Shadee Elmasry – Juz 6, The Quran An English Translation, Part 6 of 30

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The group discusses the loss of life and the consequences of their actions, emphasizing the importance of believing in God and not violating his mercy. They stress the need to be mindful of God and not let fear and fear lead away from justice. The speakers also emphasize the importance of being mindful of God and not giving up on one's religion, and stress the need for people to not become attached to their beliefs and not pursue false promises. They also mention the importance of not acknowledging promises and following true people's beliefs. The speakers encourage people to uphold the Torah and the throne, not to become attached to their beliefs, and to not pursue false promises.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum. This is the Quran, a new translation by M A S. Abdul

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makes me learn.

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New or

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this begins just number six.

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God does not like bad words to be made public unless someone has

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been wronged. He is all hearing and all knowing if you do good

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openly or in secret, or if you pardon something bad, then God is

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Most forgiving and powerful. As for those who ignore God and His

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messengers, and want to make a distinction between them, saying,

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We believe in some but not in others seeking a middle way, they

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are really disbelievers. We have prepared a humiliating punishment

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for those who disbelieve, but God will give due rewards to those who

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believe in Him and His messengers, and make no distinction between

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any of them. God is Most Forgiving and Merciful. The people of the

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Book demand that you profit and make a book physically come down

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to them from heaven. But they demanded even more than that of

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Moses when they said, Show us God face to face, and we're struck by

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the Thunderbolt for their presumption. Even after clear

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revelations had come down to them, they took the calf as an object of

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worship. Yet we pardon this and gave Moses clear authority. We

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made the mountain tower high above them at their pledge. We said to

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them enter the gate humbly, and do not break the Sabbath, and took a

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solemn pledge from them. And so for breaking their pledge for

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rejecting God's revelations for unjustly killing their profits for

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saying, our minds are closed. No, God has sealed them in their

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disbelief, so they believe only a little. And because they

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disbelieved and uttered a terrible slander against Mary and said, We

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have killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of God.

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They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, though it was

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made to appear like that to them. Those that disagreed about him are

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full of doubt, with no knowledge to follow only supposition. They

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certainly did not kill him. No, God raised Him up to himself. God

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is almighty and wise. There is not one of the People of the Book who

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will not believe in Jesus before his death. And on the Day of

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Resurrection, you will be a witness against them. For the

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wrongdoings done by the Jews, we forbade them certain good things

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that hadn't been permitted to them before. For happening frequently D

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barred others from God's path

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for taking usury when they had been forbidden to do so. And for

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wrongfully devouring other people's property. For those of

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them that reject the truth, we have prepared an agonizing

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torment, but those of them who are well grounded in knowledge and

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have faith, do believe in what has been revealed to Muhammad, and in

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what was revealed before you, those who perform the prayers, pay

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the prescribed arms, and believe in God and the Last Day, to them,

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we shall have a great reward. We have sent revelation to you

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Muhammad as we did to Noah and the prophets after him to Abraham,

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Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the tribes to Jesus job Jonah, Aaron

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and Solomon. To David, we give the book of Psalms to other messengers

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we have already mentioned to you and also to some we have not. to

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Moses, God spoke directly. They were messengers bearing good news

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and warning so that mankind would have no excuse before God after

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receiving the messengers. God is almighty in all wise, but God

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himself bears witness to what he has sent down to you. He sent it

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down with his full knowledge, the angels to bear witness, though God

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is sufficient witness. Those who have believed and barred others

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from God's path have gone far astray. God will not forgive those

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who have disbelieved and do evil, nor will He guide them to any path

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except that of *, where they will remain forever. This is easy

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for God, people, the messenger has come to you with the truth from

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your Lord. So believe that is best for you. For even if you just

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believe all that is in the heavens, and the Earth still

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belongs to God, and He is all knowing and all wise people of the

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book, do not go to excess in your religion, and do not say anything

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about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary was

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nothing more than a messenger of God, His word directed to Mary and

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a spirit from him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not

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speak of a trinity. Stop this that is better for you. God is only one

