Shadee Elmasry – NBF 48 The Power of Hunger
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The speakers discuss the benefits of hunger, including the ability to build a stomach and increase productivity, and favorite classes include personal life and struggles with caffeine. They emphasize the importance of detoxing oneself and avoiding certain foods, as well as fasting to reduce energy consumption, improve mental health, and spirituality in Islam. The speakers also touch on the topic of the Quran and its connection to spirituality, accepting one's limitations, and embracing one's values. They emphasize the importance of accepting one's own limitations and embracing one's own values in order to find a stable and beneficial shift in life.
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we on the other ones 100 Allah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah he was
on the human radio we will
get going in a second.
As today we're gonna talk about
today we're talking about the power of hunger. emptying out the
stomach. I mean, it's got so many benefits, it's ridiculous
why they consider makarim and tell you or tell you so you
have everyone else How's everyone doing today?
How many should we have this week? Right? This month so far, this
month. One of my friends one of my friends friends at Rutgers just
took a shot at becoming joining a nice night. So this
euro Miguel drama girl was Leah. Yesterday
we got like five shots
of rock, you build it, you built this operation. And this data
center and this
convert, you know, like activity. People will come because nature
abhors a vacuum. So if you build it, it's gonna get filled. People
think that you have to have a need first and then you build it. No.
Build it first. And it'll all come
all right, we got Noah is on YouTube. Aisha is for the mic
isn't up. Can you can you guys hear me? Yeah, that's up. It's
beautiful brother always reminds me it's good enough. We're all
good now. Y'all hear me now? Yeah. All right. Good. And you guys
you're Ryan on Instagram right?
I wish I could have there was an app where I could run my Instagram
and the YouTube at the same time and the Facebook at the same time
so I can see people it's literally just Instagram is separate. So
everyone welcome to this side of YouTube channel on this channel
four times Monday through Thursday.
Dooley behind all right, we are about ready to go.
someone's talking
just mute the whole machine
All right, folks, here we go.
I said I'm on a coma Rahmatullah who but I go to welcome to nothing
but facts. This is nothing but facts numero Oh, Cinta
quattrocento. What is it? All right, the Ocho quarante, ojo, we
all have to learn Spanish because everyone within the next like five
minute drive is speaking Spanish and I got a I got a review on my
Spanish. But this has nothing of effects. We're going to talk today
about the power of hunger. But first, a word from our partners.
All right, our partners are number one. Who's our number one, medical
Mecca books. If you want to get books, hey, by the way, if you
want to go to Hajj, you go to India tours, Mecca books in India
tours, same crew Mecca books, get your books from there, and I'm
telling you,
if I could I would get their entire theology section.
Mecca Secondly, professors one to one. All right,
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confidence is low. You need to get good grades. All right. professors
want to one is going to help you do that with online tutoring. And
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clubs you can ever join professors one to and they got some
serious nerds there that will get you into law school medical school
that will get you into the college of your you know, maybe of your
choice. So
that's the professor's one to Number three, my art view
dot O R G that's basically our classes.
The classes that I teach and Ryan teaches on them. And Shakira
teaches on them Chicago and teaches on them. And we have one
of the most popular classes is Heather Imaris class FIP
essentials where she realized like the moms are also attending with
their daughters. She's She started the class for daughters for the
girls. And the mom started to join it because they didn't know stuff
either. A lot of people don't know their dean. A lot of people you
realize this in divorce, people do not know how to get divorced. This
is one of the most important things is your marriage, right?
Like, what didn't you know how to get married and how to not get
married all the rules of marriage? But no, people really don't know.
These rules, they really do them scheme. Right? They're really
Miskin on this matter. So these are our partners and just like
them locally and on to all of these. So sign up at my ArcView
dot orgy and start taking Aarthi basic Archie scholarship check and
by the way we are
there's a couple in Virginia, masha Allah, the revamping the
site for us, it's going to be so clear and crisp and easy to use,
you're going to be addicted to it.
Alright, so here we go. Today we're talking about the power of
hunger, I'm gonna tell you a story. Because we're now entering
the fifth phase of Ramadan where your body's just start getting
And hamdulillah a decaffeinated. I'm not addicted to caffeine
anymore, or dependent on caffeine. So those headaches that come from
caffeine are gone. Right? Caffeine is a great, it's a great thing.
It's a wonderful creation that Allah made, but everything if it's
abused, you're gonna you're gonna be miserable. So it was so good.
It helps to get off of it. And I got off of it by mixing decaf with
caffeine. So in the first day of Ramadan, I had
half decaf I also put three, three and a half spoons, so I put half
decaf and half regular coffee. I mix that and I drank that next
day, two spoons, two thirds, decaf, and one spoon of caffeine.
Next day, three spoons, right 221, a two and a half of decaf, and
half a teaspoon of caffeine. Next day, all decaf. And then the next
day, I didn't even need to drink anything like I couldn't because I
was out.
And I used to be so bad. I used to go to people's home with my kit,
with my French press my beans, everything. That's how bad I was.
And then you'd stay up all night because you just had this big shot
of caffeine. This is no good. Then you're groggy in the morning,
right? This is no good. So you got to control it, don't let anything
control you. So I'd love coffee. But from now on, I'm only going to
drink it if I'm already awake. And I'm just need a little bit of
boost. And it's way early in the day. So not first thing in the
day, and not in the afternoon, because that'll keep me up all
night. Everybody's dependent, like people's bodies are different,
right? Some people are more more influence than others. So you got
to look at who you are. Me myself, I get very easily in and very
easily out. Like many people, they struggle way harder than me to get
off of caffeine.
Right? And then it has less of an impact on him. No, for me, it has
a high impact, but it's easy for me to get off of it too. So that's
the first thing. The second thing.
And I usually don't really talk about my own self. But the last
few days, I've been waking up almost a little bit down.
And I'm like me down. Like I don't let myself get down. And I was
always attributing it to your mind. But that's not always the
case. Sometimes it's literally your body. So I started examining
all day, what's different? Why am I waking up with this like downer
spirit, right? Like, wake up with the blues.
Then I realized my food cycle is totally messed up.
before Ramadan. We had gotten some Indian food. There was some really
good. There's a really, really good Indian restaurant Hampstead
don't say Desi, but it's a desi restaurant. Right? Right, really,
really good food. And I would have some eggs, yogurt, and I would
heat up some of that meat for so
now, it'll be so heavy than I realized I think actually what's
going on is that
I've totally messed up my gut. I'm having like, really heavy food in
the morning. And some some spices too that my my stomach is not used
to. And then there's you go the whole day and then you eat again.
Right? So you have these these two night meals. And I started to
think you know what, I think I messed up my gut. And I don't
think I need as much food as you imagine you because you're going
to you got a long day ahead of you. So imagine that you need this
food. It's not even the case. So I thought to myself, I'm going to
try something I'll keep you guys posted what's going to happen. And
by the way, my body is not necessarily reflective of everyone
else's, but I'll just let you know what's going on.
I remembered a story about a guy whose girlfriend left him right
this is my inspiration or just triggered my mind on this
The guy's girlfriend left him.
He then
he got so depressed and so upset, he decided to kill himself. And
the way he decided to kill himself was
to starve himself to death.
We locked up his apartment, turned off his phone, sat with the remote
control, and water. And he decided he's going to drink water and just
watch TV, and no food at all. No food.
And he's going to basically kill himself. Slow Death.
