Shadee Elmasry – Natural Antidepressants

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the use of antidepressant drugs and natural sources of energy in treating conditions such as anxiety and depression. They encourage people to use these natural sources of energy and try them out.
AI: Transcript ©
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be what's an antidepressant in this life? Go to the SUTA and

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focus on these things. Look at these things go out stargazing,

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get some sun go out and in nature look at trees go hang out where

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trees are, you might think, Oh, this is tacky. Most youth do

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right? Until you go. He has oh my gosh, I feel like so at peace

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here. The next time you go out there and you see one of these

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natural types, they're always in nature. Find me one of them who's

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depressed. Those natural people who were the weird sandals and all

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that right there we would say maybe they're extreme in this

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finally one of them was anxiety. Find me one of them who's not so

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happy or almost disgusted how happy he is. Right? Like he's so

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happy so up all the time. He almost weird. If you're feeling

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down, take a dosage of nature.

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