:11:03 --> 01:11:05

not like self inflicted.

01:11:06 --> 01:11:09

There was a guy recently in South Brunswick. His job is to

01:11:11 --> 01:11:14

hedge What are you trim the hedges? The guy's trimming some

01:11:14 --> 01:11:21

hedges for some reason or other. He crouches maybe to fix his

01:11:21 --> 01:11:22

hedger, you know that hedger

01:11:23 --> 01:11:27

just like, was dangerous, right. It's like a piece of plastic. And

01:11:27 --> 01:11:30

it's hedging up all the weeds and everything. I don't know sometimes

01:11:30 --> 01:11:34

that gets stuck in the weeds. So he's got to bend down and fix it.

01:11:35 --> 01:11:40

While he's bending down to fix it on the edge of I think it was

01:11:40 --> 01:11:44

George's road. He's bent down fixing the hedges, fixing his

01:11:44 --> 01:11:45


01:11:46 --> 01:11:52

A girl is texting and driving. She smashes his spine, snaps his spine

01:11:52 --> 01:11:55

kills the guy. Right? Other causes, of course, he hit his

01:11:55 --> 01:11:59

head. But he was crouched down what and she's texting while

01:11:59 --> 01:12:03

driving. At that moment, his head, your head to be fixed at that

01:12:03 --> 01:12:06

moment. She's turning the bend at that moment someone texts her.

01:12:07 --> 01:12:12

And she just railroads the guy. If he if he had survived his spine

01:12:12 --> 01:12:13

would have been snapped.

01:12:15 --> 01:12:18

But he hit his head as well. And he's dead. And this guy, he's got

01:12:18 --> 01:12:21

six kids too. That's why it hit the news. She was found guilty,

01:12:21 --> 01:12:21


01:12:23 --> 01:12:29

Hispanic. And she was found guilty. She's 18 years old. Like

01:12:29 --> 01:12:32

her life is not going to be the same anymore. of people like cut

01:12:32 --> 01:12:37

out the pitchforks, right? She should be. You know, first of all,

01:12:37 --> 01:12:43

explain to me what jailing an 18 year old putting her in jail is

01:12:43 --> 01:12:46

going to do for those six kids and that wife? How's it beneficial?

01:12:47 --> 01:12:50

Okay, Punisher. I think they're gonna give her several years in

01:12:50 --> 01:12:55

jail. But let's say punish her punishment with let's say, six to

01:12:55 --> 01:12:58

a year in jail just to feel the hardship fine.

01:13:00 --> 01:13:05

But then again, what she actually did we all do, are you gonna all

01:13:05 --> 01:13:07

tell us lie and so you don't text while you're driving.

01:13:08 --> 01:13:13

So it's not like she went and did something so irresponsible. She

01:13:13 --> 01:13:15

did something we all do. She just happened to just do it at the

01:13:15 --> 01:13:18

wrong time. And in the wrong way, it's a reminder to us, it's a

01:13:18 --> 01:13:21

reminder, we shouldn't do. So let's say she gets punished for a

01:13:21 --> 01:13:24

year to scare everyone from the here's my punishment.

01:13:26 --> 01:13:27

As long as these kids are alive,

01:13:28 --> 01:13:29


01:13:32 --> 01:13:37

after you hit a million bucks, you will work and your salary

01:13:38 --> 01:13:43

is gonna go to them. All you're gonna get is enough to is the bare

01:13:43 --> 01:13:49

bone market of rent. 500 bucks a month for a single bedroom. And

01:13:49 --> 01:13:54

200 bucks for food. 100 bucks for gas. That's all you're gonna get.

01:13:55 --> 01:14:02

You get to keep one to $2,000 Beyond that, you're working. And

01:14:02 --> 01:14:04

that money is gonna go to them because it's involuntary. As he

01:14:04 --> 01:14:06

says involuntary manslaughter, but they're putting you in jail.

01:14:07 --> 01:14:11

They're the DIA is so much better. So much better. It's so inhumane.

01:14:11 --> 01:14:14

Yeah, you're putting a girl 18 year old girl. Yeah, who was you

01:14:14 --> 01:14:17

know, probably lived a pretty high class life, you know, middle class

01:14:17 --> 01:14:20

or something? Most likely, yeah. And now you're putting her into

01:14:20 --> 01:14:23

jail or into prison with everyone else? What do you think is gonna

01:14:23 --> 01:14:26

happen to her? Yeah, you really, you know, it's her fault, but you

01:14:26 --> 01:14:31

still feel bad for Yeah, it's so sad. So so it's gotta be jail to

01:14:31 --> 01:14:36

me is useless. Let them work. She's 18 She lives with her dad,

01:14:36 --> 01:14:40

let her dad pay as well. Because DIA is by the tribe. It's paid by

01:14:40 --> 01:14:45

the tribe. Right? So let the entire family start coughing.

01:14:45 --> 01:14:50

Because you know what that does? Let's say if one of my kids went

01:14:50 --> 01:14:52

any damage to property,

01:14:53 --> 01:14:55

and they said, Well, you're paying for it. Well, I know he doesn't

01:14:55 --> 01:14:58

have money. Guess who the court is gonna come to come to me. Guess

01:14:58 --> 01:14:59

what I'm gonna do when we get home. All right.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:03

I'm paying for your stupidity, right for your mistake. All right,

01:15:03 --> 01:15:06

come, let's see, I'm gonna have to deal with them, right? My emotions

01:15:06 --> 01:15:10

towards that person, the emotions of the tribe towards the criminal,

01:15:11 --> 01:15:13

is what's going to fix them up because they're gonna be pissed.

01:15:13 --> 01:15:16

We got to pay the deal because of your stupidity, right.

01:15:18 --> 01:15:19


01:15:24 --> 01:15:29

And as I've always said, We got to just bring back lashes brings so

01:15:29 --> 01:15:32

much easier. And we all see you limping around. And we all learn

01:15:33 --> 01:15:35

well, life. There's a guy texting and driving, and he's limping

01:15:35 --> 01:15:38

around. I'm not going to text drive probably for a week. Every

01:15:38 --> 01:15:40

time I see someone limping around, I'm not going to text and drive.

01:15:40 --> 01:15:43

By the way. There's a there's there's a strong case even in the

01:15:43 --> 01:15:46

Western system. Yeah, there's a good book, I think it's called the

01:15:46 --> 01:15:50

case for flogging. It's a it's a book written by like Western legal

01:15:50 --> 01:15:54

scholars. Yeah. You know, capital punishment isn't really all that

01:15:54 --> 01:15:58

bad as it is this controversial for me to say? No, right? Yeah,

01:15:58 --> 01:16:01

like a lot of people. They, they see it as a very viable system.

01:16:01 --> 01:16:05

Yeah, I think it's very viable. It's economically viable. It's,

01:16:05 --> 01:16:10

you're, you're also You're warning other people, especially if you if

01:16:10 --> 01:16:15

they're public. Some people should watch the lashes. Okay.

01:16:16 --> 01:16:20

They should watch it. And we all get to see the guy limping around.

01:16:20 --> 01:16:23

Right now you're a kid and you're going to sell drugs.

01:16:25 --> 01:16:28

And the cool kid above us and teaching you how to sell drugs

01:16:28 --> 01:16:32

then that cool kid gets arrested. If he disappears into jail that's

01:16:32 --> 01:16:36

like cool to in some places go to jail, like graduate school. But if

01:16:36 --> 01:16:37

he comes back

01:16:38 --> 01:16:42

right and his butt hurts we all make fun of him and he's laughing

01:16:42 --> 01:16:44

and all of a sudden I don't want to do drugs anymore. I'm getting

01:16:44 --> 01:16:45

you know made fun of

01:16:47 --> 01:16:50

so we got to be able to see this. Okay.