No food. So the first few days went by, and then he realized he's
got a little problem. He's not diet, right? He's still alive.
he'd wake up, why am I not dead? And he was in absolute utter
misery. He went through phases, headache phase,
coldness, right. And he's cold, because there's no food in his
body, his stomach started to act differently. Even almost rejecting
water at some point, everything started to get messed up.
Then on
the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth, or on the seventh day, so
it was misery in the middle. From like day two to seven. He thought
this is this is what death is like, right? No, it wasn't. This
is what detox is like. His body was detoxing everything. Around
the eighth ninth day, he started to just to be numb. On the 10th
day, he said, I woke up with such energy and happiness. He said,
What I just totally didn't expect I was so happy. I was ecstatic. So
that sort of proves to us that emotional side of things, the
emotional side of things not just connected to your mind, and not
just to spirituality, but this worldly Rama that Allah has put in
this world, it can be accessed by purifying your gut, right? by
purifying your stomach, cleaning all that junk up. And then he went
on this this this crusade, this campaign, this study of the value
of hunger, right and the value and the power of Hungary, we're
talking purely a worldly perspective, we're not talking
about the web with Allah. Of course, that's way more important
and greater. And that should be a real motivation. So web with ALLAH
SubhanA wa Tada, because anything less than that of Allah is going
to be a disappointment, but we're talking about things that are
extra here. So he's literally detoxed himself. And I'm going to
read you some of the things that,
you know, that he benefited from, okay. He went on this this tour to
tell people about fasting. And I remembered him when I remembered
that I wasn't really just waking up with the blues, because my food
is way off. It's not my normal food schedule. I need to empty out
my stomach. So I'm like, I think that see, this is my philosophy.
General maladies have to have general solutions. So if you have
a general malady, I'm not buying it that you're going to take a
pill that you take some some bizarre odd plant some bizarre.
No, if if you have a general malady. This, this solution is a
general solution to like the solution for a lot of mental
unwellness is sleeping early, is going out and getting some sun is
talking to people. Right? being out in nature, these are general
solutions. The solution to headaches is water, like 90% of
the time, sleep and water. That's it. So the solution to this
general down Enos and lethargy, it's empty in the stomach. So for
sure, who would I don't think people really need to have serious
sodas, right? When you hit the 10th of Ramadan, your soda should
really start to decrease. You don't really need any more. This
these elaborate sodas, and egg, yogurt and honey, I think yogurt
and honey will clear out your gut. I'm speaking totally off the cuff.
Why? Because
I always believe in these general things, these things that are
available to everybody. I used to get these headaches, really bad
headaches, like to the point that life is not normal for me. Okay, I
inherited this from my mom. Like life is not normal. The degree to
which I get headaches, and I used to drink coffee for headaches, I
didn't know and I didn't know any solution for headaches. Until I
came upon number one, sleep was a huge sleeping right. Number two, I
came upon website after some studying and everything was so
complicated. And I'm like, There's no way this is the solution
because it's like you can't do it. Like
oil stripping or various things, medicines that you'd have to get
prescriptions for
all these various things. And I said, you know, none of these can
really be the answer until I finally came upon the most
beautiful fitrah Okay, medicine that you can ever come upon. And
it was just
Japanese water, water treatment.
That's what they call it. It's Japanese word that the Japanese. I
mean, these people are so elegant. This is one of my favorite
civilizations. I took an exam one time I said your Tokyo, right
which said, you know, exams, which city are you? Right? I came up as
Tokyo, right? Because they were these people are so elegant, the
Japanese May Allah guide them into Islam, you know, they hate Islam.
They got issues, right. But my allah God, these people, they're
one of my favorite civilizations is the Japanese civilization.
Everything about them is so streamlined, so smooth, even their
food, there's no junk and fat and lard. And it's just like, strip of
fish. I mean, you must be hungry at the end of the meal, right? And
broke. But it's elegant, at least. Right? So their therapy is that
you drink water. four glasses of water on an empty stomach first
thing in the morning.
You do it again in the middle of the day. You do it again at night.
I told you Yeah, he wrote us about this, like how much water can you
drink. I was like, trust me, this is amazing. So I did it. I had no
results. The first day, it was a struggle. I could not drink four
cups of water in the morning. It was a struggle. It took me like 15
minutes. And then my body didn't know what to do with it. It was
just releasing it. I did it again. In the afternoon. I did again at
night. I did this, it said do this for 15 days. And I was committed
to it. Because I believed in it. It's an elegant treatment, right?
Just water. Everyone can do it.
I'm telling you, by the third day, I was waking up completely clear
headed no headache. Three days, I finished the 15 day course. And
now I have like an unmodified version of that. But that's
Japanese water therapy, or water treatment. And they list for every
disease that you can they have like all the list of diseases that
can be treated with this water therapy. And this, for example,
headaches was what I said, then there are other things where you
have to empty out your stomach, they have treatment for acne for
this, you have acne problems, they'll treat it with hunger and
water. Right, and you will just the acne will just go away. Some
people say acne is emotional. That means someone's bothering you in
life or something. But sometimes it's just something in your gut.
So they clear out the gut and they clean. I love this. This is the
Zeds medicine. If you're a Zen head and you love the simple,
solution for something is Japanese water. So when I woke up the other
day, and I thought to myself, I think this is going to be the
solution. And so far, I'm right. Alright, I've already seen
results. Now here's why. The 15 reasons why
hunger is powerful for you. Number one, fasting by nature is it is
unnatural for the human being. You always want to eat, you enjoy
eating. So you actually have to resist yourself. And when you
resist, what you're doing is you're strengthening your
willpower. Fasting strengthens the willpower of a person. Okay?
Strength is your will.
And that's what it does. That's why Allah subhana wa Tada says,
Could you bout a como si I'm gonna put you out there the name of
public law calm Tatacoa. So you can have what is taqwa is avoiding
Taqwa is 90%, avoiding stuff that you should avoid. Okay? It's like
walking barefoot with a very nice garment, on a path that has thorns
and bushes and thorny bushes all around it, how are you going to
walk, you're going to collect yourself. And you're going to walk
very, very, very slowly. Okay? And you're going to make sure that
your feet and your clothes don't get thorned up. Okay? So the first
thing is, if you can't control yourself, then you can't control
your life, your life is going to be completely out of control. self
discipline is very simple, is giving yourself an order and
following it. That's how simple it is. Right? Give yourself an order
based on logic and reason. And what you know what you assess with
your mind is right and then follow it. So simple. It is nothing else.
So fasting, you are consciously
honing and strengthening your discipline.
It's a terrible habit. You see someone who eats whatever he
wants. Second thing.
Some people say here, apparently, that it releases dopamine. I don't
know. How would I know? Right? But that's what they say it releases
dopamine. So it makes you extremely happy. Who knows? Most
people are pretty grouchy in the beginning. Maybe if they get
accustomed to it.
They'll they'll experience that. But a person's confidence will
naturally go up by fasting. Because your your discipline goes
up. When your discipline goes up. You can do anything. If you have
discipline, you can literally do anything. Because you could space
things out every day. 15 minutes. I'm going to do this every day for
20 minutes. I can do that. If you have discipline, you'll do it and
you'll achieve so much
More than just going on a crazy push, right? Like a five hour
binge of studying? No, if you studied for 35 minutes a day,
every single day, you're gonna get far, much farther, right?
