Shadee Elmasry – Imam of Madhab Went Against Sahih Hadith

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the use of "has" in Arabic to indicate opinion and false false accusations. They explore the theory that actions of companions and the Prophet peace be upon him, and discuss the use of clasping of hands as an exception to the rule. They also touch on affirmations and narrations of events, including the Hadith's statement that two people can retract their deal, the Prophet's statement that no one is alive and ruling, and the use of the Prophet's stance to encourage Muslims to study their method.
AI: Transcript ©
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Chances are the Imam had a stronger evidence

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a stronger Hadith

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so you may have come upon a hadith Yes, you did come upon a hadith

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but you didn't come upon all the Hadith. There's strong Hadith out

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there that you don't not aware of. So it's funny that oh my gosh the

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Imam didn't know about the Hadith. Also look in the mirror maybe you

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also didn't know about some evidences, right why it seems to

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be egotistical for us to come this far down in Islamic history and

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say, boom he didn't know the Hadith. Maybe also you don't know

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a lot of things about the evidences that they used. Okay, so

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that's one thing. Secondly, it could be a Quranic verse and

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certain Hadith and certain scholars differ on whether

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certain Hadith can provide exceptions to Quranic verses are

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not. Alright, let me give you a simple example. The magic is in

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the in the Hanif ease did not hold that a solitary Hadith can provide

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an exception

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to a Quranic verse. Quranic verses want to watch

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it more authoritative than one single narration

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that does that lacks context and explanation. So what they did for

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example, on Joomla when Joomla when eight falls on Joomla, what's

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the ruling there? The ruling there for the Hanafi is in the magic is

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is that you must pray. Gemma, the chef Eva, and I don't know about

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the 100 Hannah Bella, but the chef Eva Imam Shafi, he took a

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different approach than his previous two teachers. He said No,

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even if we have one single narration, we will use that as an

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exception for the Quran. So there is a narration in which the

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Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam told some people that if aid is on

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a drummer, they don't have to come back

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for joy pray the hood in their homes. So what did Abu Hanifa and

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Malik say about that hadith, they say we didn't see any of the

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previous generations practicing that. So we don't deny that it

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happens. But we don't know the context wasn't an exception. Was

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there a specific thing was it abrogated later on? We don't know.

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So we don't deny that the Hadith took place. But we don't have

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enough information around it.

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Okay, to make a ruling by it, and the companions, and the teb, ain,

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and the Tebbetts, eBaying, none of their leaders practiced it. They

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all prayed drama on aid. As a result of that we accept it as a

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sci fi idea, but we can't use it as evidence. We're going to use

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the action of the companions and the tab ain as a greater evidence.

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Now the actions of the companions. Is that not the Sunnah, when a

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whole generation of companions is doing something, is that not the

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teaching of the Prophet peace be upon him? Okay. So so that's the

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first understanding is that there was another evidence that's

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stronger than that. Okay, what's next? It could have been

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abrogated. We already alluded to that it could have been abrogated.

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So in the companion see, when an imam sees that there is this

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isolated Hadith one narration to do X, but we find none of the

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companions or the second generation doing X, then what do

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they assume? They assume maybe it was abrogated is why is it that

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the action is different, okay, of the most noble of generations. And

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this narration, so they so it's not to say that the narration is

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rejected, is to say there is not enough information around it. And

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there is contradictory information to it. In other words, the actions

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of the next two generations is contradictory to it. So as a

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result of that, we're just going to suspend it, and we're not going

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to act upon we're going to act upon what stronger yet, I'm going

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to assume possibly was abrogated. Another possibility is was an

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exception. So for example, the raising of the hands, even the

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clasping of the hands to take an as an example. Medic himself,

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cites the Hadith of the clasping of the hands. But his method is to

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put the hands down in the prayer. So we need to know like, Hey,

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don't drive me crazy. Here we following the Prophet the hadith

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is right there. Why are you ruling the opposite? The answer is, is

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that oftentimes, a hadith is deemed to be an exception to the

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rule, not the rule itself.