01:16:52 --> 01:16:56

And then some of these people why are we keeping them alive? What is

01:16:56 --> 01:16:59

the point of a life sentence explain that. No, that's why keep

01:16:59 --> 01:17:04

you alive. Man. Yeah, he Okay. Joker kills the he does genocide

01:17:04 --> 01:17:07

on an entire portion of the town. Yeah, put him in Arkham Asylum

01:17:08 --> 01:17:11

destroyed the city. Yeah, now you're putting all of these guys

01:17:11 --> 01:17:14

in the same place. Oh, yeah. You know that mentioned beginning that

01:17:14 --> 01:17:17

life penalty for not killing these guys. Exactly. You put them all

01:17:17 --> 01:17:20

these and they get that's graduate school and how to be a better

01:17:20 --> 01:17:23

criminal. Listen if I ever would have ever been that we asked

01:17:25 --> 01:17:32

if I had to go to jail. Okay, I must you have to join a gang in

01:17:32 --> 01:17:37

jail. Okay, you have to to survive. Okay, unless it's like

01:17:37 --> 01:17:41

one of these mediocre community jails but if you go to a real jail

01:17:42 --> 01:17:46

you have to join a gang so you have to become bad and to join

01:17:46 --> 01:17:49

these gangs you got to do some bad you have to kill somebody right

01:17:49 --> 01:17:54

for us to turn Salafi. I would probably have to Hey, send me the

01:17:54 --> 01:17:55

bin Best Books real quick.

01:17:57 --> 01:18:00

Right now you have a collect call they'll they'll respect you

01:18:00 --> 01:18:03

because you're Arab and then Yeah, as long as they don't look me up

01:18:03 --> 01:18:03

on youtube

01:18:05 --> 01:18:09

I'm gonna be like everyone else. What I'm gonna have to do is try

01:18:09 --> 01:18:12

to do something so crazy to be put into solitary confinement. Yeah,

01:18:12 --> 01:18:15

right? Because I go to jail and like Newark or something like

01:18:15 --> 01:18:19

that. And I hope that they don't see know who I am. I'm going to be

01:18:19 --> 01:18:22

have to you're gonna get a collect call from me. Send me the PDF

01:18:22 --> 01:18:25

refutations of everyone. I need to memorize it and say it for the

01:18:25 --> 01:18:31

safe take my save my life with all the selfie getting in jail. But

01:18:31 --> 01:18:34

your Grom is trying to transform that topic is trying to transform

01:18:34 --> 01:18:39

that and get like some I had Asuna teachings in these jails. Because

01:18:39 --> 01:18:43

right now it's all hardcore. Hardcore medically Wahhabi

01:18:43 --> 01:18:44

salaries, right?

01:18:46 --> 01:18:51

Well, God has an order the outdoor masa blends in Subhan Allah who is

01:18:51 --> 01:18:54

an incidental canoed like Inuit, you're

01:18:55 --> 01:19:00

good like this. Hudson says, The one who forgets his name.

01:19:01 --> 01:19:06

And he remembers his fitna. He remembers all the tribulations. So

01:19:06 --> 01:19:10

45 years old. Yes. How you doing? Well, for the last five years I've

01:19:10 --> 01:19:14

had diabetes. Okay, but you are okay for 40 years, right.

01:19:17 --> 01:19:23

For databind al says Al Canute and Levy and set hula elkus Allah,

01:19:23 --> 01:19:29

Allah Haider minute Isa, Al Hassan Al kizi Rahman, Al SN, that one

01:19:29 --> 01:19:33

problem, one bad thing makes him forget all the good things.

01:19:34 --> 01:19:36

You have to be in a state of goodness in order to receive a

01:19:36 --> 01:19:40

tribulation, right? Like, sometimes I say to myself,

01:19:41 --> 01:19:47

I run a business. I'm so overwhelmed by the work in this

01:19:47 --> 01:19:51

business or in this organization. And I'm upset. You know what, I

01:19:51 --> 01:19:55

always remind myself, you're you have so much NEMA to even have an

01:19:55 --> 01:19:58

organization to even have a business

01:19:59 --> 01:19:59


01:20:00 --> 01:20:04

compliant complaining about the one side effects of being too busy

01:20:05 --> 01:20:08

we're in know Allah that he got us a heads which means

01:20:10 --> 01:20:16

we're in Allah Allah county he can do the nessa Lhasa hit Shaden that

01:20:16 --> 01:20:23

inner who Allah is witnessing this okay and if Nick case and says

01:20:24 --> 01:20:29

but the hat the pronoun is Roger idle insane enough say that he

01:20:29 --> 01:20:34

himself admits he himself admits he isn't in grid right

01:20:35 --> 01:20:40

when no yeah and insert enough so because the next if we know the

01:20:40 --> 01:20:44

hug Bill hydrilla said eat he loves goodness so much he loves

01:20:44 --> 01:20:49

money he loves food he loves horses like we all love food cars

01:20:49 --> 01:20:51

that favor general Goodness

01:20:52 --> 01:20:53

Oh buddy man

01:20:57 --> 01:20:59

when newly humble Hady lucha de

01:21:02 --> 01:21:03

la Alamo either both of them I

01:21:06 --> 01:21:08

do not know what

01:21:09 --> 01:21:11

a filet Alamo elaborate syrup method.

01:21:12 --> 01:21:14

You don't know what's in the grave. That's going to be used

01:21:14 --> 01:21:18

someday. So cool it down a little bit on the hug bit dunya

01:21:20 --> 01:21:25

Habiba Corbin ma prophesy Sam said love what you love with with make

01:21:25 --> 01:21:27

it tempered a little bit. Why? Because you're going to separate

01:21:27 --> 01:21:33

from it for in for INEC and Wilfredo you are one day going to

01:21:33 --> 01:21:33


01:21:34 --> 01:21:35

separated from it

01:21:38 --> 01:21:42

and it also may be the cause of your pain someday. I have been

01:21:42 --> 01:21:45

heavy because I have been Massa any Hakuna Dukkha Yeoman man love

01:21:45 --> 01:21:50

your beloved with with temperance one day I might become your enemy

01:21:50 --> 01:21:53

so cool it a little bit on these emotions

01:21:54 --> 01:22:00

well selama for pseudo then all of what's in your chest of secrets

01:22:00 --> 01:22:01

will be revealed

01:22:02 --> 01:22:05

I'm telling you want to know if

01:22:07 --> 01:22:09

you if your dean is good

01:22:10 --> 01:22:14

would you publicize? And would you have a problem if your computer

01:22:14 --> 01:22:16

was hacked and exposed all your search history

01:22:17 --> 01:22:21

if all your search history would be exposed to everybody

01:22:22 --> 01:22:23

and a hack

01:22:24 --> 01:22:25

would you lose sleep

01:22:27 --> 01:22:31

right that's what hustler Mathis salute what's hidden in your chest

01:22:32 --> 01:22:36

in other words your secret deeds all exposed just think about that

01:22:36 --> 01:22:38

for a second your search history

01:22:41 --> 01:22:42

in the bone beam

01:22:44 --> 01:22:45

your Lord

01:22:46 --> 01:22:50

as though he knows that things cackling in the mic

01:22:53 --> 01:22:55

you just see him at a cafe to him.

01:22:57 --> 01:23:00

Alright, so that's the end of Susheela yet basic tafseer from

01:23:00 --> 01:23:01

Sedna Al Imam

01:23:03 --> 01:23:03

Ali Baba, we

01:23:05 --> 01:23:05


01:23:08 --> 01:23:10

all right open QA time.

01:23:18 --> 01:23:24

All right, open go now to your open QA. And let's take everything

01:23:24 --> 01:23:28

by the way. I as I said do not send in a QA while I'm talking.

01:23:28 --> 01:23:32

You guys could comment all you want. But I may I will not be

01:23:32 --> 01:23:36

looking until now at the queues so if you put a question in the past,

01:23:37 --> 01:23:41

put it again here. And I'll open up the Insta

01:23:42 --> 01:23:43

and see what's going on

01:23:45 --> 01:23:47

my selfie friends will not be happy

01:23:48 --> 01:23:49

to see my

01:23:50 --> 01:23:53

that means most probably it's good then

01:23:54 --> 01:23:55

your search history

01:24:00 --> 01:24:05

Ibrahim, what happens if someone looks at a woman? Mistakenly their

01:24:05 --> 01:24:09

eye and their gaze goes where it shouldn't be? You make up for it

01:24:09 --> 01:24:13

by looking at something good. Okay, such as for example, Tila

01:24:13 --> 01:24:14


01:24:15 --> 01:24:16

right? Look at something good.