Thirdly, supposedly, your brain functions a lot better when you're
Now people can go about hunger their own way. I would personally
say that
if I was to go about doing this, I would have, you know, one way to
do it is just not to eat breakfast, for example, or lunch
or whatever. Some people call that, you know, they do that
intermittent fasting, but it's probably easier to do the shutter
Right? Because that forces you to do it. But you have to do it of
course for the sake of Allah. And this is just a side effect. All
right, next thing he says here that supposedly fasting increases
the number of brain cells. Okay. Bye back to cognitive benefits of
scientifically backed, that it induces neural neuronal autophagy
ie self eating, which is how cells recycle waste material. Basically
your sun your body will break down, wasteful material and repair
itself with it. Brain Health. Don't quote me on this. I'm just
reading to you. Brain Health is dependent on neuronal autophagy
I'll talk auto Feige as Harrison means saying anything he usually
knows this stuff any doctors in the house.
Another study shows that interference of neuronal autophagy
prompts neuro degeneration simply put without the process of
autophagy brain's neither develop properly nor function optimally.
yet autophagy autophagy Okay, there we go. Autophagy fasting
increases levels of brain derived neurotrophic factor BDNF brain
derived neurotrophic factor, it's a protein that interacts with
neurons in the hippocampus cortex and basal forebrain. haven't taken
biology since freshman year
1997 The the parts of the brain that regulate memory learning and
higher cognitive function, uniquely human stuff BDNF helps
existing neurons survive while simultaneously stimulating the
growth of new neurons and the development of neuro synaptic
connectivity. Okay, so if you're if you're BDNF is low, it's
linked. It has a correlation to cognitive impairment and
Alzheimer's disease. We seek Allah's refuge from that. Evidence
suggests that low BDNF is related to depression, so it increases
your BDNF. Whatever BDNF is according to this, you want a lot
of it and fasting hunger will help you with that. Antidepressants
increase BDNF levels. Thus, many doctors believe fasting can reduce
depression because it increases this BDNF.
It reduces stress related to oxidation, right oxidative stress,
mitochondrial dysfunction, and cognitive decline that normally
results from brain trauma. Research has found that a 24 hour
but not 48 hours fast was a neuro protective against trauma to the
brain like a concussion I one time did a 24 hour fast by accident. I
was not fastening like a shutter effect. I was just not eating. And
I did it. It was actually pretty easy if you just drink water
so these are some of the mental radical men and he says
ultimately, the better evidence is anecdotal evidence ask people who
fasted greatly they will tell you about the mental sharpness and the
benefits and the clarity they have that when they fast over when they
don't fast. Next one superhuman clarity and direction. We're
today's topic if you're just joining us is not about we're not
doing this, like why we should fast is because of these are just
happened to talk about the benefits of hunger. emptying out
the stomach, the various benefits of empty stomach mainly on how you
feel. I don't really care about the health stuff. I mean, the
health stuff is important, but it's not what you experience.
Right? No one wakes up Oh, my cholesterol is low. I feel great.
No. We're talking about direct impact on how you feel. Okay, that
if you feel down, oftentimes clearing out the stomach is your
solution. And of course, there are many solutions. Our Lord is Ramona
dunya. And Rahim will occur. There is a mercy in this world that we
should go get. And that's something that any perfect person,
most of them are cafard can access that Rama, right. And of course we
have another type of Rama which is from Revelation, which is 1000
times and we're born, which we always talk about, but today we're
talking about this other type of Rama which is
That emptying out your stomach will have these other benefits for
All right, he says here, and by the way, these are all claims, you
have to just try it yourself. This is to claim,
clarity and direction, superhuman clarity and direction. Well, one
function is you got more time on your hand, right? You have more
time and you're you're not eating, you don't have to build around
your meals. That's one thing. You don't have to be slow, because you
just ate.
With increased clarity, clarity and cognitive function brought on
by fasting, it's easier to analyze your poor habits make critical
decisions, okay, you're removing this, this noise. Food is like a
noise. It's like extra stuff, filling your schedule. Once you
remove that out of the way, you have more time.
Able to do more things.
I like this one. It's really a vehicle to let go of addictions,
it really is. It's a vehicle to let go of your addictions where
people can be addicted to substances. People can be addicted
to caffeine, we talked about that. But people could also be addicted
to food for their emotions, like I'm feeling a little emotionally
down, let me have a snack. Right? I'm feeling a little bit, you
know, bored, let me have a snack. That type of thing. It will mess
up your emotions because you're now linked your emotions to a
material thing.
Okay, so it is said relationships, behaviors, all these things can
all be restarted by emptying out your stomach of food, right for
long periods of time. I think for us if you just if you want to get
some of these benefits, you decrease your soda a little bit at
this hour, at this time of the month. And also your late night
snacking. If you have to do that. That's not a great idea.
So you're literally resetting your heart till you're resetting your
Alright, let's talk about
I like this concept of resetting your emotions because that will
separate from you what is true that Allah wants you to keep and
what is what is really true in your heart, and what is just like
from your knifes.
And that's really important. Next is health, of course. So
obviously, as a society, our brains have been mis trained about
the nature of hunger saying eat three times a day. I've never
understood eating three times a day.
Good. You need one meal and a couple snacks. That's it, like two
eggs to me as a snack. It's not food. But three breakfast, lunch
and dinner, you know who needs breakfast, lunch and dinner
farmers. These guys are number one on their feet. So all day in the
heat, these guys need the energy. But these farmers have now moved
into the cities, why do you need to eat this much.
your body can trick you into feeling hungry two to four every
two to four hours. But this is ludicrous to put food in your
mouth every two to four hours, even like a snack every two hours,
you're gonna make yourself really sick and your weight is going to
be terrible, your hormones are going to be totally out of whack.
You're going to be constantly requiring some sugar to move and
some caffeine to stay weak.
So this is all
it really will mess up an individual pretty badly. Obesity.
I mean, we don't even need to talk about that. That's sort of
obvious. Okay. But the problem with obesity is that they're neuro
chemicals and their hormones are also out of whack due to improper
eating. Okay, when you fast you regulate and you release the
hormones that you need. That's it, that you can experience what real
hunger is. Right further with the proper flow of hormones you get
full a lot quicker.
It reverses binge eating disorders, and it helps those
established a correct eating pattern. Right it can clear your
this is what I love. It clears skin of acne. Do you ever have a
rash and you don't know why? Either someone bothered you? Or
your gut is leaking something or you have you're eating something
that your body is rejecting? So how do you know you don't know
that we're eating so many different ingredients today? It's
unbelievable. Right? In any little just a cracker. There's a
paragraph of ingredients. There's so many ingredients that we take
into our bodies so we're not going to be able to know what ingredient
is causing a skin reaction.
You're gonna need to vote. But there you go.
Alright folks,
we have a sick patient here as you can tell,
bro, we talked about fasting so much the girl vomited. Oh, my
gosh. Unbelievable. The poor girl
talking about fasting so much. There's a stomach bug going on.
That's what's going on. Yeah.
All right, so let's get back to this.
Okay, let's get back to this and see what we got.
Yeah, we just had a little bit of a vomiting situation, right, which
happens when you're a parent you have hours upon hours upon hours
of, of of repetitions of cleaning up vomit. It's like no big deal at
all. Yeah.
You know vomit everywhere, in the car, on the crib, under the couch,
on the couch everywhere. Ask any parent, the amount of hours they
spend cleaning up vomit. If they knew that this is what they're
gonna get involved with. They may have made another decision.
Alright, so number six here it says
motor skills and precision research has found. I'm sort of
suspicious of any sentence that begins with research has found
when there was a footnote then Right? Research has found that age
related declines in cognitive and motor abilities can be reduced by
fasting. Are you serious? Anyway, I like to read these things. I
like to believe it. But sometimes when you put it in a scientific
perspective, and it's not scientific at all, right, it sort
of makes it look silly. Okay.