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God. He is far above having a sun. Everything in the heavens and

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earth belongs to Him. And He is the best one to trust that Messiah

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would never disdain to be a servant of God, nor would the

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angels who are close to him. He will gather before him all those

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who disdain his worship and are arrogant to those who believe and

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Good Works, he will give due rewards and more of His Bounty. To

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those who are disdainful and arrogant, he will give an

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agonizing torment, and they will find no one besides God to protect

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or help them. People convincing proof has come down to you from

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your Lord, and we have sent a clear light down to you. God will

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admit those who believe in him and hold fast to him into his mercy

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and favor, He will guide them towards him on a straight path.

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They asked you prophet for a ruling, say God gives you a ruling

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about inheritance from someone who dies childless, with no surviving

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parents. If such a man leaves one sister, she's entitled to half the

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inheritance, he would be her sole heir if she had no child. If there

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are two sisters, they are entitled to two thirds of the inheritance

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between them. But if there are surviving brothers and sisters,

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the male is entitled to twice the share of the female. God makes

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this clear to you so that you do not make mistakes. He has full

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knowledge of everything.

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Chapter number five, the feast in the name of God, the Lord of

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Mercy, the Giver of Mercy, you who believe, fulfill your obligations,

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livestock animals are lawful as food for you. With the exception

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of what is about to be announced to you. You are forbidden to kill

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game while you're on pilgrimage. God commands what he will say you

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believe, do not violate the sanctity of God's rights. The

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sacred month, the sacrificial animals including the garland did,

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nor those going to the Sacred House to seek the bounty and

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pleasure of their Lord. But when you have completed the rites of

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pilgrimage you may hunt, do not let your hatred for the people who

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barred you from the sacred mosque induce you to break the law. Help

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one another to do what is right and good. Do not help one another

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toward sin and hostility. Be mindful of God for His punishment

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is severe. You are forbidden to eat carrion blood pigs meat, any

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animal over which any name other than God's has been invoked. Any

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animal strangled or victim of a violent blow or a fault or gored

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or savaged by a beast of prey unless you still slaughter it in

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the correct manner or anything sacrifice on idolatrous altars.

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You are also forbidden to a lot shares and meat by drawing marked

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arrows a heinous practice. Today the disbelievers have lost all

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hope that you will give up your religion. Do not fear them, Fear

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me. Today I perfected your religion for you completed my

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blessing upon you have chosen as your religion, Islam total

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devotion to God. But if any of you is forced by hunger to eat such

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forbidden food with no intention of doing wrong, then God is Most

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Forgiving and Merciful. They asked you Prophet so what is lawful for

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them say all good things are lawful for you. This includes what

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You have taught your birds and beasts of prey to catch, teaching

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them as God has taught you. So eat what they catch for you, but first

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pronounced God's name over it. Be mindful of God, he is swift to

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take account. Today all good things have been made lawful for

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you. The food of the people of the book is lawful for you, as your

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food is lawful for them. So are chaste believing women as well as

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chaste women of the people who are given the Scripture before you as

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long as you have given them their bride gifts and married them, not

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taking them as lovers of secret misuses the deeds of anyone who

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rejects the obligations of faith will come to nothing. And in the

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hereafter he will be one of the losers. You who believe when

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you're about to pray, wash your faces and your hands and arms up

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to the elbows, wipe your heads, wash your feet up to the ankles

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and if required, wash your whole body. If any of you is sick or on

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a journey, or has just relieved himself, or had intimate contact

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with a woman and can find no water that takes him clean sand and wipe

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your face and hands with it. God does not wish to place any burden

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on you. He only wishes to cleanse you and perfect his blessing on

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you so that you may be thankful.