01:24:18 --> 01:24:22

I wouldn't lose sleep if my search history was exposed. How to Make

01:24:22 --> 01:24:26

Your Pakistani mother happy, despite trying for three decades.

01:24:27 --> 01:24:28


01:24:31 --> 01:24:35

some people they their life circumstances are tough, but they

01:24:35 --> 01:24:38

don't know how to turn off their toughness. That's a problem with a

01:24:38 --> 01:24:40

lot of people. So for example, there could be a single woman

01:24:40 --> 01:24:40


01:24:42 --> 01:24:45

And that single woman has to raise five kids. I just saw a single

01:24:45 --> 01:24:50

woman raise seven kids. All of them are like good, they're good.

01:24:51 --> 01:24:53

Mashallah, they're good kids. How does she do that?

01:24:54 --> 01:24:56

Clearly with some toughness, right

01:25:00 --> 01:25:05

offense, but you need so much toughness. Sometimes you can't

01:25:05 --> 01:25:08

turn it off. And when you can't turn off that toughness

01:25:09 --> 01:25:09


01:25:11 --> 01:25:14

like you become hard to deal with in other situations. Not saying

01:25:14 --> 01:25:15

that's hurt but in general

01:25:17 --> 01:25:19

another brother says you please your Pakistani adoption with

01:25:19 --> 01:25:20


01:25:21 --> 01:25:24

text any mother by pleasing you're becoming a doctor. That makes

01:25:24 --> 01:25:27

sense. Question for you all I'm

01:25:30 --> 01:25:34

gonna say here kit Orion, could you read me the incident because

01:25:34 --> 01:25:38

it's just not coming up here? It's being annoying. So as Ryan is

01:25:38 --> 01:25:40

going to read me what's going on in Instagram?

01:25:43 --> 01:25:43


01:25:44 --> 01:25:46

you can see it can probably pop out.

01:25:48 --> 01:25:52

I'm gonna try again. Right. What about that button? Open comments?

01:25:54 --> 01:25:57

All right. In the meantime, is there ever justice without

01:25:57 --> 01:25:57


01:25:59 --> 01:26:04

Justice is one way to do things. The other Oh, great job. Again,

01:26:04 --> 01:26:07

what was it? Yeah, then

01:26:09 --> 01:26:11

there's forgiveness. And then there's the middle course, which

01:26:11 --> 01:26:12

is compensation.

01:26:14 --> 01:26:18

All three of them are different types of justice. Meaning that

01:26:18 --> 01:26:23

it's finished the case. The case is closed. All right, let's go to

01:26:23 --> 01:26:26

the first question that we see on the Insta go up a little bit of a

01:26:26 --> 01:26:29

pop up on our minds opposite.

01:26:31 --> 01:26:34

Someone said to me, I see events over the weekend. MBI sees our

01:26:34 --> 01:26:37

local community events if and it's a local masjid and we had a lot of

01:26:37 --> 01:26:40

community events. For example, we had more marriage event. I didn't

01:26:40 --> 01:26:41

see I was there though.

01:26:42 --> 01:26:44

I saw a lot of other brothers been and see.

01:26:46 --> 01:26:50

I went because the picnic was after. Right? Yeah, I heard there

01:26:50 --> 01:26:53

was a lot of confusion about that. Well, there were like, why was it

01:26:54 --> 01:26:56

that the marriage event and now everyone is coming from the

01:26:56 --> 01:26:58

marriage event? Name Tags? Yeah.

01:26:59 --> 01:27:00

The Picnic.

01:27:02 --> 01:27:06

Picnic was right after the marriage event. Okay. And all the

01:27:06 --> 01:27:10

marriage event had, you know, the name tags. And

01:27:11 --> 01:27:15

I think some people got were interested in each other. Kyla

01:27:15 --> 01:27:19

White says can I avail myself in a way that I keep my hijab cap on to

01:27:19 --> 01:27:22

get a facial by a female non Muslim at the station? Yes, you

01:27:22 --> 01:27:23


01:27:25 --> 01:27:29

Please make dua that I get married soon. Strangest, come to the

01:27:29 --> 01:27:30


01:27:32 --> 01:27:33

A lot of people get married on apps these days to

01:27:36 --> 01:27:39

me, Daddy, what do you say you got married on an app.

01:27:40 --> 01:27:44

Our husband says if something is not halal, but it makes you closer

01:27:44 --> 01:27:45

to Allah.

01:27:48 --> 01:27:51

And we make dua for it. Does that mean Allah wants us to get that

01:27:51 --> 01:27:51

set thing.

01:27:54 --> 01:27:58

For example, you love a woman, she's not halal for you.

01:27:59 --> 01:28:03

But your love for her keeps making you make dua to Allah and begging

01:28:03 --> 01:28:05

Allah Tada, I'm going to be at your doorstep forever to marry

01:28:05 --> 01:28:09

this woman who will die out and live or die on the doorstep of

01:28:09 --> 01:28:12

Allah you'll be good to go. Right? That's the only way I can

01:28:12 --> 01:28:16

understand his question to make sense. Right? Something right now

01:28:16 --> 01:28:17

for me is not highlighted for me.

01:28:18 --> 01:28:21

But I love it so much. I'm gonna be at the Door of Allah to Allah

01:28:21 --> 01:28:25

guess what you might find being at the Door of Allah to be more sweet

01:28:25 --> 01:28:26

in your heart than this woman.

01:28:27 --> 01:28:30

And if it's the reverse scenario can be the reverse to be a man to

01:28:31 --> 01:28:32

woman who loves a man.

01:28:33 --> 01:28:37

So just cyclists right? This is this is what I personally love.

01:28:37 --> 01:28:42

That's what's gonna fill my heart. So I will camp out for the rest of

01:28:42 --> 01:28:47

my life in front of the Door of Allah Tala. That's it. And if I

01:28:47 --> 01:28:50

either Allah is gonna give it to me, or I die upon this, that's it.

01:28:54 --> 01:28:57

Can a person enter Islam by merely saying the shahada without

01:28:57 --> 01:28:59

possessing knowledge of the Six Pillars of iman?

01:29:01 --> 01:29:05

When a person says the word Islam there are certain understood

01:29:05 --> 01:29:05

things in that

01:29:06 --> 01:29:11

namely, that the book of Muslims is the Quran, the prophet is

01:29:11 --> 01:29:15

Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam that there is an afterlife, and that

01:29:15 --> 01:29:22

God is one. So the shahada comes with those known by necessity

01:29:22 --> 01:29:23

things God

01:29:25 --> 01:29:28

comes with that. I have a question. Yep, with the Hadith

01:29:29 --> 01:29:33

chef era, where like the last person to be saved from the Shiva

01:29:33 --> 01:29:36

or the Prophet sallallahu Sallam someone who said the shahada one

01:29:36 --> 01:29:41

time does this imply believing in it or like if someone's like, you

01:29:41 --> 01:29:44

know grandma's passing away and he's like get it applies believing

01:29:44 --> 01:29:48

it? Because what is he meant is defined as by a shadow

01:29:50 --> 01:29:56

does not have color. You have to believe it. Can a woman get a body

01:29:56 --> 01:29:59

massage by a female non Muslim was Seuss

01:30:00 --> 01:30:03

The answer is yes. But she could not reveal her outro

01:30:05 --> 01:30:09

cutting does not even convert, does not get circumcised except by

01:30:09 --> 01:30:10

himself or his wife.

01:30:11 --> 01:30:15

If a guy converts and let me tell you a funny story, this is the gel

01:30:15 --> 01:30:15

of people.

01:30:18 --> 01:30:21

A woman and I had a classmate and sauces Moroccan.