He says my 93 year old grandfather Rex is an incredible example of
this as a Mormon. He has had regular practice of 20 doing 24
hour fasts monthly his entire life.
Well, he has He attributes his longevity and healthy brain and
motor function in large parts to fasting. But that's correlation,
not necessarily causation. The question is, you know, how many
people fast and die about all the hungry people in the world? Right?
It's fun to watch him. He says in the past five years, he's written
three books. He lives with his son, who is my father and takes
responsibility over mowing the lawn weekly, even at the age of 90
in his 90s and making sure the yard work is done. Yeah, it is a
great routine. You have so much time and energy when you fast,
right? You're not relying upon food all the time and lazy. I love
this. Now his amazing routine. He sleeps at 8pm. And he wakes up at
4:30am Every single day. I love that actually. I really love
sleeping early. It sounds tacky. It's like a tacky thing. But at
telling you does, it heals your brain, then your heart. And one
thing that's interesting, though, Dean though, is like, you can't
live your whole life just sleeping at 8pm Every single night. It'll
never happen. Yeah. Because Russia. So we actually like try to
coordinate with the sun and said, Yeah, you're actually you're not
going to be coordinated with the clock. You're going to be
coordinated with the sun and you're going to sleep pretty much
you have to sleep about two hours after sunset year round, because
Meridian pray method, there's going to be probably an hour and a
half of method of time. And then if you were to pray I should very
early on, then you would pray. You would probably
in the summertime be awake at 10 Waiting for Aisha to come in.
All right.
He eats a bowl of oatmeal at seven o'clock every morning.
First two and a half hours he reads and then he eats a bowl of
oatmeal. And then he works until 2pm.
All right. And then he takes a break. See most of them would
never be able to live by the clock we live by the sun. Right? That's
a difference.
All right, your sleep will be so much better. When you're hungry or
when your stomach is empty. That's number seven, your sleep.
All right.
When your stomach is empty, you can sleep. It's easy if you want
because your body won't be upset in other words,
okay, so when you're over full your stomach and you've got your
small intestine and your large intestine are filled with food.
Your energy levels are low and your mind becomes dull. Okay, man,
Malcolm X talks a lot about hunger. It talks a lot about the
power of not eating. That's what our topic is today. The power of
hungry we talked about the power of hunger so much. We had a young
customer here emptied out her stomach.
Yale research at Yale has found that being on an empty stomach
helps you think and focus better. It's all anecdotal and telling you
all anecdotal don't try to put it in some scientific language. It's
anecdotal. It's the experience of people who went with hunger and
they're just sharing their experience. You can have your own
different experience while you're fasting if you want to take it to
a higher level chew gum.
That's talking about hunger. We're talking about secular you know,
just not eating a lot. research I found chewing gum can increase
your concentration and mental accuracy. Are you serious?
This is like the fidget toys. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Imagine.
Unbelievable. It gum also stops you from eating out of boredom,
which is the primary reason most people eat that's what I'm saying
most people eat because it's an emotional eating. I'm bored. I
don't know what to do. I've empty time. I want to feel good for the
moment but I don't know how let me just eat something and then your
body just becomes bloated and bloated with food. in a fasted
state your mind can focus in on eaten and narrow in on your work.
Alright, this because cognitive and central amplifications of
fasting forces you into the moment in other words, fasting helps you
live in the presence. Okay. All right. So, your emotions, this is
my favorite one. Right? The emotions of the human being are
the most important is the most important part of life. Okay, and
for us in
Islam in our deen
your emotions are very tied very much tied to your state.
And if you're a person of Taqwa
your, your heart can sometimes tell you if something's wrong or
Or it's all within the boundaries of the Sharia. All within the
boundary of this video. And today's topic, the power of
hunger, we're, we're taking a look at taking a dive into what regular
people Muslim and non Muslim have said about the effects the
positive effects of the empty stomach, have totally emptying out
your system and totally empty out your systems not one day or two
days, it's got to be a couple of days where you're going before you
feel the result. Like cleaning out a garage, it's not going to be
cleaned from the first time you're gonna do spring cleaning one
weekend next weekend. Next third by the third Saturday you might
have a downright so it's gonna take some time.
But I'm interested in seeing what they say here fasting stabilizes
your emotions. This happens by detaching from the emotional
dependence on food. That's what I'm saying. We eat something so
that we could feel good.
In addition to removing overstimulating foods like
caffeine, processed sugar, let alone recreational drugs, tobacco,
trans fatty acids, even the fatty acids are trans now, and all of
which negatively affects our emotions. Fasting can also reset
your negative emotional patterns we get all locked up in a weird in
these weird emotional cycles. Fasting breaks us free from it
literally resets your whole system, including your emotions,
allowing us to experience the world in a healthier way. It's
also important to note that our emotions are heavily influenced by
our environment. And fasting allows us to perceive the
incongruent, incongruent sees of our life more clearly, that's
challenging us to reshape our environment. It's just from
experience fasting literally resets everything about your life.
10 superhuman energy. Fasting gives you a feeling of physical
lightness in the beginning, it's misery, right, but afterwards, you
become light. And you get you derive energy from from where
other sources in your body.
Okay, that's what he's saying here. So instead of relying on an
intake of carbs and sugars, it takes this what you have in your
body, and it converts the energy from your fats. Alright, so it
creates a natural energy level.
Alright, your weight loss, a lot of people's confidence is maybe
hit a little bit by weight loss. Now, let me tell you something
that when you do this, you got to do some planks and push ups and
stuff. Because when you're losing this weight you're losing muscle
to and that's not pretty, right? losing fat is one thing, losing
muscle is not a pretty thing. You want to be able to tighten up your
muscles a little bit when you do this. So fasting has facilitated
weight loss of three to 8% of the body mass in just three to 24
weeks. Okay?
During the same timeframe, you could lose 47% of your waist
circumference. Okay, that's huge. In other words, where the fat
really is in your body, fasting decreases your insulin and boosts
hormone levels and increases the here we go another term neuro
neuro norepinephrine,
norepinephrine, you know about it? What how do you know but in
psychology, there's like three main there's serotonin, dopamine,
and norepinephrine. What is that norepinephrine is like, I think it
releases. You know, I'm just talking randomly. I know. It has
nothing to do with your spine. So you get like it's where you get
your jolt of energy from really like when they say adrenaline,
it's related to nerves. Yeah, that's what he says. Your
noradrenaline? Yeah, yeah, we we need new adrenaline.
A hormone cocktail that breaks down body fat and enables it to
use for energy.
You got to just try this. And the thing is, people are so afraid.
That's what it is. It's this fear of not eating first thing in the
morning, or this fear of headaches. But once what Ramadan
does, it forces us to get through that once you get through it. Now
let's start to tap into this. It'd be really interesting to reset it
when I reset myself what am I going to come out looking like?
What am I going to what am I what is my thinking pattern going to be
like when I
off this addiction of food? Alright, inspiration.
It fasting and this this is I guess is the closest thing to what
the people have to self talk about fasting taps into higher realms
than merely consciousness. My experience with fasting is
physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual. God, this is the person
I leverage fasting for all it's worth and I openly. He prays he is
apparently a Christian while fasting and I have amazing
blessings. Okay, so I genuinely believe it works.
All right, we're just reading what
People have said about fasting from their experience of hunger.
