Shadee Elmasry – Juz 19, The Quran An English Translation, Part 19 of 30
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The speakers discuss various aspects of the Bible, including the creation of humans by God, the worship of God, and the negative consequences of actions. They stress the importance of trusting oneself and not spreading corruption. The speakers also stress the need to show faith in the life to come and not be afraid of people. They also mention a woman who was punished for being in a city and is offered a gift to help her get her way back to her people.
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Salam aleikum. This is the Quran, a new translation by M A. S. Abdul
Halim me
this begins, choose number 19.
Those who do not fear to meet us say,
why are the angels not sent down to us? Or why can we not see our
they are too proud of themselves and to insolent.
There will be no good news for the guilty on the day they see the
The angels will say, you cannot cross the forbidden barrier. And
we shall turn to the deeds they have done and scatter them like
But the companions in the garden will have a better home on that
day, and a fairer place to rest. On the Day when the sky and its
clouds are split apart, and the angels set down in streams.
On that day, true authority belongs to the Lord have mercy.
It will be a grievious day for the disbelievers. On that day, the
evil doer will bite his own hand and say,
If only I had taken the same path, as the messenger, Woe is me. If
only I had not taken so and so as a friend, he led me away from the
revelation after it reached me. Satan has always betrayed mankind.
The Messenger has said, Lord, My People treat this Quran as
something to be shunned.
But we have always appointed adversaries from the wicked for
every prophet.
Your Lord is sufficient guide and helper.
The disbelievers also say, why was the Quran not sent down to him all
at once.
We sent it in this way to strengthen your profit to
strengthen your heart profit. We gave it to you in gradual
They cannot put any argument to you without our bringing you the
truth and the best explanation.
It is those driven falling on their faces to help who will be in
the worst place. They are the farthest from the right path.
We gave Moses the book and appointed his brother Aaron to
help him. We said go both of you to the people who have rejected
our signs. Later, we destroyed those people utterly. The people
of Noah to when they rejected their messengers, We drowned them
and made them an example to all people. We have prepared a painful
torment for the evildoers
as we did for the people of odd thumb mood, and all Ross and many
generations in between. to each of them, we gave warnings, and each
of them we destroyed completely.
These disbelievers must have passed by the town that was
destroyed by the terrible rain. Did they not see it?
Yet? They do not expect to be raised from the dead.
Whenever they see you profit they ridicule you.
Is this the one God has sent us a messenger
he might almost have led us astray from our gods if we had not stood
so firmly by them.
When they see the torment, they will know who was furthest from
the path.
Think profit of the man who has taken his own passion as a god.
Are you to be his guardian?
Do you think that most of them hear or understand?
They are like cattle? No, they are further from the path.
Do you not see how your Lord lengthens the shade? If he had
willed He could have made it stand still. We made the sun its
indicator. But we gradually draw it towards us little by little. It
is He who made the night to cover you and sleep for rest and made
the day like a resurrection.
It is He Who sends the winds as heralds of good news before His
mercy. We send down pure water from the sky so that we can revive
a dead land with it.
And we give it as a drink to many people, many animals and people we
have created.
Many times we have repeated this to people so that they might take
heed but most persist in their disbelief if it had been our way
Have, we would have sent a warner to every town. So Muhammad do not
give into the disbelievers strive hard against them with this Quran.
It is he who released the two bodies of flowing water, one sweet
and fresh, and the other salty and bitter and put an insurmountable
barrier between them.
It is He Who creates human beings from fluid then makes them kin by
blood and marriage. Your Lord is all powerful.
Yet instead of God they worship things that can neither benefit
nor harm them.
The disbeliever has always turned his back on his Lord.
We sent you only to give good news and warning. Say
I am not asking for any reward for it. But anyone who wishes should
take a Path to his Lord.
Put your trust in the living God who never dies, and celebrate His
praise. He knows the sins of His servants well enough.
It is He Who created the heavens and earth and what is between them
in six Days and then established himself on the throne. He is the
Lord of mercy. He is the best informed
yet when they are told, bow down before the Lord of Mercy. They say
what is the Lord have mercy? Should we bow down before anything
you command and they turn even further away. Exalted is He Who
put constellations in the heavens are radiant light and an
illuminating moon. It is He who made the night and day follow each
other. So anyone who wishes may be mindful or show gratitude.
The servants of the Lord have mercy are those who walk humbly on
the earth and who want aggressive people address them reply with
words of peace. Those who spend the night bowed down or standing,
worshipping their Lord, who plead our Lord, turn us away. Turn away
from us, the suffering of how its suffering goes on and on. It is an
evil home a foul resting place. There are those who are neither
wasteful nor niggardly when they spend, but keep to adjust balance.