01:30:22 --> 01:30:25

He comes out to he says my dad wants to talk to you blue collar

01:30:25 --> 01:30:28

Moroccan family, really great people. Alright, what's going on?

01:30:30 --> 01:30:35

He talks to me he says that his daughter has his sister has fallen

01:30:35 --> 01:30:39

in love with an American British guy from college. Now show us how

01:30:39 --> 01:30:42

teach this British guy Islam so you can become Muslim. I met the

01:30:42 --> 01:30:46

guy he's a really nice guy. And he genuinely accepted Islam. used to

01:30:46 --> 01:30:49

work in the cinema business. holding the mic, you know, the guy

01:30:49 --> 01:30:52

who's hold the mic. He was actually that guy. boom operator.

01:30:53 --> 01:30:53

All right.

01:30:55 --> 01:30:59

Now the from the from, I have to say this is John. But it's he's an

01:30:59 --> 01:31:02

innocent man. He's an older man. He had one obsession.

01:31:03 --> 01:31:03


01:31:06 --> 01:31:10

I still teach them in it to teach them Dean. Let him learn Salah

01:31:10 --> 01:31:14

sick, how can he be a real Muslim without being circumcised?

01:31:15 --> 01:31:16


01:31:17 --> 01:31:20

And he wants the guy to go to the hospital to get circumcised. Well,

01:31:20 --> 01:31:24

guess what? Haram? Who wants this? The father, the father of the

01:31:24 --> 01:31:24


01:31:25 --> 01:31:28

Can you be a real Muslim without being circumcised? Like Islam was

01:31:28 --> 01:31:32

not about circumcision. He should not be circumcised because that

01:31:32 --> 01:31:36

would entail revealing your outer for a non necessary reason to a

01:31:36 --> 01:31:39

stranger. And we don't do that. So if you want to be circumcised, you

01:31:39 --> 01:31:42

get the in home kit from Amazon.

01:31:45 --> 01:31:49

Your wife spray you down, okay? All right, probably better off

01:31:49 --> 01:31:52

when you're sleeping. Because if your wife is touching you, it

01:31:52 --> 01:31:56

might not be possible anymore. All right. And then have her

01:31:56 --> 01:32:00

circumcise you don't do not try this at home. And this is not an

01:32:00 --> 01:32:03

endorsement for that behavior. But that's the only way that you can

01:32:03 --> 01:32:10

circumcise yourself. Or you do it yourself. Okay? Get some big What

01:32:10 --> 01:32:13

do you call it? We call it being in Arabic numbering.

01:32:14 --> 01:32:18

You get some numbing, learn how to use it in the right way and don't

01:32:18 --> 01:32:22

put too much you might be numb for more than then you want. Alright,

01:32:22 --> 01:32:27

so you numb yourself. And it's literally a device. It's a

01:32:27 --> 01:32:31

machine. I've seen it happen to my son, my baby because that's that's

01:32:31 --> 01:32:35

allowed that as a baby. It's basically like a device. It's

01:32:35 --> 01:32:39

almost looks like a cooking device. And you peel the skin and

01:32:39 --> 01:32:43

then you cut around it like you're cutting like a mango. Right? Got a

01:32:43 --> 01:32:46

mango like this. There's two ways to eat mangoes right the right way

01:32:46 --> 01:32:51

to eat a mango is to cut to get it vertically and cut it horizontally

01:32:51 --> 01:32:52

take the top off

01:32:54 --> 01:33:00

so that's how they do it. Okay, and that would be the right way

01:33:00 --> 01:33:05

for a convert to get circumcised right you or your wife that's it

01:33:05 --> 01:33:06

there's no other option

01:33:09 --> 01:33:11

I like come on multiple times.

01:33:13 --> 01:33:15

This this topic circumcision

01:33:17 --> 01:33:21

we had another hilarious thing at eight oh a woman I think she's

01:33:21 --> 01:33:22


01:33:34 --> 01:33:39

Pakistani woman she wants to buy her kid I eat outfit. Good. She

01:33:39 --> 01:33:43

buys her kid to eat outfit and the

01:33:48 --> 01:33:51

poor Noah got him cotton got himself put in five minute penalty

01:33:51 --> 01:33:53

for saying mango cutting for conference.

01:33:56 --> 01:34:00

Hopefully Ryan forgives you earlier than he then she buys her

01:34:01 --> 01:34:05

her kid a beautiful Turkish aid outfit. The poor get gets saved

01:34:05 --> 01:34:10

all the Turks are cracking up. It was a circumcision outfit. Right?

01:34:10 --> 01:34:14

Because in Turkey in Morocco in all the Arab world, they wait

01:34:14 --> 01:34:18

until the kids immune system gets stronger. And they circumcised the

01:34:18 --> 01:34:24

kid at age 878 when the immune system strong because there's so

01:34:24 --> 01:34:28

much infection in the old days in the in the current times. There

01:34:28 --> 01:34:31

isn't good. So that's why they do them right in the hospital to do

01:34:31 --> 01:34:33

it right away. And then

01:34:35 --> 01:34:39

when it comes to other kids in the old world, they would have to do

01:34:39 --> 01:34:41

it when the kids seven eight and there's a special party

01:34:41 --> 01:34:45

circumcision parties. They still have them till today. All right,

01:34:45 --> 01:34:49

and he was wearing a circumcision. All the Turkish people just

01:34:49 --> 01:34:49

cracking up.

01:34:52 --> 01:34:55

I always thought that toppika happen after the circumcision. I

01:34:55 --> 01:34:57

thought there were really no article for us in the medical

01:34:57 --> 01:34:59

methods in the first seven days and you pass out the meat

01:35:00 --> 01:35:03

I'd like to hear that qurbani, you don't do a party and the medical

01:35:03 --> 01:35:06

method has to be the seventh day. I'll be in Unilever. What should

01:35:06 --> 01:35:10

the wife do in this case? Does she have the right to divorce? What if

01:35:10 --> 01:35:14

he's not circumcised? Oh, there's a question of the sorry about

01:35:14 --> 01:35:15

that. Albanian River.

01:35:17 --> 01:35:23

She's the mother of the groom gets a call on the wedding night. All

01:35:23 --> 01:35:26

right, Albanian River. It says on Instagram. What about a husband?

01:35:26 --> 01:35:27

He enters a slum?

01:35:29 --> 01:35:32

Okay, because the wife became Muslim first. But he's not

01:35:32 --> 01:35:35

practicing or learning the basics of deen and has been two years.

01:35:35 --> 01:35:39

That is grounds for divorce. If he doesn't pray, it is grounds for

01:35:39 --> 01:35:39


01:35:46 --> 01:35:50

What his motivation says artists men to do salatu Hajra.

01:35:52 --> 01:35:55

Well, the best motivation of all is think good of Allah and His

01:35:55 --> 01:36:01

generosity. Look how much Allah has given us. All right. Without

01:36:01 --> 01:36:06

asking, imagine that if you asked the generous person that imagine

01:36:06 --> 01:36:06


01:36:07 --> 01:36:12

Imagine you're at home, and you're studying. And your mom, she sends

01:36:12 --> 01:36:19

you a plate of nuts, then ice ginger ale, then, okay. What is

01:36:19 --> 01:36:21

what is mm say? Go back, go back. Mm.

01:36:23 --> 01:36:23


01:36:25 --> 01:36:27

What does that? Retract? What?

01:36:30 --> 01:36:33

What? I just described how it's done.

01:36:34 --> 01:36:35

What was that was nothing wrong with that?

01:36:36 --> 01:36:40

Yeah, he's fine. You could give him? Yeah. But without there was

01:36:40 --> 01:36:43

what did we say about that? Nothing. Just so you how it's

01:36:43 --> 01:36:46

done. There's a device that you use that put the skin over it and

01:36:46 --> 01:36:50

you cut. And you you have to numb it. It's nothing wrong with that.