I'm not talking about shut shut a fasts here, said, Yeah, fasting we
have, it's another thing. And it has a much more lofty goal than
helping our body, the lofty goal of obeying Allah as he's and
making him pleased with us. But today, we're talking about the
worldly benefits of an empty stomach. There's nothing wrong
with talking about the worldly benefits of anti stomach. We're
not saying that this is our motivation for fasting, when a
person fast and no effort or we fasting it for the sake of Allah
subhanaw taala. But we're just talking about the general benefits
of an empty stomach. Alright, your appearance, fasting clears the
skin, and it brightens the eyes. It's common to see acne go away
while fasting. And your eyes will look light to the whiteness of
your eyes. He's saying it will be bright after fasting. And the
reason for this is human growth hormone is released.
It's released when you're fasting. I wish he put some footnotes here.
He's talking a lot of science talk, but where are the footnotes?
But it's simple as that. He says when you're living a life of self
control, your health and your confidence shine through. Alright,
you smile more, you laugh more because you're in control of your
affairs now, right? You're not dependent upon something else all
the time. Right. When we're out of alignment, it's actually quite
apparent to others when we are in alignment, right is also apparent
to others, you will be more attractive by simply resonating at
higher confidence. Alright, fair enough. Learning.
Research confirms
you always got to take it with a grain of salt these days when
someone opens a sentence with research says that being in a
fasted state improves focus, memory and ability again, the
truth is, it's all
all of this is anecdotal, anecdotal, you have to know the
difference between gdb knowledge and
the Magetta Betts versus i, m, which is something that's just
tried and tested. That's what we're talking about this just
magenta. It's it's something that it's tried and tested. He's just
talking about his experience and his grandpa's experience. Right.
All right, your senses, people are getting addicted
to sugary foods. When we do we stop craving healthy, earthy and
wholesome foods. You know, back in the day, if you gave a kid a long
time ago, a mango that was his candy store.
A mango. Today you give a kid a mango a sticky, it's got fibers
right and they don't want to touch it. Give me Skittles instead, it
was 10 times more sugar, right? But in the old days, it watermelon
on a summer day or mango was like a feast that was your sweetness.
That was your candy in the sense,
right, but fasting stores your appreciation and it resets your
your tongue, your palate, right your palate your tastebuds, they
get reset when you're hungry. So that if you're in it's true, if
you're hungry, enough, water will taste sweet. Water itself will
taste sweet. Beyond taste fast increases the
acuity of all your other senses as well
actually can be starting to experience when your brain is
functioning, functioning. Right so radically above your previous
states. All right, you're listening becomes sharp and
everything, everything becomes focused.
You can hear the slightest sounds in your natural environment, which
we're usually unaware of. And time feels like it slows down all
right. I mean, that's all relative, right? Everything is
heightened your colors, your sound, this person is having like
a spiritual experience. Alright, let's see who the person is
actually. He's a young man who wrote this article. But there's no
biography here. Versus biography.
Okay, let's go to his website. He's I think he's a Mormon,
because he said his grandfather's morning, so I'm sure he's a
Mormon. But anyway, today's topic was the power of hunger in terms
just how
empty the empty stomach changes, your moods, it resets everything.
And all this was started because of my own personal experience of
just miss eating, eating a little bit. An office schedule that is a
bit off because of what we had, I had just having some
dinner at foods in Soho, and then realizing like you feeling a
little bit down, and you gotta be a reason. And the reason is that
your foods out of whack. It's not always mental, and it's not even
always spiritual. Sometimes it's just physical. And that is the
topic of our talk today. So this guy is a psychologist.
He's an author, of course everyone's an author, right? You
put up a Facebook post, you're an author, right? But his books have
been sold in the hundreds of 1000s I guess that's okay. You
his blog has been read by hundreds of millions is that really like
proof? He him and his wife live, they got six kids in Orlando,
Florida. And he's a PhD. Alright, so he does have a brain. He's not
somebody who's completely speaking nonsense. And it's mainly stuff
that is.
Like I said, anecdotal evidence, it's just his experience. And
that's what we're sharing today, we're just sharing experiences
regarding the power of hunger. Right. And once and there's
another expense now, there are powers, and there's a Rama of this
dunya that the Muslim and the Kevin has access to. That's our
topic today. There's a power that's new to Allah, that he died.
That's the karma that's 1000 and a million times more valuable,
infinitely more valuable. And that's why we say ramen, dunya wa
Rahim will occur. There's a mercy in this world that we can all tap
into. And there's no harm, there's no reason why not to tap into
that. And to study what benefits our life in this dunya. And
anybody could bet there's a spirituality that is of this
world, and there's a spirituality that is of the afterlife. So what
matters is the result of Allah and the Tasneem. The submission to His
will, that's what matters. That's what 95% of our attention should
be on. But today, 5% of our attention is on the world, the
benefits of this. There was a guy he was a Christian. He was a
Christian type of spiritualist in Egypt, a long, long time ago, like
ages ago.
And people would come in or pass by and he would be able to tell
them what's on their mind. What are they thinking?
He would have this intuition. And he was right.
And he would cause essentially was causing fitna the Muslims were
getting a fitna in their mind. Like, isn't this a Kurama? How was
he telling me? What's in my mind? He's like keramat, or they would
appear to be finally a share came to it came up to him, he came into
his house. And he found like, the man is not clean. Like he's his
face is not clean. his moustache is long, he goes in the house, the
house is not clean. This is not many thing. This is nothing is of
this is from Allah, plus the men's. He's not on the offbeat,
upto heat.
Right? He doesn't. So there's no way this is something from Allah.
It's something of the dunya
it is a spirituality and a type of spiritual power that he harnessed
simply in this world has nothing to do with or without Allah, the
pleasure of Allah or Africa.
Nor is it for us that he's seen with the light of Allah. So the
Muslim scholars have come to realize there is a spirituality
that is of the world. In the same way that there's a material power
that's of the world. There is material power, such as the armies
that conquer the Mongols, the Americans, the British, the
Russians. These are all armies that conquered, right. So just as
there's material power that is accessible to anybody, Muslim and
Kevin, there's a spirituality that's accessible to everybody
Muslim in cafe. So he ends up asking this man, all right, tell
me spill the beans. Right before I cause trouble for you. Spill the
beans, what is going on? How are you
gaining this power that you're like reading people's minds and
causing this fitna? For us? He said, it's very simple. I
contradict my ego at every moment, if my neffs wants something I
deprive it of. And essentially it's food, right? Essentially,
every time I neffs want some food? I say no. Right? And every time it
loves a specific food, I say no. So he constantly doing this. Now
he's not doing this for the sake of Allah and taco. That's what
this means nothing does. But he's doing it for the sake of gaining
some kind of worldly power and he did gain it. Right? If you go to
India, they're all about this, these Yogi's, but what we're
saying is we could also harness this stuff for our own self health
and benefit.
So that's what we're talking today about the power of, of hunger.
Let's go now. And for the first time, I'm actually logged on to
the YouTube stream as well as the Instagram stream. So let's give a
shout out to all the people on the YouTube stream. Alright, so we got
Noah, Aisha, Kazi hubbas it's the daily crew right here. These are
your guys is here every day Sayed Muhammad Daniel Hassanein. He's
here every day. LaQua Ahmed, as a lot of he's asking for us. Allah,
you are fickle. We started with Darren
Robbie, seems like she was ready to call 9110 my gosh, I mean, I
mean, we had a parenting emergency but everything's fine now.
Hamdulillah I mean, anyone who's got parents, you know that you
will be cleaning up vomit for hours and hours of your life will
be spent cleaning vomit.