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Remember God's blessing on you and the pledge with which you are

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bound when you said we hear and we obey. Be mindful of God. God has

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full knowledge of the secrets of the heart. You who believe be

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steadfast in your devotion to God and bear witness impartially. Do

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not let hatred of others lead you away from justice, but adhere to

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justice, for that is closer to awareness of God. Be mindful of

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God. God is well aware of all that you do. God has promised

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forgiveness and a rich reward to those who have faith and do good

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works. Those who reject Faith and deny revelations will inhabit the

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blazing Fire. You who believe remember God's blessing

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I knew when a certain people were about to raise their hands against

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you, and he restrain them. Be mindful of God, let the believers

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put their trust in Him. God took such a pledge from the children of

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Israel, we made 12 leaders rise among them. And God said, I am

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with you. If you keep up the prayer, pay the prescribed arms,

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believe in my messengers and support them and lead God a good

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loan, I will wipe out your sins and admit you into gardens grace

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with flowing streams. Any of you who now ignored this pledge will

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be far from the right path. But they broke their pledge. So we

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distance them from us and harden their hearts. They distort the

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meaning of revealed words. And if forgotten some of what they were

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told to remember, you prophet will always find treachery in all, but

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a few of them, overlook this and part in them. God loves those who

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do good. We also took a pledge from those who say, we are

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Christians, but they too forgot some of what they were told to

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remember. So we stirred up enmity and hatred among them until the

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Day of Resurrection, when God will tell them what they have done.

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People of the Book, our messenger has come to make clear to you much

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of what you have kept hidden of the scripture, and to overlook

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much of what you have done.

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A light has now come to you from God, and as scripture making

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things clear, with which God guides to the ways of peace, those

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who follow what pleases Him, bringing them from darkness out

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into light, by his will, and guiding them to a straight path.

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Those who say God is the Messiah, the Son of Mary, or defined truth,

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say, if it had been God's will, could anyone have prevented him

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from destroying the Messiah, Son of Mary, together with his mother

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and everyone else on Earth, control of the heavens and earth,

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and all that is between them belongs to God, he creates

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whatever He will.

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God has power over everything. The Jews and the Christians say, we

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are the children of God and His Beloved ones, say, then why does

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he punish you for your sins, you are merely human beings, part of

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His creation, He forgives whoever He will and punish his whoever He

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will, control of the heavens and earth and all that is between them

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belongs to him. All journeys lead to him. People of the Book, our

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messenger comes to you now after a break in the sequence of

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messengers, to make things clearer for you, in case you should say,

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no one has come to give us good news or to warn us. So someone has

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come to you to give you good news and warn you, God has the power to

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do all things. Moses said to his people, my people, remember God's

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blessing on you how he raised prophets among you, and gave you

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what he had not given to any other people. My people go into the Holy

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Land, which God has ordained for you do not turn back or you will

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be the losers. They said, Moses, there is a fearsome people in this

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land, we will not go there until they leave. If they leave, then we

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will enter. Yet two men whom God had blessed among those who are

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afraid that go into them through the gate, and when you go in you

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will overcome them. If you are true believers put your trust in

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God. They said, Moses, we will never enter while they are still

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there. So you and your Lord go in and fight, and we will stay here.

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He said, Lord, I have authority over no one except myself and my

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brother, judge between the two of us and these disobedient people.

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God said the land is forbidden to them for 40 years, they will

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wander the earth aimlessly, do not grieve over those who disobey.

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Prophet tell them the truth about the story of Adam's two sons. Each

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of them offered a sacrifice, and it was accepted from one and not

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the other. One said I will kill you. But the other said God only

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accepts the sacrifice of those who are mindful of him.

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If you raise your hand to kill me, I will not raise mine to kill you.

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I fear God the Lord of all worlds. And I would rather you are

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burdened with my sins as well as yours, and became an inhabitant of

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the fire.

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Such as the evildoers reward, what his soul prompted him to kill his

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brother. He killed him and became one of the losers. God sent a

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raven to scratch off the ground, and show him how to cover his

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brother's corpse. And he said, Woe is me. Could I not have been like

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this Raven and covered up my brother's body, he became

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On account of his deed, we decreed to the children of Israel that if

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anyone kills a person, unless in retribution for murder or

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spreading corruption in the land, it is as if he kills all mankind.