01:36:50 --> 01:36:55

Right? So what I was saying, imagine now that you're studying,

01:36:55 --> 01:36:58

your mom gives you some nuts, then she gets you an iced ginger ale,

01:36:59 --> 01:37:03

then she makes you some fries, all to encourage you to study right?

01:37:04 --> 01:37:07

At that moment. If you ask your mother for something, is she gonna

01:37:07 --> 01:37:12

give it to you? She's being so generous to you. Right? So

01:37:12 --> 01:37:15

likewise, Allah has already been so generous to us. Okay.

01:37:17 --> 01:37:21

So when you imagine if you asked what you what you would be given,

01:37:21 --> 01:37:23

but just people just don't ask. And if they ask, they don't

01:37:23 --> 01:37:27

believe that's the problem. And if they ask and believe they don't

01:37:27 --> 01:37:29

have patience, you have to have patience. You're gonna have to go

01:37:29 --> 01:37:32

through the school of Subhan Allah will put you through the school if

01:37:32 --> 01:37:32


01:37:40 --> 01:37:41

All right.

01:37:44 --> 01:37:45

The music question.

01:37:49 --> 01:37:51

Sophia and ma'am are like planning,

01:37:52 --> 01:37:52


01:37:55 --> 01:37:58

If you live in an area where Muslims are not organized, they

01:37:58 --> 01:38:01

come and go to the masjid and there are some Arabic and Quran

01:38:01 --> 01:38:02

classes for kids. And that's it.

01:38:04 --> 01:38:04


01:38:05 --> 01:38:07

Yeah, you're gonna have to go outside. Where should someone

01:38:07 --> 01:38:10

start to create a community of like minded Muslims, for the kids

01:38:10 --> 01:38:14

to hang out? Look for the shield? Even if you have to drive far, but

01:38:14 --> 01:38:18

you drive maybe once a year, once every few months? Good.

01:38:21 --> 01:38:21

All right.

01:38:26 --> 01:38:29

Dino says, go back to dinos.

01:38:30 --> 01:38:33

Some people said just rent your if you're you said you're not elite

01:38:33 --> 01:38:37

stay there. You're not a leader. Oh, stay there.

01:38:38 --> 01:38:41

What's going on? Every time a new comment? Oh, a new comment. I

01:38:41 --> 01:38:45

thought Ryan's going up and down. I was like, alright, so no, I

01:38:45 --> 01:38:51

mean, a person cannot be a leader in a field. If they have no action

01:38:51 --> 01:38:55

upon, for example, in politics, like my personal thing is I'm not

01:38:55 --> 01:38:56

even going to touch it.

01:38:57 --> 01:39:01

Alright, so you'll find some other political leaders. I think it's a

01:39:01 --> 01:39:04

lost game either way. But that doesn't mean that we don't try

01:39:04 --> 01:39:08

something. Right. Try something else. So in that field?

01:39:09 --> 01:39:12

No, I'm not a leader in that field. If someone says no, I don't

01:39:12 --> 01:39:15

do that. Well, I just teach technical subjects of FIP and

01:39:15 --> 01:39:19

Dean. All right, then in Dowa, you're not a leader in teaching

01:39:19 --> 01:39:21

nakida and 50s. You may be a leader, you see the difference?

01:39:22 --> 01:39:25

Right. So in certain subjects, you may not be a leader, there are

01:39:25 --> 01:39:30

people who are leaders in the field of Hello loans.

01:39:32 --> 01:39:37

They're the ones who deserve to be that right to be they're the

01:39:37 --> 01:39:40

leaders in that field, even if they're not leaders in other

01:39:40 --> 01:39:40


01:39:42 --> 01:39:44

How do I make up Miss prayers that I can't even know Right? you

01:39:44 --> 01:39:49

estimate the amount of time overestimate it. And then you for

01:39:49 --> 01:39:52

that many number of years. You pray every obligatory prayer twice

01:39:52 --> 01:39:55

and you don't pray any sooner. No, no effort, except if you've prayed

01:39:55 --> 01:39:57

your makeup prayers for the day.

01:40:09 --> 01:40:12

You intentionally Miss prayers you have to make a major Toba. Of

01:40:12 --> 01:40:14

course, now you don't make forgiveness and that's it, you

01:40:14 --> 01:40:15

need to make them up.

01:40:17 --> 01:40:20

You still it's a debt to Allah. Like, I didn't pay my rent, man,

01:40:20 --> 01:40:23

I'm sorry, I didn't pay my rent on time. Forgive me. Okay, forgive

01:40:23 --> 01:40:25

you still pay the rent, right?

01:40:27 --> 01:40:29

Is there a difference between like,

01:40:30 --> 01:40:34

a club and like a sin? Like, for example, like, you know, the

01:40:34 --> 01:40:38

definition of Florida versus is that if you don't do it, then you

01:40:38 --> 01:40:41

have less of a POB on you. Yeah. Is that different than being

01:40:41 --> 01:40:44

sinful? Meaning that on the Day of Judgment, is it a different thing

01:40:44 --> 01:40:48

for me? Like you know, each prayer is it going to be on my skills or

01:40:48 --> 01:40:50

it's it's completely different than the good deeds and the bad

01:40:50 --> 01:40:53

deeds? I don't know if that question kind of makes sense.

01:40:53 --> 01:40:58

You're not doing an obligation is a sin right? Yeah. It's absence on

01:40:58 --> 01:41:03

your skill is sin sinful so like how weighty is opposition to me

01:41:03 --> 01:41:07

like like what I mean by that is that there's no like numerical

01:41:07 --> 01:41:10

value that we can put forward versus doing indefinitely right

01:41:10 --> 01:41:15

because if I was always out with So how exactly to like do we kind

01:41:15 --> 01:41:18

of do that? Do what like that kind of calculus you know what I mean?

01:41:20 --> 01:41:24

For missing a foot right missing an effort has no sense right?

01:41:24 --> 01:41:29

missing the forest versus not like we're doing the haram? Oh, well,

01:41:30 --> 01:41:34

this debate is what is worse, missing a foot or doing a haram?

01:41:35 --> 01:41:39

Many said doing a haram is worse. Why? Because when ethics also can

01:41:39 --> 01:41:39


01:41:40 --> 01:41:43

doing Haram is worse than missing a foot because when ethics can

01:41:43 --> 01:41:48

share and doing foot, right, but when effort will not worry about

01:41:48 --> 01:41:54

Allah's wrath and sins, or they said for good, or just physical

01:41:54 --> 01:41:58

taxing on the body, but avoiding sins is a temptation of the neffs

01:41:59 --> 01:42:02

so that is a harder fight and Allah knows best about that. But

01:42:02 --> 01:42:05

we know that nothing salah is the most important thing like missing

01:42:05 --> 01:42:07

Salah would be the worst of all things

01:42:09 --> 01:42:13

because the first thing we're asked about is Scylla

01:42:15 --> 01:42:16

on Instagram

01:42:20 --> 01:42:23

What if I'm not sure I missed a photo do not you'd have to

01:42:23 --> 01:42:28

consider it to be missed? Unless it's was was Caitlin you set a low

01:42:28 --> 01:42:30

put us through the school of subject can we ask for lots of

01:42:30 --> 01:42:33

bring each other quicker? Yes, we are allowed to say hola my

01:42:33 --> 01:42:37

gentlemen for lunch. I Jill bill for lunch make it come quick. We

01:42:37 --> 01:42:42

were allowed to say that. Because complaining that we're we need

01:42:42 --> 01:42:46

Eliza to come quickly is an expression of our weakness and our

01:42:46 --> 01:42:49

trust in Allah as a savior. So it's actually a good thing to do.

01:42:50 --> 01:42:55

New Yeah, he says if a woman in her early 60s cannot stay awake to

01:42:55 --> 01:42:59

pray I should after 10 Because she works at 3am Can she combine

01:42:59 --> 01:43:01

prayers or just you have to slug it out

01:43:06 --> 01:43:10

you can't combine prayers as a regular practice, right?