Those who never invoke any other deity beside God, nor take a life
which God has made sacred, except in the pursuit of justice, nor
commit adultery. Whoever does these things will face the
penalties. Their torment will be doubled on the Day of
Resurrection, and they will remain in torment disgraced, Except those
who repent, believe and do good deeds.
God will change the evil deeds of such people into good ones. He is
most forgiving, Most Merciful.
People who repent and do good deeds truly returned to God.
The servants of The Lord of mercy are those who do not give fall
test false testimony and who, when they see some civility pass by
with dignity, who, when reminded of their Lord signs, do not turn a
deaf ear and a blind eye to them. Those who pray our Lord,
give us joy in our spouses and offspring. Make us good examples
to those who are aware of you. The servants who will be rewarded with
the highest place in paradise for their steadfastness.
There they will be met with greetings and peace. There they
will stay a happy home and resting place.
Prophet, say to the disbelievers What are you to my Lord without
your supplication? But since you have written off the truth, as
long as the inevitable will happen,
this is the end of Surah number 25
SUTA number 26 the poet's
in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy, da seen
These are the verses of the scripture that make things clear.
Are you going to worry yourself to death because they will not
if we had wished we could have sent them down a sign from heaven
at which their next would stay out and utter humiliation.
Whenever they are brought a new revelation from the Lord of Mercy.
They turn away then deny it but the truth
Have what they scorned will soon hit them.
Do they not see the Earth? And what noble kinds of things we grow
in it?
There truly is a sign in this, though most of them do not
Your Lord alone is the Almighty, the Merciful.
Your Lord called to Moses, go to those wrongdoers, the people of
Pharaoh, will they not take heed? Moses said,
My Lord, I fear they will call me a liar. And I feel
and I will feel stressed and tongue tied. So send Arun to,
besides, they have a charge against me, and I fear they may
kill me. God said, no, they will not go both of you with our signs,
we shall be with you. Listening. Go both of you to Pharaoh and say,
we bring a message from the Lord of the Worlds. Let the children of
Israel leave with us.
Pharaoh said, did we not bring you up as a child among us? Did you
not stay with us for many years?
And then you committed that crime of yours? You were so ungrateful.
Moses replied,
I was misguided when I did it. And I fled from you and fear. Later,
my Lord gave me wisdom and made me one of his messengers. And is
this, that you have enslaved the children of Israel, the favor with
which you were approached me?
Pharaoh asked, What is this Lord of the world? Moses replied, He is
Lord of the heavens and earth, and everything between them, if you
would only have faith.
Pharaoh said to those present, do you hear what he says? Moses said,
He is your Lord, and the Lord of your forefathers. Pharaoh says,
Pharaoh said,
this messenger who has been sent to you is truly possessed. Moses
Lord of the east, and west, and everything between them, if you
would only use your reason. But Pharaoh said to him,
if you take any god other than me, I will throw you into prison. And
Moses asked, even if I show you something convincing, show it then
said Pharaoh, if you are telling the truth.
So Moses throat threw down his staff, and lo and behold, it
became a snake for everyone to see.
Then he drew out his hand, and lo and behold, it was white for the
onlookers to see.
Moses said to the counselors around him.
This man is a learn sorcerer. He means to use his sorcery to drive
you out of your land. What do you suggest? They answered,
delay him in his brother for a while, and send messengers to all
the cities to bring every accomplished sorcerers to you.
The Sorcerer's were to be assembled at the appointed time on
a certain day, and the people were asked, are you all coming? We may
follow the sorcerers if they win.
When the sorceress came, they said to Pharaoh, shall we be rewarded
if we win? And he said, Yes, and you will join my inner court.
Moses said to them, throw down whatever you will.
They through their ropes and staffs saying, by Pharaoh's might,
we shall be victorious, but Moses through his staff, and lo and
behold, it swallowed up their trickery.
And the sorcerer's fell down on their knees, exclaiming, we
believe in the Lord of the Worlds, the Lord of Moses and Aaron.
Pharaoh said, How dare you believe in him? Before I have given you
permission, he must be the master who taught you sorcery. Soon you
will see, I will cut off your alternate hands and feet, and then
crucified a lot of you.
That will do us no harm they said, For we are sure to return to our
Lord. We hope that our Lord will forgive us our sins, as we were
the first to believe.
Then we revealed our will to Moses.