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And what's an example of that in other narrations,

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they state that the Sahaba were praying long Noah fell, and the

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prophets and their hands were getting numb. And so the prophets

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I sent him said, clasp your hands as an exception as a Roxa. When

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you're printing long prayers to clasp your hands so that your

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hands don't get numb, the blood is down to their hands. So it's the

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idea that

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The narration is accepted, but it's known to be an exception

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versus the rule. Right? And that's why a Mehtab ruling may seem to be

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quite opposite so you'll see mentions that the mimetic has

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dozens of Hadith that he puts in them what up that he doesn't rule

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by because he's basically putting them in them what that saying I

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know these are exceptions. These are not the rule.

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Another famous hadith is at obey Yanni bill here, email me, it's a

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very funny example that a man came to him a medic. And he said medic.

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When can two people who buy and sell something make a deal?

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He says they can't as soon as they make the deal, it's done. Okay? He

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says but Maddock you yourself.

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cite the Hadith in the Morata that two people, they can retract their

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deal that they made. Okay, as long as they're still sitting together.

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Right? He says, I cited that hadith, so that an ignorant person

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like you doesn't come and tell me one day that there is such a

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hadith. I knew that hadith. Okay, but I have a stronger evidence

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from it. There's a stronger evidence to that. Okay. And so,

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again, you have any situations where the Imam may know Hadith and

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cite it himself, but he's citing it to make people know, I know it,

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and I have a stronger evidence for it than it.

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Okay, so what's another example?

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How about that the narrator may act differently from what he

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What happens when that occurs? narrator says one thing, he says

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the Prophet said do this, but he doesn't do it. So clearly. He

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viewed it as a minor fothergilla. Or maybe an exception in the

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famous example of Abdullah bin Omar, who narrates the hadith of

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raising the hands before and after the core. So maybe he was saying

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the prophets I seldom did it once or twice. But as an exception, not

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the rule, because he himself was narrated that he didn't do it. He

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narrated that anybody didn't do it. Okay.

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We have other examples of this. bigger issues. How about saying it

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and the cut and the coverage? Did not the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam say, if I was alive when the colada just came out, I would

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kill them all. who narrates that hadith say nobody? Who was alive

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ruling when the Jaredites came out? said no. Did he kill them

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all? No, he didn't kill them all. So what did you do? Just ignore

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the prophets Hadith.

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Or he understood it in a context. Okay. That it with conditions

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maybe? All right, yes, he would do that. If there were conditions,

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the condition being that there wouldn't be greater harm than

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good, right? Common sense as that. So say that it knew that hadith,

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the prophesy centum said if the who are the parasites, the rebels,

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they think they're more pious than everybody else and they rebel

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against the authority. Okay, those are the high wattage rebels. And

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they have a political and religious element to them. And the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if I was alive, I

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would kill all of them. Yeah, they're the rebels. They're gonna

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cause problems in the OMA. So say 90 narrates the Hadith and say 90

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is ruling when the Claridge rights emerge as the prophet prophesied.

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But he killed them. He said they can go and live in their mosques

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in their villages and pray in their Missmiss. Ajit as long as

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they leave us alone, the moment they start killing us, then we

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fight them. So the problem so say Nayeli, understood the conditions,

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the preconditions before the implementation of the prophets,

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And of course, he did in certain period of time, the Battle of no

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one did fight them.

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Okay, he did fight them. But before that, and after that, he

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let them live. So he understood the conditions. So again, another

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reason is that yes, there may be a hadith, and a ruling in a method,

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but the Hadith has understood conditions around. Why are we

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saying all this is because the best way for you students of

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knowledge brand new students are not this whole livestream. The

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purpose of this livestream is to introduce Muslims to the path of

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knowledge and piety and worship. The best way to go about this is

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to study the four Imams, choose who you believe is most worthy of

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following. That's the HD head, the scholarly effort of the common

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person, and then follow that person because we don't have time.

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We don't have the time of day to study every single issue and get

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to the bottom every single issue, but we can study the Imams and

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their methodologies. And then it becomes a function after that. So

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this is the imam in the methodology that I believe is most

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worthy of following and then after that, I going to follow him and I

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could study his evidence

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As much as I can, but now, me my life, my family, my community, my

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household, my masjid, we have a policy. This is the book. And it's

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all predictable after that. And trust me when you go to

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communities who adopt a non method methodology, by the way, that is a

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methodology. You don't see learned people. You see confused people.

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You see people, ping ponging of opinions all over all over the

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