01:43:12 --> 01:43:14

You can't combine prayers as regular practice

01:43:15 --> 01:43:18

supports if he decided or let's say an organization can it be

01:43:18 --> 01:43:23

sadaqa on behalf of deceased or does it have to be a gift you can

01:43:23 --> 01:43:27

give any gifts on behalf of a deceased Muslim and intend that

01:43:27 --> 01:43:29

that financial gift be for them?

01:43:31 --> 01:43:32

The reward goes to them

01:43:34 --> 01:43:37

your next question? What is mmm saying lately? Right.

01:43:38 --> 01:43:41

I didn't find it to be inappropriate. Maybe different

01:43:41 --> 01:43:42


01:43:43 --> 01:43:45

People have different tastes about these things but

01:43:46 --> 01:43:47

describing it

01:43:51 --> 01:43:52


01:43:54 --> 01:43:58

mom has to go I come sit down to everybody to her. She says that

01:43:58 --> 01:44:01

I'm gonna come to every what are some minor what is minor ship

01:44:01 --> 01:44:05

besides showing off? A really cool guy is asking about showing off. I

01:44:05 --> 01:44:06

guess that's the irony. But

01:44:08 --> 01:44:13

if you show off in the worldly sense, show off your car showing

01:44:13 --> 01:44:18

off your NEMA have the worldly sense that is never shipped. Or

01:44:18 --> 01:44:18


01:44:20 --> 01:44:23

Okay, and um says fine, it wasn't inappropriate. Thanks.

01:44:24 --> 01:44:27

Oh, that's someone else saying that. Oh, okay. It wasn't okay.

01:44:27 --> 01:44:29

No, bro. I mean look, it's stuff stuff is up for opinion. No

01:44:29 --> 01:44:32

problem. Mmm could have his opinion. That's no problem. We

01:44:32 --> 01:44:35

don't usually do these types of things. But the subject itself is

01:44:35 --> 01:44:37

sort of funny. But

01:44:39 --> 01:44:44

showing your stuff off of your worldly things is never shit.

01:44:44 --> 01:44:49

cordrea is always it's merely just bad manners and bad character.

01:44:49 --> 01:44:54

schicke and Viet what should as it's called the lesser ship or via

01:44:56 --> 01:44:59

is doing an act of worship to Allah subhanaw taala

01:45:00 --> 01:45:04

For the sake of other people's benefit, sorry for the sake of

01:45:04 --> 01:45:07

other people giving you something such as their attention, or their

01:45:07 --> 01:45:13

praise for other than Allah. So that means if loss is to worship

01:45:13 --> 01:45:15

Allah hoping for reward from nobody but him.

01:45:18 --> 01:45:23

Hajra says when we have to make dua at the time of rain, for

01:45:23 --> 01:45:26

example, because one of the times of E Jabba Allah answers prayer

01:45:26 --> 01:45:27

when you make dua while it's raining.

01:45:29 --> 01:45:32

Is it enough to read the DUA of Musa? Or do we make any personal

01:45:32 --> 01:45:36

you make any dua that enters your mind that makes you feel excited?

01:45:39 --> 01:45:44

Is a person sinful if his pants go below the ankle? No, it doesn't

01:45:44 --> 01:45:49

say pants. The hadith says the undergarments, which is the the

01:45:49 --> 01:45:55

thobe, or the wrap. And the reason was that in the old times, that

01:45:55 --> 01:45:57

was actually a way of showing off.

01:45:59 --> 01:46:01

If you look at all the old Roman movies, they're dragging their

01:46:01 --> 01:46:05

job. So that was something very specific in that old world to drag

01:46:05 --> 01:46:06

your thobe.

01:46:07 --> 01:46:11

But pants, everyone wears pants at that normal length, and that does

01:46:11 --> 01:46:14

go bypass the ankle. And so that's not what it entails.

01:46:15 --> 01:46:19

Because the internet for that is with the intent of showing off.

01:46:20 --> 01:46:23

That's the we have a direct proof of that from the prophets of Allah

01:46:23 --> 01:46:25

when he was salam who was asked by saying that I'm a Christian.

01:46:27 --> 01:46:33

I'm thin and my Izzat falls past my ankles. The Prophet said, but

01:46:33 --> 01:46:36

you don't do it for showing off. Okay, so the prophets I said to

01:46:36 --> 01:46:40

put the Illa that you're doing it for Kibber and rehab, or keeper

01:46:40 --> 01:46:44

and, and that kind of showing off.

01:46:46 --> 01:46:46

All right.

01:46:49 --> 01:46:52

Lead says non Muslim guidelines aren't lifted when it comes to

01:46:52 --> 01:46:56

dealing with the elderly. There is flexibility with the elderly. Yes,

01:46:56 --> 01:47:01

there is when someone is very old. For example, there's an old

01:47:01 --> 01:47:04

grandma, I can shake your hand and give her a hug. Right like a seven

01:47:04 --> 01:47:09

year old woman. She touches your Yeah, she Yeah. Yeah, those like

01:47:09 --> 01:47:13

old old grandma. Let's say she's walking across the street. I can

01:47:13 --> 01:47:17

walk her street walk her down the Mr. There is a lot of leniency

01:47:17 --> 01:47:17


01:47:20 --> 01:47:22

But now what about

01:47:23 --> 01:47:28

I think that there is there's more leniency of the old woman than the

01:47:28 --> 01:47:33

old men. There. I haven't seen that be treated the old man to the

01:47:33 --> 01:47:39

young woman. But I have seen it from the old woman to the I mean,

01:47:40 --> 01:47:43

I said give her a hug. Maybe that's an excess walk across the

01:47:43 --> 01:47:47

street, something like that. Things like that. There is room

01:47:47 --> 01:47:50

for that. Maybe that was excessive, say that give her a

01:47:50 --> 01:47:52

hug, but walk her across the street or something.

01:47:56 --> 01:48:00

But for an older man and a young woman, no, he's still he may still

01:48:00 --> 01:48:03

have desire. So there's nothing changes between the older man and

01:48:03 --> 01:48:07

the younger woman. But there is a change for the older woman.

01:48:11 --> 01:48:15

Um, what is your comment? Mm set a comment? Oh, so I think what he

01:48:15 --> 01:48:18

was basically saying was that he said he just said it was

01:48:18 --> 01:48:19


01:48:21 --> 01:48:25

Oh, I said it's a Senate to get circumstance. Oh, I say no. I

01:48:25 --> 01:48:27

think what everyone was laughing about is the idea of someone's

01:48:27 --> 01:48:31

circumcising himself. Right? Or his wife circumcised? That's like

01:48:31 --> 01:48:35

a sort of a funny visual, but no, of course, it's, it's, it's a

01:48:35 --> 01:48:38

wonderful man. He's right about that. He's 100% right about or she

01:48:38 --> 01:48:42

I don't know if it's he or she. Of course, circumcision is sunnah

01:48:43 --> 01:48:46

that separates us from everyone else.

01:48:47 --> 01:48:51

If you make a mistake in the second surah, of Salah says chief

01:48:51 --> 01:48:56

Latif, do you restart this Allah or prayed sujood of forgetfulness?

01:48:56 --> 01:49:01

Only if your mistake involves reciting out loud versus silent.

01:49:02 --> 01:49:06

But if it's a mistake of recitation, such as you said

01:49:06 --> 01:49:11

something like, wrong in the verse then No, you do not do so Judas.

01:49:11 --> 01:49:16

So, for a mistake of Tila you make a mistake if you make the Judas so

01:49:17 --> 01:49:23

if your did the out loud, silently or the silent out loud.

01:49:26 --> 01:49:30

Mm says I'm a brother and we hope we don't have beef. No, we don't

01:49:30 --> 01:49:33

have beef when someone cares about the Sunnah, and says, don't make a

01:49:33 --> 01:49:35

joke about so no, of course we don't make a joke about the

01:49:35 --> 01:49:40

Sunnah. Maybe the way that people do it, in the sense of you know,

01:49:40 --> 01:49:44

the costumes are circumcised himself, but no, no, it's he's

01:49:44 --> 01:49:46

right. It's not a joke. sunnah is something

01:49:47 --> 01:49:49

that should be treated with sanctity. So I thank you for that.