Leave with my servants by night for you will be pursued.
Pharaoh sent messengers into the city proclaiming these people are
a puny band. They have enraged us, and we are a large army on the
So it was that we made them leave their gardens and their springs
their treasures in their noble dwellings. We gave such things
later to the children of Israel.
Pharaoh and his people pursued them at sunrise. And as soon as
the two sides came within sight of one another, Moses, his followers
said, We shall definitely be caught. Moses said, No, my Lord is
with me, He will guide me. And we revealed to Moses,
strike the sea with your staff. It parted each side like a mighty
mountain, and we brought the others to that place. We saved
Moses and all his companions, and drowned the rest.
There truly is a sign in this, though most of them do not believe
your Lord alone is the Almighty, the Merciful.
Tell them the story of Abraham. When he asked his father and his
people, what do you worship? They said, We worship idols and are
constantly in attendance on them. He asked, do they hear you when
you call? Did they help or harm you?
They replied, No. But this is what we saw our fathers doing. Abraham
those idols you have worshipped, you and your forefathers are my
enemies. Not so the Lord of the Worlds who created me.
It is he who guides me, he who gives me food and drink, he who
cures me when I am ill, he who will make me die and then give me
life again. And he who will, I hope, forgive my faults on the Day
of Judgment. My Lord, grant me wisdom.
Join me with the righteous, give me a good name among later
generations, make me one of those given the garden of bliss. Forgive
my father, for he is one of those who have gone astray.
And do not disgrace me on the day when all people are resurrected.
The day when neither wealth nor children can help,
when the only one who will be saved, is the one who comes before
God, with a heart devoted to him.
When the garden is brought near to the righteous, and the fire is
placed, in full view of the misguided it will be said to them.
Where are those you worshipped beside God? Can they help you now,
or even help themselves, and then they will all be hurled into *.
Together with those that misled them, and all IBLEES his
There, they will say to their gods, as they bicker among
we were clearly misguided when we made you equal with the Lord of
the Worlds. It was the evildoers, who led us astray. And now we have
no intercessor and no true friend. If only we could live our lives
again, we would be true believers.
There truly is a sign in this, though most of them do not believe
your Lord alone as the Almighty, the Merciful,
the people of Noah to call the messengers liars, because their
brother Noah said to them, will you not be mindful of God?
I am a faithful messenger sent to you. Be mindful of God and obey
me. I asked no reward of you. For my only reward is with the Lord of
the Worlds.
Be mindful of God and obey me. They answered, why should we
believe you and the worst sort of people follow you? He said, what
knowledge do I have of what they used to do? It is for my Lord
alone to bring them to account. If only you could see,
I will not drive believers away. I am here only to give people a
clear warning.
So they said,
Noah, if you do not stop this, you will be stoned. He said, My Lord,
My people have rejected me. So make a firm judgment between them,
between me and them, and save me and my believing followers. So we
saved him and his followers in the fully laid in ship
and drown the rest. There truly is a sign in this, though most of
them do not believe your Lord alone is the Almighty, the
The people have to call the messengers liars, their brother
who had said to them, will you not be mindful of God? I am a faithful
messenger sent to you be
mindful of God and obey me. I asked him to reward a view from my
only reward is with the Lord of the world. How can you be so vain?
That you set up monuments on every high place?
Do you build fortresses because you hope to be immortal? Why do
you act like tyrants? Whenever you attack someone, be mindful of God
and obey me. Be mindful of him, who has provided you with
everything you know, he has given you livestock, sons, gardens
springs, for I fear truly fear that the torment of a grievious
day will overtake you. They replied, It makes no difference to
us whether you want us or not, for we only do what our forefathers
used to do, we shall not be punished. They denounced him as a
liar, and so we destroyed them.
There truly is a sign in this, though most of them do not
Your Lord alone is the Almighty, of the Merciful.
The people of Thamud to call the messengers liars, their brother
Sally said to them, will you not be mindful of God? I am a faithful
messenger to you. Be mindful of God and obey me. I asked no reward
from you. For my only reward us with the Lord of the Worlds.
Do you think you will be left secure forever and what you have
here? Gardens, springs, fields, palm trees laden with fruit,
carving your fine houses from the mountains.
Be mindful of God and obey me do not obey those who are given to
access and who spread corruption in the land instead of doing what
is right. They said, You are bewitched. You are nothing but a
man like us. Show us a sign if you are telling the truth. He said
here is a camel, she should have her turn to drink. And so should
you eat on a specified day. So do not harm her or the torment of a
terrible day will befall you.