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While if any saves a life it is as if he saves the lives of all

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mankind. Our messengers came to them with clear signs, but many of

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them continued to commit excesses in the land and

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Those who wage war against God and His messenger and strive to spread

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corruption in the land should be punished by death, crucifixion,

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the amputation of an alternate hand and foot, or banishment from

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the land, a disgrace for them in this world, and then a terrible

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punishment in the hereafter unless they repent before you overpower

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them. In that case, bear in mind that God is forgiving and

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merciful. You who believe be mindful of God, seek ways to come

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closer to him and strive for his cause, so that you may prosper. If

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the disbelievers possessed all that is in the earth and twice as

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much again, and offered it to ransom themselves from torment on

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the Day of Resurrection, it will not be accepted from them, they

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will have a painful torment. They will wish to come out of the fire,

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but they will be unable to do so. There is will be a lasting

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torment. Cut off the hands of these whether they are a man or

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woman as punishment for what they have done. I determined from God,

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God is almighty and wise. But if anyone repents after his

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wrongdoing and makes amends, God will accept his repentance. God is

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Most forgiving, Most Merciful. Do you Prophet not know that control

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of the heavens and earth belongs solely to God, He punishes whoever

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you will and forgive whoever He will. God has power over

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everything. Messenger. Do not be grieved by those who rush into

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disbelief. Those who say with their mouths, we believe, but have

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no faith in their hearts, and the Jews who listen eagerly to lies

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and to those who have not even met you, who distort the meanings of

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revealed words and say to each other. If you are given this

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ruling, accept it. But if you are not then beware. If God intends

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some people to be misguided, you will be powerless against God on

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their behalf. These are the ones whose hearts God does not intend

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to close a disgrace for them in this world, and then a heavy

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punishment in the hereafter. They listened eagerly to lies and

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consume what is unlawful. If they come to you profit for judgment,

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you can either judge between them or decline. If you decline, they

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will not harm you in any way. But if you do judge between them,

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Judge justly, God loves to just. But why do they come to you for

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judgment when they have the Torah with God's judgment, and even then

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still turn away? These are not believers. We've revealed the

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Torah with guidance and light and the prophets who had submitted to

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God judge according to it for the Jews, so did the rabbis and the

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scholars in accordance with that part of God scripture, which they

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were entrusted to preserve, and to which they were witnesses. So

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rabbis and scholars do not fear people fear me, do not barter away

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my messages for a small price. Those who do not judge according

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to what God has sent down or rejecting God's teachings. If the

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Torah we prescribe for them a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a

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nose for a nose, and ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, an equal

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wound for a wound. If anyone forgoes this out of charity, it

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will serve as atonement for his bad deeds. Those who do not judge

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according to what God has revealed are doing grave wrong.

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We sent Jesus son of Mary in their footsteps, to confirm the Torah

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that had been sent before them. We gave him the gospel with guidance,

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light and confirmation of the Torah already revealed a guide and

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lesson for those who take heed of God. So let the followers of the

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gospel judge according to what God has sent down in it. Those who do

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not judge according to what God has revealed are law breakers. We

00:18:37 --> 00:18:40

sent to you Mohammed the Scripture with the truth confirming the

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scriptures that came before it, and with final authority over

00:18:44 --> 00:18:48

them. So judge between them according to what God has sent

00:18:48 --> 00:18:51

down, do not follow their whims which deviate from the truth that

00:18:51 --> 00:18:55

has come to you. We have assigned a law and a path to each of you.