01:49:49 --> 01:49:53

Yes. What if you accidentally said I'm on the prayer? If you

01:49:53 --> 01:49:56

accidentally Salam out of the prayer that means that you have

01:49:56 --> 01:49:59

thought you finished the prayer yet you owe another raka

01:50:00 --> 01:50:04

That means you get up you fulfill with that aka you. Oh, and you add

01:50:04 --> 01:50:04

to dude. So

01:50:06 --> 01:50:09

wait, so I was asking you this question recently, and I just

01:50:09 --> 01:50:11

wanted to clarify because I still wasn't sure it was over text

01:50:11 --> 01:50:15

message. Yes. So like when I set out now do I have to make a new

01:50:15 --> 01:50:19

tech video today? Of course. Okay, so like it's as if you're out of

01:50:19 --> 01:50:20

the prayer, right? Oh, okay, so

01:50:22 --> 01:50:26

in order to fix a prayer, I need to make a new like new ticket. And

01:50:27 --> 01:50:30

a lot of times should not have passed nor talking about something

01:50:30 --> 01:50:34

outside the prayer now does that need to be while I'm standing up

01:50:34 --> 01:50:36

or doesn't? Yes, of course you stand up and do a whole new

01:50:36 --> 01:50:37


01:50:38 --> 01:50:42

Yep. And then and then a body right? And then this sudo DISA who

01:50:44 --> 01:50:44

is after you

01:50:46 --> 01:50:50

know it that's you do a company because you left off something?

01:50:51 --> 01:50:54

Yeah. You left off so that takes off? Yeah.

01:50:55 --> 01:50:58

Let's say you pay three instead of four. So what is your mistake

01:50:58 --> 01:50:59

leaving off of

01:51:04 --> 01:51:07

autism it's Omar dismond says I guess that is autism and

01:51:08 --> 01:51:12

after all this time, his name is not autism and it's almost dismond

01:51:12 --> 01:51:15

After all this time because his his instant is autism.

01:51:17 --> 01:51:22

Okay, let's so I as Ben says, Can we say through the prophet Oh

01:51:22 --> 01:51:26

Allah grant me this Yes, for my love of the messenger SallAllahu

01:51:26 --> 01:51:29

ism that's what I'm offering my offering to Allah is the love of

01:51:29 --> 01:51:32

the prophets. I said. So grant me this.

01:51:33 --> 01:51:37

A member of the Santa Fe community studied in Dr. Mustafa and Yemen.

01:51:38 --> 01:51:41

This is T me SHAMET.

01:51:43 --> 01:51:46

A member of the community of the Salafi studied in Dr. Mustafa in

01:51:46 --> 01:51:51

Yemen. Dr. Musa further a shadow and maturity camp so

01:51:53 --> 01:51:53

got to

01:51:56 --> 01:51:59

if he studied there doesn't mean anything. Did he did he?

01:52:01 --> 01:52:04

What he says is basically they worship graves. There were some

01:52:04 --> 01:52:07

grapes you can send it first firsthand, his British accent that

01:52:07 --> 01:52:08


01:52:11 --> 01:52:14

know they they do not worship graves.

01:52:15 --> 01:52:17

To know worship graves visiting graves.

01:52:18 --> 01:52:20

In worship graves you be careful

01:52:21 --> 01:52:22

not worship graves.

01:52:23 --> 01:52:28

This was another one that he said. What'd he say? He had directed him

01:52:28 --> 01:52:31

to do a get a rakia done or something instead of the woman who

01:52:31 --> 01:52:36

did the work. Yeah, like, like mumbo jumbo. It's random stuff. As

01:52:36 --> 01:52:38

if it was like some match. He was alluding that it was street magic.

01:52:38 --> 01:52:43

He's saying it's magic. Okay, I mean, so we have to go on that

01:52:43 --> 01:52:44

testimony. So

01:52:46 --> 01:52:48

I don't we don't I don't know what to make of that. It's just a

01:52:48 --> 01:52:51

claim. It's hearsay to me. It's not like he's some upright

01:52:51 --> 01:52:53

witness. I don't know who he is. Right so.

01:53:06 --> 01:53:09

From the Woods says I'm not sure if you saw my previous MSG

01:53:09 --> 01:53:14

message. Do you have online Quran teachers available for other three

01:53:14 --> 01:53:19

ways of Quran? No ArcView does not have Ted's we'd have other than

01:53:19 --> 01:53:26

half son awesome as newer sondors Vance's and learns those then we

01:53:26 --> 01:53:27

will do it inshallah Tada

01:53:33 --> 01:53:36

there's touching a milkman private parts break would do it breaks

01:53:36 --> 01:53:39

would do for the man if he touches his private part with the inside

01:53:39 --> 01:53:40

or the side of his hand.

01:53:41 --> 01:53:47

costs him from Instagram says How would you pray fetch when you are

01:53:47 --> 01:53:50

trying to make up a prayer? Would you pray to

01:53:52 --> 01:53:54

rock out for cuddle give me that drink real quick

01:53:59 --> 01:54:05

you would pray to Iraq Gaza fetch called up and then you pray your

01:54:05 --> 01:54:08

Salah ha ha there's Allah or vice versa if you have time. If your

01:54:08 --> 01:54:12

jams on time, then you do your floods first. And then you do your

01:54:12 --> 01:54:16

cover up your debt. A debt means prayer on time called that means

01:54:16 --> 01:54:21

prayer. That's missed makeup prayer. So if you're jammed on

01:54:21 --> 01:54:24

time you do a debt first and then you're cut off. If you have a long

01:54:24 --> 01:54:26

expensive time, you may do your pillow first then your head up

01:54:31 --> 01:54:36

so back to a t avesh. Akhmad about he said a woman

01:54:38 --> 01:54:42

was there and it Rukia and then I found my phone

01:54:43 --> 01:54:46

and she was talking to another language. Well, what's wrong with

01:54:46 --> 01:54:50

talking another language? Right? Firstly, I don't even know if

01:54:50 --> 01:54:54

takes up the testimony or not. But talking to another language, big

01:54:54 --> 01:54:58

deal. Oh, she's talking to a gin that's also permitted. You see

01:54:58 --> 01:55:00

controlling a gin and using

01:55:00 --> 01:55:02

Good against you. Let's say someone's talking to a gym. Okay,

01:55:02 --> 01:55:05

the gym. God is fun. They found his phone. So what's the big deal

01:55:05 --> 01:55:10

with that? All of the gym doctors do that. When a gin is bothering

01:55:10 --> 01:55:13

somebody, they deal with some other gin in their Muslim gin in

01:55:13 --> 01:55:19

their own way, and that Muslim gin will remove the harmful gin. Okay,

01:55:19 --> 01:55:21

what's sad about that, and what's

01:55:24 --> 01:55:27

sure, there's nothing worse than half the Pakistani and airship

01:55:28 --> 01:55:32

are, are magicians because that's all they do in Pakistan, the

01:55:32 --> 01:55:38

righteous Jin doctors of Pakistan, they're talking to Muslim gin, go

01:55:38 --> 01:55:43

and get and stop some other bad gin from dealing with harming

01:55:43 --> 01:55:47

another Muslim. That's what it is. Do I know how to do that? No. Do I

01:55:47 --> 01:55:50

have interest in it? No. Do I want to keep talking about it all day?

01:55:50 --> 01:55:55

No. But do I do know about it? Yes, I know about it from dealing

01:55:55 --> 01:55:58

interacting with you for 20 years. The reason why I didn't get any

01:55:58 --> 01:56:01

doubt when I saw this video is because it's like if you're going

01:56:01 --> 01:56:04

to like a top five star restaurant, there's going to be at

01:56:04 --> 01:56:07

least one grumpy, like terrible review about the shrimpers. Oh,

01:56:07 --> 01:56:10

yeah, yeah, no problem. It doesn't mean it's bad. There's way but

01:56:10 --> 01:56:15

many, many, vastly many more reviews. Yeah, reviews. So she

01:56:15 --> 01:56:17

asked him, What's the name of your mother and father, he flips out,

01:56:17 --> 01:56:19

please, seriously.