Which is fine. We do
talk so much about fasting that's why so we got Rob Yeah Malik Sayed
Muhammad Daniel someone. person's name is someone Gigi. All right,
so Masha Allah Eric Knowles Al Baghdadi, big shout out from Addis
Ababa, Addis Ababa in in habita. Right. Addis Ababa Ethiopia. By
the way, Ethiopia Amharic it's a beautiful language to listen to.
Amharic americh, to beautiful feminist.
To H Bas, three, the flower star
Abdulhadi xizhou must be from Algeria. All right, let's take a
look at our Instagram crowd. And we got our Kadima Zane, who's got
a question which we're going to answer all questions right now and
let's see that the comments how things are going here. Okay,
Kadeem, Nury, pie said it's all about a Mufti.
what's going on there? It's how you have said
all right, so first of all, before we get into our questions and
comments and our questions, a quick reminder that
this program is brought to you with the help of oops,
everything's everything's going wrong today.
is brought to you by Mecca books and professors one to Ryan
will flash up their posters real quick. Mecca books and professors
one to are our sponsors and gelato. They will find a lot
of benefit give me a second to tie the sun
there we go.
Everything's emptying itself out today.
Get to our q&a. All my Mufti says I was thinking about that as well
today after Convo yesterday. I don't drink coffee or tea at all.
Only occasionally when I'm in a guest house. Yeah, it's like only
occasionally when and also. When it's something like it's in the
middle of day it's not gonna mess up your sleep habit or create a
dependency. Then love sob Kadima Zayn says unrelated question I've
been hearing a lot of friends of mine and in Palestine are getting
arrested this morning. Oh, they're going to do this again.
Subhanallah these these these people the South in an instant
going to do it again. They're gonna go in and bother the
Muslims. In the month of Ramadan. Well, you're fools because you're
just our dua is stronger in Ramadan. It's just Allah is
holding that dog keeping it with him. When it comes down. It's
going to come down hard. And it's already coming down. This society
is like fallen down. It's collapsing. Right there society.
The morale is all it's all pleasure seeking now, right?
There's this there's so much of that now. And also, what if they
kill someone as a Shaheed for us? Not that that's a light thing.
Right? But it's not a light thing. It's a serious thing. But yes,
these people are
every every year they're going to do this just to bother the
All right.
Right, what you got?
All right question from simply soggy. Ha. What do you think about
modern wheats, breads and roti, which is way different from how it
was cultivated in ancient times? Modern wheats, no knowledge, to be
honest with you. I can't say I can't give any intelligent
commentary on the modern wheats to be honest with you. But from
experience, you eat a lot of it. You get big.
That's that's all I can tell you.
I don't really know. I know. I have. There's one youth in our
community. He's truly gluten allergic. Like truly, like he gets
headaches. he vomits whenever he has anything that has gluten in
it. I know a lot of people say they're gluten free but this
person is really he needs to be gluten free. Like he I've seen is
like eyes are popping out from his headaches. This miskeen really
Miskin what is Islamic view of intuition. And how do we increase
our intuition says Caitlin joy, is really good question. First of
all, intuition.
as we call it in Arabic, for rasa, rasa, an intuition is honed in by
two things. Like we said, ramen or dunya. Rahimullah, there's worldly
things that everyone can access. And there's something that's only
from Allah. And that's what we say to about the rasa.
Philosophy can be learned.
And the simple rule with rasa is that everything leaves a trace.
And it's just a matter of studying the traces of behavior. It's like
detective work. Like what, for example?
What is the posture, or the body type, or the gait, the way of
walking of certain cultures. So you can determine this is
something easy, right? We can determine what kind of culture
this person is coming from, like what society they're coming from.
Words, speech, then there's little things habits, habits that people
have. So the idea of firaga is that every reality about a person
leaves a trace guilt has traces to it. So why does every mother know
their son is because you lived with him, You raised him, you
know, everything inside out, you know, when he's lying to you.
That's intuition. That's the mother's intuition, because the
has lived with this gets so much, you know, this person inside out,
you know, their moods, you know, when they're doing well, you know,
when they're doing poorly. Okay. So that's the first one, one, and
you could study it. And I met a guy who was really into this, it
was in Saudi Arabia, and he was a nurse in the hospital.
And I was in the hospital. And then he ends up basically testing
it out on me. And he was right, pretty much he said, You I think
you're Egyptian, and that you were raised in a Western country.
Right? And he was right about that. Right? So and he did this
literally, like within like five minutes. So they do this that's
fit Awesome. That is can be studied. And then there's a
philosophy from Allah.
Something that is from Allah subhana, which Allah and that's
something that is like a cache mocha Shiva. He studied that in
here. Aluma Deen,
mocha. And mocha Shiva oftentimes comes when the stomach is empty.
And when vicar is high, and when sins are eliminated,
and to seek it is not considered of righteousness. To seek it is
not righteous. Like someone who wants some Okasha fun No. But when
will curse if it becomes part of someone's life. It's just a
something that's never going away. It's part of life now, then you
need to ask Allah's help, for strengthening you in understanding
it the way he wants you to, in the same way that some people don't
dream. Some people see dreams all the time, those who see dreams all
the time. It's something that you should learn, you know, what they
mean? should learn what it's all about. Okay? Because there's no
point that Allah gives you these things, and you don't understand
them. So that's the idea there of intuition is both there's a
worldly aspect of it.
And then there is the unseen, the, the divine, or Hemani aspect of
it. Right. So we had a question that was exactly related to it.
Can you explain more about the Hadith beware of the intuition of
a believer, verily, he sees with the light, that's that, that
Rukmani, from Allah's Macassar for Jim, and the example of that is,
say, Northmet. And I've walked into the Masjid.
He saw me in there, okay? And he says, You come with Zina in your
eyes. And you come to us with Zina. In your eyes. He said, Is
there way after the Messenger of Allah? He said, Truly, I was
passing by a house. The door was left open a little bit. I peeked
in I found a woman. And she, of course, she wasn't wearing hijab,
she's in her own home. Right.
And I looked longer than I should have looked.
Say, Northmet said, You have come with Zina in your eyes. So he
says, Is there why after the messenger? He said, No, but fear,
the fear rasa of the moment? Fear the fear rasa of the moment? All
right, it's okay. For us. It's meant for a new era of Inula.
And that's where you see many examples of this from the side of
All right, right, what else you got?
So if you have a question from Ireland, or if you have a
intuition about something, should you still act like it's not true?
And so take the ASVAB if you okay, that's very good. So that's what
we're talking about. Is Cena Mohammed Habib, he's he has a due
up in one of his casinos where it says, oh, Allah, strengthen us in
our cash. Why is he saying that we don't seek out more cash effects.
We don't seek these things out. But when they do come in, if
they're part of life, then you need to hone in and you need to
learn how to use it properly. And when someone has intuitions
when somebody has visions and Macassar that's it
You must learn not to go astray by we only act by the Sharia.
You cannot do take action based on intuition. It unless that action
is between two Halal things. And you must know that your intuition
is speculative knowledge. Intuition is a different type of
opinion. Right? It's like an opinion, but it's rooted. It's
sourced in a feeling in the heart, like a sixth sense, right? So
epistemologically. epistemologically means sources of
truth. And intuition is no different than a rational opinion.
Okay? It's no different. In fact, irrational opinion has an edge
above it, because you can predict provide evidence, like, I think we
should take the next flight, because we're going to be delayed,
we're going to hit traffic, we're going to do that. Right. The other
spiritual person says, I have, we should take this flight. Because I
have a feeling well, your feeling is not my evidence. That's the
problem. Your feeling is not my evidence. So if you want your
intuition to be in the world, and to be a factor in the world, you
must provide it with evidence.