00:18:55 --> 00:18:59

If God had so willed, He would have made you into one community,

00:18:59 --> 00:19:03

but he wanted to test you through that which He has given you. So

00:19:03 --> 00:19:06

race to do good, you will all return to God and He will make

00:19:06 --> 00:19:10

clear to you the matters you deferred about. So Prophet, judge

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between them according to what God has sat down, do not follow their

00:19:14 --> 00:19:18

whims and take good care that they do not tempt you away from any of

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what God has sent down to you. If they turn away. Remember that God

00:19:22 --> 00:19:26

intends to punish them for some of the sins they have committed. A

00:19:26 --> 00:19:29

great many people are law breakers. They want judgment

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according to the time of pagan ignorance. Is there any better

00:19:33 --> 00:19:38

judge than God for those of firm faith? You who believe do not take

00:19:38 --> 00:19:41

the Jews and Christians as allies, they are allies only to each

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other. Anyone who takes them as an ally becomes one of them. God does

00:19:46 --> 00:19:50

not guide such wrongdoers, yet you profit will see the perverse at

00:19:50 --> 00:19:54

heart rushing to them for protection, saying we are afraid

00:19:54 --> 00:19:58

fortune may turn against us. But God may well bring about a triumph

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or some other event

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have his own making, then they will rue the secrets they harbored

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in their hearts. And the believers will say, are these the man who

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swore by God using the strongest oats that they were with you? All

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they did was in vain. They have lost everything. You who believe

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if any of you go back on your faith, God will soon replace you

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with people he loves and who loves him. People who are humble towards

00:20:22 --> 00:20:26

the believers hard on the disbelievers and who's striving

00:20:26 --> 00:20:31

God's way without fearing anyone's reproach, such as God's favor. He

00:20:31 --> 00:20:36

grants it to whoever He will. God has endless bounty and knowledge.

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Your true allies are God is messenger and the believers, those

00:20:40 --> 00:20:44

who keep up the prayer, pay the prescribed arms and bow down to

00:20:44 --> 00:20:48

God. Those who turn for protection to God, His messenger and the

00:20:48 --> 00:20:53

believers are God's party. God's party is sure to triumph you who

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believe do not take as allies, those who ridicule your religion

00:20:56 --> 00:21:00

and make fun of it. Whether people who are given the Scripture before

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you or disbelievers, and be mindful of God, if you are true

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believers, when you make the call to prayer, they ridicule it and

00:21:07 --> 00:21:10

make fun of it. This is because there are people who do not

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reason, say profit People of the Book, Do you resent us for any

00:21:15 --> 00:21:18

reason other than the fact that we believe in God, and what has been

00:21:18 --> 00:21:23

sent down to us and what was sent before us? While most of you are

00:21:23 --> 00:21:28

disobedient? Say Shall I tell you who deserves the worst punishment

00:21:28 --> 00:21:32

from God than the one you wish upon us? Those God distanced from

00:21:32 --> 00:21:36

itself was angry with and condemned as apes and pigs, and

00:21:36 --> 00:21:40

those who worship idols. They are worse in rank and have strayed

00:21:40 --> 00:21:42

further from the right path.

00:21:43 --> 00:21:47

When they come to you believers, they say we believe, but they come

00:21:47 --> 00:21:50

disbelieving and leave disbelieving. God knows best what

00:21:50 --> 00:21:54

they are hiding. You Prophet see many of them rushing into sin and

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hostility, and consuming what is unlawful, how evil their practices

00:21:59 --> 00:22:03

are? Why did their rabbis and scholars not forbid them to speak

00:22:03 --> 00:22:06

sinfully and consume what is unlawful? How evil their deeds

00:22:06 --> 00:22:11

are? The Jews have said God is tight * what it is they who

00:22:11 --> 00:22:14

are tight *, and they are rejected for what they have said,

00:22:15 --> 00:22:20

truly God's hands are open wide. He gives as he pleases. What has

00:22:20 --> 00:22:23

been sent down to you from your Lord is sure to increase insolence

00:22:23 --> 00:22:28

and defiance in many of them. We have sown enmity and hatred

00:22:28 --> 00:22:31

amongst them till the Day of Resurrection. Whenever they kindle

00:22:31 --> 00:22:35

the fire of war, God will put it out. They tried to spread

00:22:35 --> 00:22:39

corruption in the land. But God does not love those who corrupt.