But they hamstrung her.
In the morning, they had cause to regret it. The punishment fell
upon them. There truly is a sign in this, though most of them will
not believe
your Lord alone is the Almighty, the Merciful.
The people have lot to call the messengers liars. Their brother
lot said to them, will you not be mindful of God? I am a faithful
messenger to you. Be mindful of God and obey me. I asked no reward
from you. For my only reward is what the Lord of the Worlds
must you unlike other people lust after males, and abandon the wives
that God has created for you. You are exceeding all bounds.
But they replied a lot. If you do not stop this, you will be driven
away. So he said, I loathe what you do. Lord, saved me and my
family from what they are doing. We saved him and all his family
except for an old woman who stayed behind.
Then we destroy the others and poured a reign of destruction upon
them. How dreadful that rain was, for those who had been forewarned.
There truly is a sign in this, the most of them will not believe
your Lord alone is the Almighty, the Merciful,
the forest dwellers to call the messengers liars show Ayub said to
them, will you not be mindful of God? I am a faithful messenger to
you. Be mindful of God and obey me. I asked no reward of you. For
my only reward is with the Lord of the Worlds.
Give full measure, do not sell other short way with correct
scales. Do not deprive people of what is theirs. Do not spread
corruption on earth. Be mindful of God who created you and former
But they replied, You are bewitched. You are nothing but a
man like us. In fact, we think you are a liar. Make bits of the
heaven fall down on us as if you were telling the truth. He said
My Lord knows best what you do. They call him a liar and so the
torment of the day of shadow came upon them. It was a torment of a
terrible day. There truly is a sign in this though most of them
will not believe your Lord alone is the almighty the merciful
this Quran has been sent by the Lord of the Worlds. the
trustworthy spirit brought it down to your heart Prophet, so that you
could bring warning in a clear Arabic tongue.
There, this was foretold in the scriptures of earlier religions.
Is it not proof enough for them that the learned men of the
children of Israel have recognized it?
If we had sent it down to someone who was not an Arab,
and he had recited it to them, they still would not have believed
in it. So we make it pass straight through the hearts of the guilty,
they will not believe in it until they see the grievious torment,
which will suddenly hit them when they are not expecting it. And
then they will say, can we have more time?
How can they ask that our torment be brought to them sooner? Think
if we let them enjoy this life for some years, and then the promise
torment came to them?
What good will their past enjoyment be to them?
Never have We destroyed a town without sending down messengers to
warn it. As a reminder from us, we are never unjust.
It was not the jinn who brought down this Quran. It is neither in
their interests nor in their power. Indeed, they are prevented
from overhearing it. So Prophet, do not invoke any God beside God,
where you will incur torment, warn your nearest kinfolk and lower
your wing tenderly over the believers who follow you.
If they disobey you say, I bear no responsibility for your actions.
Put your trust in the Almighty, the Merciful, who sees you when
you stand up for prayer, and sees your movements among the among the
worshipers. He has the All Hearing, the All Knowing,
shall I tell you who the jinn come down to
they come down to every lying sinner who readily lends an ear to
them, and most of them are liars.
Only those who are lost in error follow the poets
do you not see how they rove aimlessly in every valley?
How they say what they do not do?
Not so those poets who believe do good deeds. Remember God often and
defend themselves after they have been wronged. The evildoers will
find out what they will return to.
This is the end of Surah number 26
Surah number 27.
The ants
in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy, dar
these are the verses of the Quran. A scripture that makes things
clearer, a guide and joyful news for the believers who keep up the
prayer, pay the prescribed arm arms and believe firmly in the
life to come.
As for those who do not believe in the life to come, we have made
their deeds seem alluring to them. So they wander blindly. It is they
who will have the worst suffering and will be the ones to lose most
in the life to come.
You profit received the Quran from one who was all wise, all knowing.
Remember Moses said to his family, I have seen a fire. I will bring
you news from there or a burning stick for you to warm yourselves.
When he reached the fire of voice called
bless it as the person near this fire and those around it. May God
be exalted. The Lord of the world's
Moses, I am God, the Mighty, the Wise.
Throw down your staff. But when he saw it moving like a snake he
turned and fled.
Moses, do not be afraid.
The messengers need have no fear in my presence and towards those
who do wrong and then replace their evil with good. I am truly
most forgiving and merciful.
Put your hand inside your cloak and it will come out white but
These are among the nine signs that you will show Pharaoh and his
people. They have really gone too far.