So that's how we operate, you have to sort of close it with evidence
because otherwise, as we said, your feelings about things is not
my evidence. But if it's between two Halal things, and there are no
people who are relying upon it, like you don't have to furnish
evidence for them. Let's say it's me. And let's say I have a son.
Right? So there are no buddies. I'm not forcing anyone to do
anything. You're just me and Mike, it is my responsibility. And
something inside of me says, I don't want to take this fight. I
want to take the next flight. Now, I personally don't like to feed
that. Personally. I personally, like some kind of basis, right? I
like some kind of a basis to take my action. Otherwise, you're
feeding this unseen emotion. And you don't know whether it's truly
an intuition, or it's just a whim or a whisper of shaytaan or was
Westrom units you don't really know.
Okay. So what is Takata does is that you take that intuition you
praise Takata, Allah will provide you with the external evidence to
provide the people
praise Takata about the witch flight Should I take in this
example that were given here, and then all of a sudden, for example,
an issue pops up, a delay pops up, a price goes up, and now you have
a reason. So Allah will provide your intuition. He will make it he
will provide for it a material evidence. When you pray is Dakota.
That's the value of his Dakota because it's Dakota says this is
what I want. Make it easy or make it remove it. Because you can't
walk around life saying I feel this and I feel that and I think
you should do this. I think you should do that because my heart
says so.
And I don't think you should even live your life like that. You
should follow your heart but praise Takata Allah will make
something clear to you or he'll take it away from you. Simple as
Kid 99 says,
Any advice on practicing how to get into the sofa in the UK? I
need a chef well the sheriff that we rely upon here his name is Al
Habib Ahmad bin said and Ben huffy and to me a 22 years now
learning Yanni Of course he's in Yemen and I'm all the way in New
Jersey and I was in London for five four years.
But have you vomited bin Salman bin Have you he is he's reaches
out to the Western audiences he has translations he has
translators. He has a website by his students called noir Salah and
that is if you want to shave it
is this this type of thing is between you and Allah. But if I'm
going to advise anybody, it's Habib, Omar bin Salman have you It dot orgy And the first dhikr that he gives
people is La ilaha illallah busy yourself with La ilaha illallah
and also I'm going to put in the website Safina The
vicar for the morning and the evening.
The vicar for the morning and the evening of course
started work okay.
This thicket of the morning in the evening is an excellent
recitation. I just put it in the Instagram, Iran if you could put
Safina backslash wit with a lowercase w so that people
could see that and um, he's he's guided. He's on the fifth copy the
two so it is all Orthodox. There's no funny business with politics
with women with money. There's no funding Masha Allah, may Allah
preserve him. He's been a great example for 22 years for me. I'm
not like a spokesperson for him, but
I definitely
will advise if anyone is looking for a shift that's going to be the
shift that you will find stability, you will find benefit
and you will find busyness You'll be busy, he'll keep you busy with
vicar and with fallen the Sharia. And with Dawa, they loved our
their men hedge is called LM salute down 33% 1/3 of your time
should be spent studying
1/3 of your time should be spent purifying yourself with vicar 130
is time to be spent going out reach out to the other and reach
out to others reach out to give Dawa teach people do something
don't be selfish. Okay help out all of Indonesia Malaysia is from
there are people in the centuries earlier that he comes from a
tradition where they do this centuries old tradition? Maybe 10
centuries? No. All right more all of Indonesia all of East Africa
West India
all the chef a country's there from rooted in Yemen and you find
all the names are the same suck off right? Had dead either we all
these names. They're all from the battery.
All right. And have you been what is their one of their biggest
scholars in today's age?
Okay, so let's keep going here. Ryan your turn? What you got
anything around deja vu? Deja vu? No, I don't know anything about
Deja Vu and I never saw
any commentary on that from the Islamic perspective. maddening.
Gobbo has a question What is the medical opinion on drawing animals
and people very simple rule. There are two conditions.
If both of them are met, then it's haram. If one of them has met
Venice mcru. If zero of them are met, it's hella. Okay. And when it
comes to animals, and people Number one, first condition is
that it's three dimensional.
It's something that has a shadow, they say it has a shadow. So it's
a statute nuts a sketch. Number two, it's the full body that can
be that could be alive. For example, a horse can't be alive
without a leg, right? If you break a leg of a horse or a camel or a
cow, it dies.
If you take the bust of a human, right, a bust by itself can't
survive, right? You need the whole body, a human without an arm can
survive. But a human without a neck for example, or without a
torso cannot survive. So the second condition is that it's
formed in a in a in a way that it can survive. These are the two
conditions if these two conditions are present for human or animal is
If one of them only is present is makuu discouraged. So a full
animal on a drawing a tiger or a full human on a piece of paper
Right? Or a bust a three dimensional
part of an animal half of a tiger, a lion head, right? A bust a
statue of that mcru Because it has a shadow. But if it's for example,
neither does it have a shadow, nor is it the full creation
than a toddler.
Okay, that's the answer to that.
All right, Kim says I said I'm on ECAM Can you elaborate on the note
of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa salam being one of the first
things created it is based on a hadith that hadith is different
upon that,
and some say it's threadbare. Some say it's very weak, others have
found stronger chains for it. So there's debate on this, but it's a
hadith of what was the first thing created?
And the Prophet answered the Sahaba, who was jebra bin
Abdullah? And he said, No Runa Viega Yeah, Jabba the light of
your prophet. At the light of the Prophet was the first creation.
It will allow the atom but when we say the note of the prophets of
Allah who it was seven let's talk about that for a little bit.
Anwar of Allah to Allah.
On what are the prophets, I said to him, are like the reflections
of the Divine Names, okay.
And lights reflect different things. So a Rama is a no
mercy isn't justice is a note all the attributes, they have their
own nor so from the 99 names that you look at when and there's more
than 99 names right from the Divine Names, let's say that you
look at each one has its own specific note.
And why is the note of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam the
greatest of note is that the prophets I saw them he is the
manifestation of the balance of all of these. Anwar
Okay, he's that's why he's the profit that is the center brick of
the house. Neither he there's no leaning in his attribute, the
profit is neither Jalali. No
or Jamali, he's right down the middle, perfectly down the middle.
other prophets may be more strong, and other prophets may be more
merciful. other prophets may be more focused on bringing justice
to the world other are bringing
mercy to the world. So, Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa salam are the most middle John down the
perfectly balanced, and they have gathered all of the Anwar within
And therefore, when we make Salah and Salam on the Prophet, we are
putting ourselves under that light, and we're benefiting from
it. As the prophets I send him said, Allah gives and I
distribute. Okay, so as the light of Allah through the crystal of
the messenger SallAllahu it was sunnah. And then we receive that
when we do a lot of Salah and Salam on the Prophet peace be
upon. So I highly, highly recommend everybody to never let a
day pass without doing an abundant amount of Salah and Salam on the
messenger some amount when you send more Blonko says, we're going
to do more blanc with and we're going to go to right. If one has
up prayers to fulfill should one perform them as quickly as
Or can you pray them as a type of tearaway with long recitations in
them? No, fulfill them as quickly as possible? Don't do long, called
up prayers rather just do your basic prayers, of course with a
Alright, we got a long question. What's the Islamic view on ANGEL
numbers was approached by a guy for marriage who relies only on
intuition and believes in Angel numbers and says VCs 1111 It means
is do our will be answered soon.
All of it is nonsense.
One 111% Nonsense.
I actually I had this experience when I was before I was in Islam.