00:22:40 --> 00:22:44

If only the people of the book would leave and be mindful of God,

00:22:44 --> 00:22:47

we would take away their sins and bring them into the gardens of

00:22:47 --> 00:22:51

delight. If they had upheld the Torah and the Gospel, and what was

00:22:51 --> 00:22:54

sent down to them from their Lord, they would have been given

00:22:54 --> 00:22:57

abundance from above and from below. Some of them are on the

00:22:57 --> 00:23:03

right course, but many of them how evil is what they do. Messenger

00:23:03 --> 00:23:06

proclaim everything that has been sent down to you from your Lord.

00:23:06 --> 00:23:10

If you do not, then you will not have communicated his message. And

00:23:10 --> 00:23:14

God will protect you from people. God does not guide those who defy

00:23:14 --> 00:23:19

him, say People of the Book, you have no true basis for your

00:23:19 --> 00:23:23

religion unless you uphold the Torah, the gospel and that which

00:23:23 --> 00:23:26

has been sent down to you from your Lord. But what has been sent

00:23:26 --> 00:23:30

down to you profit from your Lord is sure to increase many of them

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in their insolence in defiance, do not worry about those who defy

00:23:35 --> 00:23:40

God. For the Muslim believers, the Jews, and the sapiens and

00:23:40 --> 00:23:44

Christians, those who believe in God and the Last Day and do good

00:23:44 --> 00:23:49

deeds, there is no fear they will not grieve. We took a pledge from

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the children of Israel and sent messengers to them. Whenever a

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messenger brought them anything they did not like. They accuse

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some of lying and put others to death. They thought no harm could

00:24:00 --> 00:24:04

come to them and so became blind and death. Then God turned to them

00:24:04 --> 00:24:09

in mercy. But many of them again became blind and death. God is

00:24:09 --> 00:24:13

fully aware of their actions. Those who say God is the Messiah,

00:24:13 --> 00:24:18

Son of Mary have defied God. The Messiah himself said children of

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Israel, worship God, my Lord and your Lord. If anyone associates

00:24:23 --> 00:24:27

others with God, God will forbid him from the garden, and * will

00:24:27 --> 00:24:32

be his home. No one will help such evildoers. Those people who say

00:24:32 --> 00:24:36

that God is the third of three are defying the truth, there is only

00:24:36 --> 00:24:39

one God, if they do not stop what they are saying a painful

00:24:39 --> 00:24:43

punishment will afflict those of them who persist. Why do they not

00:24:43 --> 00:24:46

turn to God and ask His forgiveness when God is Most

00:24:46 --> 00:24:51

forgiving, Most Merciful? The Messiah Son of Mary was only a

00:24:51 --> 00:24:55

messenger. Other messengers had come and gone before him. His

00:24:55 --> 00:24:59

mother was a virtuous woman. both ate food like other mortals, see

00:24:59 --> 00:24:59


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clear we make these signs for them. See how deluded they are?

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Say how can we worship something other than God that has no power

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to do you harm or good? God alone is the All Hearing and all

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knowing, say People of the Book, do not overstep the bounds of

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truth in your religion, and do not follow the whims of those who went

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astray before you. They led many others astray and themselves

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continued to stray from the even path. Those children of Israel who

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defied God were rejected through the words of David and Jesus, son

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of Mary. Because they disobeyed they persistently overstepped the

00:25:37 --> 00:25:42

limits. They did not forbid each other to do wrong, how vile their

00:25:42 --> 00:25:43

deeds were.

00:25:44 --> 00:25:47

You Prophet see many of them allying themselves with the

00:25:47 --> 00:25:51

disbelievers. How terrible is what their souls have stored up for

00:25:51 --> 00:25:56

them. God is angry with them and they will remain tormented. If

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they had believed in God in the Prophet and what was set down to

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him they would have never allied themselves with the disbelievers

00:26:04 --> 00:26:09

but most of them are rebels this ends just number six

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00:27:29 --> 00:27:34

whoa Lana all hang

00:27:43 --> 00:27:43


00:27:52 --> 00:27:56

MIDI Wayne

00:28:00 --> 00:28:00

well done

00:28:01 --> 00:28:06

whoa whoa Lacroix waim.

00:28:08 --> 00:28:11

This has been a Safina society production.

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