Shadee Elmasry – It Doesn’t Take Much to do Da`wa

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the lack of knowledge in Islam and the importance of being a victress Deacon. They also talk about Jana's key to becoming a Church member and the importance of learning to convert. The speaker questions how Jana changed people's knowledge and suggests that people should be aware of this.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now let me ask you a question. Right now who has more knowledge?

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You are a victress Deacon, his first week of becoming a muslim?

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Who has no knowledge at this point right now? You right? No,

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definitely. This is the first week no think about in the first week.

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What was it? He had very little what was revealed in the first

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week of Islam.

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All that happened was what that you know, saying the Jubril came

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and told him that, you know, like, you know, whatever, that was it.

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There was nothing, really nothing what was there? Okay. But how,

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with such little near to zero knowledge? Was he able to have six

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of the best of the men mobile sharing bill, Jana, to convert?

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How did he do that? Do you remember his key? What did we say

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was his key to his character, his main key to his character was

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what? His love for truth, exactly. His sincere love for this religion

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and his commitment or attachment from day one, is what inside me

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says, Well, I will do everything I can to raise this religion. Do you

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understand how he changed those six people? If you think about it,

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what kind of knowledge do you have at that time? He knew that there's

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only one God that they know Muhammad now is the messenger.

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There's a day of judgment, and there's a heaven and *.

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Five things. Do you guys know all of this? You know, right? So why

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don't you tell people about it? Why don't we talk to people about

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it? We believe in it. But don't feel it. That's the point do we

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feel it? He believed in it. But more than believing he actually

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felt it. He really lived for it. That's what he was about. He was

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devoted. He knew he knew very little, he didn't know anything.

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Can you imagine the first day you become you come into religion and

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you're able to actually convert six? How long have we been Muslims

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for 3637 45 or whatever, however old we are, how many people were

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talking to about Islam? Or how many people have we tried to take

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their hand and even lead them like I tell you go preaching, but even

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leading them even by example, or taking the intention to lead them

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by example? Very few if none, subhanAllah if you think about it,

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and he had nothing new to nothing if you really think about it, how

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much knowledge if you go back to the books and see how much was

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revealed in the first week. There's nothing he just became a

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Muslim that said Subhan Allah

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