Yeah, I was like, I told you about this. I just really like I would
see this thing. Undeniable, I would see this number all the
time, all the time. And I started going like almost crazy. Like,
what does it mean? Is it does it mean that I'm like, special? Does
it mean that I'm like, cursed? Like, I used to think these
things. And finally, when I came to Assam, I found out it just
means that Allah is real, like, whatever. If you see something
over and over again, and you think there's any significance, just
know that it's from a lot than whatever? Because it can't be
coincident. Yeah. And but it's not like, you know, the interpretation
of it. It's just from Allah. And sometimes you think as the
prophesy seems to speak to the people at the level that they can
understand. So maybe for you when you were nonmuscle, that's the
that was your only connection to something beyond you. But and when
you reach the when you found the Quran, and you found Islam, then
you have no need for that anymore, but it was something of your past.
Because it's like it had a value for your past. It's like, it's
sure Oh, everything is so connected, I can I can understand
meanings behind things. Yeah. We ever think about the fact that
like our body, like our blood vessels are connected to our heart
on a connected street goes to like our fingers. Like, why do we need
these numbers to show that everything's connected, we know
everything's connected, or one of the most amazing things that
things are connected, where when you do gardening work, when your
hand touches the soil, there is something that goes on in the
human body that creates a relaxation mechanism. Subhanallah
like so the so? Even so, how was an evolutionist explained that the
human body know about the soil? Right, these things are completely
separate creations, right? So
I'll tell you what, if you rely solely upon intuition, and solely
upon numerology, this is from laziness. And this is from
gambling. It's a type of gambling where you don't want to think or
take responsibility over your actions. Rather, you want to throw
it upon some kind of feeling random feeling, or a Numerology or
an astrology or a Zodiac. Alright. That's not how we live, we free
ourselves from these uncontrolled things. And Allah says, use your
brain, use your effort, and I will help you. That's the idea. And use
this to heart and as the chakra
is there, he says, Is there a plan to teach it here on our feet? We
already started teaching it here and we're going to continue it
inshallah. We're going to continue with the
Illuma Deen in sha Allah on ArcView. It's summarized here,
though. It's already on ArcView basic.
Caitlin says, when people say I don't know why, but I have a good
feeling about this person. Would that be enough thing or could be a
real intuition? It could be enough thing. It could be real tuition.
And the best thing is, let's wait and see. Let's wait and see what
your track record is. I know somebody who says this all the
time. Right? He's, he's making predictions all the time. And then
when he gets one, right, he reminds you of it. But then you
got nine wrong, right? You also got nine wrong, but the one that
you got right sticks in everyone's mind. So like, Whoa, that's a big,
you know, how did you know it? But you got like 90% of the time
you're getting them wrong. He's throwing darts. Apparently one
time you're gonna hit the bullseye. So woolswap
and see I'm not going to take an action because you have a feeling
if you have a feeling pray is Takata. So Allah can reveal
Material an objective we can all base it upon, right? So I really
don't want you to take this flight. Okay? Don't take the
flight say that you can desire that all you want. But I'm not
going to make a basis upon that. Praise to Qatar all praise to God.
Then Allah subhana wa Tada calls that flight to be canceled or
delayed or for me to miss or my Uber was late, or we ran out of
gas or we hit a pothole, we got a flat tire now. Now we have
something and now we know for sure your intuition was right. It's
Takara is designed to prove your intuition right or wrong
with the material happening
your head, you we have you haven't meeting at three or 330?
Your classes at three classes
on the computer. Okay, so we're going to wrap up, we're going to
just take one more question from each one.
Okay, go ahead. Okay, so I'm gonna combine a couple of these
questions at once. Yeah, somebody asked, if they haven't prayed
together, we for years neglecting it. Could that be some of the
reason why those years were terrible, their salah. They didn't
pray today. And they were having bad times during those years.
Also, it could be that and it could be that there was something
else that's causing them to skip out away and have bad years at the
same time. But the way the solution to bad times is to go
back to the book of law. Go back to our Cydia and see what am I
doing wrong? Right, because the Haram will lead to harm. It will
lead to failure, no success. That's where we want to go in and
fix out and clear out reset ourselves by studying our fix and
make sure we're not doing anything Haram
as we need to do all the time. Yes, follow up for that. Someone
who doesn't understand Arabic From afar, and what are they supposed
to be thinking about during
when you don't understand the Quran, which is supposed to be
thinking about is these are the words of my Lord. That's it is
still the words of my Lord and that you are benefiting just from
hearing it. You're spiritually benefiting even though you don't
understand it.
All right, for the people in England.
May Allah accept your song as they're about to break their fast.
I'm going to take one more question here. And that question
is from
jam, Tessa duck. He says it's irrelevant to this topic fine.
It's about implementation of Islamic system, then how we change
capitalism into an Islamic system.
Oh, that's that's that's a very, very big topic, and probably one
that I'm not even. I don't even have much to offer to be honest on
Final, that it's such a humongous topic, the entire world is now
engulfed in a certain economic system. And to get out of that is
really difficult for the individual, let alone for our
community. You said in the beginning, like Yeah, the small
malady is a small remedy. It's not a small remedy, right? General
maladies have general solutions, right? You got headaches I can
give, I can solve that problem for you.
But the entire economic system of the world is a massive, massive
endeavor. We know the theory of how things should be done. But I
would say that let's try to implement it in a neighborhood
first how? by a system of loans.
Which without HIPAA, and we have ACC was a great organization. Noun
is a great organization. They're starting up these idea of college
loans, business loans, car loans that go without Libba. Let's just
get that right first. And then we can move on to the next big thing,
which is a hello insurance, hello health insurance, where it's not
money that's just going down the drain. No, it's my money, I'm
investing it. But if I get sick, the perk is you take care of me.
Right? That's how hello and then if I don't get sick and I want my
money back, I get my cap my my principal and my profits minus
administrative costs.
That's how it really should work.
Please do a separate session on latest Kadri Yes, we have to do
that very soon on latest recording and I'm sure remember CLT has a
book on this. And insha Allah will read through that book. Everyone
may Allah subhanaw taala accept from us a May Allah subhana which
strengthen us in cm May Allah subhanaw taala remove all the
blocks the blockage between us and good a bad and good remembrance
and may Allah subhana wa
To clarify clear our intellects from false ideas false notions
false concept may Allah subhanaw taala make us always live and die
on the Sunnah and Gemma, and from this day until the day we meet our
Lord, the people of the masajid be people of humility, be people of
having no need for the creation. Being people have been people of
loving a bed and loving vicar and loving Tao and loving the OMA
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we ask Allah for the
Muslims in Yemen, in Gaza, in Shem in the areas of Palestine that are
being abused, for the Muslims in Kashmir, we ask Allah subhana wa
Tada to have mercy on the Muslims of the Uighurs and the Muslims in
the of the Rohingya people who ask Allah to Allah to distract their
enemy from them, and make all their suffering a fodder for their
sins for everyone on the stream. And for everyone, our communities
and in our families, we ask Allah to Allah to accept our dua this
Ramadan all of our dogs that we are sending up this Ramadan yeah
Mooji Mooji we emoji We ask Allah to Allah to, to answer them and
bless them and redirect our dua to what he wants for us. redirect our
desires, to his desires, so that all of our dua are answered. We
ask Allah subhanaw taala to make a mess we in our hearts and make
Cofer and disobedience and deviation bitter and distasteful
to our hearts are subtle. Allahumma barik ala Sayidina
Muhammad while early he was so happy with Salam Subhana wa COVID
Isaiah mercy Juan Manuel and more said you know what? hamdulillah