01:56:21 --> 01:56:23

Your driver's license, they ask you for your mother and father,

01:56:23 --> 01:56:29

whatever. But that is the way that these sad, doctors do it. And

01:56:29 --> 01:56:32

they're needed in their countries. Because the Shelton IlJin mess

01:56:32 --> 01:56:36

around and they're bothering people, it becomes a foreign key

01:56:36 --> 01:56:40

failure to deal with this. In the same way, we have to use Kalam to

01:56:40 --> 01:56:43

deal with philosophers, right? If we were in India,

01:56:45 --> 01:56:48

and beloved in hint, with all these Mushrikeen using their gin

01:56:48 --> 01:56:53

against us, it would be fun to Cuba, for some of us to learn how

01:56:53 --> 01:56:56

to fight back the gin. And one of their techniques that they

01:56:56 --> 01:57:01

developed is to interact with Muslims and not to control the gin

01:57:01 --> 01:57:05

or using against somebody, but use the Muslim gin to help other

01:57:05 --> 01:57:09

Muslims who are fighting evil jinn. You see how simple that

01:57:09 --> 01:57:12

concept is? That's it? Is it fair for them to do that? Am I

01:57:12 --> 01:57:15

interested in doing that? Do I do that? No. But

01:57:16 --> 01:57:17

that is a fact that they do.

01:57:18 --> 01:57:20

All right. They do that

01:57:25 --> 01:57:27

is that clear? Makes sense. Right.

01:57:29 --> 01:57:31

And one of the techniques that they Ginny's I think they need to

01:57:31 --> 01:57:34

know your mother Father's name a lot. I don't want I don't know

01:57:34 --> 01:57:37

why. But telling someone your mom and dad's name have where is that?

01:57:38 --> 01:57:43

You got way off? To say that that's like should consent. Also,

01:57:43 --> 01:57:45

by the way, the dude got his phone back. So what are you whining

01:57:45 --> 01:57:48

about? Right? You should be able to thank me bomber for saving you

01:57:48 --> 01:57:51

$500 To get your phone instead, you use your phone to make a video

01:57:51 --> 01:57:56

against him. Also, the thing is, it seems like this guy who set us

01:57:56 --> 01:58:01

up before? Yeah. And unless I'm mistaken. He was nothing before.

01:58:01 --> 01:58:01


01:58:02 --> 01:58:06

Okay, but what does that really mean? You know, just because the

01:58:06 --> 01:58:08

guy says I was nothing before doesn't mean that he's already

01:58:08 --> 01:58:12

influenced. He's already clearly Muslim. And he already knows guys.

01:58:12 --> 01:58:16

So he's going in? And how long was he there for Ryan? Do you know? So

01:58:16 --> 01:58:20

that's, you know, you're entering into a culture that you have no

01:58:20 --> 01:58:23

idea about? Yeah. And you don't you know, you don't speak the

01:58:23 --> 01:58:25

language. Obviously. You don't know what goes on. You don't know

01:58:25 --> 01:58:29

what their customs are. Yeah, so you can't pass judgment until

01:58:29 --> 01:58:32

you've been there for a while. Yeah, you have to get a large

01:58:32 --> 01:58:35

sample size and you have to understand and in Bangladesh, they

01:58:35 --> 01:58:39

had a big problem a long time ago and in East Africa with wild cats,

01:58:39 --> 01:58:45

like tigers. And in East Africa mountain lions. It became a fun

01:58:45 --> 01:58:48

Keifa for them to learn how to deal with these people and in

01:58:48 --> 01:58:53

Bangladesh they learned how to tame the Bengal tigers so much

01:58:53 --> 01:58:54

that they would even write it

01:58:55 --> 01:58:57

is Saturday there they learn how to do it. Why because it's a

01:58:57 --> 01:58:59

problem. Right

01:59:01 --> 01:59:04

All right, we're gonna wrap up here as our cameras already

01:59:04 --> 01:59:05

wrapped up

01:59:15 --> 01:59:19

how do you best make use of the theories of anatomy? We don't read

01:59:19 --> 01:59:21

his books, but we have a good opinion of

01:59:31 --> 01:59:36

no way hanus does echolocating H K says

01:59:39 --> 01:59:41

is there a way to private message? Yes. Why don't you?

01:59:42 --> 01:59:44

Oh, I guess there is he's talking to somebody else.

01:59:46 --> 01:59:50

M says there are some Schiff who completely forbid this sort of

01:59:50 --> 01:59:52

practice, especially if they asked her parents named they said that

01:59:52 --> 01:59:53

is chick.

01:59:54 --> 01:59:57

No. Where's the jokes though? Where's the jump from that to shut

01:59:57 --> 01:59:59

up? No. If you use

02:00:00 --> 02:00:04

The healthiness gin or the Muslim gem, which they call white magic,

02:00:05 --> 02:00:08

to harm another person or to influence another person.

02:00:09 --> 02:00:15

Then yes, that is haram. That might, the white magic is using a

02:00:15 --> 02:00:19

Muslim Jen who is sinful. This is sinful, but he's using a sinful

02:00:19 --> 02:00:23

Muslim gin to influence somebody in some way. That's a major sin

02:00:23 --> 02:00:29

Blackmagic now you're using se Jin Usha, the shayateen of the gin,

02:00:29 --> 02:00:33

the disbelievers of gin and they will force you to do certain

02:00:33 --> 02:00:36

sacrilegious things. And Cofer and never make will do never say the

02:00:36 --> 02:00:40

word of the word Allah, etc, etc. Then we say that's schicke

02:00:41 --> 02:00:43

but to speak to a Muslim Jin

02:00:45 --> 02:00:47

to show them or to ask them to fight

02:00:48 --> 02:00:49

and evil Jin

02:00:51 --> 02:00:53

that has nothing there's nothing wrong with that.

02:00:55 --> 02:00:58

That there's nothing wrong with Okay.

02:01:03 --> 02:01:05

All right, folks, ladies and gentlemen.

02:01:06 --> 02:01:07

For that we have to stop here.

02:01:08 --> 02:01:13

Chief Latif saying Is there a summer ArcView fit class? Yes,

02:01:13 --> 02:01:16

Maliki FIP. We are finishing up in Asha. And then we will have

02:01:16 --> 02:01:21

completed the full recordings of Ashima we have an ASHA and by the

02:01:21 --> 02:01:25

way, we are completely revamping the entire ArcView dot o RG

02:01:25 --> 02:01:27

website, it's going to be completely revamped. So you're

02:01:27 --> 02:01:30

going to see it under construction. You'll see it you

02:01:30 --> 02:01:33

can use it but it's not going to be pretty for the next month or

02:01:33 --> 02:01:36

two until we really get it up and running and it's gonna be really

02:01:36 --> 02:01:39

good insha Allah to Allah. So folks, just welcome Lokeren

02:01:41 --> 02:01:43

please remember us all in your dua

02:01:44 --> 02:01:49

you can help us on backslash Safina society and until

02:01:49 --> 02:01:51

tomorrow, we'll see you

02:01:52 --> 02:01:58

tomorrow until then, have a blessed day. And yes, we did

02:01:58 --> 02:02:02 and Mecca books and professors want to one are our

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sponsors All right.

02:02:05 --> 02:02:09

So, shout out to all of them and you can get anything from Mecca

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welcome Lokeren Subhanak Allahumma Wilbraham dika Nisha, do I love

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Allah Illa illa Anta iStockphoto quantity will you take will also

02:02:30 --> 02:02:34

in El in Santa Fe Of course. Ill Alladhina amanu wa middle side

02:02:35 --> 02:02:40

towards the wall. So but Huck, water while sober, sober was salam

02:02:40 --> 02:02:43

or aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

02:03:11 --> 02:03:11


02:03:19 --> 02:03:19


02:03:22 --> 02:03:22


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