But when
are enlightening signs came to them, they said, this is clearly
just sorcery. They denied them in their wickedness and their pride,
even through their souls, even though their souls acknowledge
them as true. See how those who spread corruption met their end.
And we gave knowledge to David and Solomon. And they both said,
praise be to God, who has favored us over many of his believing
servants. Solomon succeeded David. He said,
People, we have been taught the speech of birds, and we have been
given a share of everything. This is clearly a great favor.
Solomon's hosts of jinn, men, and birds were marshaled in ordered
ranks before him. And when they came to the Valley of ants, one
ant said, ants go into your homes in case Solomon and his hosts
unwittingly unwillingly unwittingly crush you.
Solomon smiled broadly at her words and said, Lord, in smart
inspire me to be thankful for the blessings you have granted me and
my parents, and to do good deeds that please you. admit me by Your
grace into the ranks of your righteous servants.
Solomon inspected the birds and said, Why do I not see the hoopoe?
Is he absent?
I will punish him severely or kill him, unless he brings me a
convincing excuse for his absence.
But the hoopoe did not stay away long. He came and said, I have
learned something you did not know. I come to you with from
Sheba with firm news.
I found a woman ruling over the people who has who has been given
a share of everything. She has a Magnificent Throne.
But I found that she and her people worship the sun instead of
Satan has made their deeds seem alluring to them, and diverted
them from the right path. They cannot find the right path.
Should they not worship God Who brings forth what is hidden in the
heavens and earth and knows both what you people can see you and
what you declare? He is God. There is no god but Him, the Lord of the
Mighty Throne.
Solomon said, we shall see whether you are telling the truth or
lying. Take this letter of mine and deliver it to them.
Then withdraw and see what answer they send back.
The Queen of Sheba said councillors a gracious letter has
been delivered to me.
It is from Solomon and it says,
In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy.
Do not put yourselves above me and come to me in submission to God.
She said, counselors Give me your counsel in the matter I now face.
I only ever decide on matters in your presence. They replied, We
possess great force and power and war. But you are in command. So
consider what orders to give us. She said. Whenever kings go into a
city they ruin it and humiliate its leaders. This is what they do.
But I am going to send them a gift. Then see what answer my
envoys bring back.
When our envoy came to Solomon, Solomon said, What are you
offering me wealth?
What God has given me is better than what he has given you. Though
you rejoice in this gift of yours. Go back to your people. We shall
certainly come upon them with irresistible force says and drive
them disgraced and humbled from their land.
Then he said, councillors, which of you can bring me her throne
before they come to me in submission?
A powerful and crafty Jin replied, I will bring it to you before you
can even rise from your place. I am strong and trustworthy enough.
But one of them who had some knowledge of the Scripture said, I
will bring it to you in the twinkling of an eye.
When Solomon saw it set before him, he said
this is a favor from my Lord, to test whether I am grateful or not.
If anyone is grateful, it is for his own good.
If anyone is ungrateful, then my Lord is self sufficient and most
Then he said
I disguise her throne and we shall see whether or not she recognizes
When she arrived, she was asked is this is your throne like this? She
replied, It looks like it.
Solomon said, we were given knowledge before her, and we
devoted ourselves to God.
She was prevented by what she worshipped instead of God. For she
came from a disbelieving people.
Then it was said to her, enter the hall. But when she saw it, she
thought it was a deep pool of water and bared her legs.
Solomon explained, it is just a hall paved with glass. And she
said, My Lord, I have wronged myself. I devote myself with
Solomon to God, the Lord of the worlds
and to the people of Thurmond. We sent their brother Sally saying,
Worship God alone, but they split into two rival factions. Sally
said, My people, why do you rush to bring forward what is bad
rather than good? Why do you not ask forgiveness of God so that you
may be given mercy. They said, We see you and your followers as an
evil omen, he replied, God will decide on any Omen you may see you
people are being put to the test. There were nine men in the city,
who spread corruption in the land, without making amends. They said,
swear by God, we shall attack this man and his household in the
night. Then say to his next of kin, we did not witness the
destruction of his household. We are telling the truth.
So they devise their evil plan, but we too made a plan of which
they were unaware. See how their scheming ended.
We destroyed them utterly along with all their people.
As a result of their evil deeds, their homes or desolate ruins
there truly is a sign in this for those who know
but we save those who believed and we're mindful of God.
We also sent light to his people he said to them, how can you
commit this outrage with your eyes wide open? How can you lust after
men instead of women? You are foolish people.
This is the end of June number 19.
all hung
MIDI Wayne
long, long Hello waim This has been a Safina society production